Kill God

Chapter 1491 The Gate of Taichu

The integration between the origins is simpler than the stone rock thought. After getting Audrey's full cooperation, the process will be smoother.

Originally, Shiyan couldn't figure out the method of fusion, thinking that he might need any conditions.

However, when Audrey sent a message and wanted to take the initiative to cooperate with him, he immediately knew how to integrate!

In the depths of his soul, there is a strong call! This soul, as if to take back the missing hands and feet, sends out strong waves from the soul! The fluctuation turned into a circle of ripples, colorful, colorful, very gorgeous, rippled in the sea of Audrey's soul!

Like countless hands, you need to take the origins of Audrey's main soul and absorb them!

This is the instinctive intersection between the source and the source!

Audrey's main soul, before the stone rock arrived, was affected by the idea of the wilderness, across the infinite space, and the mark in the soul constantly tormented her, making her often fall into muddle-headed dreams, so that she could not distinguish between reality and illusory. During this period, the wilderness also came the call of the

is exactly the same as the call of Shiyan now!

Feeling the call of the soul from Shi Yan, suddenly, Audrey was still a little hesitant, afraid that this was another illusory trick, so she took the bait and actively contributed her origin.

In a trance, she asked Shiyan some questions, which only she and Shiyan had experienced. Shiyan answered one by one, and the answers let her know that the call came this time did not come from the wilderness, but really from Shiyan.

Audrey immediately stopped hesitating.

Colorful and gorgeous soul rays flew out of her main soul. As soon as the soul rays left her, they quickly flew to the soul ripple magnetic field released by the rock.

As soon as you enter the ripple magnetic field, those soul rays turn into colorful flames, which are the original flames, and those fire sources are jumping. Gradually, it twisted into a group with the soul of the stone rock.

Shi Yan gave birth to a feeling of acquiring knowledge, memory, and many scenes. Every time a flame of origin fuses, he sees some scenery, gets ancient memory symbols, vaguely knows some stories of the early era, and knows the kindness and hatred of the previous era.

This is a memory of waste!

Unfortunately, after the fusion of this memory, it is still not complete. After the fusion of his origin with Audrey. It's just that I have two-fifths of the soul memory knowledge, which is still one-sided.

"Taichu, the destination of life, the first door, the key..."

A fragmented memory, obscure and difficult to understand. Flowing in his mind, through this memory fusion, he suddenly realized that the Aoyi Fu Tower was the key to the "Taichu Gate". He can enter through the huge tower, but he still doesn't know what the "Taichu Gate" is and what is in it.

He continued to fuse the original flame. To harvest and gather memory knowledge, the Aoyi Fu Tower hangs above his soul, protecting him firmly, so that he is not afraid of the invasion of any evil soul.

Soon, the origin of Audrey's part. All of them are integrated into his soul.

The soul refining tripod sank in the first world of Audrey. Because of the disappearance of Audrey's origin, there are no more rock rocks to attack.

With out of the source, the wilderness could not affect Audrey across space. Audrey gradually woke up, and she regained control of her body.

She was pulling the soul refining tripod and stopping the offensive in the soul refining tripod, so as not to cause trouble for the fusion of the stone rock.

In the sea of her knowledge, the soul of the rock is like a flame sun, hot, bright and bright. The wisp of light shines on her sea of knowledge, and she has a wonderful sense of being fused by the rock.

I don't know why Audrey felt very relaxed and felt that this moment made her very comfortable. She, who had lost her origin, was not depressed. Instead, as if she had unloaded the heavy burden, her soul spirit seemed to have sublimated. Even her body was wrapped in a wonderful luster at this moment.

Everyone in Xuanhe and Mingha has been worried about Audrey and that her soul will dissipate.

At this moment, from Audrey's body, there are continuous strong life fluctuations, and her body is still shining, like being washed by some kind of power to practice the impurities of the divine body and the sublimation of life.

Adela's eyes lit up, and her gray face was reflected by the light. "This child, it seems that there should be nothing to do, but it's a pity that he has lost his origin. I don't know if there will be such high achievements in the future, hey..."

She felt sorry in her heart. She thought that her daughter could have today's achievements, mainly because of the integration of the origin of the Shenze mainland. Now the origin is integrated into the soul of Shiyan. Although Audrey is unimped, she has lost the origin, and her future realm cultivation may stagnate.

"No, after she lost her origin, it's not necessarily a bad thing." Dekula of the White Bone clan shook her head, and her eyes flashed with a surprised luster. "For those who have the origin, it may bring benefits, but it may also be a burden of growth. The child has lost the origin, and the soul spirit sublimated. She once realized the mystery of the soul of Taichu, and now she may be blessed by /P>

Minghuo looked suspicious and asked uncertainly, "What do you mean... her realm has no impact?"

"It seems that the realm will go further. The origin of her soul is a rope that binds her growth. Now that she has broken, she can spread her wings and fly high." Dekula looked deeply at Audrey, nodded secretly, and said sincerely, "Her realm has indeed made progress, and Aoyi has become more and more pure. As long as she is full of divine power, she may be able to go further."

Audrey has just entered the immortal realm. If she can go further according to what Dra said, does she have to step into the immortal double heaven?

How is this possible?

Not only did he not believe it, but even the people of Hero and Mantis were secretly surprised and felt that the scene was a little strange.

"It's hard for me to explain it clearly."

Dura looked at the crowd and said quietly, "For some people, the soul of the newborn may be the driving force for growth, such as Shi Yan, who is tenacious and extremely selfish. This kind of person will not be restrained by anything, and what he gets will be taken as his own, not afraid of being affected by others."

He looked at Audrey again, "There are also some people who will make a burden in their hearts because of the integration of the soul of the newborn, and feel that there is always a shadow hanging in their mind, affecting themselves. You will even have doubts that you are not yourself. Together with this kind of doubt, you will not be confident in yourself, and then affect your cultivation, and instead bind yourself..."

"You mean, to Audrey, the origin of the mainland of Shenze... is a rope of bondage?" I was stunned. I was stunned.

Dra nodded.

Everyone showed a thoughtful expression and looked at Audrey silently. Under the gaze of everyone, Audrey's breath returned to stability, and her soul became a surging magnetic field.

Layers of wonderful luster shine from her face, as if she has been reborn, giving people a wonderful feeling of being reborn.

At this time, Shi Yan's soul withdrew from the corners of her eyes and returned to her mind.

Audrey also took the opportunity to open her eyes, and her eyes were like cold ice stones. In the depths of her pupils, countless fine soul lines could be faintly seen, combined into a mysterious soul array. The soul array is very similar to the runes on the soul refining tripod. It seems that at this moment, she really controls the soul

"It seems that a stone in my heart has been removed from me, and it is indescribably relaxed."

She smiled indifferently. Her whole body was as bright as frost flowers, gorgeous and cold, and her temperament became more outstanding. Instead, it brightened the eyes of those who knew her well and began to know her again.

"You, are you all right?" Adela said blankly.

"It's okay. I'm fine. It's really good!" Audrey's tone was sure. After that, she glanced deeply at Shiyan, and her cheeks showed shyness. She lowered her head in a low voice, "He did a good job in my mind. I didn't suffer anything. It was very relaxed and natural..."

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes became strange, and then someone suddenly remembered the wonder of the fusion of soul and soul, and his expression became ambiguous.

Meiji bit the corners of her lips and rolled her eyes at Shi Yan. She really thought that Shi Yan had done something to her in Audrey's mind.


The bright masks on the surface of the mainland were suddenly impacted by a meteorite meteor, and those masks splashed out the glow of the sky, like broken stars colliding with each other.

Mantis and Silo looked up at the sky, their expression suddenly sank, and they said in unison, "Someone is taking the initiative to attack!"

"Who?" Meiji gritted her teeth, with a cold light in her eyes, "Who is doing it in the void and chaotic basin? If you make a big fuss here, it's easy to have a big problem!"

"I know who it is." Shi Yan suddenly interrupted. He looked calm and looked up at the void light curtain and said, "It's Ziyao. Her body had been in the void and chaotic basin before. After realizing the awakening of the wilderness, she also re-entered here. Here, she is more familiar with the situation than us."

"How could she find it?" Hero's face changed, "This is not her domain, is it?"

"Impossible." Dekula shook his head, "This is not the domain world. There is no heaven and earth energy here, and there is no place suitable for the cultivation of any attribute creatures. It can't be the domain world."

When he said this, everyone was secretly relieved. In other people's realms, fighting with others is a taboo, and it is almost impossible to win.

If this is the realm of Ziyao, they are afraid that it is difficult for them to escape. Even for warriors of the level such as Hero and Mantis, there is only one way to die in the realm of the same level of strong.

The domain world is the magical field that he has refined. The domain owner is the only god who can tamper with the rules of heaven and earth. In his own domain world, the domain owner can do whatever he wants!

"Let me see what she is doing." Shi Yan stood up, stepped into the depths of the sky in one step, and penetrated through the light curtain of the continent of God's grace.

He sat in the clouds outside the continent of God's grace, looked at the huge meteorite from afar, looked at the huge shape of the twelve giant snakes under the meteorite, and shouted, "What are you doing here?"

"The enemy, if there is a newcomer, you will forget the old one?" Ziyao smiled and sat on a colorful throne. Suddenly, she came to him. Just looking at him, Ziyao's eyes lit up slightly, "It's not bad. It's good to integrate another wisp of its soul. In this case, unless it kills you and refines you, it will never recover as before!"
