killer cultivation

Chapter 105 Repulsed the Enemy

The bloody yin fighting with Lin Jian took all this in his eyes. Seeing Zhao Huaizhen's disciples killing the blood clothes religion one by one, and seeing that his side's momentum was getting weaker and weaker, he was also anxious in his heart.

The bloody madness can't wait to rush to fight with Zhao Huaizhen for 300 rounds, with the momentum of blood-clothed education.

However, he was dragged away by Lin Jian. After really fight with Lin Jian, he found that Lin Jian's horror was far beyond his imagination.

He thought that Lin Jian could resist his attack before, and he was mostly lucky, but now he found that he was wrong, and it was ridiculously wrong.

Blood Kuangyin thought that as long as he was serious, he would soon be able to get rid of Lin Jian, and then withdraw to deal with Zhao Huaizhen, so that the world's chamber of commerce would inevitably be slaughtered today.

But he never thought that after working with Lin Jian, he simply fell into a muddy swamp. Seeing that more and more disciples died under Zhao Huaizhen, he was helpless.

Because he has been entangled by Lin Jian and can't get away from it. Although Lin Jian only has the cultivation of Yuanli, his combat power is far beyond his imagination, and he does not fall behind in the battle.

Although Lin Jian couldn't suppress him, he couldn't suppress Lin Jian for a while, so even though he was anxious, he couldn't get away.

"Damn!" Xue Kuangyin didn't expect that he would be dragged down by a monk in the realm of Yuanli, and there was nothing he could do for a while. The more he fought, the more angry he became, and finally he couldn't help roaring in anger.

"Bad boy, if you stop now and don't pester me, after I erase the world's chamber of commerce, I will not only blame you, but also reward you with treasure." Although Xue Kuangyin was angry, he could only bear the anger in his heart, lowered his voice and made concessions. He didn't want to continue to drag on like this with Lin Jian. At that time, if Lin Jian, an unimportant person, ruined their big things, it would not be worth the loss.

"Well, do you think I'm a three-year-old? Just now you wanted to kill me, but now you want me to give in?" Lin Jian snorted coldly, but then his tone suddenly turned, "However, if you can beg me in a low voice, maybe I will bypass you."

"Good, good!" Bloody yin smiled angrily, "If you are so stubborn and insist on helping the world's chamber of commerce, don't blame me for being cruel!" Bloody, vicious and vicious, fierce, murderous and murderous.

"I didn't want to interfere in your affairs, so you forced me to do the current situation! Do you think I'm a soft persimmon? Don't tell me these words to scare me. You wanted to kill me long ago, but now you know that I'm not easy to mess with. What's wrong? Regret? But it's too late to regret it!" Lin Jian didn't pay attention to the bloody yin at all and sneered.

"Damn it, go to hell!" The blood frenzy burst out of fire, "The blood is soaring!" Drink in vain.

The bloody yin leaped, the hands were imprinted, and the whole body exuded a strong blood spirit, especially the two palms, the palms of which are in the shape of the hands and the hearts of the hands are ten. The palms were full of violent evil spirit and blood, and the air within three feet around it was dyed red, like blood, as red as blood.

But the essence is a layer of energy, formed around the palms of the bloody yin, murderous and violent, and the blood rushes to the sky.

The blood shouted fiercely and slapped Lin Jian.

"Frost Dungeon!" Lin Jian did not avoid it. He pinched his hands and directly displayed the frost dungeon.

The bloody palm holds the powerful power of shock and killing, like a strong wind roaring, like a rainstorm, and suddenly bombarded Lin Jian with awe-inspiring momentum.

This move is fierce and fierce. Once hit, Lin Jian will peel off his skin even if he doesn't die.

But Lin Jian was not afraid. The frost dungeon came out in an instant, and the air within ten feet seemed to be a cold winter. The frost moon and snowed, the piercing cold, and the ground suddenly formed ice.

In the blink of an eye, it became ice and snow.

The fierce blood turned upside down, and it was frozen and solidified in an instant, condensed into an ice column.

"Ka•••" Then, Lin Jian snapped his fingers, and the blood that was frozen and condensed into an ice column turned upside down. Suddenly, it cracked and shattered like spider silk.

"How can it be!" The bloody maniac who witnessed this scene was suddenly shocked. He didn't expect that the blood was so easily cracked by Lin Jian.

"Frozen!" Lin Jian ignored the shocked mood of the bloody yin. He raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth. Without saying anything, he directly raised his hand and pointed to the bloody yin. Suddenly, there was no warning in the space where his fingers were facing him. In an instant, he condensed into ice and instantly arrived at the side of the bloody yin, pointing directly to the heart of the bloody yin.

This move is enough to penetrate the bloody heart.

The pupil of the bloody yin suddenly shrank, his legs bounced, and dodged sideways. However, due to Lin Jian's attack speed, the lightning force, everything was only in the blink of an eye. Although the blood yin avoided the critical part, his left arm still failed to escape, and he was directly pierced by the ice.

In an instant, blood flowed all over the ground.

Since Lin Jian fell off the cliff and was baptized by the golden light from the Eight Wastes Tripod, Lin Jian felt that his strength seemed to have increased again. No spiritual energy seems to be greater than before.

After the fight with the bloody yin, Lin Jian has a deep understanding of this subtle change.

"Ah!" As soon as he was injured, his other hand covered his injured arm and was shocked and angry, but this scream was not made by him.

It turned out that during the war between Lin Jian and Xue Kuangyin, Zhao Huaizhen also rose to kill. The more he killed, the more energetic he became. The weak disciples of the blood-clothed religion had almost no resistance under Zhao Huaizhen. During the battle between Lin Jian and Xue Kuangyin, he had killed eight or nine disciples of the blood-clothed religion.

This scream came from the disciple who was killed by Zhao Huaizhen.

This scream was unusually loud and shook into the bloody heart.

He swept his eyes and looked at the whole audience and found that his disciples were killed and injured, losing most of them. He brought 50 disciples this time, but now, there are only a few dozen disciples left, and those who survived are all depressed.

With a panoramic view of all this, he glanced at Zhao Huaizhen, who was killed in blood, and then secretly glanced at Lin Jian. Finally, he withdrew his eyes and looked back at his injured shoulder. Although he was angry, the situation was so compelling that he had to drive him to retreat.

"The disciples in blood obeyed the order. Today's mission failed, and all retreated!" Bloody Yin took a look at his weak disciple. In his mind, the general trend has gone today, and the situation has reversed. Even if he continues to fight, it is impossible to grab the blood of the unicorn. On the contrary, he may even kill himself. So he had to give this order.

Before retreating, he finally glanced at Lin Jian with resentment, making their mission fail and the situation reversed. The capital responsible for all this is because of Lin Jian!