Kill God

Chapter 1463 The Enlightenment of Creation

Ming Hui, Xuanhe and Frederick are in a triangular position, in front of the stone rock, close their eyes, and enjoy the divine consciousness.

In the middle of their foreheads, blood marks emerged, which were initially blurred and gradually scarlet bright.

Shiyan is still in an unconscious state, and the energy fluctuations in his body are extremely terrible, especially in the depths of his mind, bursts of distorted soul, which makes people worry that he will soon collapse.

"What's the matter?" DiCarlo looked at Minghong from afar, hoping that he would come and answer.

Adela also looked surprised, looking at Ming and Xuanhe, looking worried.

Minghao is her own brother, and Xuanhe is her lover. Naturally, she doesn't want Minghao and Xuanhe to have any accidents, so she also asked Minghong, "What do you think?"

Afar away, DiCarlo, Reddy and Qinglong's eyes condensed, waiting for Minghong's explanation.

"In the battle at the bottom of the sea, dozens of immortals were destroyed. After their death, their essence was quietly absorbed by the rock, and their soul altar was swallowed up. The divine power and altar of those people are extremely amazing in energy. I think the reason why Shiyan has been in a coma for so long is because of the hard work of digestion.

Minghong meditated for a few seconds and said, "After such a long time, his devouring mystery should be restarted, which will emit unimaginable energy. Those energy stone rocks can't bear by one body, and can only be given to those who also practice the eight evil forces. Well, based on the realm of Minghao, Xuanhe Helping him bear it together should give them great benefits.

At this point, Minghong paused and looked at God warily.

He didn't say much. Adela, DiCarlo, Reddy and Qinglong all knew his meaning and looked solemn.

God Brian opened his eyes and his face was cold. Do you think I will take the opportunity to take action at this time? When I was in a coma, you didn't kill me, would I?"

With a cold snort, he said coldly, "I have killed countless people and slaughtered many stars, but I have never done such a despicable thing. When he killed bloodthirsty, I didn't know that he had suffered a heavy blow. Although I have been addicted to killing all my life. He acts openly and openly, and never disdains to do despicable things!"

"I don't think he will be indiscrepable." DiCarlo pulled the corners of his mouth, "Now the situation in the wilderness is unclear, and the Protoss have fallen to Qi and Tianxie again. He... also needs our strength."

"Humph!" The Lord looked bad, and a mockery appeared in his eyes. It seems to be mocking them for being suspicious.

Everyone was a little relaxed, but they still carefully surrounded Shi Yan and others, in case the Lord might do it.

"Wow! Ooh! Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

A gray energy flow spring. Flying out of the stone cave and the middle of the eyebrows, there are hundreds of energy springs, which are divided into three. They were imprinted into the foreheads of Ming, Xuanhe and Frederick.

The three of them trembled slightly, and their faces couldn't help flashing with an expression of surprise. They were secretly excited to accept the pure energy.

Xuanhe feels it seriously...

The energy flow spring overflowing from the stone rock cave entered the imprint of his eyebrows. It immediately turned into a stream and dispersed in his veins, guiding his magical ancient tree along his veins.

With the internal inspection of his divine consciousness, he can clearly see that the branches of the ancient tree of divine power have become as crystal as jade, and each fork is full of pure divine power. The ancient tree is like jade, shining in the Dantian, magnificent, magical and powerful!

As soon as the gray air flow from the heart of the stone rock's eyebrows entered his mark, it suddenly rushed into his mind, like a mysterious soul nourishment, warming his soul altar, enhancing his consciousness of the sea of knowledge, helping his main soul to remove the dregs and filth, making his altar clear and shining.

Friedrich's feelings are consistent with him.

The energy dissipated from the stone rock enhances their ancient trees and warms their soul altar, such as helping them quench their bodies and rebuilding the altar, which is wonderful and mysterious.

Ming Hyo trembled all over, and his feeling was even more wonderful...

Minghao focuses on the cultivation of the soul altar. The sea of knowledge of his altar is vast and infinite, and a wisp of divine consciousness connects a split. In his sea of knowledge, it seems that there are countless souls floating like swimming fish.

The soul energy comes from Shiyan. After his mark turned, he suddenly disappeared into his sea of knowledge. His refined soul altar, the main soul that has been practiced for tens of thousands of years, suddenly thed. The energy that has disappeared into his sea of knowledge contains the real soul power, which is pure and refined to the extreme, and is mixed with his

Ming Hui felt it carefully. Recalling Napton's words about divine power, dark energy, positive energy and negative energy, he suddenly realized!

Dark energy is the purest refinement of soul energy!

Now the energy of his knowledge of the sea has been condensed and refined by his unique method, and it has gradually become transparent, with mysterious and powerful energy fluctuations!

"So that's it!"

Ming Hui looked excited, and a rare smile escaped from the corners of his mouth.

Dark energy is soul energy! It's a real soul energy! The new soul power formed after being condensed from the original soul power and divine consciousness!

This is better than before. Before there is a breakthrough in the realm, the body is the power of the elemental force, and the elemental force is the power of the low-level warriors. Only after breaking through the extremely deep realm, the mystery and the divine body have been transformed and washed one after another, can we realize the mystery of the transformation of the original

The divine power was originally reshaped by hundreds of times the condensation of the original power!

The divine power comes from the original power and is higher than the original power. Similarly, the dark energy comes from the soul energy and divine consciousness, which is also higher than the soul energy and divine consciousness. The dark energy is the real soul power!

He can suddenly understand the true meaning. In addition to his own realm, which has reached a deep level, but also because of Napton's story about dark energy at that time, he helped the gift of the stone rock's energy this time. Because in the soul energy of the rock, there is the breath of dark energy, he can feel more intuitively.

The realm of Xuanhe and Frederick is only an immortal double heaven. The body and the altar have not reached the level of understanding of the dark energy, and they do not know any mystery of the dark energy, so they can't understand the mystery of the dark energy with the help of this opportunity like the underworld.

As time went by, the energy flow in the rock's body and eyebrows kept flowing for several days.

Adela and others were firmly careful about the behavior of the Lord of God and were secretly prepared for fear of any accident in between.

On this day, the Lord, who had always closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils were bright.

Adela and Reddy's faces changed slightly, and they couldn't help but get nervous and looked at him warily.

Brian looked at Ming Hui with a strange expression and suddenly grinned, "It's worthy of Ming Hui. It's only half a step slower than me, and he has also successfully realized the mystery of the dark energy. He is worthy of being the first person of the eight leaders. Well, it seems that there is hope to break through the ancestors of the domain

As soon as they said this, Reddy, Qinglong, DiCarlo and others were all extremely surprised, and then they showed envy and sighed in their hearts.

They ignored each other and saw each other's complicated look. The eyes looking at Shi Yan, Ming Hui and Xuan He were all slightly strange.

Many years ago, in a large wilderness, only bloodthirsty insight was known to be mysterious, and because of this, bloodthirsty became the first person in the Star Sea and was recognized as the strongest!

After his death, the bones split and scattered in all corners. God, Ling Xiang, Xize, Lorraine and others, with the help of his bones, painstakingly pursued the mystery of the dark energy, but unfortunately, no one could understand the true meaning.

Ling Xiang, Xize and Lorraine are just immortal. The divine body and soul are far from being enlightened, just in vain.

Because Brian, Ming Hui and others know nothing about the dark energy, they can't find the key at all by relying only on bloodthirsty bones. Like blind people touching elephants, they are muddle-headed and have no harvest.

On the contrary, the stone rock was accidentally hit. After being bloodthirsty, they became the first person to have dark power with the help of swallowing the mystery. Brian and Ming Hui went to the sea of nothingness. They knew the greatness of heaven and earth, and saw more ancestors. After listening to them say the mystery of dark energy, the two were I touched the key.

Now, under the dark power of the barren split and the rock, the two people have finally cleared the fog and seen the higher level of things.

After Shiyan, Brian and Minghui successfully have dark power. With their immortal triple heaven cultivation, once they realize the dark power, they are only one step away from breaking through the ancestors of the domain.


There was a strange sound from the acupuncture points and eyebrows in the stone rock. The energy that flew out was finally cut off. Xuanhe, Frederick and Ming Hao immediately condensed, felt it well, and absorbed it calmly.

Similarly, when the excess energy escapes out, the stone rock cave, devouring the black hole like a blocked precision instrument, runs at a very fast speed, and his consciousness finally wakes up.

In his 720 acupuncture points, wisps of purified power, along with the connection with his original world, fell into his original world one by one.

A wonderful picture scroll unfolds slowly in his star-like beginning...

The air flow from the acupuncture points all over his body into the original world, foggy clusters of wandering, his initial boundary gradually opened, and the territory was extended...

Those foggy air currents are like the energy of heaven and earth, and some of them gradually gather in a mass, in a chaotic state. In that chaos, they quietly change, and the pure energy of heaven and earth gradually condenses into bright stars, turning into mountains and lakes, breeding trees and spiritual bodies...

Shi Yan was shocked, as if seeing the scene when the world first opened, he was so moved that he almost cried.

The gas of heaven and earth in the first world is a cluster of flowing gas. After spreading, it extends the void territory. If it gathers in a group, it becomes chaos. In the chaos, the stars, mountains and rivers evolve, lakes, trees and land appear, and also faintly condense the form of animal creatures.

It's just that everything is soulless. Whether it's stars or mountains and rivers, it's like tables, chairs, stone stools, just dead things...

Until he devoured the pure darkness of the exile in the black hole, the mysterious soul breath was injected into the original world. Suddenly, some stars in the original world, such as being ignited by the fire of the soul, had a vague and weak consciousness!

And his main soul, like the Creator, can feel the ignorance and timidity of those who blur the consciousness of the little stars, and the helplessness of wisdom at the beginning... (To be continued) RQ