killer cultivation

Chapter 16 Promotion

"But the white wind always gives people a very strange atmosphere." However, Lin Jian quickly frowned and thought of something, "Today, my battle with Song Tianfan has exposed most of my strength, and my medium-grade spiritual weapon, the underworld fire sword, has also been exposed. But even so, when Bai Feng provoked me, it was still light and seemed that he didn't see my strength at all. If it weren't for Bai Feng's big support, Bai Feng would have real ability. Lin Jian suddenly thought of a very important question.

He has reason to believe that Bai Feng is a person with real ability. Just by the title of the three heroes and Bai Feng's dress, it can be seen that Bai Feng is absolutely not simple!

"After today's decisive battle with Song Tianfan, Bai Feng has mastered a lot of information from me, but I still know nothing about him. In tomorrow's final, I will definitely suffer a big loss." To deal with an opponent who knows himself well but knows nothing about himself, he must suffer.

"I am still only at the peak of enlightenment. In terms of cultivation, it is much worse than Song Tianfan. Compared with Bai Feng, the gap must be even greater. Tomorrow is the last day of the outer door competition, and it is also the outer door competition **. If the top 50 disciples are not strong enough, even with the help of the underworld fire sword, I'm afraid I won't even be able to enter the top ten. Lin Jian's goal is to enter the top ten at least in tomorrow's finals, but according to the current situation, it is difficult for him to enter the top ten.

The big melee is not like a one-to-single battle. The big melee is a comprehensive test, which not only tests strength, but also tests wit, agility, intelligence, communication, combination, interpersonal, tricks and other abilities. As a killer in his previous life, Lin Jian must be far better than ordinary disciples in response and tricks. But in tomorrow's melee, he has a fatal flaw. He doesn't have any friends at the outer door so far!

And not only has no friends, but now there is a powerful figure staring at him. He participates alone in tomorrow's melee, and doesn't even have a friend worthy of entrusting him. There is no doubt that he will suffer a big loss.

"No, there is still a whole night away from tomorrow. During this period, I must strive to break through the barrier of the realm of enlightenment and enter the spiritual gathering world. Only in this way can I fight in tomorrow's great melee!" Friends who can rest assured that they can deliver their backs can't be found in just one day. Even if there is Lin Jian, they don't believe that he has such good luck to meet, so Lin Jian quickly made up his mind to make a breakthrough in his own cultivation.

As long as you are strong enough, everything else is a floating cloud.

However, before practicing, Lin Jian did one more thing, that is, to refine the spiritual weapon thunder sword obtained from Song Tianfan!

Although the thunderlight sword is only a low-grade spiritual weapon, at least it is also a spiritual weapon, and it is still a spiritual weapon with lightning power. As long as it is refined and transformed into its own magic weapon, it is also a good equipment.

When he thought of it, he did it. Lin Jian, who sat cross-legged on the bed, no longer hesitated. He took out the thunder sword from the storage bag, dripped a drop of blood on the thunder sword, and began to stimulate the spiritual energy to sacrifice the thunder sword.

Since Song Tianfan, the owner of the Leiguang Sword, has fallen, the current Leiguang Sword is already a masterless thing, and it is much easier to sacrifice.

No matter whether you are weak or strong, no matter how powerful you are, you rely on psionic power to change the earth, so psionic power is the foundation of everything.

Whether it is everything in heaven and earth or the creatures in the world, they need spiritual energy; even if they are equipped with magic weapons, they are also inseparable from spiritual energy, which is the foundation and the most critical essence.

Lin Jian's consciousness is immersed in the world of psionic energy, and his body is like a huge whirlpool in the boundless sea, although this whirlpool is still a drop in the boundless sea, which is not worth mentioning. However, the impact of the whirlpool is beyond doubt, at least it has a great impact on the surrounding seawater.

Lin Jian's body is a whirlpool, crazily encroaching on the surrounding spiritual energy. His body is a magnificent bottomless black hole, pretending to be dissatisfied and inexhaustible.

Being able to absorb psionic power so quickly, of course, thanks to the mysterious jade deep in Lin Jian's eyebrows and absorbing psionic power, mainly depends on his physical talent. Lin Jian's talent can only be regarded as mediocre. If it hadn't been for the help of the mysterious jade, his speed of absorbing psionic energy would be the same as the slow crawling speed of the turtle.

Without the mysterious jade, his body will not be a whirlpool, but a small hole, and the speed of spiritual energy flowing in is similar to the speed of the stream.

Fortunately, he has mysterious jade, and the speed of absorbing psionic energy is qualitatively sublimated.

Today's Lin Jian is the peak realm of Wuling, marking that the nine cyan cyclones in the realm of Wuling have long been full. What Lin Jian has to do is to open up another circle of cyclones in his Dantian, symbolizing the cyclone of the realm of gathering spirits!

In fact, although there is a big gap between each realm of the three realms of cultivation, it is definitely not the difference between heaven and earth. This is why Lin Jian can kill Song Tianfan in the middle of the spirit with the underworld fire sword.

In order to better and more carefully divide the gap in the realm, the cultivation world not only applies Fang, a unit of spiritual energy, to blood crystals and magic weapons, but also applies machines to the realm of cultivation.

The realm of enlightenment is the realm of feeling the existence of psionic power and stepping into the gate of practice. There are a total of nine cyclones in this realm, and the color is cyan. There are only a hundred psionic powers in the realm of enlightenment, and the peak of the realm of enlightenment is a thousand psionic.

There are also nine cyclones in the spiritual realm, which are yellow in color. There are a thousand psionic energy in each circle, and the peak of the spiritual realm is 10,000 psionic energy.

So if Lin Jian wants to break through the barrier of the spiritual realm, the spiritual energy in his body must break through the number of "thousands"!

He only absorbs spiritual energy crazily, hoping to break through a thousand psionic energy.

The mysterious jade seems to be able to feel Lin Jian's urgent expectations. Under Lin Jian's will, the mysterious jade has played a role again, suddenly accelerating the speed of Lin Jian's absorption of spiritual energy.

In an instant, Lin Jian's body was like a storm. With the momentum of a whirlwind, he absorbed all the spiritual energy around his body in an instant, and absorbed these spiritual powers cleanly.

At the same time, his Dantian also suddenly mutated.

"Bum!" Like a volcanic eruption, Lin Jian's Dantian exploded fiercely, attacking the whole Dantian.

When the momentum calmed down, Lin Jian's Dantian, outside the nine circles of cyan cyclone, there was an extra yellow cyclone!

It is the yellow cyclone that marks the realm of spiritual gathering!

Ling Fan's whole body, spirit and soul seemed to have been qualitatively sublimated and metamorphed at this moment. His whole body was baptized with holy and glorious, which made people intoxicated and unconsciously make a comfortable moan.

The beauty of breaking through the barrier made him intoxicated and enjoyed it.