Killer Princess: handsome and cold prince

Chapter 25: The cold affection of human life and ants

As soon as Xianxue woke up, Lan Ruoyan came over and asked warmly, "Xianxue, why did you faint on the roadside?"

The bloodless lips moved, and the snowy eyes saw Lan Ruoyan and burst into tears in an instant. He choked back, "It's the slave who is stupid, which makes Concubine Ye unhappy. She doesn't want to be a maidservant..."

"So she can leave you outside! She has gone too much!" Lan Ruoyan was angry when she heard the words, but she didn't expect that Nangong Jinzhi was not only calculating, but also treated people so cold and viciously!

"Mother... I have nowhere to go in the future... Whoo..." The snow tears flowed all over her face and full of grievances.

"She doesn't want you, and you can stay in Lanxin Pavilion." Lan Ruoyan came forward, wiped away tears for her, and comforted her in a soft voice.

All this seems so real, but it is so unreasonable. Biyun silently observed the delicate snow, and his delicate eyebrows slowly knotted. Ye Fei's not Xianxue is by no means such a simple thing on the surface, but Lan Ruoyan has said that she wants to leave Xianxue, and she can't persuade her as a slave.

After leaving the snow, Biyun told Biyou that everything that the snow had moved should be checked one by one. Biyou was puzzled, "Sister, this Xianxue looks weak and cowardly, and she won't dare to do anything to murder the princess, right?"

"People can't be good-looking. The more seemingly impossible people are, the more they should beware. The general entrusted Miss to the care of our two sisters and must not live up to his trust. Biyun shook his head and disagreed with Biyou.

"Well, that's what my sister said." Biyou nodded.

But until Ye Fei's birthday family banquet, there was no problem for Xianxue to stay in Lanxin Pavilion. Chen's palace held a family banquet. Lan Ruoyan, as the hostess, was going to do it in person. Thinking that the Empress Dowager and a group of princes would come here at that time, she also spent some time to take care of this matter.

The first wife held a birthday banquet for the younger wife, and Lan Ruoyan really thought about it. But these days, Xuanyuanchen is always sad because of the incident in Wanxin Village, and she is not easy to play with her temper. A decent woman should be the primary and secondary.

It is inconvenient to have an open-air banquet in winter, and Lan Ruoyan is located in the hall. Dozens of dishes were selected, and the drinks were made with roses. The best tribute wine, drinking roses without fainting, the body will overflow with red sweat due to the rise of body temperature, with the fragrance of roses, so it is called "rose brewing".

There is also the troupe. Lan Ruoyan specially asked Liu Ya to invite the troupe from Fengyulou. Since it's good, it's all good. Sending the banquet list to Songtang, Xuanyuan Chen shook his head when he saw the list on it and said, "It's just that the family banquet doesn't have to be so grand, not to mention the birthday of the side room."

"If this... is too simple, is it a little rude? They are all princes and nobles." Lan Ruoyan asked late.

"Yaner, you worry too much. I am also a nobleman. In terms of dignity, except for the emperor, I am the biggest. But this does not mean that the banquet will be luxurious. What's more, I didn't intend to hold this banquet. Xuanyuanchen got up and walked to Lan Ruoyan, "Look, how many silver taels should these items add up? Now is the critical time. We can't take it lightly and give the enemy an opportunity.

At this point, Lan Ruoyan knew that Xuanyuan Chen was reminding her to keep a low profile. It was indeed her negligence and nodded, "I understand."

So the entries on the list were cut in half, and someone was sent to send a copy of the prepared list to Fanghua Building. Nangong Jinzhi stared at the list! He stretched out his hand and threw it, "I have never been so humble when I was in my mother's house!" Marrying is worse than in the past!"

With that list, Nangong Jinzhi went to Lanxin Pavilion, and Xianxue avoided it in panic as soon as she came. Lan Ruoyan thought that she should be afraid that Nangong Jinzhi didn't say anything, so she went.

"Does Concubine Ye come to this palace today to have a problem with this birthday banquet?" Lan Ruoyan asked Nangong Jinzhi, who was angry on the opposite side.

"Since the princess knows that my concubine will be dissatisfied with this, why is she so determined!" Nangong Jinzhi gritted his teeth and asked.

At the sight of her like this, Lan Ruoyan couldn't help but be happy. Fortunately, she didn't hold such a grand birthday banquet for Nangong Jinzhi, otherwise she would have been a donkey's liver and lungs! It's really not worth it to be good to this kind of person!

"If I tell you that these are all set by the prince, will Concubine Ye still have any objection?" Lan Ruoyan smiled, only sarcasm, "Even if this palace is the hostess of this royal palace, I still have to listen to the prince in the end. Do you know that there is humility and order?"

"You..." Nangong Jinzhi knew that she was turning around and said that she didn't know the rules, but it was true that she was in the side room and Lan Ruoyan was in the main room. She should listen to Lan Ruoyan. Finally, she held back her breath and saluted, "It's my concubine's impulse to offend."

"As long as you know, go down." Lan Ruoyan doesn't bother to look at her any more. This woman is full of plans and likes to play with yin. Always be wary of dealing with her, which is more careful than getting along with Liu Yuying. It's so tiring!

"Princess, there is another thing for my concubine to come today." Nangong Jinzhi stabilized her mood, but she still had to put up with it before the big deal was achieved.

"What's the matter?" Lan Ruoyan asked lightly.

"This is my concubine's birthday banquet. I want to draw up the guest list in person. I don't know if it's possible?" Nangong Jinzhi lowered his voice.

After thinking about it, Nangong Jinzhi's request didn't seem to be too much, so he nodded, "These are your things, and it's up to you."

After getting the consent, Nangong Jinzhi also accepted it and saluted and retreated. After coming out, she thought that she had never been so angry in her life, and she would definitely return it twice! Quickly step out of Lanxin Pavilion.

Lan Ruoyan feels that in this birthday banquet, whether it is Xuanyuanchen or she, she has given enough face to Nangong Jinzhi. However, this fashion is for people who are greedy. What's more, Nangong Jinzhi insists on holding a birthday banquet not to celebrate her birthday, but "Xiang Zhuang's dance sword is in Peigong"! She never thought that she held a "Hongmen banquet" for herself!

The banquet was held in the evening, saying that many princes and nobles came, but most of the guest list drawn up by Nangong Jinzhi were relatives and friends of the Nangong family. Only the Empress Dowager and King Yu were invited in the royal family. Lan Ruoyan felt strange, but after all, Nangong Jinzhi was the birthday star. Whatever she wanted to do was her freedom.

When meeting Xuanyuanzhi for the second time, Lan Ruoyan smiled awkwardly, and the latter seemed calm. Hearing Chen'er call you Yaner, I don't know if I can also call you that?"

"Uncle, this..." Lan Ruoyan didn't know how to deal with it for a moment. To be honest, Xuanyuan can also be said to be a handsome and elegant figure, and may be more manly than Xuanyuan Chen because of his age and experience. However, she is his niece! How can there be too many intimacy?

"Why doesn't Uncle sit down yet?" Xuanyuanchen didn't know when he came behind Xuanyuanzhi. In fact, he saw Xuanyuanzhi from afar. He was looking for Lan Ruoyan in the shuttle flow of people, but he didn't expect to see Xuanyuanzhi smiling and talking ambiguously to Lan Ruoyan. Suddenly, he became jealous. This guy dared to look at his princess like this!

"Oh, Chener, I didn't expect you to care so much about your princess." In terms of men and women, how can Xuan Yuanzhi say that his experience is richer than Xuan Yuanchen? A pair of cold eyes when Xuan Yuanchen looked at him, he understood that Xuan Yuanchen was warning him and laughed, "This is more like a royal brother!"

"Cough." The Empress Dowager's cough came from a distance. Obviously, she was warning Xuan Yuanzhi not to say anything wrong. Xuanyuan stopped talking as soon as he saw her. After saying a few more polite words to them, he turned around and sat down in his seat.

Lan Ruoyan looked at Xuanyuan and the empress dowager in the upper seat, and guessed why King Yu was willing to listen to the empress dowager? Generally speaking, this sister-in-law and brother-in-law should not have anything else. She looked at Xuanyuanchen, who shook her head and whispered, "Sit first and act on the occasion tonight. Nangong Jinzhi has never made any good ideas!"

With a chill all over, Lan Ruoyan never thought what would happen to this small family banquet. But on second thought, the assassination and murder between those women happened at such a time when there were many people. Is it that Nangong Jinzhi intended to harm her?

With no time to think about anything, Liu Ya came to the stage as the master of ceremonies and clapped his hands to the crowd, "Everyone, the 17th birthday banquet of Concubine Ye has officially begun! The following is a song by the Fengyulou theater troupe to sing "Ma Gu's Birthday" for everyone.

It has become a fixed trend for the ancient people to sing "Happy Birthday" just like modern people singing "Happy Birthday" around the birthday cake. Lan Ruoyan, who had no feelings for the opera, didn't watch much of "Ma Gu's Birthday". With pear blossom brewing, she tasted it unhurryly and observed the guests present from time to time.

The first time she saw the empress dowager and Nangong Shen, the king of Qi. When he greeted him at the door, his eyes were full of displeensure. Thinking of the opportunity of Nangong Jinzhi in Chen's mansion, he should not like this person who hinders his daughter from being favored.

Looking at Xuanyuanzhi, it seems that I don't like to watch "Ma Gu's Birthday" and eat all the dishes on the seat. Lan Ruoyan saw that he ate with relish and wanted to eat it himself. She looked sideways, and Biyun Biyou stood aside and was ready to serve at any time.

"Biyou, bring some almonds." Lan Ruoyan ordered.

"Yes." Biyun bowed and was about to turn around and retreat to get almonds.

At this time, Xianxue came forward and said, "Mother, I'll get it for you."

Looking at the snow strangely, Lan Ruoyan thought that she avoided Nangong Jinzhi as soon as she saw Nangong Jinzhi in Lanxin Pavilion. Why did she follow her at Nangong Jinzhi's birthday banquet today? He narrowed his eyes and remembered what Xuanyuan Chen said, "Act on the spot," so he nodded, "Go ahead."

As soon as the latter left, Lan Ruoyan said to Biyun, "Go and look at her."

"Yes." Biyun answered, and she was a little relieved. Lan Ruoyan finally paid attention to the little girl and raised an incalculable smile on the corners of her mouth.

When the almonds were on the edge of the snow, Lan Ruoyan glanced at the peeled almonds, picked them casually, and looked at the blue cloud that came back after the snow. The latter nodded, and then she chewed the almonds in her mouth, which was very sweet. Is this even more strange? If they want to hurt her, isn't this a good opportunity?

After singing "Ma Gu's Birthday", it's time for the guests to toast. Lan Ruoyan walked to Nangong Jinzhi and held the wine and said to her, "I wish my sister a long life."

"Thank you, sister." Nangong Jinzhi got up, picked up the wine glass in the tray with blue clouds, took a sip, and then smiled, "This rose brew is really sweet."

But the glass was put down and suddenly frowned. She covered her abdomen, looked at Lan Ruoyan in disbelief, and pointed to Lan Ruoyan tremblingly, "King, princess... You actually poisoned!" After she finished speaking, she spit blood and fell down unsteadily.

"Jinzhi!" Nangong Shen, the king of Qi, exclaimed and ran over to help his daughter. Looking at her daughter's dying breath, she roared at Lan Ruoyan angrily, "Come on! Arrest Princess Chen!"

This happened in an instant. Before Lan Ruoyan could react, a bodyguard came forward to capture her. Stop it! What do you think this place is!" Xuanyuanchen witnessed all and knew that it was the people of the Nangong family who planned to frame Lan Ruoyan. Knowing this, how could he allow the people of the Nangong family to mess around!

"King Chen! Do you want to cover up your princess?!" The Empress Dowager scolded angrily and got up to look at Xuanyuan Chen severely.

"What if it is!" Xuanyuan Chen did not show weakness, but stood up and confronted the empress dowager.

At the moment when the sword was drawn, there was a burst of loud laughter. Everyone followed the laughter, as if Xuanyuan, who had been in the state of an outsider, smiled and looked at this side with wine in his hand and enjoyed it.

"Your Highness Prince Yu, it's very rude of you to do this." The Empress Dowager frowned and said harshly.

"I can't help it, sister-in-law, I can't help laughing when I see interesting things." Xuanyuan closed his laughter, but his eyebrows were still smiling and sarcastic.

"What do you mean?" The Empress Dowager looked at him coldly, "Is it funny that the imperial concubine plotted to kill the side concubine?"

"I'm not laughing at her, I'm laughing at the King of Qi." Xuanyuan said in a low voice, "If my daughter is poisoned, she is not to find a doctor first, but to arrest people first. Is it a little unreasonable?" This could not be more obvious. Tianhou stared at Xuanyuan straight, as if to warn him not to talk nonsense.

At this time, everyone turned their eyes back to Nangong Jinzhi. Her lips were blue and her face was as white as paper. Although her body was held by Nangong Shen, she was still trembling. Obviously, the situation was wrong! Jin Zhi! Jin Zhi! How are you?" Nangong Shen also panicked.

"The one in the Empress Ye is to curb her throat." Biyun, holding the tray, said in a low voice.

"Blue Cloud! How do you know?" Lan Ruoyan was shocked and looked at Biyun.

The latter's face was calm, his eyes turned to the rear, and he said to Xianxue, "Because the maidservant saw that Xianxue's nails were black. Only those who touch the throat powder will turn black. Unless they are washed with vinegar, they can't be removed.

As soon as she heard Biyun's words, Xian Xue looked at her hand in a panic. As expected, her nails were black as Biyun said!

"You bold slave! How dare you murder Concubine Ye!" Xuanyuan Chen seized the opportunity and scolded Xianxue.

"No, no! It's not a slave, it's not!" Xianxue explained desperately, but how could Xuanyuan Chen let go of this opportunity to exof Lan Ruoyan?

"It's not you! Who else! Come and take her down!" Xuanyuan Chen's order, and the bodyguards of Chen's palace surrounded and escorted Xianxue down.

Then he went to the imperial doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Xuanyuan Chen did not stay next to Nangong Jinzhi, who was dying, but Lan Ruoyan. Before Lan Qifeng came, he must not leave Lan Ruoyan. She knew that he came to Lan Ruoyan at tonight's banquet. But I didn't expect that Nangong Jinzhi was so cruel that he used himself to make a bitter meat trick!

But Lan Ruoyan was not worried about her safety at this moment. She asked Biyun, "Biyun, did you already know that Xianxue was going to poison the wine?"

Biyun was stunned, "Mother--"

"You haven't looked back. How do you know that the snowy nails are black?" Lan Ruoyan smiled bitterly.

Biyun knew that she couldn't hide it, so she admitted it frankly. Yes. The maidservant knows. Ye Fei arranged Xianxue by your side for this day.

"Since you know that the wine is poisonous, why don't you change it?" Lan Ruoyan was even more surprised.

"Why should I change it?" Xuanyuan Chen sneered, "Since she has that thought, wouldn't it be better to complete her?"

"Your Majesty..." Lan Ruoyan looked at Xuanyuanchen and was puzzled.

"Yan'er, you can only control evil with such a woman!" Xuanyuanchen smiled and said that there was no mortal emotion, as if he was talking about a vicious beast at this time.

With his lips closed, Lan Ruoyan said nothing more. This is the struggle for power, and the loser will only have a miserable end. She is protected by so many people that she can't taste the pain of failure. If one day, she will be like Nangong Jinzhi, will others also think that she has spared her life?

The imperial doctor and Lan Qifeng and his son arrived almost at the same time, but Xuanyuanchen took care of Lan Qifeng first. "General Lan, I'm relieved that I will hand over Yan'er to you." After hurriedly explaining, he went to Fanghua Building with the imperial doctor.

After Biyun reported what had just happened to Lan Qifeng, the latter looked more and more serious and said in a low voice, "It seems that the king of Qi has begun to revenge on the Lan family."

"Revenge..." Lan Ruoyan was shocked. She thought that Nangong Jinzhi framed her just because of the competition for favor in the backyard, but she didn't expect to involve so many old sorrows and new hatreds.

"Sister, you should be careful in Houmen. Those women seem to be weak in front of people, but in fact, they are fierce inside. I'm afraid they are not inferior to their husbands." Lan Ruofeng is also worried.

Alas, it's just that women do this, which is also forced by the situation. Lan Ruoyan never felt that she was pacifist, but when she saw Nangong Jinzhi wandering, she couldn't help softening.

"Father, don't worry, Yan'er is self-balanced. However, as the hostess of King Chen's Mansion, I should also go to see the situation of Concubine Ye. Lan Ruoyan replied softly and walked slowly towards Fanghua Tower.

Lan Qifeng looked at her firm back and sighed in his heart that his smoke had finally grown up. The side eyes signaled Biyun and Biyou to follow them before walking behind them.

As soon as she entered the room full of Nangong's relatives and friends, Lan Ruoyan instantly received several unfriendly glances. She looked up and proudly returned with a cold look. Everyone didn't expect that the delicate Lan Ruoyan would have such a fierce look. Smiling at these people's superficiality, people say that they are tiger girls, but they shouldn't underestimate Lan Qifeng's daughter!