Kill God

Chapter 1528 Ferocious Tok

The Yuan pawn encouraged Shi Yan, and let Shi Yan persuade Zi Yao to devoise the "Cut". The hard layout was all because he understood the real power of the "Cut", which was not inferior to him at all.

The resistance of Ziyao's soul, the huge counterattack against "Zhu", and then the deterrence of Aoyi Fu Tower.

In comparison, the continuous pressure of rock energy is only an auxiliary effect on the suppression of "Cut".

"Qi" and Zi Yao and Shi Yan, obviously "Qi" is more threatening to the Yuan pawn. His painstaking conspiracy and tricks are to suppress "Qi" and then calmly achieve the goal.

As soon as the people of Napton came over, they wanted to seize the Aoyi Fu Pagoda, which would immediately lead to his escape and destroy all his plans.

Of course he won't allow it!

"Get out of here!"

The body of the dragon lizard continued to put pressure on the ancestor of the dragon lizard. The giant turtle's body squirmed, as if to temporarily pull all the oceans of the galaxy and drowned into the magma pool with black sea water.

The dragon lizard is struggling.

At this time, the first pawn diverted part of his strength and hit the people of Napton with the body of the human race.

In the roar, the Yuan pawn stretched out his hand and pointed to Napton. The sound of the tsunami came from the dark sea in an instant. The waves rolled, and with unparalleled momentum, the rolling waves swept Napton in. The dark clouds formed by countless fierce ghosts were directly dispersed by the waves.


Nupton's mouthful of blood rushed out, and his face was shocked. He subconsciously retreated, and dozens of fierce souls turned into giant elephants, demon apes, and violent bears. He beat his chest fiercely and roared, resisted the impact of the waves, and temporarily helped him resist the pressure.

The Aoyi Fu Tower continued to rotate, and Napton was repulsed by the Yuan pawn without even touching it.

"Yuan pawn! The pawn of one of the top ten ancestors!"

Keith, Xiao Lie, Jiani and Rabit took the opportunity to fall to Napton. Keith's eyes showed a frightened light, and he suddenly revealed the identity of the first soldier.

"It turns out that the oldest soldier of the top ten ancestors turned out to be a newborn. This news is really earth-shaking!" The strange pattern on Jia Ni's face showed a dark blue-purple halo. Her eyes were faint. When she looked carefully, there were also many exquisite lines in the pupil, such as being alive at this moment. It's swimming strangely.

This is a manifestation of her condensed power.

Xiaolie and Keith and Rabit. They were all creepy and moved. When they looked at the Yuan pawn, their expressions were strange.

The pawn turned out to be a newborn!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would have been difficult for them to believe that the hero of the nihilistic sea for many years, with the name of the oldest ancestor of the domain, was the horrible creature of the previous era.

"Know who I am. Why don't you get out of here!" The soldier tore off the disguise and showed the ruthless side of the newborn, "Don't say it's just you. Even if Shaking the sky, Beverly, and You Prison come in person, they dare not destroy my good deeds! Where you come from, let me go back. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As soon as this was said, everyone looked heavy.

Like Sauron, the soldier is not from the seven ethnic groups, and has always been mysterious among the top ten regional ancestors.

Especially the pawn, it may not appear for the first time in thousands of years. And they all know the horror of the yuan pawn through the strong in the clan.

They know very well that if they fight alone, they are by no means the opponent.

Even if all of them are added up, it is unpredictable whether they can beat the Yuan Pao. At this moment, they are hesitant and dare not act rashly when they look at the Aoyi Fu Tower.

"I'll count to ten. If I don't leave then, I will kill him!" The soldier pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly counted sharply, "One, two, three..."

He has no time to waste time.

Because of the shock of Shiyan Aoyi Fu Tower, and the impact of him and Shiyan's power, the soul of "Zhu" is in a weak position. Ziyao has taken the opportunity to take the initiative and began to gradually absorb the soul consciousness of "Zhu". If the main soul of "Zhu" is fused for Ziyao,

will replace "Ji" and become a great threat to him. He must finalize the matter very early.

When he counted, everyone in Napton looked hesitant and had a fierce fight in their hearts. They looked at the Aoyi Fu Tower and the beauty of the newborn. They were a little reluctant to evacuate.


In their hesitation, the number of soldiers reached ten, and his eyes were fierce. The next moment, the huge body that kept hitting the ancestor of the dragon lizard suddenly came a shocking low roar.


Layers of sound waves swept away in the ocean, causing continuous bursts on the bottom of the sea, and the tornado suddenly formed, like a terrible tsunami, wrapping up the people of Napton together.

The giant turtle-like "mad" body temporarily abandoned the dragon lizard and came to the people of Napton who were submerged by the tsunami.

"The dragon lizard has the Taichu essence blood of the 'lizard'. After breaking through to the realm of the domain ancestor, he is better than any of you! Pull out the power to deal with him, and I can easily erase you!"

The Yuan pawn's face was cold, and the human figure's body was also running in mystery. Countless torrents of energy were shot out from other areas, turning into water arrows, water knives, and water guns. Hundreds of millions of them were condensed by pure soul energy. Everyone clearly saw that an idea in his mind, which were all crystal

Every drop of water is pure soul energy, which can be transformed into a lake and ocean, forming a water arrow knife, and a stream waterfall. All kinds of forms of water have been perfectly derived from him, turning into all kinds of terrible attacks, which makes Napton and others suddenly feel great pressure.

"The pearl of rice grains also dares to compete with the bright moon! I don't know whether to live or die!"

Yuan pawn sneered, and a drop of crystal water instantly turned into amber soft crystal, unexpectedly wrapping Clark of the ancient demon clan.

That Clark, like a mosquito sealed by crystal, can't move.


The strange sound of dissolution came from Clark's divine body. In the amber crystal, Clark, the peak of immortality, was the first to be killed.

The soldier continued to condense his strength, and a drop of crystal water turned into the size of an acre of land, in which the exquisite power flowed, covering the people of Napton respectively.

The three immortals, who were as low as Clark, soon stepped into Clark's footsteps and were also dissolved by water.

Nupton, Xiaolie, Labitt, Keith, Jiani and others are sealed with a drop of crystal clear water drop, covered by water pressure inside, and bear the continuous impact of water flow.

Nupton and others changed color one by one, and found that the divine power was being consumed at a high speed. The roaring and rabit had burst their bones, and the divine body was about to burst.

"The ancestors of the district have the cultivation of the realm of heaven, and they also dare to have a heart for the Aoyi Fu Tower, which is simply overesotericious."

Yuan Pao sneered, and his human body was above the crystal water droplets one by one.

In his eyes, clear streams flew out, hitting every drop of water like a water line, making a "click" sound from the body of the Napton people, which suppressed them, and it was difficult for them to operate skillfully.

Until this moment, Napton and the roaring people deeply realized how much the power gap between them and the soldiers was.

The power of the Yuan pawn is divided into three parts. One force suppresses "Zhu", one force forced the dragon lizard ancestor to fight back, and another force can actually seal so many ancestors and kill several immortal peak strong men. This weather means makes everyone secretly cold.

"I want to kill people. How many creatures in this reckless galaxy can block me?"

Yuan Pao said in a cold and cold and cold voice. On the fingers of the human body, a drop of water quickly condensed. In the water drop, there was a miniature pattern of the "mice" body, which was reduced by hundreds of millions of times. The crisscrossed turtle patterns on the turtle shell suddenly lit up together.

A wonderful realm looms on the tortoise shell, in which the mainland has a strong aura, mountains, rivers and oceans, national ancient cities, hundreds of millions of creatures, and many powerful warriors.

The domain world has also been reduced by hundreds of millions of times, which is just illusory, but after the presentation, everyone took a look and was suddenly stunned.

Not far away, a world also appeared on the giant turtle of the "yuan" body. The world is by no means illusory. There are indeed many national cities in it, and there are living creatures. Look carefully. In the sky of that world, there are also powerful warriors fighting with each other!

It's just that those creatures carry a shell on their backs, like humanoid turtles, which are obviously all races created by the "moke" in their original form.

In the ancient legend, it is said that the Taichu born spirit has carried a continent since its birth!

There are hundreds of millions of creatures on that continent. They don't know that they exist in the giant turtle, reproduce life, and cultivate power. They gradually become powerful and become terrible together with the "spray".

Until one day, the "mbal" woke up, swallowed up the hundreds of millions of creatures on its continent, and drowned out the souls of hundreds of millions of lives, and then really opened the wisdom, became the Taichu life, and then refined the creatures with themselves again, and let them reproduce on their backs.

Rumor has it that the creatures raised by the "milk" can be swallowed by him to enhance their strength, just like the elixir planted.

Those creatures exist one season after year. Tens of thousands of years are one season, such as growing herbs and vegetables. When they reach a certain extent, they will be swallowed by the "mbal". It is a great tonic, increasing its power and developing its wisdom.

- It relies on this way to become stronger again and again. The longer it lives, the more seasons it grows, the stronger his strength will be.

At this moment, the freed human medicine this season does not seem to be completely mature. However, because the power of the "thorn" is divided into three, the loss is too big. It can't wait and begins to swallow those elixirs based on hundreds of millions of creatures!


The dragon-headed-like huge head of the "tuck" body, with a big mouth, opened towards the continent.

On its giant turtle shell, the sea suddenly flooded the vast continent, dozens of countries, hundreds of cities, hundreds of millions of creatures, and countless strong people!

As soon as he opened his mouth, the sea water of the mainland swept up all the living races. In the screams of fear and despair, the creatures took the sea water and sucked them into their mouths together!
