Kill God

Chapter 1473 Enemy of Fate!

Layers of crystal-like broad conjunctiva are blocked in front of everyone. Those conjunctivas flash with crystal light, and the smell of rolling heaven and earth flows inside.

This is the crystal wall of the star domain, which is the boundary and diaphragm of the starry sky. When the divine star domain fuses many small star domains, it is formed by the barriers of those small star domains. The barriers of dozens of small star domains condensed together and become thick and hard, and it is difficult to tear them off.

Guy, the strong man in the realm of heaven, the ancestor of the white bone clan, his eyes are like the hot sun, and he also cultivates the mystery of flames.

"I'll open this star barrier." Guy took the initiative to take responsibility, and the voice fell. At his chest, hundreds of millions of fires gathered to form a burning artillery.


The rolling fire burst out, and the bursting breath of the flame shocked the blood demon and others to have hidden pain in the eardrums, and they had to condense the divine power to form a light shield defense.

DiCarlo's face changed dramatically. He felt the domineering strength that could destroy the world from the artillery. He believed that the small spaces on his body, washed by the fire, would destroy hundreds of them at once. Even the original Leixiao Star Domain could be smashed by this artillery.

"Who let you mess around!" Shi Yan was furious and roared.

"This starry sky barrier is so thick that it is difficult to break through if you don't do so, hou-!" Guy suddenly shouted in shock, "Well, how is this possible?"

The artillery on his chest and the starry sky barrier are connected by a fire dragon. The fire dragon is one kilometer long and as thick as the mountainside. It keeps spitting out the fire tongue and wants to burn off those starry sky barriers, a wave of invisible energy. Suddenly, it came from the jade-like conjunctiva. Like the eternal will of the gods!

"Ding Dong Dong!"

The fire dragon suddenly smashed, countless firelight splashed, and the Phantom clan and the white bone clan were evacuated in embarrassment.

Guy was shocked, "In the starry barrier, there is actually... such a powerful counterattack energy. Where does this energy come from?"

"When we penetrated this crystal wall before, we didn't have the power to fight back?" DiCarlo was puzzled, and he also came to a barrier to condense the power of space, and then. Then a channel was opened smoothly.

Silo and Mantis ignored each other and saw each other's solemnity. Mantis subconsciously looked around and suddenly said, "The boundary of the wilderness. Those who can isolate the destruction of outsiders, and those who have his breath in their souls will not be imaged, such as you..."

"People born in the wilderness have the breath of his life and will not be counterattacked by a strong boundary. We can't do it. We don't belong here and will be instinctively regarded as enemies by him. Hero answered..

"No wonder those people who eat the clan do not actively move in the three star domains, which seems to be related to the desolate crystal wall." Xuanhe's heart moved.

"Let's go from the channel opened by DiCarlo." Shi Yan said.

Immediately. Everyone shuttled away one after another, and the Sea Shark King and Shen Yan pulled behind, trying to stop talking.

They met Shiyan after Hero and Mantis, but Shiyan did not talk to the Sea Shark Emperor in detail, which made the Sea Shark Emperor a little confused, so he was ready to find an opportunity to ask and clarify the real intention of Shiyan to let him come to the wilderness.

Shi Yan also deliberately left, witnessing the white bone clan and the Phantom clan to enter the ancient magic star domain under the leadership of DiCarlo.

After he and the Sea Shark Emperor and Shen Yan were left here, Shi Yan said sincerely, "At the bottom of the sea. If it hadn't been for your help from the Sea Shark Emperor, I would have lost my life long ago. I don't care what your purpose is for, but I will take this favor. If I let you come to the wilderness, naturally there will be no malice. Anyway, you are in a difficult place in the sea of nothingness now. It's better to come to the wilderness to try your luck. Here, I will try my best to give you a good man!"

"What kind of creation?" The sea shark emperor doubted.

"You will know then." Shi Yan smiled mysteriously.

The Sea Shark Emperor did not continue to ask questions, nodded, and entered the ancient magic star domain with Shen Yan.


In a thick darkness, there is a fierce collision of souls, such as countless ghosts squirming and biting each other!

Putai and those warriors who belonged to him watched coldly around the ancient demon continent, waiting for a result.

Suddenly, streamers came from far away, carrying the breath of the sky and cracking, with a destructive momentum, a terrible attack.

That's a meteorite stream!

Tens of millions of huge meteorites in mountains and rivers, overflowing with light and sped fiercely, crashing straight into the direction of the ancient demon continent.

Putai's face changed, and he suddenly roared harshly, and the roar penetrated into the sea of forbidden blood.

Hundreds of people, all over, dark green, came out of the dark like monsters. Most of them were in the realm of the First God, and several of them were immortal, with oil-green eyes, showing a fierce and vicious crazy look. Under the signal of Na Putai, these people condensed their strength one after another.

Thick scarlet blood-colored long river, pale corrosive smoke clouds, violent destruction fluctuations, gloomy and cold corpse power, eight evil forces show one by one!

Many initial worlds emerge, either a vast expanse of snow, or constantly smashing and bursting, all of which are bombarded towards those meteorite stars.

Putai's face was gloomy, his eyes were red, and there was an unconcealed excitement on his face, "Shi Yan, you finally dare to come over! Hey hey, I let Uncle Rabbit keep his life all the time, which is to attract you. Although you are a long late, you are finally here!"

Many martial artists who used to be attached to Ming Hyo, Xuanhe, Frederick and others are now gathered beside Putai, with Putai as their respect.

In the rolling star stream, on a huge meteorite, the stone rock is as cold as an ice knife, and his eyes are also scarlet. He looked at Putai, closed his eyes and felt it for a moment, and said, "I didn't expect you to break through to the immortal realm, but it's still a double sky. I'm

Putai has also been bloodthirsty inheritance and recognized. He is also proficient in devouring Aoyi and the eight evil forces. No one knows more about the huge increase of the realm of devouring Aoyi.

Seeing Putai enter the immortal double heaven, he naturally knew that Putai must kill a lot of people, so that he could gather so much power.

Because of the divine body of Navidson, the ancient tree of divine power is very ordinary. Even if Putai's original realm is exquisite, it also needs the accumulation of divine power.

... The divine power comes from devouring the mystery, and comes from the life and death of the warrior!

"Shiyan, I've been with you for a long time. I'm familiar with everything about you. I know all the mys of your cultivation, and you know nothing about me, so you can't beat me. You have no chance at all!" Putai looked crazy and grinned happily, "Kill you and devour your soul body. I will definitely be able to go further. Everything you have got in the past few hundred years will be complete for me! You are the biggest motivation for me to become Yuzu. I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

He has long regarded Shiyan as his old enemy. Since he knew that Shiyan got a bloodthirsty inheritance and was really regarded as his master by the ring spirit, he secretly vowed to take everything back!

He had a lot of plans, but at the most critical time, he was seen through by the underworld and sealed by the underworld, so that his soul almost flew away. He had long made up his mind to complete the sublimation of his soul and complete the accumulation of power before he broke through the realm of the ancestors!


The terrible destruction fluctuation came from the body of the god Putai. A bloodthirsty breath in his god's body suddenly soared out, and the breath was extremely huge!

A circle of spiral energy spread forward with him as the center. As soon as the energy touched the meteorite, all the meteorites immediately exploded and turned into powder. Putai's eyes were scarlet, showing the mystery of the storm. Negative emotions grew crazily, and a white cloud of smoke escaped from his pores.

"This is a battle between me and Shi Yan. From the beginning, he and I should not coexist!" Putai looked back at his subordinates and said indifferently, "We can only survive alone!" Between us, only when one of us is swallowed up can we completely complete the other! I am the young patriarch of the phagocytosis clan, I am the person selected by the ancestors, and Shi Yan is the heir chosen by the bloodthirsty. This is a doomed battle!"

This is an unfinished battle between the newborn and the bloodthirsty!

Putai made it clear that no one should participate in this battle. He had to complete the battle with the bloodthirsty year, which was arranged a long time ago.

"This battle should indeed be completed by the two of them. In those years, the master set the rules. There can only be one new master, and the new master must be born in the blood. Unfortunately, he did not count that he will intervene, but now the situation is like this. Shi Yan and Putai are in the same realm, so... let them go On a hidden star far away, Xuanhe listened to the vast voice from the sea of stars and said strangely.

Frederick closed his eyes and felt it for a moment and said, "Pu Tai is very strong! Strictly speaking, Putai really inherits everything from the master, not only to devour Aoyi, but also the eight evil forces. Putai is completely the same as the master's power in those years.

He looked at the stone rock, "The stone rock got the devouring meaning and the meaning of death, and the rest of the meaning did not practice, and the god body of Vidson, where Putai now lives, is condensed from the breath of the owner's bones. In calculation, he is more like the master in those years, the master in those

Hilo, Mantis and Gay listened to the exchanges between Xuanhe and Frederick, asked about the details, and knew the context.

Hero and Mantis were very surprised, and then showed an expression of interest. Mantis said: "They are the same immortal double heaven realm. They represent the choice of bloodthirsty and the choice of phagocy respectively. This battle is really interesting. I am very interested in seeing what the result will be."

"In order to devour the wonders of Aoyi, if Putai can kill the stone rock and successfully devour the stone rock, he can get everything about the stone rock!" Xuanhe pondered for a moment and said, "In the same way, if Shi Yan kills Putai and refines him, he can get everything from Putai!"

After a pause, Xuanhe shouted: "Including the mystery of their respective cultivation..."

ps: I beg my brothers to support the monthly ticket~~ (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket. Your support is my greatest motivation.) RQ