Kill God

Chapter 1442 Sea Shark King

Blue and deep seabed.

A magnificent crystal palace swims like a giant fish on the bottom of the sea. The palace is comparable to a small country. There is a high crystal building inside, piled with beautiful jade, coral and gems, which is extremely magnificent.

Thousands of sea warriors are moving in the crystal palace. Those people look strange, most of them are not low, and their breath is calm and cold.

The whole crystal palace is like an integrated island, composed of more than a dozen crystal buildings. The crystal main hall in the center is hundreds of meters high and conical. At the top, the sea shark emperor narrows his eyes and looks calm.

A sea warrior knelt behind him and reported in a low voice: "Recently, three more teams have disappeared inexplicably, and the direction is very close to us..."

The Sea Shark King suddenly closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and suddenly stretched out his hand.

A stream of water condensed into the form of an arrow. The tip of the arrow pointed in one direction, and there was a cluster of gray apertures next to the arrow. "Our people died in those apertures. From the chronological order of those missing people, we can judge that this is the direction of the other party."

The man's eyes lit up, "According to the direction, they are very close to us."

The Sea Shark King nodded, with a strange light shining in his eyes. The breath of waves came from his body, and the whole huge crystal palace gradually stopped. In his power package, it seemed to disappear. "Wait for them to come."


In the depths of a water, the bodies of five sea people were buried, and the breath of life completely dissipated.

Shi Yan sat quietly with a calm face.

Beside him, Meiji condensed ice cubes all over her body. At a sudden glance, she looked like an ice sculpture goddess, crystal and beautiful, with a unique charm.


The sound of icing came slowly, centering on Meiji. The sea gradually froze. At ten breaths, she condensed a glacier, and the divine body was inside the glacier.

The extremely cold smell penetrated from the glacier, causing the sea to be completely cold.

In the glacier, the charming girl has a long breath, and her eyelashes are as clear as snow. A long silver-white skirt is wrapped in a graceful figure. The curve is exquisite, and in the extremely cold breath, it looks so clear and amazing.

Half a sound, the glacier gradually melted, and she also got out of the rock ice, with joy shining in her bright eyes.

Her magic power is more and more refined and powerful. Because of the existence of dark energy, she is now approaching the realm of her ancestors every day, and now she has begun to try to transform the original realm into the realm. To truly lay the foundation of the domain ancestors.

After separating from the dragon lizard ancestor and Tu Shiqi, she and Shi Yan clashed wildly all the way, killing those who saw them one after another along the way.

Every time a wave of people is killed. Shi Yan absorbed it all by devouring the mystery and sharing the purified energy with her. In the growth of her divine power, soul and body, she also enjoyed the indescribable beauty **, and she ate the marrow and knew the taste. Gradually indulge in it and start to enjoy this difficult ** journey.

Every day, her strength is growing, every moment is sweet, and the shadow of Shiyan is deeply imprinted in her soul...

She looked at Shi Yan affectionately, and her beautiful eyes were restrained. She now has the confidence to compete with the ancestral warriors of the quasi-domain. Even if Batum came back from the dead, she is confident that she can defeat it!

She doesn't know what the real strength of Shiyan is now, but she knows that today's Shiyan must be very powerful, because she knows the benefits of swallowing Aoyi better than anyone else, and she also knows that Shiyan has been polishing the divine body by swallowing the energy generated by swallowing Aoyi.

If you feel her eyes, Shi Yan opened his eyes and smiled indifferently, "How about it?"

"It's better than ever." Meiji smiled easily, "What about you? How much is it to break through the realm of immortality?

"One step away, there is no understanding of the mystery. During this period, when I sit quietly, I feel the subtlety of the mystery." Shi Yan thought for a moment, "I can't be in a hurry. The accumulation of divine body, soul and divine power is also of great benefit to me. At our speed, there is still more than a year to go to that domain gate, and the next road may be more difficult."

"I don't want to finish it." Meiji came over, took his arm, leaned her plump body to him, and said with a smile, "This journey is the best experience of my life. Even if I die on the way, I will die without regret."

Shi Yan didn't say much, but put his backhand on her and tightened hard.

In the deep seabed, the two smiled at each other and embarked on the journey again.

"I don't know why, I've always been restless recently. After stepping into this sea area, I feel like I'm in a cage." On this day, Shi Yan's face darkened in the star mask, and he said his inner feelings.

They are far away from the original area, and the rock has also let go of the soul consciousness and felt it, and did not find the movement and breath of living creatures nearby.

According to reason, they should be unblocked all the way, which can be regarded as being out of the danger circle.

But after a period of calmness, Shiyan gradually felt that something was wrong. "Recently, we haven't found a martial artist along the way, which is a little unreasonable."

Mei Ji said this to him, and her expression also became solemn, "It's really smooth these days."

"I always feel that something is wrong." Shi Yan frowned, "But I can't say why. I don't know what the problem is. Anyway, let's be careful."


A few more days have passed.

The two came to a beautiful water, where there were many wonderful jellyfish, like colorful lights shining overhead, emitting intoxicating luster.

They moved under those jellyfish, their heads like dreams, and they were briefly distracted by the beautiful scenery.

However, soon, Shi Yan's face changed and said, "In those jellyfish, there is a very weak soul fluctuation, which may be... the 'eyes' released by a strong man!"

Meiji was stunned and realized that it was not good. "If that's the case, our whereabouts may be exposed, and we must leave as soon as possible!"

Shi Yan didn't say much. He took Meiji to rush to the direction of the domain gate at the fastest speed, but he just came out of here for a hundred miles. His light mask suddenly shook, like hitting the invisible boundary, and was rebounded back.

He and Meiji changed their color and immediately knew that their guess was right. Unconsciously, they entered the trap set by others.

behind them, a huge crystal palace slowly flashed out, and the sea warriors looked cold and stood on the jade platform on the palace.

An old seaman. At the top of the central palace, he looked at them from afar and said indifferently, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Sea Shark King!" Meiji looked back and couldn't help screaming.

"There are more than a dozen teams under my command that have been killed by you. Through the moment of their death, I have judged the direction of your path, and I have been waiting here for a long time, um. I have been waiting for more than ten days. You finally lived up to my expectations and bumped into me. The Sea Shark Emperor shouted, "Meiji, I've been with you, and I don't want to provoke your Phantom clan. I'll just explain the requirements."

"What do you say?" Mei Ji's expression was extremely solemn.

"I had contact with Napton. I may have made a promise to him, but for the face of your charming girl, I can open up. The sea shark emperor's tone was calm and indifferent. If you ask him to hand over the Aoyi Fu Tower and the Taichu Yuan Fu, I will think I haven't seen you, and you continue to go. - This is the biggest concession I can make!"

The Sea Shark King promised Napton. If you find any trace of Shiyan and Meiji, you will be notified as soon as possible.

But the Sea Shark King has his own plan.

Once according to what Napton said, the movements of Shiyan and Meiji are clear, he can be sure that Shiyan and Meiji can't escape death, and the Aoyi Fu Tower and Taichu Yuanfu can't cheap him. It only belongs to Napton.

Napton promised that once he got the Aoyi Fu Tower, he would first help the Sea Shark Emperor to refine a Taichu source charm, but the Sea Shark Emperor felt that he had a better choice...

Innocent Phantoms, isn't it better to take the Aoyi Fu Tower and Taichu Yuan Fu by themselves?

"Who is he?" Shi Yan calmed down and knew that this was the most difficult step at the bottom of the sea. "I can sense that he is a strong man of Yuzu, and his breath... is very powerful!"

"Sea Shark King, he is the overlord of the seabed. Yuzu has been working hard on the bottom of the sea and rarely leaves the bottom of the sea. He is a guy that the seven clans don't want to provoke easily." Meiji introduced in a low voice, "This person has a friendship with Napton, but it seems that the friendship is not very deep, otherwise he can't even talk much with us, and he will kill him directly."

"Old people, what about those dead brothers?" A seaman shouted with a stiff neck.

The Sea Shark Emperor looked indifferent. "The Aoyi Fu Pagoda and Taichu Yuan Fu are the death costs of those children. As long as they are willing to hand it over, we can save a lot of effort."

He has his concerns. Although he is the realm of Yuzu, he really wants to fight against the power of the Phantom clan. He has no foundation at all. He doesn't want to be killed by Napton's knife and cut off the Meiji to attract the strong of the Phantom clan to the bottom of the sea. He can get the Aoyi It is the safest.

"I'll give you half a quarter of an hour to think about it." The Sea Shark Emperor sat high-end and said indifferently, "Meiji, you are a smart person, and you should know how to choose."


Layers of boundary condensate and cover the outside of the starlight mask to isolate breath detection and prevent people from peeping.

"The realm of Yuzu is very powerful. I can try it. I'm not sure if it can conflict or not." Meiji's expression was bitter, "It's also because of the rapid growth of strength recently that I dare to try, otherwise I don't even have the courage to fight with him."

Shi Yan's eyebrows were deeply locked, "The ancestor of the domain is heavy in the sky, the first world has transformed into the domain world, and the insight into the dark energy is indeed an extremely powerful opponent."

"It's extremely difficult for us to succeed. Once we do it, if we fail, I don't know if the Sea Shark King will be so talkative." Mei Ji said.

Shi Yan looked up and looked at the sea shark emperor from afar. His voice was low: "Recently, I have swallowed continuously, and my body, altar and divine power have undergone different levels of transformation. I feel very good about myself, but I also know that if I want to fight with Yuzu, I will indeed be beyond my ability, but When the means are used, to what extent can the strength reach!"

"You, are you also going to fight?" Meiji was shocked and said resolutely, "Absolutely not! You are immortal, and the level difference is too far away. Then the Sea Shark Emperor can let me try it alone. If it really doesn't work, just give him the Aoyi Fu Tower! You are still young. As long as you don't die, you will always have a chance to find today's field in the future.

"The Taichu source charm is integrated into my mystery. I don't know how to take it out. The mystery charm tower is also related to my deputy soul. I can never give up a soul!" Shi Yan shook his head... Er, today's chapter, tomorrow's supplement, Haihan~~ (to be continued) RQ