Kill God

Chapter 1469 Domain Through

"Who the hell are you?"

Ming Hui looked at Wedson with a cold expression. He knew that Wedson dared to come out, and he must be fearless. He secretly looked at Wedson.

Ming's face gradually changed...

Widson has a strong and near-substantial atmosphere of terror, such as killing hundreds of millions of creatures, and the evil spirit is like a long river, which can make his soul tremble.

In Wedson's soul, there is an extremely terrible evil energy magnetic field. The deterrent from the magnetic field can faintly restrain his royal soul.

He can't even see through Vederson's cultivation today.

But the people next to Wedson are all exquisite and have made extremely obvious breakthroughs in improvement. After following Wedson, those people seem to have gained great benefits.

"Didn't Shi Yan tell you?" He laughed and said, "Shi Yan went to the sea of destruction, and he also met the phagocytting people. Even the Aoyi Fu Tower got it, and also killed Gan Fu and Qi Mo of our clan. What do you think... Who am I?"

"Shi Yan is right. You are indeed the young master of the phagocytosis." Ming Hui's expression was shocked, and finally guessed the context in the other party's words.

Immediately, his face suddenly changed and he shouted, "How did you know that Shi Yan got the Aoyi Fu Tower? How did you know that we killed Gan Fu and Qi Mo?"

"It's really you who did it!" Wedson's eyes were cold, "If you kill my people, you will not be able to escape. Do you think you can escape if you return to the wilderness?"

"My name is Putai, the young patriarch of the phagocy. In a very small age, my father inherited the mystery. In order to communicate with the ancestors and find the inheritance we lost, do you know how much we pay?" He, who claimed to be Putai, twitched at the corners of his mouth. "In order to communicate with the ancestors, millions of people in our clan sacrificed. They codulate the altar with the blood of their lives, and contacted the ancestors at the cost of their own strength."

"In order to enter the wilderness and to cooperate with the plan of the ancestors, as a young patriarch, I did not hesitate to blow up my body, ran through with my soul, and waited for hundreds of years in the ring! In order to awaken the ancestors and for the hegemony of our family, we sacrificed too much.

Pu Tai looked coldly at the people of Ming and Xuanhe, and sneered, "Ween thousand years ago, this bloodthirsty traitor betrayed his ancestors! Unexpectedly, he took advantage of the weak period of my ancestor's struggle with the wilderness to seal my ancestor. His devouring mystery and eight evil forces were all inherited and given by my ancestor. He took away what belonged to my ancestor! Then it made you strong and bloodthirsty. Today, what belongs to us will be inherited by me, Putai. All of this is doomed!"

After the words, Putai looked ferocious and became more and more excited.

"It was your ancestors who used him first to achieve the purpose of destroying and refining the wilderness through him. It was originally uneasy and kind-hearted. Who did you blame after failure?" Ming Hui motioned to the people of Xuanhe to be quiet for the time being. He wanted to figure out some secrets and solve some mysteries through Putai.

"His inheritance was given by his ancestors. Without his ancestors, there would be no strength, no bloodthirsty vein today, and not as strong as you! It's true that the bloodthirsty vein is also inherited by our ancestors and belongs to the branch of our devouring race, and all of you are also servants of our devouring the race, because you practice the mystery of our devouring race!" Putai shouted. He shouted.

"I don't know what to do." Xuanhe sneered.

"I'm arrogant." Frederick hummed.

"The inheritance of bloodthirsty was given by my ancestors. My ancestors have woken up and are refining the ancient demon continent. The mark of the bloodthirsty people whose foreheads were branded by bloodthirsty has also been changed. Today's bloodthirsty vein has completely surrendered to me. When the ancestors refined the ancient demon continent and the Shenze continent, our devouring clan will definitely surpass all races in the nihilistic sea and become the largest clan in the eternal Star Sea. Putai said with an arrogant smile.

"It's just a dream." Seeing that he did not give more valuable information, Ming was stunned and said impatiently, "During the refining of the ancient demon continent, you can't intervene in the battle. Can you... stop us from breaking this situation?"

"Hahaha!" Putai suddenly laughed wildly and pointed to Ming Hui and said, "Your immortal realm is still powerful in the wilderness, but what are you in the sea of the void?"

With a cold face, Pu Tai said, "Don't you understand why I can know what happened in the sea of nothingness and every move that happened in the sea of destruction?"

Ming Hui was stunned and immediately shocked. He screamed, "Have you connected to the sea of void?"

"It's still smart."

A cold and gloomy voice came from the inside of the dark abyss. A dark cloud flew to Putai's side, and an old phagovouring old man appeared. The old man was thin all over, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, and there was endless darkness behind him. He appeared behind him, and the light around him was

"Young patriarch." After the old man came over, he nodded to Putai and said, "Thank you for your hard work, young patriarch. You have sacrificed too much for the great plan of the race. Fortunately, we are about to succeed."

Ming's back chilled. Looking at the old man's appearance, he finally realized what had happened.

"You go!" Ming Hui opened a flashing door with his backhand, and the sound was like thunder, "He is the realm of Yuzu!" Go to the divine continent and find the stone rock!"

The figures of Ming Hui abruptly stuffed Adela and Audrey into it. Almost at the same time, Ming Hui rushed to the emerging old man who was not afraid of death.

He is completely awake!

As the leader of the imperial soul department, he has stayed in the blood sea of the forbidden land for tens of thousands of years. He knows that in the blood sea of the forbidden land is the central island, the altar is extremely mysterious and seems to be able to penetrate layers of space barriers, but because of the need for the blood pattern ring and the launch of the bloodthi

But now, Putai occupies the body of the Wedson god. In the Wedson [body], there is all the breath of bloodthirsty bones. Putai has also got the ring spirit and has been swallowed and inherited. He can wake up, which shows that Putai has completely mastered everything in the forbidden sea of blood and can also open

Putai can know about the destruction of the sea, which means that the altar of the Dharma has been opened, which means that this place can be connected with the devouring territory of the destruction of the sea!

It is not rare for the strong of the phagocytosis clan to come here. As one of the seven clans of the nihilistic sea, the phagocy has the strong ancestors of the region.

The ancestor of the domain, in the wilderness, is absolutely invincible!

As soon as the old man appeared, Ming Hui fully understood and knew that if he did not make a decision, all of them would be bombarded by the old man, so he did not hesitate to buy time for Audrey and others to let them enter the continent of God and go to the area where the rock was located.

The stone rock on the divine grace continent is an immortal double heaven realm, which is mysterious and mysterious, and the divine grace continent is also the world of stone rock.

There, the rock will be more powerful and terrible, and only there will Audrey and Adela be able to escape from the pursuit of the Eaters and Putai.

Ming Hui figured everything out in an instant, decisively tore the space, threw Audrey and the others in, and bombarded Xuanhe and Frederick.

He stimulated the dark energy and condensed the strongest means. When he rushed to the old man of the devouring clan, a gloomy and strange ghost realm emerged in the head of the underworld.

That was his original world, such as the nine underworld, where countless shadows of fierce ghosts, fierce souls and resentment appeared inside. Those soul images are rivers of souls, rolling towards the old people who eat the clan.

"It's a step away from the ancestors, but it's a hidden danger. It seems that it should be removed very early.

"The old man of the ecating clan flashed with strange fluctuations in his eyes. He focused all his attention on Ming Hui, regardless of the departure of Xuanhe, Frederick and others.

From his point of view, it's just that the Xuanhe people who have no insight into the dark realm are far from breaking through the ancestors of the realm.

also means that there is no threat at all, and it is impossible to affect their people in the future, so those people leave and leave. He can slowly chase and kill them, and he can give those people time, but he can't continue to give time to Ming Hui!

Because if Ming Hui still has time, he can break through the domain ancestor. Once he reaches the realm of the domain ancestor, Ming Hui can really threaten the phagocy, and also have the real ability to influence their ancestors' refining of the ancient demon continent, which has terrible destructive power.

Endless darkness suddenly spread from the old man. The darkness hit, and all the light was swallowed up. Gradually, there was no light in this space. Everyone here could not see their hands, and even the soul was released, which was endless darkness.

This kind of darkness not only affects the eyes, but also affects the soul. It is the power of the real dark mystery.

Ming Hui and his beginning disappeared in that darkness without any sound, no strong power fluctuations, and no one knew what had happened.


One by one, figures suddenly emerged from the sky of the Divine Grace Continent and fell to the Divine Grace Continent.

It was Xuanhe, Frederick, Audrey and others. They flashed behind the Undead Island like lights, and their voices were like thunder "stone rock!" Stone rock! Shiyan!"

In the valley behind the Undead Island, the rock is like a rock sitting in the valley, and his face is calm and indifferent.

He has been sitting for a long time.

Next to him, the blood demon, Yang Qingdi and others were also sitting, watching him close his eyes and meditate, and everyone also practiced separately.

It has been a few days since God, Ming Hui and others left. Suddenly, the sound of rock was spreading in the whole continent of God's grace, which made them look surprised. Then they saw Xuanhe, Frederick and Audrey flying crazily to the undead island.

"Ming Hui has an accident!"

Xuanhe turned into a blood light, stood in front of the stone rock and shouted, "The ancestor of the devouring clan has stepped into the wilderness. Now it is on the dark abyss of the ancient demon continent. The underworld is trapped, and the situation is very dangerous!"

"Stone rock! Please help my uncle! ! I beg you!" Adela exclaimed.

"You are a bloodthirsty new lord. You have the responsibility to stand up for us, and you must also stand up!" Frederick drank violently.