Kill God

Chapter 1536 Fire Phoenix

"What's wrong with the ancestor of Changxi?"

A middle-aged man of the Huofeng clan looked surprised. He couldn't help looking at Connet, the patriarch of the Tianmu clan, and his eyes gradually became sharp, "What the hell are you Tianmu clan doing? Did it make the ancestor so panic?

Connett and the elders of the Tianmu clan are all inexplicable, a little nervous, and I don't know what's going on.

"If your details offend the ancestor of Changxi, hum!" The man of the Huofeng clan's tone was full of threats.

Cornett's face changed slightly. From afar, he found that the position that made Changxi crazy was Evelyn's temple, and he was even more surprised.

"Go! Go down and see what's going on!"

A group of fire phoenix warriors left the people of the konettes, turned into flames, and rushed to Evelyn's temple.

Near the Tianmu people's holy land, there are many Tianmu young people who come to worship the statue. They only see fires, such as flame meteors falling to one of the temples. They all look shocked and raise their necks high one by one to find out what's going on.

"Damn it! It's the Huofeng clan again!" Someone secretly scolded, "Our family has three veins rich in flame crystals, which can't help but be forcibly occupied by them. These Huofeng clans are hot-tempered one by one, and they often cause trouble in our family's territory, which is really a headache!"

"Don't mention you, aren't we the same? What can I do? The Huofeng clan is really strong, Changxi, but it is the strong in the realm of the ancestors. In the eyes of the Xuantian clan, their weight is very heavy. Naturally, it is not something we can compare with, so we can only put up with it.

"Oh, you have to be patient. Those people of the Huofeng clan are too arrogant. They not only occupy our mine, but also ask us to find mining slaves for them. If it goes on like this, it's not as good as before!"

"These are all the opinions of the Huofeng clan. The Xuantian clan should not know the situation. If you can find the core clan of the Xuantian clan to explain this, it should allow the Huofeng clan to converge."

"It's useless. The people of the Xuantian clan will only pay attention to the opinions of the Huofeng clan, and they will not care about our life or death. They have ancestors in the town. The Xuantian clan has to give some thin noodles. What do we have? Oh, it is incredible that we can become vassals of the Xuantian clan. What else can we ask for... Seeing the people of the Huofeng clan turning into flames and landing on the holy land, many people of the Tianmu clan. They all cursed and muttered secretly.

"Something with a cheap mouth!"

At this moment, from one of the flames, a sneer of the Huofeng clan came.

A ball of orange flames. Like a flaming light ball, it suddenly fell from the sky and exploded in the center of those commentators. Many young people of the Tianmu clan have been blown up all over, and many people's divine bodies have been injured.

"Damn bastard, how dare you do it in our holy place!"

The people of the Tianmu clan couldn't help roaring. Some of them are the apprentices of the elders, shouting and exerting their strength.

At this moment, Konnet, the patriarch of the Tianmu clan, landed and stared at them with dignity.

Those people all shut up and did not dare to be presumptuous in front of the patriarch. The eyes of hatred still looked at one of the clans of the Huofeng clan. He was an arrogant young man with long red hair and the cultivation of the realm of the first god. He was an apprentice of Changxi, named Hongfei, and he was a great

Hongfei suspended the void and looked down at those Tianmu people with a mocking expression.

After Comet to Hongfei, he scolded those people for their boldness and explained something to Hongfei with a smile.

Na Hongfei laughed and waved his hand. He didn't even give Konnet's face. He went straight to the temple where he landed in Changxi and left Konnet, the old patriarch of the Tianmu clan, there.

Cornett's face turned blue and white, and he suppressed his anger. He stared at the clan and left quickly.

Those Tianmu people who were injured by the Hongfei flame light group were angry one by one, and they all felt extremely humiliated. Hongfei's contempt for their patriarch made them more uncomfortable than hurting them.

- This is contempt for their whole race!

Soon, the elders of the Cornett and Tianmu clan, Hongfei and the Huofeng clan, gathered together in the temple of Evelyn.

At this moment, Changxi's eyes were hot, holding a flame crystal in his hands, trembling with excitement.

Evelyn, Mahisha and Adams, the three elders of the Tianmu clan, looked extremely ugly and looked at Changxi angrily.

"Master, that's mine..."

Xiaoya lowered her voice, stared at Changxi of the Huofeng clan, and whispered, "This old man is unreasonable and can't help snatching my things. How can there be such a domineering person?"

Changxi suddenly came, seized the flame crystal given by Ziyao in front of Evelyn, Mahisha and Adams, and then completely indulged in the fire phoenix inside the flame crystal despite the questioning of Evelyn and others. He was incomparable. He did not pay attention to Evelyn and others at all.

After Hongfei and those Huofeng clan arrived, they saw Changxi holding the flame crystal in both hands and muttering.

Hongfei was stunned at first, and was immediately shocked by the phoenix in the flame crystal. He stammered, "This is the totem of the ancestor, a large piece of the soul altar? Oh, my God, how can it be? How is this possible?"

All the people of the Huofeng clan are shocked at this moment, and the power of flames all over one by one has become a little uncontrollable.

Changxi gradually woke up from the great excitement. He clenched the flame crystal, took a deep breath, stabilized his mood, and seriously asked the three Evelyn: "Where did you get this flame crystal?"

Looking at him like that, he has no intention of returning it at all. He not only forcibly possessed it, but also had to figure out the reason.

If Evelyn and the others can't answer well, he may kill Evelyn and the other three for the sake of the ancestor's totem.

- If Evelyn's way to get the flame crystal is not right!


The scorching heat soared throughout the temple, and Changxi turned into a huge fireball. The flame phoenix on his exquisite clothes was alive at this moment, slowly gathering strength.

Being stared at by Changxi's eyes, Evelyn and all the people of the Tianmu clan have a terrible feeling that they may be burned to ashes by Changxi in an instant.

Connett was so scared that he shouted repeatedly, "Evelyn! Don't hide it, don't hide it. If you have anything to say, everyone is the supporter of the Xuantian clan. As long as we explain the situation, Elder Changxi will not embarrass us!"

He was so scared that he had to move out of the Xuantian clan. He hoped that Changxi would look at the face of the Xuantian clan and not to go too much.

"Don't worry, as long as you really explain the situation, I will definitely not embarrass you." Changxi squinted, "But if you deliberately hide it, hey hey, even the Xuantian clan can't stop me from being cruel! This flame crystal is a fragment of the soul altar of the ancestor of our clan, and it is a legendary sacred object! We need to understand where this flame crystal comes from!"

In Changxi's eyes, Evelyn's mind was extremely turbulent. He quickly measured it, gritted his teeth, and said, "It's my friend's female companion, which was given to the apprentice. We don't know that this flame crystal has anything to do with your ancestors. We don't know anything about it."

"Of course, you don't know, otherwise you wouldn't have taken it out. Hey hey, I didn't want to come to your Tianmu clan, but I didn't expect such a huge harvest!" Changxi laughed, and the flames shuttled like dragons and snakes all over. He was not wordy and said directly, "Where is the person who gave you this crystal now?" As long as you honestly understand the situation, I will definitely not embarrass you. If not, hum!"

"Say it quickly!" Connet was so anxious that he was afraid of Changxi's anger and burned directly to the whole Tianmu clan. Seeing that Evelyn was still a little hesitant, he hurriedly urged, "You don't want our clan to cause huge casualties because of you, do you? Evelyn, for the face of your teacher, explain the situation quickly!"

"Hongfei, you should surround this holy place of the Tianmu clan first." Changxi frowned and ordered.

Those people of the Huofeng clan, without saying a word, scattered one after another, turned into flame streams and swirling on the holy land of the Tianmu clan.

Most of these people are exquisite. At least six or seven people have reached the immortal state. They tried their best to arrange a sea of fire, and the sea of fire was shrouded in the holy land of the Tianmu clan!

The blazing flame flow temporarily sealed the holy land of the whole Tianmu clan.

No outsider can enter easily. At the same time, the elders of the Tianmu clan in the Holy Land can't get out unless they tear the flame seal!

All the people of the Tianmu clan wandering outside the holy land, as soon as they saw the sea of fire sealing the holy land, realized that there was a drastic change inside, and they screamed and summoned to the elders of their respective families, saying that the holy land had undergone great changes and invaded for the strong of the Huofeng clan.

For a while, the major family forces of the whole Tianmu clan were shocked, and many strong men of the Tianmu clan gathered at the fastest speed to defend the glory of the Holy Land with death!

Those people know that they may not be able to compete with the Tianmu clan, and some smart people are already trying to contact the Xuantian clan.

Unfortunately, the sound stone that can really contact the Xuantian clan is in the Holy Land. Now that the Holy Land is sealed, they can't contact the Xuantian Clan in a short time.

Inside the Holy Land.

Hongfei and several strong people of the Huofeng clan quickly left and returned. Hongfei grinned and said, "Master, the sound stone connected with the Tianmu clan and the Xuantian clan has been controlled. They can't communicate with the Xuantian clan."

This man has been practicing with Changxi for many years and knows Changxi's thoughts very well. With a small look in Changxi, he can understand the deep meaning.

"Well done!" Changxi nodded with satisfaction. Seeing that the overall situation here had been settled, he knew that the whole Tianmu clan had no way to compete for the time being. Then he looked back at Evelyn, and a faint flame flowed out of his eyes and said, "Now tell me, where did you get this flame crystal?"
