Kill God

Chapter 1587 Swallow everything!

Ega is still lost in the illusion of pursuing the ultimate mystery.

The stone rock body smiled grimly, expanded rapidly, and soon turned into a towering giant, which could compete with the body of phagocytosis and Ziyao.

At the same time, his split body is moving step by step towards the source of devouring Aoyi, trying to integrate the ultimate power core of devouring Aoyi and control the source of evil power!


The angry shout, like a rolling and wandering wave, resounding violently between heaven and earth.

In the lost Ega's body seemed to be impacted, shaking violently like an electric shock. The confusion on Ega's face was swept away. When he woke up, he immediately understood his task.

"Stop it!"

Huge bloody fingerprints, bloody clouds all over the sky. This is the death mark, the death mark condensed with the power of death.

Dozens of dead seals turned into clouds and pressed against the split body of the rock.

The thick blood wave came like a mountain and a sea. The split body of Shi Yan suddenly felt chest tightness and palpitations, and the pace of moving forward suddenly stopped, not to look at the bloody hands falling all over the sky.

"The pearl of rice grains also dares to compete with the bright moon! Seal of life and death!"

This split, the two hands are hidden together, the left hand is like holding the rules of death, the right hand is like dominating the rotation of life, one hand is bloody, the other is full of life, death and life are two completely different meanings, the void condenses, the two handprints merge into a huge fingerprint mixed with death and life.

That fingerprint, as if it can truly dominate life and death, and can carry out the most coordinated cycle. The ultimate mystery of hundreds of millions of creatures in heaven and earth, from birth to death, from death to life, seems to be hidden in that palm seal.

Amazingly, the bloody hand fell all over the sky and touched the huge seal of life and death. It immediately became dim.

The arcthical power in the death condensed by Ega was affected by the mark of life and death, which changed from substance to illusory, and slowly dissipated from illusion, and disappeared little by little.

Like the thick smoke blown by the hurricane, it soon disappeared.


A wisp of strange wave of life rippled from the seal of life and death, and finally turned into a wisp of vitality. Suddenly, it disappeared into the ferocious body of the stone rock.

That split. The previous meaning of life, such as being removed from the body, has restored the gloomy and cold absolute evil.

The split continued to go to the source of devouring Aoyi, without looking at Ega, and regarded Ega as nothing.

When Ega was extremely angry, the sky. One finger carried an endless amount of domineering violence and suddenly oppressed him.

That's a finger of the stone rock body, which contains the power of thunderous power. Press Ega with the brute force of the pure Taichu body.

Ega is just an ordinary person, for him. The finger of the stone rock body is like a huge mountain. He saw the huge mountain fall, and he felt that the surrounding nihilistic world was sealed like nature.

The previous huge seal of life and death quietly dissipated. It's like forming a kind of confinement.

The confinement of his soul and divine body made him watch the top of the mountain, but he couldn't move.

"Let's smash it to pieces."

Stone rock thunderous shout, from the depths of emptiness in the sky, the sound fell, Ega was pointed by that finger, the divine body suddenly burst, the bones were pressed into meat, and blood splashed out, like a drizzle...


The roar of devouring anger suddenly sounded. At this time, Ega's body turned into a blood light, rolled up his bones, blood organs and altar, flew away from the finger of the stone rock, and instantly fell to the absolute darkness where he was.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I can give you everything again!" As soon as he sucked the body, he swallowed Ega's bone dregs and altar, and then the tentacles were like dragons, crazily entangling the rock.

The tentacles twisted, dexteriously slashed and entangled, and the ghost faces with blue fangs appeared at the tip of the tentacles, which made people dizzy at a glance.

One of the tentacles twisted and changed, and magically transformed into a green shadow, which flashed away in the fierce battle.

When it flashed again, the green shadow had crossed the Ziyao and the stone rock body, quietly approaching the split of the stone rock that went to the origin of Aoyi...

"Huh?" The stone rock split was slightly stunned and suddenly turned his head.

The green shadow is like a green light curtain. Suddenly, it is oppressed. A distorted spiritual consciousness, destroys the altar, and makes people fall into despair. It is shrouded in the complex mystery, and instantly invades the mind of the stone rock.

"The split of devouring! The body is also formed by the mystery of the imperial soul!" Shi Yan immediately understood and sneered. He nodded and frowned.

In the heart of the eyebrows, a small black vortex flashed faintly, and the eight islands representing the eight evil forces also emerged in a pocket shape, around the black vortex, running in a strange and difficult way.

The eight evil forces of soul, death, darkness, destruction, despair, corrosion, chaos, and corpse power, surround the devouring mystery, as if condensed into a stream!

A force of the extreme of evil encapsulates the eight evil senses and turns them into a vague virtual shadow of the demon god. The virtual shadow flashes, as if the most evil creature is born, and the breath of twisting the heaven and earth to destroy the sea of stars burst out, and the momentum alone makes the surrounding nothingness solidify.

With the virtual shadow of the demon god condensed by eight evil forces, the eyes are as red as blood, the green light curtain comes, and the hands are torn on the top of the head!

If you want to tear the sky in half!

"Oh my go!"

The sound of the brocade and silk being torn came out clearly. The green light curtain really cracked, together with the body of the green shadow.

This devouring split was torn to pieces, and the soul was torn apart!

"Eight mystical integration! You can also integrate the mystery! It's impossible!" The body howls, the hysteria becomes crazy, and the tentacles all over the sky turn into green dragons, to collapse this nothingness.

Zi Yao, the body of the twelve heavenly snakes, and the body of the stone rock condensed into the body of Taichu, are also roaring in unison, and their own power. For a moment, the meteors fell like a rain of fire, a bright and mysterious sea of stars condensed, and the sharp blade of space is like a saw knife

The violent collision like the sky collapsed and the earth broke out here. Ziyao and Shi Yan tried their best to compete with the devouring body and contained its fierce flame.

Tore up the split, the split of Shi Yan did not act in a hurry, but stagnated for a while.

He wanted to see if there was any new trouble. He waited for a while. He found that although he roared crazily, under the full-out bombardment of his body and Ziyao, he was completely divided, and there was no sign of a strong man coming nearby for a short time. After a moment of meditation, he continued to act.

He walked to the source of devouring Aoyi again.

This split suddenly released the nine evil, gloomy and strange breaths of devouring, soul, death, darkness, destruction, despair, corrosion, chaos, and corpse power. The fluctuation of the meaning is constantly changing, making his whole person evil and terrible, making his momentum very terrible.

However, after devouring the origin of the mystery and feeling the completely consistent fluctuation of the mystery, it calmed down.

The dark whirlpool devoured the origin of the meaning, like a faint evil pupil, staring at the approaching stone rock.

The island turned into eight evil forces also stopped moving, but constantly releasing the royal soul, death, darkness, destruction, despair, corrosion, chaos, corpse breath, and the wonderful echo of the fluctuation on the rock...

Shiyan's expression was shocked!

By swallowing the small details of the origin of Aoyi, his confidence increased greatly. He was sure that his method was completely feasible. The devouring of the source of Aoyi did not exclude his split! This means that he has been qualified to be recognized by the origin of swallowing Aoyi, and he can really go deep into it!

Shiyan walked calmly, walked to the source of the devouring mystery, slowly approaching, close at hand...

Suddenly, a soft but irresistible suction came from the source of devouring the mystery!

The split body of Shiyan floated, simply and simply disappeared into the source of devouring Aoyi, and the heart of the dark whirlpool flashed away.

He was swallowed up by the origin of Aoyi!


Hundreds of millions of intricate negative emotions, such as violent and turbulent waves, flooded into his mind in all directions, poured into his sea of knowledge, soul pool, altar, realm, soul division, and into his skeletons, acupuncture points, blood, veins, and internal organs!

In the absolute darkness, he kept spinning, as if towards the source of the evil of the universe and towards the heart of the universe.

As if the negative emotions of the whole universe, all the demons in the bottom of the heart of despair, fear, killing, violence, destruction, and ** desire can be connected with this place! Those evils that breed from the hearts of the whole universe have flooded at this moment and burst out crazily!

All of them are raging towards him, completely drowning him!

"Swallow! Devour! Swallow the world! Swallow everything! Essence, nothingness, planet, consciousness, thoughts, thoughts, emotions! Everything!"! He abides by the core law of devouring the mystery in his heart.

Feeling the impact of the endless evil thoughts of life, he subconsciously started to devour the mystery. The endless evil negative thoughts and emotional desires, such as pouring in from every corner of the whole universe, poured into his whole body!

720 acupuncture points all over the body, such as connecting 720 different domain boundaries in an instant, leading the despair, fear, ** desire, destruction, violence, killing and resentment of hundreds of millions of creatures in a domain world, to inhale them by devouring mysteries, inhale his realm, and hide them in his divine body!

This kind of severe pain in the body, mind and soul is by no means that ordinary creatures can compete with. When negative emotions come all over the sky, Shi Yan's soul almost collapses. He was almost submerged by those negative thoughts and turned into the most evil demon god in heaven and earth, and became completely crazy.

"Come on! Come on! Come on, all of them!"

Under the impact of endless evil thoughts, he roared hysterically, completely let go of the divine body, let go of the spiritual consciousness, open the sea of knowledge and acupuncture points, and the crazy operation devoured the mystery!
