killer cultivation

Chapter 55 Falling off a cliff

Under the cliff, the molten slurry rolls, the flames are shooting, and the molten slurry emits hot with bubbles, like boiling water, crackling, explosion, cracking, blooming • The high temperature of the bear reflects the red around the cliff, the surrounding grass is not growing, life is extinct, the rock wall cracks a gully, and the hot slurry Flowed into a gully of different depths.

The environment is extremely harsh and there is no sign of life.

At the edge of the cliff, Lin Jian suddenly stopped and took a step forward. What greeted him was the endless molten flames.

And behind him, the ape king led more than a dozen octagons and flashed forward aggressively.

There are cliffs in front and pursuers behind, and the situation is very critical!

Lin Jian looked anxious and looked down. The cliffs, ravines and ravines were rolling, and the flames rolled. If he fell down, he would die!

He never dreamed that at the end of this dense forest was a cliff with rolling molten pulp! The cliff is full of vitality, and life is extinct under the cliff. Day by day, there is a difference in clouds and mud.

The molten slurry under the cliff is ejected from the volcanoes in the Yan Prison Mountains.

But behind him, there is also a dangerous pressure, and the ape king is infinitely pulling into the distance between them, 30 feet, 20 feet, 10 feet!

The distance was getting closer and closer. The ape king's open fangs roared, his eyes were red, and his murderous intention was obvious. More than a dozen octagons behind him also opened their mouths and roared, and their voices went straight to the sky, fierce, cruel and murderous!

Even the murderous intent of the ape king has oppressed Lin Jian's body. The crazy murderous intent and ferocious spirit poured into Lin Jian from all directions like a tide, penetrating, seamless, and the magnificent murderous intent locked and blocked Lin Jian from all places!

Lin Jian is unavoidable and has no way to escape. No matter which direction he rushes, he will be intercepted by the ape king until he is finally killed by the ape king and becomes the ape king's lunch.

He has no chance of winning the battle with the ape king and more than a dozen octagons. If he can't escape, there will be only one dead end of the battle, and the road behind will be completely blocked!

The only way to go is to take a step forward and jump off the cliff.

Now he has only two choices. One is to risk his life, try his best, defend his dignity with blood, and carry out the last fight in his life with the ape king. On this road, he will die! The second is to jump off the cliff, fall into the rolling molten slurry and be burned to death, but he still has a glimmer of vitality on this road. As long as he does not fall into the rolling molten slurry, he may be able to survive. He will die on this road!

The answer is obvious. He will not defend his dignity with the last fight. What is the most important thing in the world? Life is the most important! At least his creed is life first!

"Roar!" The ape king roared, opened his fangs, and looked at Lin Jian with sarcasm, as if laughing at him for being at a dead end, or as if he was laughing at him. At least in its view, human beings do not have the courage to jump off the cliff and roll up; at least in its view, human beings will be very hesitant in the face of life-and-death choices. It is only the last step away. As long as Lin Jian hesitates, it can catch Lin Jian!

"Wow••" The ape king roared excitedly.

At this last moment, at the last moment when the ape king approached, Lin Jian turned around resolutely, jumped into the cliff.

The attack of the ape king suddenly became empty, and its face became ugly. It hurriedly stopped, and he almost followed Lin Jian to fall off the cliff••

"Oh!" The ape king looked angry and roared at the sky. It did not expect that at the last moment, the human would jump off the cliff without hesitation, and the meat in his mouth flew away, and the human who killed his peers jumped off the cliff in front of it and died. The ape king was furious, roaring at the sky, and his voice was sharp and harsh.

Apes are crying all over the sky, wandering in this space•••••

"Ah!" Lin Jian resolutely jumped off the cliff. He fell down from the void like a huge stone. The air rubbed against his body, and there was a circle of airflow all over his body.

The tingling wind whimpered, like a flame. The wind not only stung, but also burned Lin Jian's body like a fire, not only like a struggle, but also like a flame baking.

Only by roaring with all his strength can he vent the pain his body suffered at this time, and perhaps his brain can wake up in the friction and stabbing of the hot wind.

"Ah!" With all his strength and roaring, he finally achieved a trace of effect. Lin Jian's brain gradually regained a trace of clarity, and his eyes were stung by the strong wind, and he tried to open a gap.

Although the strong wind pierced his eyes with pain, Lin Jian still insisted on cracking a crack and tried to observe the situation below.

Lin Jian's body fell like a boulder. Fortunately, this cliff was unfathomable, otherwise he would fall into the rolling molten slurry before his brain woke up. But even so, the situation is not optimistic. Through the cracks in his eyes, he saw that the rolling slurry below had become clearer and clearer, and the sea of molten slurry was constantly magnified in his eyes.

And the surrounding temperature is getting more and more horrible, like a flame burning his skin, which is very painful.

The temperature of the molten pulp alone affects the air, which makes Lin Jian very uncomfortable. If he falls into the rolling molten pulp, he will definitely melt into ashes, and even the residue of his body will be melted.

With his current strength, even if he tries his best to protect himself, it is not enough to compete with the molten slurry erupting from the volcano and fall into the molten slurry. There is only one way to die.

Suddenly, the afterglow of Lin Jian's eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a steep cliff. The cliff was like a long horn, across the cliff, and a large section emerged.

In fact, this cliff is not like a knife, but a gully, uneven and a little steep. This is also the reason why Lin Jian chose to jump down. If the cliff is like a knife, he will definitely fall into the rolling molten slurry and finally die. If so, he might as well die at the hands of the ape king.

But most of the steep protruding rock walls are a little small, far from enough to carry the weight and size of a person.

The protruding rock that Lin Jian sees now is huge in shape, with a radius of at least dozens of meters, which is completely enough to carry the size and weight of people. And it's not far ahead, but it's at least a dozen meters away from the direction he fell vertically in his left direction.

That is to say, if he doesn't do anything, he will pass by the protruding rock, and maybe after that, it will be the time of his death.

Because it is likely that such a protruding rock will never be encountered below.

"Ah!" Lin Jian roared hard and tried his best to push his feet in the direction of the rock. With the help of the back thrust of his feet, he took the opportunity to rush to the huge rock.

Due to the strong falling force and his excessive exertion, he could no longer control his body, so his body collided straight into the boulder.

"Boom!" Finally, Lin Jian hit the boulder heavily, fell a dog and ate shit, stirring up layers of dust and fog.

But Lin Jian fell happily. At least he fell to his destination, at least he temporarily got out of the life crisis.

But the next moment, Lin Jian's face suddenly changed, because he saw that the parchment in his arms fell out and kept falling towards the molten pulp below.

Lin Jian remembered that when he just collided with the boulder, the powerful impact. For a moment, the parchment also fell out of his arms, and the boulder floated out and fell towards the molten pulp.

"Damn it!" Lin Jian raised his palm and reluctantly pounded the rock. He watched the parchment fall towards the molten pulp, but he had no choice but to do anything.

Parchment is a mysterious object that produces special fluctuations even in mysterious jade. Lin Jian has no reason not to believe that parchment is magical. If he can find out the secret of parchment, it will definitely have an effect on him. But now because of his momentary negligence, he is about to fall into the rolling molten pulp and turn into ashes. How can he not be annoyed?

He wanted to wait for time to find another opportunity to explore the secret of the parchment, but now it seems that there is no more chance. Lin Jian has no doubt that the parchment falls into the rolling molten pulp, only the part is melted.

Lin Jian climbed to the edge of the rock and stared at it. He unwillingly watched the parchment sink into the molten pulp. Little by little, it slowly disappeared and was covered by the molten pulp, and gradually disappeared.•••••

(The new book needs the caress of your book friends. This week is coming soon, but the recommended results are not very satisfactory. Please collect it if you haven't collected it yet.)