Killer Princess: handsome and cold prince

Chapter 11: Princess Ye's death

"I know that he and your master seem to have some resentment. It was your master who knocked him off the cliff in those years..." How could Xuan Yuanchen not worry? The poisonous gentleman has always been moody. If he sees Lan Ruoyan thinking of the old things and go crazy, wouldn't Sang't it be dangerous?! If you want to see him, I can accompany you."

"No, I'll go to him alone. This is about me and him. Chen, don't worry, I will protect myself." Lan Ruoyan comforted Xuanyuanchen and said.

Although Lan Ruoyan said so, Xuanyuanchen was still worried. I personally accompanied her to the dark headquarters, which was a cool old house. The appearance is simple and unpretentious, and it looks like an old abandoned house. The wall is much higher than the ordinary house, covering up the situation in the inner courtyard.

"Your Majesty, is this the place to cultivate meticulous work?" Lan Ruoyan asked curiously.

"Hmm." Xuanyuan Chen nodded and looked up at the high wall, "This was chosen by my father and master for me that year."

Seeing the sadness in Xuan Yuanchen's eyes and knowing that he remembered some unpleasant things in the past, Lan Ruoyan shook his hand and comforted him softly, "Your Majesty, it's all over."

"Not yet." Xuanyuan Chen looked down at Lan Ruoyan, shook her hand back, and said tightly, "In the past few days, it's time to see the result!"

"Hmm?!" Lan Ruoyan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she will see the result in the past few days!? Is Xuanyuan Chen ready to rebel!? Prince, is it--

opened his lips to ask. Xuanyuanchen stretched out his index finger and gently pressed her lips and whispered, "Don't ask, the princess has something about the princess. The prince can't ask. The prince also has something the prince wants to do alone. Don't ask."

Looking at Xuanyuan Chen's pulse, Lan Ruoyan couldn't help shouting, "Cun..."

Xuanyuanchen first heard this call, first stunned, and then said with a smile, "Song Er, don't worry."

He said "Don't worry" until Lan Ruoyan realized that she was worried about his safety. She was afraid that he would be in danger at that time. The heartbeat changed too much because of him. Lan Ruoyan seemed to understand that he was becoming more and more important to her.

Lan Ruoyan walked into the house, and Xuanyuan Chen waited outside. When he left, he especially explained, "If there is a situation, you must call my name." She smiled, nodded, and entered alone.

According to the location told by Xuanyuanchen, Lan Ruoyan walked straight inside. As soon as she saw her phoenix-patterned palace clothes and Danfeng Chaoyang, they knew that she was the imperial concubine of King Chen. They also knew that King Chen sent her here in person, and no one dared to stop her. All the way to the poisonous gentleman's pharmacy, I saw that the room was full of bottles and cans, and some dead mice. One more step in, the smell of rotting corpses became stronger.

She walked slowly behind the poisonous gentleman and stopped three steps away from him. Lan Ruoyan looked at the cold back and unconsciously trembled, but she was not such an easy person to be scared!

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Before turning back, the poisonous gentleman asked sarcastically.

"How do you know it's me?" Lan Ruoyan was stunned. He didn't even see her come in. How could he know it was her?

"The Empress has the fragrance of orchids, and she is not talented. Even if she enters this dirty house, she can smell the smell of the Empress." The poisonous gentleman said in a low voice, but still did not turn back.

"Since you know that I am a princess and that you are a subordinate, why don't you turn around and look at me talking?" Lan Ruoyan was unhappy and said to the poisonous gentleman with an order, "I order you to turn around!"

"My subordinates don't turn around because I'm afraid that the Empress will be scared to see my subordinate's face." The poisonous gentleman replied with a sneer.

"Why can't I see your face?" Lan Ruoyan asked back. She knew that the appearance of the poisonous gentleman had been destroyed. Wen Wei had also told her that Wen Wei's eloquence was really shocking. But no matter how ugly it is, it should not be as horrible as the people in the biochemical crisis of the 21st century.

"Then please don't be surprised." The poisonous gentleman said and slowly turned around. His face was not only a scar, but also a sore and pus on his cheek!

Lan Ruoyan only felt her stomach rolling, but fortunately it was not very scary. She asked flatly, "How can your face be like this?"

"Why is this so? Haha... Didn't your master tell you?" The poisonous gentleman stared coldly at Lan Ruoyan, and his smiling face looked more and more ferocious.

"The master said that he failed to hit you down the cliff and caused a scar on your face... How did the abscess on your face come from?" Lan Ruoyan was shocked and wondered how crazy this poisonous gentleman was.

"Have you ever heard of the Five Poison Palms?" The poisonous gentleman approached Lan Ruoyan, and the closer he got, the stronger the ancient rotten smell became. Did the smell come from him?

"It is rumored that people who practice the five poisonous palms will destroy their appearance, and the more upper-level they are, the uglier they will be..." Lan Ruoyan recalled and stared at the poisonous gentleman, "You can be said to walk alone with poison. Why do you still practice such poisonous martial arts?"

"This is not to deal with your master. Your master's skills are far above me. If he comes to kill me again, will he sit down and wait for death?" The poisonous gentleman said fiercely.

"After he knocked you down the cliff, the master has been regretting it. How could he kill you again for no reason?" Lan Ruoyan doubted and looked up at the poisonous gentleman without fear.

"Because I want to kill someone who is important to him." The poisonous gentleman smiled faintly and turned around. He thought that the well-goverished Lan Ruoyan would be shocked by his appearance, but it didn't seem to be like that. Do you know who that person is?"

"I know." Lan Ruoyan replied indifferently, "When I was not born, you wanted to kill me. Now that I'm alive, you must feel uncomfortable... You want to know me to die!"

"Oh! Since the Empress knows, why do you dare to come to me alone? The poisonous gentleman smiled coldly. He reached out and grabbed Lan Ruoyan's hand, "Why don't you ask the prince to accompany you?" With your favor today, it is enough to make the prince worry about your safety!"

"Since it's your and my grudge, there's no need to implicate the prince. Poisonous gentleman, why do you have to kill me?" Lan Ruoyan knew that people who practiced the five poison palms usually had poison in their hands, but when he caught her, she was not afraid at all. Somehow, she was sure that there was no poison in his hand.

"Lan Ruoyan, you are a bold woman. You are the daughter of Mingyue, but you are like Lan Qifeng!" The poisonous gentleman narrowed his eyes and looked at Lan Ruoyan's face. It was so similar. How could the two look so similar...

"They are my parents, and I naturally look like them. I heard that the master and you loved my mother, the bright moon fairy, but..." Lan Ruoyan asked indifferently. Just, do you really love the bright moon fairy?"

"What do you mean?!" The poisonous gentleman opened his eyes and stared at Lan Ruoyan, and the hand holding her wrist also increased his strength, "What are you talking about! Say it again!"

"It's the same again. Have you really loved the Bright Moon Fairy? If you love someone, you will never destroy her!" Lan Ruoyan said fiercely, "You are a selfish guy! Just say that you like her, and if you love her, you will take her for yourself! You don't know her at all. How can you give her happiness? You are not qualified to be with her!"

"Shut up!" The poisonous gentleman gritted his teeth, and he almost crushed Lan Ruoyan's bone.

But Lan Ruoyan completely ignored it. She reached out and took out the note from her sleeve. Just glance at the note, the poisonous gentleman recognized that it was the thing of the bright moon fairy! He stretched out his hand to grab it, but Lan Ruoyan took it away. "You know this is her stuff, do you know what's written in it?"

"This is the private thing of the bright moon. How can I have seen it and how can I know it?" The poisonous gentleman snorted coldly, "This thing was given to you by your brother!"

"Yes, the master loves his mother as much as you do, but he takes the initiative to give in because you also love her, just as long as you can give her happiness. However, I didn't expect you to do such a despicable thing because you didn't get her!" Lan Ruoyan said harshly, "What right do you have to say you love her!"

Counting the hour, it has been almost half an hour since Lan Ruoyan went in, but she still didn't come out. Xuanyuanchen, who was waiting outside, was a little worried. He looked sideways at the door, but there was still no movement. He stepped in and thought that Lan Ruoyan didn't like to be disturbed. Alas, it's really hard to advance or retreat.

He simply turned his back and didn't look inside. The cold winter wind blew, but he couldn't feel it at all, but occasionally thick snow fell on the dead branches and made a muffled sound. Thud, thud, thud... The gentle footsteps came into his ears, and he hurriedly turned around. Sure enough, it was her!

"Song'er!" Xuanyuanchen had never felt that the time had been so long. Seeing that Lan Ruoyan was unharmed, his hanging heart calmed down.

"It worried the prince..." Lan Ruoyan's heart moved slightly when she saw that he looked relieved.

"As long as you're fine." Xuanyuanchen took her hand and wanted to take her into the carriage. The latter frowned slightly. He couldn't help but be suspicious. He lowered his hand and bent her sleeve. Only then found that it was red and swollen, and there were even bruises. What's going on?"

"Your Majesty, it's okay." Lan Ruoyan shook his head with a wry smile, and he was too nervous.

"It's all like this! How can you say it's okay?!" Xuanyuan Chen said anxiously, picked up Lan Ruoyan and got into the carriage. After sitting in the car, he still said, "When you go back, let the royal doctor come and have a good look. If anything happens, make the poisonous gentleman look good!"

Seeing Xuanyuanchen's more serious appearance, Lan Ruoyan sneered, "Ha ha... Your Majesty, you are too nervous."

"Why are you too nervous! How can the parents who teach their body hair and skin care so much!" Xuanyuan Chen expressed dissatisfaction. He pulled Lan Ruoyan forward and said, "Yan'er, you come from the future world, and you should pay more attention to these!"

"Your Majesty... the future is not as perfect as you think." When it comes to the future, Lan Ruoyan looks gloomy. Do the ancients think that the future will be better? But people living in the 21st century are missing the ancient times.

"I'm sorry, Sonny, I mentioned your sadness." Xuanyuan Chen saw that Lan Ruoyan was depressed and apologized in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, you are right." Lan Ruoyan shook his head, "The future world is not good, not you..."

"Why do you use respect for me?" Xuanyuan Chen raised his eyebrows and reached out to hold Lan Ruoyan in his arms.

With Xuanyuanchen's solid shoulders on her head, Lan Ruoyan felt much more at ease. She whispered, "The future is the same as now. Everyone's hearts are different, and they have their own plans... As long as everyone lives well."

"Sang'er..." Xuanyuanchen hugged Lan Ruoyan tighter. The woman he loved had experienced the hardship he had experienced in the past. Thinking that such a weak woman as her had to experience so much, she became more and more distressed.

When he returned to the royal palace, the imperial doctor soon came. After using acupuncture and moxibustion to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, he applied medicinal tea and told him not to dip in water and so on. Xuanyuan Chen kept watching. When he saw the imperial doctor prick the needle, his eyebrows jumped.

Looking at him with a smile, Lan Ruoyan said, "Your Majesty, can you tell me the reason for looking for the poisonous gentleman today?"

"I'm willing to listen as long as you want to say it." Xuanyuan Chen nodded.

"Today, I went to find him because of the old resentment of the previous generation. He had love with my biological mother, which should be said to be Lan Ruoyan's biological mother, but after being rejected by the Mingyue Fairy, he was jealous of Lan Qifeng for marrying her. When she was pregnant, the poisonous gentleman actually gave her fatal chill!" Lan Ruoyan said this, and her voice became sharp. She really despises a man like a poisonous gentleman. If he can't get it, he will destroy it. Is it what a man does?

"It's so despicable." Xuanyuanchen frowned and thought about it again. Lan Ruoyan was the only girl in the bright moon fairy, "Sang'er, is the child in the belly at that time..."

Lan Ruoyan nodded and affirmed his guess, "It's Lan Ruoyan. This is also the reason why my constitution was naturally cold. At that time, although the life of the bright moon fairy was saved, the cold poison remained in my body.

"Is it still important now?" Xuanyuanchen held Lan Ruoyan's hand and asked worriedly.

"The master has expelled all the cold poisons in my body. Don't worry, prince." Lan Ruoyan shook his head slightly, raised a smile that made Xuan Yuanchen look at ease, and continued to describe his kindness and resentment with the poisonous gentleman. "After the poisonous gentleman poisoned our mother and daughter that time was found by the master, the two quarreled and took him off the cliff by mistake. For so many years, he has not heard from him. Who knows that he has defected to the court..."

"It seems that he is also a disaster." Xuanyuanchen sighed and thought to himself how to get rid of this disaster.

"Your Majesty, I'm not telling you this to get rid of the poisonous gentleman." How could Lan Ruoyan not find the murderous intention from the bottom of Xuan Yuanchen's eyes? Xuanyuanchen is very grateful to be able to love her so much, but if she kills innocent people to protect her... then she would rather die by herself. She doesn't want to have a second butterfly.

"Sang, I don't want you to be in any danger." Xuanyuan Chen said firmly, "As long as there is a trace of crisis for you, I will not allow it!"

"Cen--" Lan Ruoyan doesn't know what to say. She knows Xuanyuan Chen's character. He is a person with a strong desire to control, and he is also very possessive. In his identity, he should also have such a personality. He is a person who wants to become a king and should have such courage.

But... Lan Ruoyan doesn't want Xuanyuan to become a ruthless monarch, or disguise her emotions like Xuanyuan Che, just to keep her throne.

The two looked at each other, and many words were clearly in their mouths, but they could not say them. What Xuanyuanchen wanted to tell Lan Ruoyan was that as long as it was a threat, once it was tolerated, it would be fatal.

At this moment, "Your Majesty! Prince! It's not good!" Liu Ya's panicked screams came, and then he staggered in with some unstable footsteps.

"What happened? I'm so panicked!" Xuanyuan Chen scolded in a reproachful tone.

Liu Ya knelt down and said, "I forgive you. It really happened suddenly..."

"Okay! What's going on?" Xuanyuan asked impatiently.

"To go back to the prince, Concubine Ye of Fanghua Building has been her!" Liu Ya's face was full of fear.

"What?!" Both of them were shocked. How could they...

"The maid Qiu Chan said that she had just taken a nap. After sleeping, she couldn't wake up at the hour. She opened the curtain and found that she had lost her breath." Liu Ya reported it wordlessly. Xuanyuan Chen frowned as he listened, and he looked at Lan Ruoyan, who was also full of solemn face.

"Don't spread the story of the death of Concubine Ye first. The slaves upstairs and downstairs are watching carefully. Before Concubine Ye's funeral, they are not allowed to contact people outside. Do you understand?" Xuanyuan Chen gave the order.

"Yes, I understand." Liu Ya was instructed to hurry down and ask someone to arrange it.

After thinking carefully, Lan Ruoyan was shocked, "Is it a poisonous gentleman?"

"What?" Xuanyuanchen looked at her doubtfully, "Concubine Ye doesn't seem to have anything to do with the poisonous gentleman."

"Does the prince still remember what happened to Fahua Temple that day? Nine out of ten times of Ye Fei's poison came from the poisonous gentleman. When Biyou was investigating this matter, he found the poison powder I had on the mountain that day in Ye Fei's room. Lan Ruoyan analyzed, "That day, when he heard that I was not in the house, Biyou also saw the poisonous gentleman see Shaofei in private... This does not mean that he had colluded with Ye Fei. Ye Fei repeatedly failed, so he found Shao Fei to kill me--"

"No, just the matter of Fahua Temple will not make him abandon his master so soon. It is very likely that the poisonous gentleman also participated in the last birthday banquet!" Xuanyuanchen said further.

"Your Majesty, there is something that I haven't told you. In fact, the throat control is under Biyun. Originally, Nangong Jinzhi only used trace arsenic. Biyun expected that they would use bitter meat to harm me, so he changed the wine glass to curb his throat, and also wanted to use this to teach Concubine Ye a lesson, but it was expected to be heavy..." Speaking of this, Lan Ruo Yan hurriedly explained the reason for what happened last time and said lightly.

"Biyun did nothing wrong with this move, Sonny, you don't have to worry that I will investigate." Xuanyuan Chen held Lan Ruoyan's hand and comforted softly, "Sang Er, will Biyun use poison?"

"I'm not sure about this, but I think she should know something poisonous." Lan Ruoyan replied conservatively.