killer cultivation

Chapter 93 The Crisis Is Approaching

"Yes, yes, I'm going to pick up firewood." Juechen's sharp words made Lin Jian furious, but before Lin Jian could speak, the king beside him immediately nodded obediently.

"You..." Lin Jian stared at Wang Fang and was speechless for a moment. He didn't know what to say, so he had to sigh.

"What? Lin Jian, your partner has agreed. Are you still reluctant? If you are of a low-generation, you should serve your senior brother. You are reluctant to go. Do you still want all the brothers to serve you? Juechen's words turned around and immediately pulled Lin Jian to the opposite side of others. It can be said that he returned Lin Jian in the same way.

"What if I don't want to?" Lin Jian raised his eyebrows and asked in a gloomy tone.

Fools can see that Juechen deliberately targeted Lin Jian, while other onlookers and disciples are optimistic about the play, but no one is seated because of Juechen's words.

"Well, the Presbyterian Palace has an order. As your captain, I have the right to order you to do things and ignore my orders, which is to despise the majesty of the Presbyterian Palace. It is a great sin. Based on this alone, I have the right to kill you first and then play, and not violate the rules!" Juechen immediately put a big hat on Lin Jian's head, and a cold light flashed in his eyes and said coldly.

"Forget it, Lin Jian, let's go. It's such a small thing. There's no need to fight." Wang Fang saw that the atmosphere was wrong and seemed to be about to fight. He immediately opened his mouth first, pulled Lin Jian's arm, and kept looking at him with a slightly anxious expression.

"Brother Juechen, let's go now, let's go..." Wang Fang hurriedly nodded to Juechen.

At the same time, he pulled Lin Jian's arm and sleeves anxiously, "Lin Jian, let's go, let's go..."

Due to Wang Fang's compromise, the tense atmosphere between Lin Jian and Jue Chen was disturbed, and Wang Fang pulled Lin Jian aside.

"Lin Jian, you have to calm down and don't fight for such a small thing." Wang Fang reminded in a low voice.

"Ma Shan is riding and being bullied. The weaker you are, the more he will step on your head and pee!"

"Jichen's move is completely to deliberately provoke you. If you can't help fighting with him, he will have a reason to kill you. Isn't it right? Juechen's cultivation is profound, which is by no means comparable to the shocking stream of stones. If you fight with him now, you are looking for a way to die. Wang Fang said in a low voice.

"Alas••Let's go." Lin Jian shook his head and sighed. He neither refuted nor agreed, but was disturbed by Wang Fang, and his anger that he couldn't wait to do a big job dissipated a lot. Wang Fang didn't know him. Because he was worried about Lin Jian, he took action to stop Lin Jian.

In fact, Lin Jian is confident that if he really starts to break the net, he will peel off the skin if he does not die. Even if he is not the opponent of Juechen, Juechen will definitely not feel better. However, Wang Fang's words are not unreasonable. If he really fights to that point, it will only be Juechen who will benefit. Now he will fight with Juechen, and he will suffer losses.

So he was disturbed by Wang Fang, and Lin Jian also calmed down, endured for the time being, and went to collect firewood with Wang Fang.

"Hum•••••" Looking at Lin Jian's back gradually disappearing in the darkness, Juechen's mouth suddenly raised a slightly gloomy arc and let out a sneer.

"Lin Jian, I'm sorry, in fact, I also hurt you." After walking a few steps, Wang Fang suddenly apologized to Lin Jian.

"What's the point?" Lin Jian was stunned and asked.

"If I hadn't praised you there, I wouldn't have attracted Juechen's attention. It was because I spoke unobstructed that I attracted Juechen's attention and revenge on you." Wang Fang felt guilty.

"It's none of your business. My conflict with him is between Longshan and Xuedu. Even without you, he will specifically target me, so you don't have to blame yourself." Lin Jian replied.

"Let's pick up some firewood quickly and go back early." Lin Jian changed the topic.

"Well, but the black lights here are blind, and the line of sight is up to five meters away. It's blurred and there is no light. It's not easy to find dry wood quickly." Wang Fang said.

"Want light? It's not easy..." Lin Jian smiled indifferently, and then reached out and snapped his finger. A cluster of flames suddenly burned, burning around Lin Jian's fingertips.

The dark night around suddenly turned yellow, and the sight suddenly became much clearer.

"Skillful fire control skills, flame burning and surface, without being affected by it, it's really amazing." Wang Fang stared at the cluster of flames at Lin Jian's fingertips in surprise.

Lin Jian smiled faintly, but said nothing more. He started practicing fire Taoism. He is extremely proficient in fire Taoism. In terms of fire Taoism, he is far superior to practitioners of the same level. Naturally, he controls such a little flame. So for him, there is nothing to be proud of or happy about.

"With this fire, it will be much easier to find dry wood."

"Well, let's go." Lin Jian nodded lightly.

Then the two walked around looking for dry wood.

With the firelight enlightenment, Lin Jian and Wang Fang found some dry wood in the jungle one after another. Both of them held a large bundle of dry wood in their hands.

"Wang Fang, it's almost time to go back." Lin Jiandao.

"With this pile of firewood, Juechen should have nothing to say now." Wang Fang nodded.

"Well, go back." Lin Jian nodded, but when he was about to walk back, Lin Jian's breath suddenly stagnated, "Wait, something is approaching us." Lin Jian's tone was full of solemnity.

He felt that there were several strong breaths, which were approaching them.

Wang Fang's expression was a little nervous. He stared around nervously, and he also noticed that there was a suffocating depression in the air.

Both of them held their breath and stared around. After four or five breaths, the imminent danger gradually became clear.

Black shadows appeared under their sight. In front of each black shadow, there was a dark red light, bloody, like a bloodthirsty red moon.

It makes people palpitate, tremble and frightening.

The black shadow gradually came out of the ink-like night and appeared under the dim yellow flame light, and the body gradually became clear.

"Wind Demon Wolf!" Lin Jian and Wang Fang immediately shouted at the same time, and their voices were full of shock and shock.

"It's the wind demon wolf. We are surrounded by the wind demon wolf!" Wang Fang was horrified, and his voice trembled faintly, with a little fear.

"Damn it, we are really lucky!" Lin Jian's words couldn't help but feel helpless. He stared at the approaching wind demon wolf, but when he saw these wind demon wolves, he stretched out his tongue, licked his sharp fangs, and a drop of saliva flowed from his mouth. Lin Jian and Wang Fang were both their fresh and delicious food. They seemed to smell the smell of blood from Lin Jian and Wang Fang. They are animalistic.

Lin Jian glanced around. The wind magic wolf surrounded him and Wang Fang from all sides and almost sealed their way to live. There were at least a dozen wind magic wolves surrounding them. Lin Jian's hands were sweating, and more than a dozen wind magic wolves were very difficult for him.

The wind demon wolf is a fourth-order monster. Each wind demon wolf is equivalent to a practicer in the realm of stepping on the spirit. What Lin Jian is facing now is equivalent to facing more than a dozen masters of the spirit realm. Moreover, these wind demon wolves are still bloody, like hungry men staring at food with light eyes, which is more difficult to deal with.

"Lin Jian, what should I do?" Wang Fang tried to keep his mood calm and asked in a low voice.

"We are not the opponents of these dozen wind wolves. I'll rush in this direction with you later." Lin Jian glanced at him, "I will protect you from their encirclement, and then I will attract the attention of such a wind wolf. You must run back as soon as possible and inform Juechen that only by calling them can you deal with this group of wind wolves." Lin Jian said in a low voice.

"Jeuchen has a grudge against you. Will he bring someone to help you?" Wang Fang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about this. In front of so many people, he dares and will not come, because this will only make him lose his prestige, and once it spreads to the spiritual sect, he will be unlucky."

"But I ran away alone. Isn't it dangerous for you to deal with so many wind demon wolves alone?" Wang Fang looked at Lin Jian worriedly.

"Naturally, I have a way to find people as quickly as possible." Seeing what Wang Fang wanted to say, Lin Jian quickly said, "Don't hesitate. There is no time. These wind demon wolves are about to rush up. We must rush out of their encirclement before the wind demon wolves attack." Lin Jian said in a hurry.

"Hmm!" The matter is urgent, and Wang Fang also knows the seriousness of the matter. Don't push more and focus on the point, "Thank you, Lin Jian. We just met. You trust me so much. I will definitely call them!"

"Okay, I'll rush, and I'll rush out in that direction immediately." Lin Jian nodded and didn't say nonsense.

And the wind magic wolf surrounding Lin Jian from all sides also seemed to lose the interest of the onlookers at this time. His fishy red eyes flashed a trace of tyrannical breath.

"Fight!" Without any hesitation, Lin Jian suddenly shouted, like a flash of lightning, and rushed to the previously specified direction unexpectedly.

Lin Jian has observed that the number of wind wolves in this direction is the smallest, which is the easiest gap to break through.

"Oh!" Almost at the same time, more than a dozen wind demon wolves roared at the same time, bounced their legs, and suddenly rushed to Lin Jian and Wang Fang.

"Boom!" Lin Jian and Wang Fang made a plan before, aiming in one direction without care of the rushing wind demon wolves. The two made a big move at the same time. One of the wind demon wolves was caught off guard and was immediately bombarded to death.

As soon as the gap was opened, Wang Fang seized the time, used all his strength, and rushed out desperately•••••