Killer Princess: handsome and cold prince

Chapter 33: The Memory of the Direst Sin

"Young master, there are only ten left." The supervisor couldn't bear to look at the bloody girls. Fortunately, NO.31 was still alive.

"Eleven." The young master said in a low voice and looked at the little girl who climbed up from the pile of corpses. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, she avoided the most difficult test with the least effort. Thinking of her thin girl, it seemed that she had not survived. Oh, but it's not the end yet.

One of the ten surviving girls saw the little girl. She walked slowly. The killing had made her blood boil, and she couldn't help but want to continue killing! Aiming at the deadly place, she is going to be fatal! But she didn't expect that this little girl, who seemed to be twice as thin, reacted faster than her! Almost instinctively, she avoided the long knife that stabbed her and bent down to stab her little dagger into the girl's abdomen with all her strength! She remembers that this girl is NO.6, the oldest of the trained girls, 15 years old.

"That's right. Let them have a good rest for a month, and next time, it's time for them to fight against the ten trainees in the boys' department. Finally, leave ten, and that's it. After seeing the little girl kill NO.6, the corners of his mouth rose. He was really a simple girl.

Before the decisive battle, nine other big girls were discussing how to deal with the trainers in the boys' department, while the little girls were excluded and looked down on her or hated her. They all think that her victory depends on luck, unlike them. The supervisor's attitude towards the little girl is becoming more and more indifferent. She almost doesn't exist as a little girl.

That day, she sat on the window sill on the corridor in a daze. She was too lonely. Because there was a decisive battle, the girls' and the boys' department were isolated. She couldn't talk to her companions and was a little scared. There seemed to be someone behind her, and she was on alert all over. Go to hell!" The person behind roared and was about to push her down, but the little girl dodged the push. The girl behind fell forward due to inertia and fell straight out...

At that time, she should be able to hold the girl, but she didn't... She just silently watched the body fall to the ground and fall on the ground with fallen leaves. The red blood dyed the yellow leaves red.

"You actually killed your companion before the decisive battle!" The supervisor grabbed her clothes, pulled her to the already stiff body, and was furious with her again.

But she still said nothing, and the supervisor didn't know what to say to her, "You are simply not a human!"

"She is not a human, so what are you?" The young master's voice suddenly intervened.

"Young master--" The supervisor was stunned. She didn't expect that the young master would come at this time, and he was still facing this NO.100. Oh, by the way, the young master seems to have always favored this little girl.

"Supervisor Qin, do you think I'm protecting her?" The young master looked at Director Qin coldly.

"No, no." The supervisor stably explained.

"It's not a good habit to have a good habit." The young master's voice became colder, "I can tell you that I'm protecting her. You hate her because she killed three girls trained together. However, it seems that your other students killed much more than her. Is there something wrong with your judgment?

"Young master - don't you encourage them to kill their companions?" Supervisor Qin finally couldn't help questioning the young master. She believes that the measures taken by the young master are unreasonable.

"What? Aren't you full of me?" The young master asked coldly.

"I'm not dissatisfied, it's just--"

With a bang of gunshot, the supervisor fell down in front of the girl and never got up again. Her eyes were still looking at the girl until she died, full of hatred.

"Supervisor!" NO.31 saw this scene and screamed uncontrollably, with heartbreaking pain.

"Zero." The young master took a look at the bodyguard who shot and killed the supervisor.

There was another gunshot, and the girl as beautiful as a doll also fell down like the manager. The other girls were so scared that their legs were weak, and some of them shed tears. Only the little girl NO.100 was silent and witnessed everything without any emotion.

"Well, these girls are really useless. Zero, except for her, everyone else sent it to the wind. The young master calmly gave the order.

Later, she learned that Feng was the owner of a bar... These girls were sent there and no longer trained as killers, but as spies. Those who are not smart and unqualified seem to be eliminated.

This memory has been sealed in her mind, which can be said to be unbearable to look back. How did she get here at that time? She doesn't remember at all... She seems to be a natural death like a supervisor. You can take a person's life quietly... No, she doesn't want to do this. She has no choice.

Lan Ruoyan suddenly felt so cold that the heat of her blood seemed to have disappeared. She tightened her clothes and lowered her head. Lan Ruofeng, who was beside her, asked worriedly, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I just feel a little sleepy. Brother, you and Brother Su should go back first. I want to take a lunch break." Lan Ruoyan whispered that she didn't want them to see her current appearance, and they would be worried.

"Then let's go first. You must tell us anything, especially your body. You should pay attention and eat more, which is good for your health..." Lan Ruofeng's voice seemed to be getting farther and farther away, more and more blurred, and finally fell into silence.

She seemed to faint, Lan Ruofeng was worried again, and Su Mu...

When she opened her eyes, it was late at night. The bedroom was a little dark, and only a lamp was left at the head of the bed. It was so noisy... It seemed that many people gathered around her bedside to talk. She tried to raise her eyelids to see who was by the bedside. As a result, when she saw it clearly, the violent heartbeat almost jumped out of her throat. Supervisor, NO.42, NO.31, NO.6 stood by the bed covered in blood, less than a step away from her. Behind them are other girls. Their bodies are incomplete at death, but their eyes are open and they look at her desperately.

"NO.100 is the only one left - come on -" The supervisor opened his mouth, but his mouth used blood.

"Go away! Go away--" She shouted out for fear of closing her eyes.

With a few gunshots, she opened her eyes, and the ghosts in front of her disappeared. The ground was very clean, as if nothing had happened. At this time, the sound of footsteps came, she looked up, and NO.2 took the gun and walked to her.

"Brother Su--" looked at the face and she shouted softly.

"No, NO.1, I'm NO.2." He smiled gently, and the muzzle touched her eyebrows.

"Why did you betray me! Why?!" Facing him, she was not afraid, but asked angrily.

"Because--" She saw his mouth move, and his voice was too low. She didn't hear him clearly, but she understood his lips. Then there was a gunshot, and the bullet seemed to penetrate her head. It hurt so much!

"Ah!" Waking up from the nightmare, Lan Ruoyan actually screamed.

"Yan'er, what's wrong with you?" Su Mu, who was standing by the bed, saw her like this and hurried forward to shake her hand.

Xuanyuan Chen by the window saw this scene, and his expression froze in an instant.

The hand was a warm package. Lan Ruoyan raised her eyes. When she saw Su Mu's face, she pulled her hand back and then waved it on his cheek. She gritted her teeth and roared, "Liar!" A liar who said he loved her and ended her life!

Her move shocked everyone in the house, including the queen who was entering the door...

"Yan'er, don't be afraid, I'm here." In order to stabilize the situation, Xuanyuanchen hurried to the bedside and sat down, hugged Lan Ruoyan in his arms, and comforted him in a low voice. He also didn't understand why Lan Ruoyan suddenly hit Su Mu. Probably, Su Mu really did something wrong to her.

"sister, what's wrong with you?" Murong Qingqing quickly approached and shook Lan Ruoyan's hand. Seeing her like this, she felt a pain in her heart. What happened? Lan Ruoyan would become like this. She was fine when she came to see her yesterday.

"Wow~hoo~" Lan Ruoyan's breathing was a little short. She closed her eyes and waited until her breath stabilized before opening it. She saw that Murong Qingqing was worried and barely squeezed out a smile that could reassure the other party and replied weakly, "Sister, Yan'er is better..."

"That's good. How is the health of Princess Chen? Murong Qingqing was relieved when she heard Lan Ruoyan's words. She looked sideways at the imperial doctor who was waiting aside and asked harshly.

"When she returned to the Empress's words, Princess Chen was originally sick, and she was depressed, which led to the deficiency of qi and blood to suddenly faint. I have prescribed a prescription to replenish qi and nourish blood, which should be able to relieve Princess Chen's condition. The doctor answered truthfully.

"It's your help." Lan Ruoyan knew that half of his serious illness was not disclosed and did not blame him. I guess he was afraid of being charged. She can't be more aware of her own body. It is natural that Lan Ruoyan's physique is naturally bad and her beauty is thin.

She looked at Su Mu with some guilt, and she regarded him as NO.2. The slap was so heavy that half of his face was red and swollen. I'm sorry, Brother Su... I just had a nightmare..."

"It doesn't matter. I'm too reckless." Su Mu turned his face a little. He was afraid that Lan Ruoyan would feel uneasy when he saw it. He also knew that her slap was not for him, and the hatred in his eyes at that time was strange to him.

"sister, is your cold disease happening again?" Lan Ruoyan's body was the most obvious to the people present. He watched her grow up and knew that she was naturally afraid of cold.

"I don't think so." Ruoyan shook her head. Although she still felt very cold, she was just a simple feeling of weakness and loss of life.

"The smoke looks very tired. Let her rest for a while." Xuanyuanchen looked at Lan Ruoyan's lifeless appearance and was also a little worried. In his memory, she had never looked so fragile now.

After knowing Xuanyuan Chen for so long, Lan Ruoyan felt that his words were the cutest. She was really tired.

"Okay." Although everyone was a little worried, they still had to disperse.

Xuanyuanchen was about to leave after helping Lan Ruoyan cover the quilt, but was held by the latter. He turned around. She looked at him and whispered, "Stay with me..." She was afraid of having nightmares again, and somehow she wanted to rely on him most now.
