Kill God

Chapter 1421 You are still a little tender!

Lingmei and Gan Fu's screams attracted everyone's mind. Everyone had paid attention to Shi Yan, but previously paid more attention to his connection with Aoyi Fu Pagoda and Taichu Yuan Fu.

Nowadays, the people who heard the call can't help looking at the top of the sea of stone rock consciousness and the aoyi layer.

Naturally, I saw the dark cave!

At this moment, the dark cave is like a dark and deep vortex, swirling strangely, revealing an indescribable meaning of evil.

Everyone suddenly realized that they suddenly woke up one by one, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

They all realized that Lingmei guessed right!

They understood that the reason why those Taichu runes temporarily stopped merging and even showed signs of division was not that Shi Yan was hit hard.

It's because the mystery of the rock operation at this time is not life! The rotation of the dark and deep cave clearly said that what the stone rock exerted with all its strength at this time was simply to devour the mystery!

- That is the most horrible evil mystery that has been lost for many years. It is famous for being able to devour all kinds of energy, which makes the major races hate it!

When everyone found that it was not good and woke up one after another, if you want to confirm Ling Mei's judgment, Shi Yan's previously vaguely swaying main soul and secondary soul were re-condensed from vague to extremely clear. The main soul and secondary soul were still indifferent and calm, as if they had not been affected at all.

In fact, Ling Mei did guess accurately, and the stone rock was not hit hard at all!

At the time when Telega's attack hit, the stone rock decisively changed the mystery, suspended the fusion of the mystery of life, and the flow devoured the mystery.

His ocean of divine consciousness is originally integrated with dark energy. The ocean is not a simple sea of divine consciousness, but has strong defense, which is composed of strong and mysterious dark energy!

When he runs and devours the mystery, the sea of consciousness is like forming a huge vortex. When bombarded by the forces of Terega, the stormy waves set off by the ocean seemed terrible, but in fact, it had no impact on him at all. When the sea of consciousness was turbulent, the explosion of thunder and lightning energy slowly decreased, and was incorporated into the black hole in the sea of his consciousness.

He, who is good at the meaning of space, slightly changes the meaning of space. It reflects illusion. Just hide everything well.

Everyone in the field, only the god Brian and Ming were aware of his small movements and knew that he was not damaged.

Because of this, Brian didn't move safely, even with a sneer on his face, after Gan Fu rushed out desperately. There is no way to stop it.

If he doesn't stop him, he can only interfere with all his strength, and tens of millions of splits are surging. Divide part to stop Gan Fu and temporarily trap Gan Fu.

Shi Yan did not expect the Lingmei of the Xuantian clan who seemed to be able to have a friendly relationship with him. At this critical moment, in order for Aoyi Fu Tower to abandon everything decisively, he ordered to kill him regardless.

Lingmei's calmness, accurate and resolute orders one by one, had a great impact on him.

At this moment. Lingmei could even guess what he deliberately concealed. She saw that he was proficient in swallowing Aoyi and knew that he was not injured at all, which shocked Shi Yan's soul and finally had deep uneasiness.

"Five me for a quarter of an hour! Otherwise, you can't get out of here!" His soul consciousness, like a spring, fell from the sky and fell to the god Brian.

Brian Ben stood by and watched Ming Hui with one against two, and finally fell into the decline in Batum and Gan Fu's desperate offensive. He wanted to see Ming Hui continue to be consumed. Hearing Shi Yan's soul consciousness, he reluctantly snorted and replied, "You are bloodthirsty. Sure enough, they are all treacherous. Don't worry, when it's time to take action, I will take action. But if you want me to work hard for you, you don't want to think about it. It should be Ming Hao who should work hard for you. If he can't do it, I will naturally intervene. You can enjoy it.

"Swallow the meaning! It turned out to be devouring Aoyi!"

Gan Fu screamed and trembled all over. As if she had lost her heart, she sat on the green blood water, and her body was three times smaller. She was a one-meter-high dwarf. There was no blood essence like a mummified corpse, only a pair of eyes full of fanaticism.


The green blood under her body is filled with rich green smoke, which corrosive smells extremely strong, as if a sniffing, the internal organs will rot.

Ming Hao's split soul was quite afraid. After the green smoke escaped, the split soul was temporarily withdrawn.

"Tolega! You attack his double souls! Once the soul is really hit hard, even if he has endless means, he can only return to the ruins!" Ling Meiqi quickly calmed down. At this time of winning every minute, she instantly found the right direction again and let everyone attack the main and secondary souls of Shi Yan.

Tolega, Faloani and Yeborough are not stupid. Hearing what she said, they all reacted and abandoned the turbulent and strange sea of divine knowledge and were about to attack the two souls at the top of the rock.

"Go up!" Audrey drank decisively.

A gray soul lotus platform, holding Audrey's body, floated quickly.

The soul lotus platform is condensed by tens of thousands of fierce ghosts. The edge of the lotus platform is full of ferocious and terrible faces, with open fangs and a sad roar.

Minghong was at the front of the lotus platform, like a huge demon's head crawling under Audrey's body, spit out a mouthful of dark smoke, blocking the tough man of the Xuantian clan who tried to rush up 100 meters away.

"Xuanwei! Intercept with all your strength!" Ling Mei stood still and shouted coldly.

All the Xuantian people she brought around her were not in Guanshiyan. They turned around one after another and took Audrey as the target. For a moment, the cold knife was like a giant rainbow, and a silver mountain surfaced and bombarded to Audrey.


Audrey drank, made a wonderful mark in her hands, and a ray of light flashed in the palms of her hand.

Countless fierce ghosts suddenly condensed in the light mass, like a dark heart beating surging, hitting the cold knife and silver mountains rushing to Xuanwei.

Almost at the same time, the only charming girl who fell to the ground suddenly took action.

Her divine body quickly froze and condensed into an ice muscle crystal man. Her eyes flashed, and a 100-meter-long ice-edged giant spear rushed out, all of which pierced Lingmei in the air.

A wisp of blood appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her face became paler and paler. This blow obviously made her more seriously injured. Whenever a huge ice spear stabbed behind her, her perfect ketone body trembled heavily, like being bombarded in the chest by a giant hammer, and the blood stains on the corners of her mouth

When the giant spear flew out more, her delicate body trembled endlessly, and it seemed that it was difficult to stand firm.

Lingmei suddenly sighed. Why bother? Is he worth your hard work? I really don't understand why your phantom women are always so puzzling and why they always do some stupid things? With this, Ling Meiyu shook her hand, "The water moves and the sky moves!"

A tear-like crystal water drop suddenly appeared, instantly absorbing water and swelling, forming a clear and transparent lake.

The beautiful face of Lingmei is in the reflection of the lake. The surface of the lake is rippled. Every time the ripples ripples, a huge ice-edging spear bursts and shatters.

Meiji covered her high chest, her face was pale without a trace of blood, and she landed on one knee, suffering from the power of counterattack in pain, and felt that her heart was getting cold. I feel that my vitality is gradually lost...

"Leave it all for me!" In the sky, countless gloomy and strange roars came from all directions, and countless figures of the underworld swelled like demons. He divided part and went to stop the people of Telga.

"Rotten! Give me all the rot!" Gan Fu shouted in a sad voice like a fierce ghost.

The green blood was suddenly torn like a piece of green cloth, splitting into pieces of corrosive acid water, splashing several flying ghosts. The splits, like ice splashed with boiling water, melted quickly.

Ming Hao's blow was obviously a heavy blow, and he couldn't help roaring from every split: "Brian! How long do you have to stay out of the business?

"You are the leader of the royal soul, and it is natural for you to defend the Lord with death. Naturally, I don't have to die for you?" The Lord laughed, but finally walked forward and raised his hand to catch Batum.

The five bright giant lights show, containing the mystery of the five elements, like the hand of the gods, to tear up the storm field of Batum.

Batum was extremely afraid of the god. As soon as he saw him, although he felt that the power of light was not very strong, and it was a little strange, Batum was still strict and did not dare to despise him.

Because the Lord of God's previous battle with Gan Fu, he suppressed Gan Fu to the extreme embarrassment, it is obvious that the real strength is very horrible.

Batum's nervous defense made Ming's pressure suddenly relieved.

"Ayamei, how dare you!" Suddenly, the lowest Meiji screamed with blood in her mouth.

Lingmei's expression was indifferent and calm, and she took advantage of the most chaotic moment to rush straight to the stone rock body.

She always stays still. The real intention is to find the best time to bombard the stone rock itself!

She forbearded for a long time and watched Brian take action. She suppressed Meiji's powerless resistance, and commanded Telega and other killers, which led Audrey to leave the position of the stone rock body. Finally, she found a once-in-a-lifetime blow, condensed a huge water knife, and wanted to kill the stone rock with

The corners of Meiji's mouth screamed with blood, Audrey's face lost its color, and blood stains appeared on her shoulders. It seemed that she had not expected this to happen suddenly, and she was scared to death.

Only Ming didn't look under his body, and still focused on pestering Gan Fu, and even consumed Gan Fu's life and blood at the cost of soul dissipation.

At this time, Shiyan completely gave everything to others and had already re-run the meaning of life. The ball of life flashed with a touching luster, constantly releasing the vast fluctuations of life to attract the source of life.

The Taichu source symbol that previously stopped fusion also resumed fusion early, and the fusion speed is getting faster and faster, which is much faster than the quarter of an hour said by Shiyan.

Of course, if the body is erased in an instant, it will naturally hit the soul immediately. Even if you get the Taichuyuanfu, the soul altar cannot return to its position for a short time. Under the fierce attack of everyone, it will also end in a miserable death.

"Don't blame me. You have too much magic on you, and you don't want to be with our Xuantian clan. It's strange that the Aoyi Fu Tower is of great importance and more important than the future domain ancestors, so I can only destroy you, and I can't give you time and space to continue to grow..."

Lingmei was secretly regretful, but her murderous heart was unswerving, condensed with a horrible water knife, and went forward.

"The little girl's mind is sinister enough, but it's a pity that she is still a little tender. If you succeed, won't we guys who have lived for tens of thousands of years live in vain?" Just before Ling Mei came with a knife, surprisingly, the god who should have fought with Batum in the clouds above his head, reappeared in a cold tone, "I'm sorry, we were tired of playing these tricks you played ten thousand years ago."

The god pinched his fist, like holding all the light of the vast sea of stars, and the fist was like the condensation of several suns, slamming at the water knife.

Lingmei subconsciously looked up at the sky and was surprised to find that the God Lord was still trembling with Batum, and then in a second, the God Lord turned into another split.

Her heart was cold, and she suddenly realized that the Lord of God had never left at all, but had been waiting for her carefully planned blow. The so-called dialogue between the Lord of God and Ming Hui was just a trick between the split and the split of Ming Hui... The first update, I pleaded for a guaranteed monthly ticket, and I will try to rush forward To be continued) RQ