Kill God

Chapter 1539 Revitaling Teachers and Crowds

"How about it? How's it going?"

Cornett was so anxious that he stayed next to the huge sound stone with many elders of the clan. Looking at Evelyn's message, he felt that his heart beat faster.

"So many people of the Huofeng clan died here, and the ancestor of Changxi. I don't know how to deal with this matter." An elder sighed secretly and was worried.

There are many old people of the Tianmu clan who are afraid that the situation is unpredictable and will cause the hemagnical anger of the Xuantian clan, resulting in the destruction of the whole Tianmu clan.

The status of the Huofeng clan in the Xuantian clan is far higher than that of their Tianmu clan. They believe that the Xuantian clan will pay more attention to the Huofeng clan.

Especially the ancestor of Changxi, in the power of the Xuantian clan, is a very powerful force. If such a strong man is dead, will the Xuantian clan give up?

"The message has passed. It is the news received by Tu Shiqi. He wants to ask Sha Tian and Judy. These two ancestors are in the clan. Let's wait for the news."

Evelyn withdrew his mind and was also uneasy. He didn't know how the Xuantian clan would react.

"Brother, will this lead to our extermination? If we cause genocide because of us, we are the biggest sinners. Mahisha's face was pale. She was so scared that she thought of the most terrible situation.

"Should not, should not..."

Evelyn is comforting her and comforting herself, but she is also uncertain.

"I hope everything will be fine. I hope Jia Ni can bring us the gospel. She and Judy's ancestor are righteous and should have a great friendship." Connett said.

Everyone was waiting restlessly.

After a long time, the sound stone shone, and the message came again. Evelyn connected his consciousness, and his face suddenly changed. He said, "Go to the transmission array! Shake the sky, Judy's ancestor, will come to our stars in person! I will also take those elders of the Xuantian clan with me!"

This is a statement. All the people of the Xuantian clan were shocked to the extreme.

Shaking the sky and Judy are the most powerful existence of the whole Xinghai, and the most powerful force of the Xuantian clan of the seven clans. This kind of character is rarely seen by even the Xuantian clan. Now what is the purpose of the Xingshi and the crowd coming to the Tianmu clan?

Everyone doesn't have much time to think about it at this time. They gathered one after another. Go to the transmission array of the Tianmu clan and the Xuantian clan.

Generally speaking, any race attached to the Xuantian clan will take the initiative to open its territory and connect a void transmission array to the Xuantian clan after signing the agreement. This transmission array is often one-way.

The Xuantian clan can pass the formation. Enter the territory of the vassal race at will, but those vassal races cannot pass the transmission formation. It's easy to enter the Xuantian clan.

This is the disparity caused by the huge power gap, which is also a recognized practice in the sea of emptiness.

Quickly. All the strong men of the Tianmu clan gathered in the transmission array to welcome the arrival of Zhu Di of the Xuantian clan and the people who shook the sky. Everyone looked at the transmission array with complex expressions. My heart was uneased, afraid that as soon as the sky, Judy and others came over, they started to kill and exterminate the Tianmu clan.

However, they also know that if Zhentian and Judy really have this idea, no matter how the Tianmu clan escapes, there is only a way to die.

Because there is no one in the Tianmu clan who can compete with Judy and shake the sky, and is not qualified to fight with the other party.

They can only passively accept everything.

The transmission platform made of blocks of divine crystals was shining. After everyone waited for a long time, a terrorist force that tore the void suddenly emerged from the inside of the transmission array.

The energy was so strong that all the people were frightened and trembled. They avoided it one after another and stayed away from the transmission array.

Suddenly, dazzling lights were intertwined, intertwined on the transmission array. At the moment when everyone was dazzled, figures came out of the transmission array one after another.

Konette resisted the tingling light in his eyes and shouted loudly, "Welcome to the sky, Judy's ancestor!"



The Tianmu people gathered here shouted together, revealing their most humble side, hoping to win a good impression of the other party.

The light and shadow gradually faded, and the shaking sky, Judy and the dragon lizard came out, swept the shaking sky's eyes, looked at all the Tianmu people in their eyes, and shook their heads secretly.

No member of the Tianmu clan can enter his eyes and be seen by him.

After turning around, his eyes stayed on Xiaoya. He closed his eyes and felt it for a moment. He said, "The gem on his body is very good, and the flame power contained in it is very strong. The little girl is lucky."

Like Changxi, shaking the sky also cultivates the mystery of the power of fire. He has a keen insight into some special flame treasures. The flame crystal given by Zi Yao is the only thing he can see in his eyes.

In addition, there is no one in the whole Tianmu clan, and a small thing can be taken seriously by him.

Shaking the sky in a simple sentence makes the eyes of all the Tianmu people gather on Xiaoya again.

Is that flame crystal again?

Everyone had a strange expression. Changxi's great move was to fight because of the crystal, which shook the ancestors of heaven. The first sentence was also the flame crystal. What kind of treasure is that?

"The death of the predecessors of Changxi and the Huofeng clan is because of this flame crystal, like this..."

Connett dared not hide it. He explained the story in detail for fear of missing any small details. He hoped that through his sincerity, he could show mercy to the sky and others.

Everyone's eyes lit up slightly, listened carefully to Conett's explanation, and looked at Xiaoya from time to time.

Half a sound, he grinned and suddenly said, "I think I know the reason."

He took a look at the ancestor of the dragon lizard.

The ancestor of the dragon lizard nodded and said, "She has completed the anti-guest master. Now she is one of the Taichu creatures. This Shiyan's female companion, in those years, should have been more powerful than the original pawn..."

He was one of the witnesses of the fight between Ziyao and Qi. He didn't know the result was like this. Now listening to Cornett's explanation, he has seen the truth clearly and knew that Ziyao was afraid that he would succeed. He replaced the main body with a split body and absorbed all the meaning of Qi's soul.

"No wonder Changxi will die. If you provoke someone you shouldn't mess with, you will naturally bear the consequences."

Shaking the sky smiled very cheerfully, as if he didn't take Changxi's death seriously at all. When he said this, the tense nerves of the Tianmu people suddenly loosened.

Only the ancestor of the dragon lizard knows in his heart that the weight of Shiyan and Ziyao is many times heavier than that of Changxi. As long as he shakes the sky and Judy is not stupid, he will not take the initiative to provoke Shiyan and Ziyao and cause endless trouble.

A long time ago. The shattered sea and the bottom of the sea. Ferrel knew about his private meeting with Shi Yan. When he was sued to Judy, Judy's attitude had shown that the Xuantian clan had ignored the matter of Ling Mei. Judy said at that time that she hoped that he could walk more with Shi Yan.

The ancestor of the dragon lizard is not stupid. Of course, I understand what the Xuantian clan means.

"I haven't seen Jia Ni for a long time, and I happened to go there to catch up." Judy also smiled gently, and her mind moved. Take the initiative to go in the direction of the valley.

Evelyn and others were really relieved at this time, knowing that this shocking and Judy's attitude was like this. It should not anger the Tianmu clan and do any extermination to the Tianmu clan.

Immediately, the people of the Cornett and the Tianmu clan took the sky, Judy and others to the valley with the most respectful attitude.

On the way. Zhentian and Judy secretly exchanged souls and reached a tacit understanding.

Valley mouth.

The roar of the Tiangong clan and the Jia Ni of the secret tattoo clan have appeared in advance. Both of them have a snake pattern on their foreheads. When they saw the shaking sky and Judy coming in person, their expression remained unchanged.

As soon as he saw the snake pattern on Xiaolie and Jia Ni's eyebrows, everything in Zhu Di's heart was clear. The two of them were more and more afraid to put on airs. Zhu Di smiled from afar and said, "Jiani, why are you here? And Master Xiaolie, you are also here. It's really interesting.

"Judy, you're getting younger and younger. Well, I think you know everything." Jia Ni smiled indifferently and said, "Come in with the shaking sky and the dragon lizard. The others stay outside. There are some words and some things. It's not convenient for the younger generation to know too much. What do you think?"

"No problem." Judy smiled brightly and said, "As long as I come in with the sky and the dragon lizard, all the others stay outside the valley. No one can say more about this trip of the Tianmu clan!"

The people of the Xuantian clan who followed came down Judy's words solemnly when they heard the words.

Immediately, in the surprised eyes of the Tianmu people and the Xuantian people, Shaking the sky, the dragon lizard and Judy followed Xiaolie and Jiani into the valley together.

In the valley.

Shi Yan, who closed his eyes for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, smiled indifferently, and got up and said, "I've seen Elder Zhu Di, I've invited you to come over. I really have something to talk about. Please don't mind."

"I had contact with your master for a while. When he stayed in the sea of the nihilistic realm for a while, he returned to the wilderness. Unexpectedly, although he died, he made a powerful apprentice like you. It is indeed bloodthirsty." Shaking the sky, he laughed and said boldly, "Don't pay attention to my unsuccessful junior Lingmei's matter. I hope that it won't become a grudge between us."

"No." Shi Yan shook his head calmly, "It's been a long time."

"Who is this?" Judy looked deeply at Ziyao next to her and hesitated for a moment. She said to him with a junior courtesy, "It's our honor to meet the strong man of the previous era in person. The junior is very happy."

Zi Yao smiled and nodded slightly, "You are very good at talking."

"I know you are very interested in Aoyi Fu Pagoda, and I don't sell it. Well, as long as you can collect enough energy or quench materials, I can help you quench a source charm." Shi Yan said directly, "Of course, it's not free. I also need you to do me a favor."

When it comes to the source charm, Judy, Shake the sky and the dragon lizard ancestor all have bright eyes.

They showed their expressions of interest and waited for the conditions offered by Shi Yan. The ancestor of the dragon lizard said, "Even if there is no source symbol, it's no problem for you to ask me for help. If it weren't for you, I might have died in the Lanyi region."

At this point, he looked at Ziyao with a little awe.

"You know, that's not me, so you don't have to hate it." Ziyao smiled.

The dragon lizard nodded, "I understand. It's just that the experience is too profound. Seeing you again is a little uncomfortable for a while."
