Kill God

Chapter 1564 Laying the Winner

Most of the clans of the soul clan, the devour clan, the black demon clan and the ancient demon clan were eternally sealed by the amber space. The balance of the battle should have been evenly matched was broken in an instant!

If this battle continues, there is no need to think about the result, and it will inevitably be stopped with the destruction of the four ethnic groups!

In particular, the highest leader of the ancient demon clan, Beverly, one of the top ten domain ancestors, was also sealed. Without her existence, Ega, Prison and Rupert were also at a disadvantage in the highest level of battle.


The ripples came from the sea, and the newborn spirit quickly shrank in the black water. In the process of shrinking the body, the sea water of the black ocean was also gradually included in its horrible body.

In the blink of an eye, the tortoon disappeared, and the human split soldier stepped on a river and came out again.

He looked up and looked at the shadow of the sky snake in the depths of the sky. He looked at the purple glow on the master of the snake. He looked gloomy and cold and said, "There is no need to continue this battle. Let's get out of here."

Ega, Prison, and Rupert looked at the people beside him with heavy expressions and frowns tightly.

After this war, their people suffered heavy losses. Those who were sealed were their main force. If they all became fossil ice sculptures, they might never be able to come out.

On the other hand, on the side of shaking the sky and Hero, the popularity of the clan is high, and the evil spirit is like a rainbow. The fierce atmosphere that they can't wait to kill them all means that those people's desire to fight is very strong.

The battle is no longer under their control, and they have to stick to it. I'm afraid their people will be buried here.

Ega, Prison and Rupert nodded one after another, acquiesced in the retreat and defeat of the clan, and wanted to follow the soldier to leave the battlefield and end the battle.

"It's not that easy to leave calmly." The Xiluo of the white bone clan, like a golden sword, has a sharp and fierce momentum, firmly locked the three people.

Shaking the sky, Judy also sneered. He stretched out his hand and made a gesture. Many people of the Xuantian clan gathered together, and the soul altar floated in the sky, and there were vast and infinite energy fluctuations.

"No one of you has reached the domain ancestor's triple sky. Are you qualified to intercept me?" The soldier snorted.

The dark river under his feet suddenly extended and flowed to the depths of the void sea, rolling into the arcane fluctuations of the water. With the most exquisite energy breath of the mystery of water. As soon as the people of Ega, Prison and Rupert stood in the river, they were immediately sheltered by his power.

The endless stream, with a black ribbon, will lead everyone except Ega, Rupert and the prison to disappear into the distance at a very fast speed.

Yuan pawn and the three strong men. Standing at the end of the river, guarding it solemnly.

Shaking the sky, Judy, Hero, Mantis and others felt the terrible atmosphere in the Yuanpaw and the stream. I was shocked and didn't do it immediately, but looked at Ziyao in the sky and the stone rock in the distance...

Zi Yao sat inside the amethyst throne. Looking down, he said indifferently, "Let him go."

Everyone immediately looked at Shiyan again. Shiyan grinned, smiled evilly and coldly, and said, "Let them go..."

Shaking the sky and others don't say much. With a cold face, he saw the enemy leave, and no one intercepted him.

Soon, the people of the four races were sent to the depths of nothingness by a black stream. The eyes of the yuan pawn, the prison and others swam around the crowd and stepped on the stream and gradually drifted away.

When the stream completely disappeared, the purple snake body condensed into a cyan light spot, faint in the middle of her eyebrows. She slowly landed from the void, and her graceful figure was infinitely beautiful. "The strength of the snake is very strong. It has not experienced the final bloody battle of the early era, and it has not been seriously damaged. After so The amount is very terrible. Unfortunately, it is not talented enough, good at conspiracy and forbearance, but it does not dare to really give up the cultivation and battle of life, so that the accumulation of divine power is extremely deep, and there is still not much breakthrough in the realm..."

Ziyao looked at the crowd, "We don't rush it, and its threat will not be particularly great, but once it feels that life and death are threatened and explodes all the power accumulated over the hundreds of millions of years, then the people on our side, except for those who have reached the realm of the ancestors, will be safe and sound."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were embarrassed, and their doubts were solved.

"The three heavens of the domain ancestor are the ultimate of the creatures of heaven and earth. It is also a very new creature. The power stored in the body of the god can destroy dozens of realms. Once it all breaks out, unless you are in the same class, there are not many people who can afford it at all. Zi Yao said lightly.

Everyone nodded secretly, and immediately stopped talking more. They also knew that they were overwhelmed by the fruits of victory, which was a little irrational.

"In this battle, the victory has been laid, and the following is to try to get the benefits as much as possible." Ziyao smiled, stared at Shiyan with bright eyes, and said softly, "Shiyan will lead you to pick more fruits of victory. A strong man of space who has reached the realm of the second heaven of Yuzu will be the nightmare of all enemies!"

Everyone couldn't help looking at the stone rock.

Shi Yan grinned and said leisurely, "The door of the soul clan's hinterland has been opened, and the three soul souls that have been cultivated for ten thousand years have been collected. The cultivation materials accumulated by the soul clan for tens of thousands of years should be emptied at this moment. Elder Emma and Meiji may have begun to fight against the territory of the black demon clan and the ancient demon clan..."

Shaking the sky, Hero, and Mantis were overjoyed when they heard the words, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Although the Yuan pawn is strong, after all, he does not understand the ingenuity of the meaning of space. At the speed of prison, even if he knows that the core of his clan has been looted, it is not possible to really return in a short time." Shi Yan's face became evil and cold. "But I can let you reach the territory of the black demon clan and the ancient demon clan in an instant. When they return to their homes, we should have done everything we should do."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Shiyan suddenly closed his eyes, and a bright space mirror flew out of his eyebrows, and the space mirror swirled, reflecting different illusory spaces.

From those spaces, a strip of space light is suddenly emitted, and those lights slowly condense and knead, quickly forming two space corridors.

"It depends on your means to reach the black demon clan and the ancient demon clan respectively. As for whether you can break through the boundary of the periphery." Shi Yan shouted.

Shaking the sky, Silo, and Mantis ignored a glance, roared happily, and all ordered the strong in the clan to rush towards the two empty channels respectively.

A large number of Xuantian and Baigu clans disappeared in the channel one by one. Through the end of the channel, they could faintly see the vague appearance of Meiji, Sea Shark Emperor and others.

In a short time, in this volcanic cloud sea area, except for the amber closed space, there are only stone rock and Ziyao left.

"This absolute time and space seal is very terrible. The soldier can't break it, and I can't open it." Zi Yao thought and looked deeply at the place of eternal seal. "This is a miracle created by you and that girl, which can be admired by later generations."

"To be honest, if I do it again, I don't have the confidence to recreate such a miracle." Shi Yan frowned, "In addition to the resonance of divine power and righteousness, opportunities and luck are also part of some things. I believe that Mandtis, like me, knows that it is impossible to create this miracle again."

"You are right. Many magical meanings need luck to work." Zi Yao nodded and immediately said, "How much energy have you collected this time?"

Shi Yan didn't answer, and suddenly closed his eyes with a smile.

In the vast battlefield where the fragments of warships are suspended, seven huge devouring abyss suddenly emerge little by little. The seven devouring black holes are rolling like hurricanes, and there is a surging energy inside. The energy is very mixed, with too much scum and negative smell.

needs to be purified, to remove the dross, and extract the essence.

Among them, there are many soul fragments, which are the people of the Xuantian clan and the Baigu clan, as well as the clan of the Tiangong clan. Because of the explosion of the soul, those soul fragments are left with vague memories wrapped in energy and lose the possibility of rebirth.

"Am of them, there is a person from the Xuantian and Baigu clan. Although they are completely dead, if they see me absorb it with their own eyes, they will still feel more or less uncomfortable. Therefore, I can't collect them one by one until they leave first. Shi Yan explained in a low voice.

Zi Yao nodded with a smile, "Well, after all, he is his own people. Even if they die in their hearts, they should rest in peace. This is all they can't look away from. Between the vast heaven and the earth, the soul of death will dissipate and become the energy of heaven and earth again..."

The seven devouring black holes, under the traction of the stone rock mystery, slowly turned into seven dark and ink-like spheres, disappearing in the middle of his eyebrows one after another.

His face was slightly distorted, he took a breath of cold air and drank: "Good luck. The harvest this time is also not small. It seems that only the bloody war is the fastest way for me to break through."

"What you can achieve, that devouring... can also be done. This war of the times has been set off, and it will definitely not continue to settle down." Zi Yao looked sad. "From the time it returned to the clan, its strength is slowly recovering. It should be the clan of the clan. After capturing the creatures in the realms under their command, it will be swallowed and refined. If its strength has recovered to a certain extent and it is confident that it is not afraid of the real strong of the seven clans, then it will definitely leave the ancestral land of the phagoating clan and engulf it in the vast sea of stars. I always have a hunch that it will take the opportunity to do it..."

"There must be a war between me and it. My devouring mystery comes from it. Only when I refine it can I devo up the mystery!" Shi Yan said coldly.

"The light in the Aoyi Fu Tower may be the key to your victory!" Ziyao's eyes were bright, "It is the light that helps you break free from Zhenru's invasion. Rumor has it that the first light that shines out when Taichu woke up. One of the main materials for quenching the Aoyi Fu Tower is the Eye of Taichu..." RQ