Kill God

Chapter 1573 Shiyan replenishes the sky!

In the vast sea of stars and the boundless universe, there are only a few characters that can really be seen by the wilderness, and Sauron and Eater are two of them...

Just as the wilderness knows the power of Sauron and phagocy, Sauron and phagocy are more profound and terrible. It is clear that once the famine is completely refined, how frightening it will become!

No one wants to see the wilderness recover all its strength!

Because it is the biggest disaster for the existence of other creatures, and it is an irresistible blow!

Sauron and Shi have to do it!

Along the seaside of the nihilistic realm, the turbulence of space is turbulent, and there are many star domains, which slowly melt like glaciers, melt in the sea of the nihilistic realm and turn into a part of the nihilistic realm sea.

At this moment, in a corner of the sea of nothingness, a shining light point is constantly expanding, with strong soul energy, penetrating layers of space shackles and reaching the end of the world at the other end.

Space can limit the body and the divine body, but it cannot limit the pure soul energy, and cannot limit the Taichu artifact that integrates with the soul energy. This is the wilderness, which is the wilderness world. The soul energy passed from it rapidly flows into the cloud and Mongolia realm and the other end of the void.

Those soul energies ignore the obstacles of space, are invisible and colorless, and connect with the desolation of the cloud and Mongolian realm, and continue to enhance the power of the wilderness.

Suddenly, another soul energy penetrated from the forbidden land of the ecstasy in the depths of the sea. The soul can quietly change and condense into a dark rice grain. The rice grain gradually changes, from which eight white-boned islands suddenly fly out, and the island is obvious. The thick and pungent fishy smell rose to the sky. All rushed to the white light spot.


The expanding white light spot quickly became larger, and a devastating roar came from the inside.

Almost at the same time, another soul energy comes from the endless abyss. The soul energy condenses into a vague figure. The figure holds a dazzling wheel and pushes the operation with both hands, as if distorting the power of fate.

Countless imaginary phantoms floated out of the roulette and fell to the white light spot.

The roar of a dragon that shook the sky. From the white light spot, the soul energy flying out of it seemed to be suddenly cut off, and the fate of the soul was like an instant confusion. All kinds of meanings deviated from the original direction and began to become uncontrollable.

The black spot turned into a dark cave. The eight white-bone islands located in the sea of thick blood are flying around the wilderness. Eight evil forces, such as death, destruction, despair and darkness, spread out of the eight white-bone islands and penetrate into the wilderness.

Sauron, who devoured and came, had a tacit understanding with each other. They didn't say a word, but started at the same time. Together to suppress the real body of the wilderness and cut off the soul energy released by him.


The crazy roar oscillated out of the wilderness. A ferocious and huge dragon head suddenly appeared in nothingness, roaring at the devouring black hole and the virtual shadow of Sauron. The soul energy flooded like the sea, sweeping in all directions!

Eight white bone islands, impacted by the energy waves, suddenly swayed and quickly retreated.

Sauron's vague figure. He was swept over by a huge wave, like a leaf of a strong wind, floating around, but the roulette in his hand was still dazzling, and there were more images like a torrent of memory. With the mysterious atmosphere of disturbing fate, it flows into the waves of the soul.

Here, Sauron ignores the space distance. With the pure soul in the soul pool, tacit understanding can restrain and bind the wilderness body and the general soul.

At this moment, part of the soul's thoughts fell to the Yunmeng realm. In the face of Ziyao and the strong threat to compete for the identity of the soul occupied by Shi Yan, when the situation was in a good situation, he did not expect that the nest would be ambushed. Sauron and the soul attacked his soul and began to attack his

The threat of Sauron and phagocy made him irritable, but there was no way to be indifferent.

The most powerful creature in the world almost didn't want to see him recover all his strength. As soon as he found that he tried to integrate all of them, he couldn't help but start one after another and disrupted his steps in an instant.

"I will slaughter you sooner or later!"

The roar of the wilderness spread endlessly, the sound passed, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the galaxy trembled endlessly.


The cloud and Mongolia boundary of the barrier explosion.

Ziyao sat on the head of the snake, and condensed with both hands. The twelve snake heads gushed out a wide meteor-like strange light. The strange light was like a bright rainbow, building a strange bridge to bind the wild soul tree of life.

Shaking the sky, Xiluo, and Mantis, all of them operate the power, show the realm, and also rush to the soul tree of life.

The starlight of Shiyan Taichu's body rolled, and he fell into the galaxy in his hand, roaring ferociously, to flood the soul tree of life with the sea of stars.

Sitting on the altar of Audrey's soul, his mind moved, and the ghost dragons swam all over the sky, and the place where they passed was gloomy and cold, so that the mystery of shaking the sky and others was mixed with impurities, and the operation was greatly restrained.

The famine of the general soul, relying on the soul tree of life, relying on Audrey's soul refining tripod, hard to resist the strong forces in the cloud and Mongolian world, but did not fall behind.

"Void Cut!"

The stone rock roared crazily, the chest was torn, and the flesh and blood were opened. As if it had opened up the void turbulence, the power of the indestructible space turned into a crystal pole of lightning. The electric light condensed one by one, forming a huge blade that could split the world and cut the realm. The

"Oh my go!"

The giant blade crossed, and the void of the cloud and Mongolian realm was like a piece of tofu, which was cut off. The realm was divided into two pieces, and the middle was divided by a river of hundreds of millions of space flowing light. The river of flowing light connects the real nothingness and the eternal dead place.


The terrible huge blade can tear the realm, but it can be cut on the soul tree of life, but there is the sound of blunt weapon cutting on the golden stone. The soul tree of life did not break, but just a huge crack.

The huge blade splashed in the white light all over the sky, and a surging vitality flowed inside the soul tree of life. The crack healed in an instant, and no trace of injury could be seen.

However, this cut is not without any effect. Everyone saw that in the explosion of the huge blade, the soul condensed into substance was violently distorted and turbulent, becoming slightly blurred.

"Continue to cut with the sharp blade of space!"

Ziyao's delicate drink came from the depths of the clouds above his head. With Jiao's drink, there were also twelve rolling long rainbows, which were like twelve swords of thousands of miles long, and also stabbed on the soul tree of life.

The soul tree of life suddenly shook.

Shi Yan's expression was excited, and the catalytic power of death again in the roar of anger condensed dark energy and turned into a new void.


Suddenly, the barrier of the cloud and Mongolia world can't stand the division of the void and directly collapses.

Countless dead and cold winds, the twisted power of turbulence outside the region, and the violent solar explosion fluctuation, suddenly rolled down from the outer layer. There were many meteorite streams, dragging bright flame rays, and also falling to the mainland of the Yunmeng realm.

The warriors and mortals living in the cloud and Mongolian realm, looking up at the sky, have a sense of despair at the end of the road. Seeing the collapse of the sky and the earth, they seem to see that their lives will soon be taken away, falling into the endless nothingness and eternal dead world.

"Soren! Sauron! Eat it!"

The famine of suspended Audrey's soul altar screamed like crazy when it burst into the Yunmeng realm, and then it was to be taken back by him, and it was instantly out of his control.

The connection between Shi Yan and the divine continent and the secondary soul was also reconnected because the line of desolate fate was disrupted.

He didn't know what had happened to Huang, but he would never miss the opportunity. At the moment when the contact was established, he temporarily stopped the condensation of the power of space, gathered all the soul consciousness, pulled the divine continent with all his strength, and pulled it to his chest little by little.

"No! No!"

roaring furiously, the power seemed to be out of control, and it seemed that there was something more important to do. His soul tree of life and the soul sitting on the Audrey altar suddenly condensed into a river of energy. The river of energy rolled upside down to the outside void, penetrating the broken void crystal wall at a faster Return.

Everyone looked up at the sky with a surprised face. I don't know why the murderer dropped the chain at the critical moment and evacuated inexplicably.

"Stone rock! Relock the space and repair the void crystal wall!" On the lower continent, DiCarlo screamed with a frightened face.

Screaming together, everyone suddenly realized the disasters in the region. Seeing that countless storms were coming, they all used their magic power to help the rock counter the terrible natural disasters that were enough to destroy the cloud and Mongolia world.

At the sight of the crisis of the situation, Shiyan did not dare to hesitate. The space prism in the soul altar took the initiative to fly out. The space light curtain in the space prism was like a crystal chain, and suddenly flew in all directions, turning into a pair of dexterous space hands, condensing space energy, and re

With the penetration of his strength, those broken crystal walls are really like broken mirrors. The combination is glued by the power of space and turns into the original thick shape.

Only when he reaches the level of space, can the broken domain boundary be restored to its original state!

Those natural wonders that landed were intercepted by Ziyao, Shaking the Sky and others, and were directly smashed in the void, and there was no continent that could really fall below.


The divine grace continent gathered again in the chest of the stone rock, like a huge heart beating, slowly contracting, and the secondary soul of the internal stone rock took the initiative to release its strength and melted it little by little.

The stone rock is replenishing the sky with the power of space, and the eyes and stars turn. Looking at the divine continent, he suddenly opened his mouth and suddenly sucked!

The continent, led by countless starlight, like a walnut, completely submerged into the stone rock mouth, slowly disappeared in the astonished eyes of everyone.

He swallowed the divine land into his belly!

"Solon, eat, did these two people also take action?" Ziyao looked through the crystal wall, looked at the deep place of nothingness, and thought deeply, "It should be them, and only their level exists, which can force the wasteland to return the soul to the body. It seems that the world do not want to see the wilderness really recover."
