Kill God

Chapter 1542 The Name of Killing God!

In the virtual land, in a towering ancient castle in the virtual city, the top warriors of the soul clan, phagocytosis clan, black demon clan and ancient demon clan gathered together.

The prison of the soul clan, the Ega of the devouring clan, Rupert of the black demon clan, and Beverly of the ancient demon clan, these four people are all characters among the top ten ancestors. In the vast sea of stars, they are famous and can trembling in the star field.

At this moment, the four of them came to the ancient castle of the ancient demon clan with their apprentices and strong men under their command to talk about the disappearance of Napton and others.

Nupton, Keith, Rabbitt and Oliver are all strong people in the realm of the domain ancestor. In their race, their strength and realm are second only to them.

They entered the Lanyi Star Domain together, chasing Shiyan, Ziyao and Yuanzi, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

After the end of the war, the crystal wall of Lanyi Xingyu was torn, resulting in the turbulence of the whole domain, and there was no news from Shi Yan, Ziyao and Yuanzi, which surprised everyone and guessed the specific situation of the war.

"Soren is about to come to the virtual land. He invites us to enter the door of Taichu's door together. The stone rock holds the Aoyi Fu Tower, which is the key. As long as you can get the Aoyi Fu Tower, the door of Taichu will definitely be opened."

Beverly of the ancient demon clan is still bright and touching, but her eyes are cold. "That boy actually integrated the blood of Taichu and refined it into the body of Taichu. Now it's even more difficult to do. I don't know where he is hiding now. It's really not easy to find."

"Soon Mantis and Silo will also come. They must know the exact location of the rock. Just ask them then." The prison smiled indifferently and looked calm.

"Will they tell us honestly?" Ega snorted coldly.

"The opening of the door of Taichu is related to the interests of everyone, and Mantis and Silo will be no exception. At least they will invite Shiyan." The prison was calm and said with a smile, "As far as I know. Shi Yan can quench Taichu's body, and there is also the reason why Sauron secretly urged him. Don't worry, Sauron naturally has arrangements.

When it comes to Sauron, the strong men's expression are a little unnatural. Sauron is the triple heaven realm of the ancestor of the domain, and it is simply appalling to reach such a height as a human race. This makes them pretend to be a higher race. I'm also puzzled and feel a little humiliated.

The things about Taichu's door are also led by Sauron. They just passively accept it, which makes them a little uncomfortable.


A stream of water condensed from the center of the four strong men. In the surprised eyes of the four people, the water slowly changed, forming the appearance of the divine body of the Yuanpae. This divine body is between illusory and real, like a bubble in the water, which will break up as soon as it is touched.

Everyone watched the Yuanpa's body gradually condensed. After a moment of sternal, they screamed one after another: "Senior Yuan Pao?"

"Senior Yuan, what happened in the war of Lanyi?" After being stunned, he suddenly asked in his mind. The expression is awe-inspiring.

The split of the original pawn became clearer and clearer. With a hypocritical and compassionate expression, he sighed, "It's hard to say. I didn't expect that the stone rock was so ferocious. He and the newborn spirit joined hands to kill almost all the warriors who went to the past. Napton, Keith, Oliver Lie and Jiani, I'm afraid they can't escape death.

His face was full of bitterness, "I have tried my best to stop it. Unfortunately, the newborn spirit is too powerful, and Shi Yan doesn't know why his strength soared. In addition, the dragon lizard ancestor came with them, and I couldn't compete with the three people, and I couldn't maintain In the end, I also had to retreat.

After a long time, the soldiers of the main characters of the World War appeared for the first time, distorted the facts, and exposed the World War with his lies.

The people of You Prison and Ega, listening to what the Yuan Pao said, they were shocked and had an incredible expression.

Nupton, Keith, Oliver and Rabit were all strong people in the realm of Yuzu. Unexpectedly, they were all killed by Shiyan, which made them ignite their anger in an instant.

Those four people are the elites of their various ethnic groups, the strong ancestors of the domain, and the cornerstone of a race. They were killed like this, which simply reduced their racial power and challenged the hegemony of the four races in the Star Sea.

"Senior Yuanpao, are you sure they all died in the war?" Rupert drank, and his eyes flashed violently, like a fierce beast that was about to get out of control.

"Breaking through the stone rock to the realm of the ancestors, understand the meaning of swallowing up the meaning, and urgently need strength to supplement the divine power. To him, only the divine power of Yuzu can increase his strength very quickly. He went to the virtual land and started from Ferrer in order to accumulate strength..."

The Yuan pawn looked at the crowd, poured all the sewage on the stone rock, and deliberately provoked the anger of the four ethnic groups against the stone rock, in order to attract the strong of the four ethnic groups to kill the stone rock at all costs.

It's just that what he did was just unnecessary.

Because soon, there were people from the four races who rushed all the way with the latest news crazily.

"The patriarch! Big things are not good! Our soul ancestors were slaughtered, thousands of people were buried, and those who died were all virtual gods, first gods, and immortal strong people!" A strong man of the soul clan knelt down trembling all over and reported the news to the prison.

As soon as he said this, all the strong people here were so discolored that they couldn't believe the truth.

The soul clan of the seven races, the ancestral land was slaughtered, and the strong were killed. Who is so cruel and bold?

"It's a stone rock! He turned into a ferocious giant to devour more than a dozen black holes formed by Aoyi, and swallowed up our people one by one!" The man continued.

You Prison and Aga, Beverly and others were shocked by this, and their faces were pale, and even the soldiers were as dull as wooden chickens.

The Yuan paw has been lurking in this era for many years, hiding his identity and motivation well. His realm cultivation has reached the three heavens of the ancestors, which is even stronger than in the Taichu era. He did not dare to fight against any clans of the seven clans, for fear of causing an unmanaccompressing situation.

I didn't expect Shi Yan to be so reckless and didn't care about the consequences. No matter how much impact it could cause, he actually started to kill in the soul clan.

"Prison, so that you can tolerate it?" Beverly is a little gloating.

"The soul clan is passive. Maybe your other races will also suffer." The soldier reminded, "I suggest that you'd better contact the clan immediately and make every effort to defend!"

His words reminded Beverly, Ega and Rupert. The three of them were ready to contact the clansmen without much hesitation.

However, when they were just ready to communicate with the strong in the clan, they stayed outside and rushed over in fear.

"The patriarch! The ancestral land was invaded, and the people were killed and injured!"

"The patriarch! We, we have been killed by many people!"

"Shiyan slaughtered our territory... The people of the ancient demons, devourers and black demons outside screamed. Trembling to explain the latest news. Let Beverly, Ega and Rupert all go crazy.

They didn't have time to discuss the details of the Taichu Gate. The four strongest realms immediately left the virtual land at the fastest speed and with the strongest power. They returned to their ancestral land one after another.

The news of the massacre in the four major ethnic groups was somehow leaked out and exploded in the whole of Hanoi in an instant. It makes all races boil.

The ancient demon clan, soul clan, phagovouring clan and black demon clan for hundreds of thousands of years were invaded and slaughtered by the clan. It has never happened in hundreds of thousands of history.

Everyone realizes that there may be great changes between heaven and earth.

Shi Yan's fierce name, driven by unstoppable, the whole galaxy spreads in every domain, which deterred all the strong men, so that the self-deplorious and vicious people sighed. Those races that have suffered the losses of the four races and have been suppressed by many people are cheering.

The situation in Star Hanoi has become turbulent due to the crazy revenge of Stone Rock.

For hundreds of thousands of years, people who dare to challenge the four major races in the whole era have never appeared.

However, now, a "killing god" called Shiyan is frantically slaughtering the four ethnic groups. It is rumored that Napton and Keith have died violently, and the killing of Shiyan will continue...

The name of "killing god" in Shiyan spread among hundreds of millions of creatures in all races at the fastest speed.

His fierce name even surpasses the ancestors of the top ten domains. He is known as the spoiler of this era, and it is possible that the situation of the times will change as a result.

In a domain under the Xuantian clan, in a rubble piled up of meteorites, Ziyao is moving inside the ruins, looking for the possibility of the remnants of Taichu blood crystal and dark energy crystal. Shaking the sky and Judy and the dragon lizard are waiting outside the ruins and talking casually.

Even this ruin, they have led Ziyao to seven ruins and monuments in a row. Those are all found by the Xuantian clan after decades of exploration. They are considered to be the relics of the Taichu era. Ziyao will go deep into it alone every time, and will not explain whether there is any harvest every time.

She will come out after a while, and then let Shatian and Judy take her to the next relic point.

This place is already one of the last two relics mastered by the Xuantian clan. Shaking the sky and Judy are in a complicated mood and silently waiting for Ziyao to come out.

Suddenly, Judy's eyebrows moved, and a strange crystal in her mind quietly swirling.

Soul messages were transmitted from the crystal and echoed in Judy's mind. Judy didn't care at first, and then soon the soul flew away and couldn't help screaming: "God!"

Shaking the sky and the ancestor of the dragon lizard looked at him with an inexplicable face.

In the middle of the sound, Judy took a deep look at the divine light lines abandoned inside, took a deep breath, and her tone trembled slightly. "You must not be able to imagine where Shi Yan went and did something earth-shaking and horrible things after separating from us!"

"What's going on?" Shocking the sky.

Judy took a deep breath and stabilized her emotions. "After Shi Yan separated from us, he went to the ancestral land of the soul clan, the black demon clan, the phagovouring clan and the ancient demon clan. Taking advantage of the secluded prison, Rupert, Ega and Bevry in the land of the void, he The first god and the immortal strong man were almost slaughtered!"

In the frightened eyes of the ancestor of the dragon lizard, Judy smiled bitterly, "It's good that we came to the Tianmu clan in person and reached an agreement with Shiyan and Ziyao. Otherwise, maybe our Xuantian clan is also a goal of his crazy attack! God, the strong people who have slowly improved over hundreds of thousands of years, the soul clan, the black demon clan, the ancient demon clan, and the core cornerstone of racial strength, were almost killed.

Shaking the sky and the ancestor of the dragon lizard, listening to Judy's words, felt cold all over, as if there was a cold air, which came from the bottom of the heart and spread to every corner of the body.
