Kill God

Chapter 1426 Giant Stream

In the void mirror reflected by

, Batum's scream gradually weakened. Under the joint bombing of the Lord of God and the Underworld, his body must not be preserved.

Sure enough, in the end, the sound in the illusion mirror completely disappeared, and Batum's soul altar floated out like a wisp of wind, trying to escape.

The devouring black hole of the stone rock is hanging in the sky of the light curtain. It has been waiting for a long time. A soul adsorption force came. In the sad fluctuation, Batum's soul still failed to break free, and it also stepped into the footsteps of the Yer people and was swallowed up by the black hole.

Almost at the same time, the pool condensed by Lingmei was penetrated by the power of extreme cold and finally froze.

The inner Lingmei, like a graceful and seductive ice sculpture, is locked in the middle of the pool. From afar, it seems to be sealed in the ice crystal kingdom, with a kind of cold beauty.

Lingmei's breath of life gradually weakened, and her eyes were gray. She twisted her neck desperately and looked at Shiyan from afar.

There was an obvious regret in her eyes. She regretted that she did not stick to the instructions of the Tu Shiqi couple. She regretted that she could not make a correct judgment. Not only did all the guards she bring them buried, but even she could not escape death. She realized that the Tu Shiqi couple was right...

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"I know you owe the Tu Shiqi couple a favor." Meiji returned to her usual quietness, and her eyes were bright. "How about it? Do you need me to show mercy and give her a way to live?

Lingmei's expression was slightly shocked, showing an expression of longing, looking forward to Shiyan.

Shi Yan shook his head and said with a cold face, "I don't have such a good temper. If someone wants to kill me, no matter who she is or what kind of identity she is, I will do the same!" During the speech, he swallowed up Batum's soul altar and fell on Lingmei's frozen pool. Between the ten fingers, ten blades bloomed. Row towards the frozen pool.


The pool was torn by the block cut by the space blade. Naturally, the inner Lingmei could not be spared. The divine body, like a rhinestone, was cut off and was torn apart.

Swallow the black hole condensed by the mystery, like a demon's giant mouth swallowing it. Without waiting for Ling Mei to resist, the soul adsorption came, and she swallowed her in one gulp.

"It's really vicious and ruthless. Can this kind of hot hand-killing thing also be done? Lingmei is in the Xuantian clan. It's also famous for its hot beauty. Don't you think it's a pity to be killed like this? Meiji's face was full of smiles, charming jokes, and her bright eyes were happy.

"Beauty is everywhere, and it's not rare at all. It doesn't matter if a few people die. Shi Yan frowned, looked at the sky above his head, and said, "It's really necessary to break the curtain early and leave."

"Not bad. It must be fast. These people are killed and have a noble status among the seven clans. The soul should react..." Ming Hong at Audrey's shoulder said in a low voice, "You should be very clear about this?" He looked at Meiji.

Meiji restrained her smile and nodded, "Yebler and Lingmei are all important figures in the clan. Generally speaking, there is a wisp of soul seal that belongs to them to some kind of secret treasure. Once the soul is extinguished, the corresponding secret treasures will often react.

"You mean... Now the people of the seven races should know that Yeborough, Lingmei and Telga have been killed?" Shi Yan's face changed slightly.

"It should be so." Meiji was very sure, "But it is also necessary to kill us, otherwise they will release the news, and those people will know what happened below, know the Aoyi Fu Tower, know the Taichu source Fu, and know the exact location."

paused, and said, "But now, they can only know that Yeborough and Lingmei are dead. They don't know what happened below, and they can't find the exact location. Once we get out of here, we really start to move away. At the bottom of the sea, it will be more difficult to find us.

"She's analysis is right, so we have to leave quickly before they find it here. Otherwise, it will still be very troublesome. According to what they said, Master Tate is also destroying the sea. If this person knows, the consequences... will be unimaginable, and he must return to the wilderness as soon as possible!" Minghong is dignified.

He refined Singh's soul, had a deep understanding of the many mysteries of the soul clan, knew that the man was terrible, and guessed that Tate's death would inevitably anger the man, so he was slightly frightened.

"Master Tate?" The god's tone was cold, "Is it very powerful? Is it bloodthirsty?

"Napton is one of the three ancestors of the soul clan. Although it is only a realm of heaven, he holds the Taichu artifact soul refining tripod in his hand! The real strength of Napton, who has a soul refining tripod, is extremely strong. I don't know what the bloodthirsty combat power was later. Anyway, the bloodthirsty combat power should not be much stronger than that of Napton when I left. Minghong was very cautious. "It is said that Napton's soul refining tripod has not been completely refined into its own artifact, and it still lacks many powerful souls. If the soul refining tripod is completely refined, I believe he will be more terrible!"

"He should not be as good as the later master." Ming said lightly. He said lightly.

The Lord also agreed with this. "In those years, the bloodthirsty could defeat the ancestor of the phagocyteater, which made him sleep. After that, he was severely damaged by bloodthirsty, and the blood of our coalition killed into a river. I also smashed my body and sacrificed the leaders of all forces to cut "

"I don't know who the bloodthirsty is. All I know is that Napton is really terrible. If he can really refine the Taichu artifact soul refining tripod and break through to the realm of the two heavens of the ancestors, he may be among the top ten ancestors. Even if he comes over now, no one can compete with him. Compared with him, Batum and Gan Fu are just half-baked, and they are too far from him. Meiji interrupted.'s words.

"I don't think we can fight against Napton for the time being." Minghong also said.

When Ming Hui and the Lord heard both of them say this, they also sighed softly. The Lord said, "It's a pity that I didn't break through the domain ancestor, otherwise I would definitely not pay attention to Napton."

"Break the light curtain as soon as possible!" Drink it with a deep taste.

Shi Yan nodded and immediately said nothing more. He flew to the top of the towering Aoyifu Tower, looking up at the light curtain and meditating about something.

In the secondary soul of his mind, a vague Taichu rune was flowing in a mess. Without being able to completely integrate the soul of the wilderness, he could not understand the meaning of those marks. He concentrated his attention, condensed his breath, and wanted to understand the mystery.

However, the devouring black hole was spinning at a high speed, like a huge mouth squirming, and the purification fluctuations that made him restless.

He knew that the devouring black hole swallowed up the soul altar of Batum, Ganfu and Yeborough, because those people were profound and exquisite, because there were also Batum and Ganfu, two people who realized the dark energy.

The process of purification will definitely be much slower than before, and there may be other changes in the middle, but he did not expect that the purification of the black hole could affect his mind and make it difficult for him to really concentrate.

Originally, he didn't understand the meaning of those runes, couldn't break the subtlety of the Aoyi Fu Tower, and couldn't concentrate. He gradually became irritable.

With the passage of time, he still sat still in the Aoyifu Tower, and Brian's face gradually became gloomy. "If he plays tricks on us and can't open the light curtain here, I will kill him with all my strength!" To vent the hatred in my heart!"

Minghuo also looked gloomy and frowned deeply. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Meiji and Audrey are a little shud and secretly shocked. They just hope that Shi Yan can find a way to get everyone out of here as soon as possible.


On the surface of the sea.

In the center of the base of the soul clan, clusters of souls like pythons meandered on the island, absorbing the fierce ghosts on the banner and returning to Napton with those souls.

The soul refining tripod above Napton's head swirled, sucking away those fierce souls and ghosts. The Taichu rune on the soul refining tripod gradually flashed with strange light, like a snake slowly moving.


Suddenly, on Napton's thin arm, a string of soul beads suddenly burst, and the soul beads turned into a light smoke, and gradually condensed into Tate's blurred face. The face was dull and dull, without a trace of life fluctuation.

Nupton was smelting the soul tripod. As soon as he saw the soul beads burst, his eyes immediately gloomy.

Everyone who worships his master needs to present a wisp of soul mark, which is put inside the soul bead by him. Through a wisp of soul mark, he can feel the position of each apprentice at any time, and can pinch the disciple's soul as soon as he moves his mind.

This is a poisonous way to control the apprentice.

Of course, if the apprentice suddenly dies, he can also know at the first time and vaguely perceive the direction of death.

Now, the soul beads representing Tate are smashed and burst, and Napton immediately knows what's going on at this moment.

His eyes turned around, and he sacrificed the souls of the three first gods, performed magical secrets, and pursued them secretly. Half a sound, Napton snorted coldly, "Waste! Dare to go to the sea to find the ruins of Taichu without telling me. It's really not a pity to die. It's a waste of my thousands of years of cultivation!"

He opened his mouth and spit out a magic decision, which fell into the soul refining tripod, and immediately hundreds of millions of souls poured into the soul refining tripod.

Put the soul refining tripod into the cuff, and Napton stood up, like a wisp of ghost disappearing.


On another island in the sea.

Tu Shiqi and Yayun accompanied the split of the dragon lizard ancestor, drinking and laughing on the island and discussing important matters.

"Jingle bell!" A dense sound came from Yayun's cuffs. Yayun was stunned and took out a small bell to sense the urgent news from the headquarters of the Xuantian clan with his soul.

Yayun's face suddenly became extremely frightened. He suddenly stood up and shouted, "The soul tree of Lingmei's girl actually died in the headquarters!" She has lost her soul!"

"Before we came over, Lingmei took Xuanwei to the sea, looking for some Taichu ruins, and died at the bottom of the sea!" Tu Shiqi's expression changed greatly. He took a deep breath and said, "Brother Dragon Dragon Dragon, please take a trip to the bottom of the sea with us. Lingmei... Her identity is special. She is the granddaughter who shocked the ancestors."

The dragon lizard's face has also changed dramatically. Knowing that the sea is broken, I'm afraid it will be a big deal. "Okay, I'll go to the sea with you!"

...(To be continued) RQ