Kill God

Chapter 1482 The Dialogue between the Early Born--

The Aoyi Fu Tower has destroyed the ruins deep in the bottom of the sea. The ruins are the ruins of Taichu, which contain the secrets of the Taichu era and represent the glory of the past era.

Now, the glory of that era is not there, many newborns have disappeared, and only a few of them have disappeared and rarely appear.

Ziyao is the split of the Taichu born spirit, which is the condensation of the soul of the spiritual will. In those years, she sent Ming and Brian to the ruins of Taichu, hoping that Ming and Brian could bring back the Aoyi Fu Tower, because the interior of the Aoyi Fu Tower has the soul mark she left in those years

The mark is closely related to her soul, and she can use it to collect the Aoyi Fu Tower.

"Give it back to me..."

Ziyao's voice is charming and gentle, like a lover acting coquettishly. The listener is numb all over, and he can't help but be obedient.

"This charming sound... Why is it so similar to our Phantoms?" Meiji's face changed slightly. I don't know why she looked at Ziyao with a very strange feeling, as if there was a mysterious connection between Ziyao and the charm of their Phantom clan.

The woman of the Phantom clan is naturally good at the magic of spiritual charm. This is not the magic, but the magic is the magic that exists in their souls!

At this moment, Zi Yao's voice is amazingly similar to the scene where she tries her best to use her spiritual charm!

Shiyan's expression is stiff.

In his mind, if there were hundreds of millions of thunderbolts, the Aoyi Fu Pagoda slowly flew out of his altar, gradually out of his control. Inside the Aoyi Fu Pagoda, there was a snake-shaped soul idea, which was hidden deep in the Aoyi Fu Pagoda, which he had never felt before.

Now it suddenly emerged, condensed by Ziyao's voice, the idea dragged the Aoyi Fu Tower to enter Ziyao's palm.

Ziyao's charming voice also tempted his soul's thoughts, making it difficult for him to concentrate his spiritual will to control the Aoyi Fu Tower.

The Aoyi Fu Tower changed from small to large, and gradually flashed completely at the top of the stone rock head, slowly going to the palm of Ziyao's hand.

Hiro, Ega and Mantis's eyes suddenly lit up and looked at the Aoyi Fu Tower.

Hero and Mantis hesitated, afraid that they would offend Shiyan, and did not dare to take action rashly.

Ega doesn't care so much.

His green and secluded eyes, like a poisonous wolf, saw the prey and burst into a terrible light. Regardless of the purpose of his visit, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the Aoyi Fu Tower.

The towering blood hand, carrying the power of death, destruction and chaos, is far away to get the Aoyi Fu Tower. In the center of the blood hand, the three cyclone energy of blood, black and gray emerges, forming a terrible sucking force, like a python opening its mouth to inhale, pulling the life, soul and divine power


The fierce wind crazily sank into the palm of the hand of the blood. The Aoyi Fu Tower was like a huge kite, swaying in the void, like being held by two lines and shaking to Ziyao's palm for a while and then to Ega.

It turned out to be Ega and Ziyao competing for the Aoyi Fu Tower!

"Didn't your ancestors teach you the rules?" Zi Yao snatched it several times, and the frost appeared on his gorgeous face stopped by Ega. "I know your ancestors told you to take the Aoyi Fu Tower, but with its current situation, without my help, it could cope with the current situation? How dare you rob something from me? You don't know what's good or bad!"

"I don't know what agreement my ancestors have with you, but I know that my ancestors need the Aoyi Fu Tower very much!" Ega's eyes were cold, "So I have to grab it! No matter who the opponent is, I will rob what should be robbed!"


Mantis was surprised, and immediately "clucked" with a crisp smile, and her petite face was full of joy, "Let them bite the dog!" She said to Hero.

Silo had the intention to fight, but he was afraid of offending Shi Yan, so he hesitated and didn't do anything. Seeing Ega's sudden participation, he was also happy and relaxed.

Shi Yan was invaded by the art of Ziyao Meiji. At this time, he was trying his best to cut off the evil thoughts in the sea, and he had no energy to withdraw his hand for a while.

In the dark abyss behind Ega, the thick smoke rolled, and the smell of blood came from it. The "eating" seemed to free up his hands and feet, and there was something arranged in the dark...

"You are finally here." Rabitt's relieved voice came from the dark abyss.

Then I saw the people of the devouring clan, emerging from the dark abyss. Most of those people have a deep realm, the worst are the gods, and more of them are immortal realms, and there is a person who has just broken through the domain ancestor like Labit.

They were summoned by their ancestors from the sea of the nihilistic sea and came to this wilderness. They had hundreds of people and turned into the solid backing of Ega.

As soon as they appeared, they all looked at the dark abyss under their feet in awe, worshipped in the unique language of the phagocy, and immediately released their soul thoughts one after another, and warmed them with their own strength. The originally contracted phagocy, under the gift of the power of the phagocy, the dark

A low roar like a wild and ferocious beast came from the depths of the abys, and the roar shocked everyone's soul.

Ega, who was competing with Ziyao for the Aoyi Fu Tower, looked happy and laughed, "The ancestor is summoning the real body. When my ancestor's real body comes, I'll see how you can fight with us!"

"The real body?" Xuanhe, Minghui and Frederick were all surprised, and their minds were puzzled. "Isn't that the dark abyss the real body?"

Hearing Ega's words, Ziyao's face changed for the first time and stared angrily at the dark abyss, "Do you really dare to come? You're not afraid, aren't you afraid... completely disappear here? If it merges one by one, in its domain, any of you and me will be swallowed up and refined by it, and it is useless for the other to escape to an endless head, it will be refined by it!"


A roar formed by the Etaichu language came from the dark abyss and rippled throughout the ancient magic star field.

Because of Ziyao's distraction, Shi Yan finally cut off the evil thoughts in his mind. At this time, he listened to the roar of the Taichu language and immediately understood the meaning: it was severely damaged by you and me in the past, and now there are individual individuals and creatures, and it can never really restore the beginning!

This is the meaning conveyed in the roar!

Only those who know the language of Taichu can hear the meaning of this roar.

Ziyao is a split body, and she can naturally understand it. In addition, it is Shi Yan, even Audrey, because she has not fully integrated the source fire, but she just listens to it and can vaguely understand a few glides of meaning.

"The Aoyi Fu Tower should have belonged to me! Do you really want to fight with me?" Zi Yao shouted angrily.


There was another roar in the dark abyss.

"The Aoyi Fu Tower is refined by the 'Charming'. It's not yours at all. If you really want to count it, it belongs to the Phantom Family! Today's Phantom clan is a creature condensed from the body of broken consciousness after the death of the charm. How can the Aoyi Fu Tower be yours?

This is the meaning of the roar. Shi Yan can understand it, but ordinary people can't understand it.

He was shocked. He suddenly looked at Mantis and Meiji, and suddenly understood the origin of the Phantom clan.

It turns out that among the Taichu creatures, there is also a "fame" that has lost her life. After she disappeared, she turned into the Phantom clan, which is the source of the flesh and blood soul of the Phantom clan.

The Aoyi Fu Tower is actually refined from "fame". In this way, it really belongs to the Phantom Family.

"Mei and I were sisters in those years. I contributed a lot of materials to the refining of this Aoyi Fu Pagoda. Ao Yi Fu Pagoda is shared by me and her! She died, and the Aoyi Fu Tower should belong to me! If you dare to be strong with me, I will definitely not let you do as you want!" Ziyao also began to respond in Taichu's language.

There are also some people in the field who know Taichu's characters, such as Mantis and Hero can understand Taichu's runes.

But they can't hear the original language, so they don't know what's going on. They are all at a loss and don't know how to deal with it at this time.

"You have integrated into the wilderness. You should be able to hear the language of Taichu. What are they talking about?" Mantis suddenly looked at the rock.

Shiyan subconsciously replied, "They are talking about your origin, your ancestors, and that this Aoyi Fu Pagoda should belong to you..."

As soon as he said this, all the people of the Phantom clan were surprised. Mandice and Meiji's eyes flashed with crystal light, "Be specific!" Mantis couldn't help drinking softly.

"Say that your ancestor is a charm, saying that she has perished, and the remnant soul, flesh and blood slowly change into your phantom clan, and say that the Aoyi Fu Tower was originally refined by the charm..." Shi Yan explained.

Mandice and Meiji's delicate bodies were shocked.

They don't know their origin, they don't know where the Phantom clan came from, they don't know who their ancestors are, they don't know the past, until today!

They finally knew that the ancestors of the Phantom clan were also too newborns, "scined charms", and refined the Aoyi Fu Tower!

"Gah, it turns out that the Aoyi Fu Tower belongs to our Phantom family, and it's just ours!" Mantis gritted her teeth, looked bad, and urged Shi Yan: "How did my ancestor's 'fame' disappear? Listen carefully. I want to know more details!"

"You think that if you come here, you can take the Aoyi Fu Tower! Don't forget that half of my real body is here now! If you really dare to come, I can also suppress you!" Zi Yao was suddenly furious.

In the ancient god continent, the void suddenly tore, the void flashed in the river basin, and six huge pythons loomed out of it. Half of their bodies were actually connected to the ancient god continent. In the abdomen of the huge peaks of the ancient god continent, there were roars. In the landslide and ground cracks

The heads of the snakes roared at the void, as if they were deterring any creature, making the creature afraid, so that it did not dare to get into it easily.

In the middle of the Tianshen Peak of the ancient god continent, the door of the void was torn open, and the scene of the ancient demon continent can be faintly seen.

It seems that as long as there is a strange movement in the ancient demon continent, the real body here can come out of the empty and chaotic basin, merge with the other half of the body coiled in the ancient god continent, and then go straight to the ancient demon star domain.