Kill God

Chapter 1502 Indulge Now!


It is also a very risky thing to brand the mystery of others and introduce it to your own soul altar.

The sea shark emperor dares to divert his myoyi out, which is a kind of trust in the stone rock. Similarly, only the stone rock in the immortal peak realm, put his myoyi bow into the altar. Isn't it trust in the sea shark emperor?

If the sea shark emperor has a bad heart and fights in his soul altar, the stone rock will not be able to eat it, and it is very possible that the soul will be hit hard.

As soon as the colorless and transparent drop of water fell into the sea of stone rock, the soul pool in the sea of his knowledge came out of the dark soul power. A kind of mystery of his mystery layer also felt the breath of the outsider and became extremely **, as if he was on guard against the thumb-sized water droplets.

Concentrate, he constantly conveys all kinds of thoughts of relaxation and quietness to himself to appease his esoteric mood and make himself not nervous because of it.

Slowly, the water droplets gradually floated across the sea of knowledge, across the soul pool, and gradually came to the direction of the Aoyifu Tower, and then floated on the top of the Aoyifu Tower.

Shi Yan said that he was 70% sure, but he didn't lie about this. Through the idea of wild memory and his own observation, he thought that the embryo of the source rune at the top of the giant tower could definitely form the amu source rune. As for whether he could succeed in forming an outsider, he was not sure.

So only 70% are sure.

The water droplets, swayingly, wrapped in his soul, finally fell to the top of the tower of the giant tower, trying to integrate into the source embryo "Boom!"

A burst of resistance came from the source embryo. If the embryo has the breath of life, the breath of life is delicately related to him, as if he sensed the mystery of the water drop, which is not the mystery of his hard work, and instinctively rejects it.

Shiyan's soul was shocked and screamed that it was not good. Hurry up to divide the consciousness.

He poured his soul consciousness into a trace of the water drop mystery of the Sea Shark Emperor, and also convinced the Sea Shark Emperor through subtle fluctuations to prevent him from thinking that he was making trouble and angry to prevent the deepening of his consciousness.

Outside, the sea shark emperor's face was pale, and at this moment, his heart was tightened, and his expression became more and more dark and reciting.

Hu Jiao and Meiji raised their eyebrows, and they were also nervous and uneasy. I don't know what kind of change happened at this time.

Meiji subconsciously approached the rock, secretly condensed the divine power, and was ready to protect the rock at all times when the situation was not good.

Similarly, Hujiao, Shen Cong, Datuk and other sea strong men quietly leaned against the sea shark emperor without saying a word. As long as the sea shark emperor gave an instruction, they would do it immediately.

Everyone looked at the Sea Shark Emperor and also paid attention to the movement of the stone rock. Then they found that the Sea Shark Emperor suddenly relaxed after his eyebrows tightened. The relaxation of the Sea Shark Emperor also eased the atmosphere here, making everyone feel relieved and their faces strange.

"It should be all right." Shen Cong pretended to be relaxed, shrugged his shoulders, and smiled reluctantly, "Lord Meiji, you and Shi Yan can be together. I don't know how many men in Yuhai are crazy about it."

The charming girl is the most beautiful representative in the Phantom clan, and the Phantom clan is recognized as the concentration of women and beauty of all ethnic groups in the sea. There are countless men of all ethnic groups who love Meiji in the broken sea. If those people know that the charming girl has lost the stone rock and serve the stone rock, I'm afraid they will be mad

"He is willing to want me, that's my honor." Meiji hooked the corners of her mouth, smashed her hair and said with a smile, "The mystery in him is that no woman can resist and can make any woman crazy."

Before she had an in-depth understanding with Shiyan, she was also the peak of immortality. Unfortunately, she did not understand the dark power and was still heavy.

In just a hundred years, she has broken through to the realm of Yuzu. Now the internal divine power has condensed a lot. There are so many wonders. Except for the rock, who can give it to her?

She still remembers that she struggled to understand the mystery of the dark energy, and was regarded as a bargaining chip by Mantis in the clan. If Batum hadn't been killed, she would have realized the dark energy long ago. Maybe she would have been forced to combine with Batum. Although she was grateful to Mantis, she knew that all this today was Because of Mantis, but because of the rock!

Without Shiyan, there would be no new ancestor of the Phantom clan, and without her today!

Without realizing the realm of dark energy, Mantis will not be willing to tilt the huge resources of the Phantom clan to cultivate her to create her as a strong ancestor. After all, in the Phantom clan, there are still a few people who break through the immortal triple heavens like her before, and she is not the only one choice.

Just as Mei Ji was thinking, the Sea Shark Emperor suddenly shook his whole body, and his eyes radiated dazzling light!

At the same time, there is also a very clear sound of gentling water from the stone rock, as if there is a river flowing quickly in the [body] of the stone rock, the mysterious of the mysterious water flowing impermanently, such as the perfect deriving on the stone rock!

Everyone looked intently and found that in the veins of the stone rock, the divine power flowed like water, and the wonderful water vapor spewed out from the seven holes of the stone rock, which surprised everyone in the dark.

The sea shark emperor breathed heavily. He couldn't suppress his heart and shouted tremblingly: "It's done! It's done!"

Before, Shiyan sent a message to let go of the shackles of Aoyi water droplets and poured his soul breath into it. At that time, he hesitated and thought for a while before he agreed. Now he understands that only when there is a fluctuation of the breath of Shiyan in his Aoyi water drop can he truly

"Wow!" "

In the sound of rapid water, the transparent five-colored water droplets, wrapped in a wonderful rune, floated out of the left eye of the rock.

The water droplet is crystal shining, and the internal rune is the Taichu source talisman, which is the imprint of the Taichu character of the word "water". As soon as the water droplet comes out, the rivers and lakes and oceans in the sea of the sea shark kingdom seem to fluctuate life in an instant, making the

He looked at the drop of water greedily, excitedly, and couldn't help muttering: "The mystery of water, magic power, a kind of magic power!"

Hujiao, Datuk, Shen Cong and many sea warriors, at this moment, all of their eyes are shining, all excited. They know that after letting the sea shark emperor integrate into this myoyi source, the strength of the sea shark emperor will immediately soar, and there will be great hope to break through the two heavens of the

A Taichu source charm is enough to bring the future of the Sea Shark Emperor to a higher world!

The Sea Shark Emperor is their hope, and the broad future of the Sea Shark Emperor is also their future!

How can I not be ecstatic?

Hujiao, Datuk and some young people were secretly angry when they treated Shiyan in the past. Even after Shiyan killed many ancient demons and soul clans, they still hated and disdained to deal with Shiyan.

However, at this moment, with the flash of an Aoyi Fu Tower, all those who were dissatisfied with the heart of the stone rock, the hatred disappeared in an instant!

When they looked at Shiyan again, the twinkling eyes in their eyes were gratitude, admiration, admiration and recognition!

At this moment, they really treat Shiyan as a trustworthy person, a friend, or even a benefactor!

In the bloody excitement and gasp of the crowd, the Sea Shark Emperor slowly put the water droplets he took out into the altar. In the water drop, there was an Aoyi source charm, a kind of Aoyi magic power. As soon as the water droplet entered his soul altar, it immediately perfectly merged into a larger water droplet.

A magical law about the true meaning of the mystery of water was quickly formed in his soul, and his soul trembled, such as accepting a new inheritance of mystery.

The sea shark emperor's eyes gradually brightened like stars. He was silently feeling the magic of the mystery, and he was feeling the wonderful growth of the realm. Everyone's eyes were burning at him.

Only Meiji gently held Shi Yan's hand and said softly, "Are you all right?"

Shi Yan shook his head with a smile, "It's okay. It's very interesting. It feels very mysterious, as if I also took the opportunity to understand the mystery of water. With this experience, next time, I can refine more Aoyiyuan Fu. Hey, I didn't expect this Aoyi Fu Tower to be so interesting!"

Meiji was also secretly excited.

The stone rock can give birth to the source of the mystery of water through the sea shark emperor. Similarly, as long as the energy is full in the future, he can also refine the ice mystery source symbol suitable for the charming girl!

A source charm is a kind of power magic power. If you can get the source charm of the mystery of ice, the strength of Meiji will also be greatly improved!

For a while, the sea shark emperor stabilized a little. His eyes were bright, and the corners of his mouth showed a smile for the first time. The haze of these years was like waving from the bottom of his heart. He opened his mouth and shouted proudly, "Hujiao! Serve the wine! On the best wine we treasure, I'm going to get drunk with Shi Yan today!"

"Good!" Hu Jiao, who had always looked at Shi Yan's unpleasant eyes, completely changed his attitude. He took the initiative to pat Shi Yan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Brother, you must be honored today, and I'm going to get drunk with you!"

"And me!" Datuk laughed.

They were really cleaned up for the grudges of the stone rock, and all that was left was gratitude and admiration.

"Okay, everyone have a good drink!" Shi Yan grinned, "Then go to the domain gate to fight happily!"

"Fight for a good time!" Everyone made a ss.

Meiji's beautiful eyes smiled. Seeing that everyone was happy, she did not persuade her. She said, "Drink more. I'll be responsible for vigilance around you. If there is a situation, I will explain to you in advance."

"What a virtuous helper, haha." The Sea Shark Emperor made fun of Meiji for the first time. At this time, he felt that everyone was in a mess, all because of an Aoyi source charm.

Meiji smiled and quietly left from here. She knew that with the realm of the Sea Shark Emperor and Shiyan, even if she drank too much wine, it was only a moment to regain her wakefulness, so she was not worried, as long as she could remind her in advance before she encountered the situation.

Seaweed [middle] In the middle, those sea people took out the wine they had treasured for many years, and they all took turns to look for Shiyan to drink.

Shi Yan simply refused to come. He drank the strong wine. He put aside everything for the time being and didn't want to worry about things. He just drank for drinking and indulged it now.

In life, be happy and happy, you don't need to put too much pressure on yourself.