Kill God

Chapter 1572 Domain Broken

A wisp of soul in the wilderness, with Audrey as the carrier, makes Zi Yao like a big enemy.

Soon, the dragon lizard ancestor realized that something was wrong. He summoned with his soul and tried to call Mandtis, Hero, Shake Tian and others to help. Ziyao's expression moved, and he noticed the action of the dragon lizard ancestor, and immediately stopped it: "Don't move! His soul energy can go deep through any end of the barrier and keep me in place!"

Ziyao's shout made the people who were ready to react. While staring at this area, they continued to condense their strength and guarded the area they protected.

The barren soul settled in Audrey. Audrey's cold face twisted and became vague. With Audrey as the source of power, he suddenly looked at the stone rock in the distance and exhaled a dreamlike strange voice. After the sound was made, the shining Taichu seal was next to him. It condensed out, as if the elves were arranged in the ancient array of the Taichu Dynasty.

not far away, the stone rock turned into the body of Taichu, holding the shrinking divine continent tightly with both hands, and quenching it with all its strength.

Suddenly, from the secondary soul inside the divine continent, there was a very fierce turbulence. The connection between the main soul of the rock and the secondary soul was cut off in an instant!

The divine continent suddenly flew out of his palm, turned into an arc of light, and flew quickly towards the wilderness.

"How can my split soul and my split be easily refined by others? It's so naive." Talking coldly, a strong ghost flame gushed out of her body. Audrey's soul in the soul of the soul clan was hidden in the space of her soul refining tripod. At this moment, the soul turned into a faint black light and instantly fell into her soul altar.


The crisp and pleasant sound came from the Audrey's soul altar, and the soul of the domain was melted in an instant and turned into a small soul pool, located in the depths of Audrey's ghost-like sea of knowledge.

In an instant, Audrey's strange breakthrough. The magic ancient tree grows up with the trend!

"It's worthy of the soul body that I once selected. The qualification is really extraordinary, and there are artifacts available. It's wonderful!"

He nodded coldly, and the soul refining tripod suddenly emerged, steadily suspended in the void, and the crying and screams of hundreds of millions of souls roared out of the tripod.

"This is a first-time artifact. It can only fall into my hands. Only then can we truly show the power of the application. He looked at Ziyao and said calmly, "What do you think?"

There was a chill in Ziyao's heart. She thought it was just a wisp of consciousness and could not make waves in the world of clouds and Mongolia. However, now listening to the words of the wilderness, she finally knew at any time. You must not underestimate the God of War in the early days!

Audrey was originally just an immortal realm, which was different from the realm of the alien world, and her soul was captured by the wilderness. The wilderness releases all the power of Audrey, which is at most the peak of immortality, which is limited by Audrey's own realm power. He should not pose a threat to himself.

However, now, Ziyao finds that she is wrong...

A domain soul hunted by the soul clan is Audrey who is ready to break through to the immortal triple heaven realm to advance to the domain ancestor, so she did not take it for the time being. I also know that the timing is not right.

In fact, the original Audrey really can't reach the level of refining the soul.

But after her soul consciousness was temporarily taken away, it was completely different. At this moment, she occupied her soul altar. With the height and insight of the wilderness, it took no effort to refine a domain soul. In a short period of time, the soul of the domain was strangely integrated into Audrey's soul altar. For a soul pool!

After merging the soul of the domain, the power that Audrey's body can release immediately reached a new height, and Audrey also holds a soul refining tripod. The soul refining tripod is a Taichu artifact, which contains countless evil spirits. Audrey can't exert the real power of this artifact at present.

It's okay!

With the words of the wilderness, the hundreds of millions of fierce souls in the soul refining tripod suddenly gushed out. The fierce souls and ghosts, in the change of the wilderness, condensed into hundreds of ghost dragons. The whole body of the ghost ghost dragons were as black as ink, the scales were warm, the pupils were blue, Bite to Ziyao crazily.

The ghost dragons are condensed with tens of millions of fierce souls and ghosts. Their most fierce and cruel spiritual energy is wonderfully condensed into one, condensed into one, and the overwhelming soul impact momentum makes Ziyao rise and change color.


The sky is like a waterfall, falling from the depths of the nine heavens, and the snakes in the sky spit out rainbows with their mouths to kill those ghost dragons.

"Unfortunately, there are still too few fierce souls stored in the soul refining tripod. If there is a holy soul of Taichu sitting in the town, the power of the soul refining tripod will definitely be better." He said to himself, no longer looking at Ziyao, and focused on the divine continent flying towards him. He said indifferently, "My split, my split soul, can also be integrated into the soul of the girl's body. After integrating this split soul and split, I can fight with you."

The divine continent turned into an arc of light and flew away to Audrey. The body of Taichu appeared, and the stone rock, which had just been refined, was stunned for a few seconds and suddenly roared like a huge thunder.

In the roar, Shiyan's pupils were scarlet-colored as blood, and he tried his best to run the meaning.


One by one, the black holes devoured condensed in the sky of the cloud and Mongolian realm. The black holes were hundreds of mu large, and the internal violent evil forces were raging.

Soon, several devouring black holes merged together and turned into a huge black hole that could engulf heaven and earth, covering Audrey's head.

The power of devouring rotation between heaven and earth is released from the black hole and suddenly applied to Audrey.

Audrey's soul altar was pulled out of abruptly and emerged from the top of her head. In her gloomy altar, her main soul suddenly turned into the cold and cold appearance of the ghost. This appearance is really a human split that could change in those years.

He is sitting on Audrey's soul altar, which is gloomy and dark, and you can't see the truth inside.

Looking up at the crazy swirling devouring black hole, he looked cold and said lightly, "In those years, I couldn't swallow me up in the war of devouring my righteousness. What can you do? It's a pity that in order to deal with me, he passed on part of the Aoyi brand to the bloodthirsty, and finally made the bloodthirsty power. The brand fell on you again and again. Unless you and he are integrated into one, you can't swallow the Aoyi and the eight evil forces can do anything about me..."

During the speech, the divine land will be immersed in his soul, the fluctuations from his soul, and the first seals on that day have an irresistible attraction to the divine continent!

The divine continent and the soul split in it were originally part of him. In those years, when he was asleep, the split body and the split soul could still compete and have a sense of autonomy. However, now his strength has been restored, and the energy of the stone rock in the split soul can no longer control his soul energy.

"The stars are falling!"

The falling galaxy emerged brilliantly and condensed into a brilliant galaxy. With the shouting of stone rocks, the stars suddenly rolled down like gems.

The landing point points straight to the soul of the wilderness!

"Flamp down the galaxy?" Huang sneered, "In those years, its owners were all bombarded and destroyed by me. How could it hurt me?"


The energy that violently hit the barrier in the field became ten times fierce. The dragon lizard's ancestor couldn't stand it and fell from the void with blood splashed all over his body.


With the explosion and cracking of the crystal wall, the torrent of rolling energy fell down and condensed into a lush towering ancient tree. The ancient tree seemed to be able to connect the void of heaven and earth. The top pierced through the barrier of the cloud and Mongolia world. I don't know where it was, and hundreds of millions of forked branches

Countless crisp leaves, with strong vitality, hit the stars in an instant.

The explosion roared all over the sky, and the sky of the Yunmeng realm seemed to be torn, and the light shattered the space. The realm seemed to collapse. The towering ancient tree grew crazily, and the rhizome fell steadily, reaching the top of the head of the soul in the wilderness.

Life Soul Tree!

This is the towering ancient tree that the stone rock once saw in the barren continent. The rhizome of the ancient tree goes deep into the interior of the barren continent, and the branches and leaves cover the sky. It is the most famous artifact in the early Taichu era!

As soon as this Taichu artifact came out, the whole Yunmeng realm seemed to burst, the void crystal wall was smashed like a mirror, and all the creatures in the Yunmeng realm would be exposed.

His originally small soul also swelled in an instant, and his energy climbed up crazily.

The torrent of deep-sea soul energy has sank into Audrey's soul altar. In a short period of time, at least half of the soul power of the wilderness has crossed the sky.

At first sight, Ziyao saw that the situation was not good, and she could no longer care about the life and death of the creatures in the cloud and Mongolia world. The bodies of the twelve heavenly snakes were reunited from division. She also sat in the crystal throne of the head of the snake head. The divine body became a colorful neon condensed, blooming

Shaking the sky, Silo, and Mantis were shocked.

From Ziyao's description, they have regarded the wilderness as an invincible strong man. However, when the wilderness really took action, they realized that they still underestimated the horror of the God of War. Only part of the soul that landed in the body of Audrey can be so horrible. If the body really comes, the sky and the earth, Who can be the enemy?

And they also know very well that the famine at this moment is not the strongest famine!

Only after the complete integration of the split body and the split soul, the wild is the god of war in the early Taichu era, and it can be regarded as the real peak state!

If so, what else can suppress him in today's era?

As they thought, in this era, no one wants to see the complete integration of the wilderness. The phagocy in the forbidden land is one of them, and Sauron, who is guarding the gate of Taichu, is the other one.

The wilderness crosses the space, and the fleeting movement of the soul is earth-shaking. Sauron, who has been paying close attention to the changes of the sea of stars, immediately knows what the ambition is.

He couldn't help taking the lead!

Almost at the same time, he slaughtered the virtual land and the devoured sea, restored great power, and operated the same power as Sauron. In order to stop the integration of the wilderness, he was forced to do it... Sorry, today is just one chapter~~RQ