killer cultivation

Chapter 120 Situation

Both Gu Fanyin and Gu Luo Tian agreed that Lin Jian had been killed by Yao's double evil. They would not and never thought that Yao's double evil would be killed by Lin Jian, because this is impossible, at least they think so.

In the other direction, Lin Jianzheng and Zhao Huaizhen walk together.

"By the way, I haven't congratulated Lin Shaoxia on his soaring." Zhao Huaizhen held his fist and said, "Lin Shaoxia's strength has reached a higher level and his strength has greatly increased. It's really gratifying. I admire him very much."

"It's really a fluke. It's just good luck. There's nothing to admire." Lin Jian said modestly, but he was right. It was indeed a little lucky that his cultivation could rise greatly.

"Lin Shaoxia doesn't have to be modest. Luck is also an indispensable factor in cultivation. As the saying goes, opportunity and practice depends on fate. Throughout the ages, there have been no great achievers who do not rely on opportunities. Many people can't look forward to a few opportunities all their lives, so they can only do nothing in their lives. In just a few days, Lin Shaoxia jumped into the spiritual realm from the beginning of Yuanli. This opportunity is really enviable. Zhao Huaizhen can't help but be a little envious, which can make people jump directly into the spiritual realm from the early stage of Yuanli. Even he will feel envious and even jealous!

However, Zhao Huaizhen was still loyal, and the faint fire of jealousy was soon extinguished by him.

"There is a little reason for you to say that. Chance and luck are indeed important factors of cultivation." Hearing Zhao Huaizhen's words, Lin Jian was a little relieved. In fact, he had always been a little worried because his cultivation was too fast. He always feels that it is the right way to practice step by step and steadily improve his strength. However, I always rely on some opportunities to greatly improve my cultivation, which will cause great difficulties for future cultivation.

So Lin Jian always feels a little uneasy about this situation.

However, when he heard Zhao Huaizhen's words, the gloom accumulated in Lin Jian's heart suddenly became enlightened in an instant.


Which of the strong, powerful and respected people from ancient times to the present is not a person with great opportunities? Which one is not a big adventure?

The opportunity sounds invisible, invisible and untouchable, and always feels far away from people. But I have to admit that opportunity plays a crucial role in cultivation.

Maybe it is not obvious when laying the foundation, but the further you go, the longer you go, the more you will find the importance of opportunity.

"Lin Shaoxia's cultivation has soared. In the early stage of Yuanli, he had a battle with the bloody yin in the late stage of Taling. I'm afraid he is not much better than the master of the virtual spirit realm." Zhao Huaizhen smiled.

"The master of the virtual spirit realm flies sand and stones, and steps on the void like a flat ground, which can make the mountains collapse and the earth collapse. It is a major watershed in the realm of cultivation. How dare you compare with the masters of the virtual spirit realm?"

"Haha••Lin Shaoxia doesn't have to be modest."

Zhao Huaizhen and Lin Jian talked happily. At the same time, Gu Luotian and Gu Fanyin gradually came over.

We finally met at the corner of the corridor.

In an instant, Gu Fanyin's face, which was originally dull and silent, suddenly changed, and he looked at Lin Jian with great horror, as if he had seen a ghost. His face was full of shock and disbelief.

Lin Jian's eyebrows jumped. He didn't know the two people who came over, but when the teenager in black saw the change of his expression, he was still fascinated by his keen senses, which surprised Lin Jian. He didn't understand why the teenager in black was so shocked when he met two people for the first time.

"Good bone door owner." Just as Lin Jian was secretly puzzled, Zhao Huaizhen spoke when he saw the coming Gu Luotian. But he respectfully greeted Gu Luotian.

"My nephew is polite." Gu Luotian smiled indifferently.

"I dare not. This is what the younger generation should do." Zhao Huaizhen quickly said that Gu Luotian is the equal of his father, and he is the owner of the yin bone door. He should say hello when he sees Gu Luotian, at least he can't talk about it on the surface.

"Hmm." Gu Luotian nodded faintly, and then passed by with Gu Fanyin.

The brief encounter evoked different emotions. Lin Jian and Gu Fanyin did not say anything, but they had their own thoughts.

It runs away from the road, and as soon as it passes the corner, it disappears.


"What happened to you just now?" After only a few steps, Gu Luotian asked Gu Fanyin in a low voice. He was the most powerful of the four people just now. Even Lin Jian could detect the change in Gu Fanyin's expression, and Gu Luotian naturally felt it.

"Father, I saw him, he didn't die, he didn't die!" Gu Fanyin's face was full of horror, his eyes were stunned, and his emotions seemed to be immersed in the moment he had just met Lin Jian.

"He? Do you mean that person? Gu Luotian was stunned, but he reacted quickly and soon thought of something.

"Yes, it's him. He's still alive, he's still alive!"

How is it possible? I sent Yao Shuangshi to assassinate. How can that man still live in a few days? Did Yao's double evil miss?" Gu Luotian was also shocked.

"No, it's impossible, Yao's double evil can't miss! Did he escape the assassination of Yao's double evil? Or did Yao's Shuangshi not find him? Even now, Gu Luotian has never thought that Yao's double evil would die at Lin Jian's hands.

Yao's double evil was trained by him. Gu Luotian has the deepest understanding of Yao's double evil. In the short encounter just now, he obviously felt that Lin Jian's cultivation was still under Zhao Huaizhen. He absolutely couldn't believe that Lin Jian had the strength to kill Yao's double evil.

"But there has been no news of Yao's double evil in the past few days. Will there be any accident?" Gu Fanyin couldn't help but think of a hypothesis that he couldn't even believe.

"Impossible, his strength is absolutely impossible to kill Yao's double evil!" Gu Luo Tianzheng made a sound and denied it in a positive tone, but for some reason, he didn't even seem to believe his words. Is it self-comfort or real affirmation? Even Gu Luotian didn't know that his heart was full of contradictions.


"Who were those two just now? Do you even have to salute?" After walking around the corner, Lin Jian asked Zhao Huaizhen first.

"The elder is the owner of the yin bone door - Gu Luotian, a boss-level figure in Sifang City. I am his junior, and I have to greet him in a reasonable way." Zhao Huaizhen explained, "The man next to Gu Luotian is his son Gu Fanyin, who is also a popular figure in Sifang City. He has excellent talent and cultivation above me."

"Hmm." Lin Jian nodded. No wonder he had never met Gu Fanyin. When Gu Fanyin saw him, it was like seeing a ghost. Seeing the change of his expression from Gu Fanyin, Lin Jian was more sure of what he thought in his heart. It seems that what I guessed was really right. It was really a bone that killed Zhao Huaizhen halfway that day. And the person who turns into a bloody yin is still a bone Sanskrit.

However, Lin Jian did not tell Zhao Huaizhen about his guess. After all, it was unfounded, and it was all his own speculation. Even if he told Zhao Huaizhen, it was useless, but it aroused suspicion. And he doesn't want to be involved in the power struggle of Sifang City. His target is only Kirin blood.

"This courtyard is specially built by us to entertain distinguished guests. Although the pubic bone gate is also in Sifang City, it is reasonable to come to the courtyard one day in advance for convenience." Zhao Huaizhen saw that Lin Jian was silent as if he was thinking something, so he continued to explain.

"Well, the Kirin Blood Auction has attracted the attention of all forces. Have the four sects of Sifang City been stationed in other courtyards? For example, blood clothing teaching? Lin Jian continued to ask that he must pay special attention to the masters and strong people stationed in other courtyards. Especially the other three forces that are as famous as the Yin Bone Gate, if the leader comes, it will be a little tricky.

Although the meeting just now was only a short moment, Lin Jian still felt the terrible breath emanating from Gu Luotian's body, which made people suffocate! That is definitely the horrible breath of the master of the virtual spirit world, and it is not an ordinary master of the virtual spirit world.

And Lin Jian took the blood-clothing religion as an example. In fact, he also had another intention to know how the contradiction between Tianhua auction house and the blood-clothing religion is.

"Yuqimen, Nan Wuzong, the helm of the blood clothing religion have come, and there are also some masters from other places. This unicorn blood competition is going to set off another bloody storm." Zhao Huaizhen sighed that he did not mention anything more about the words Bloody Teaching.

In fact, Zhao Huaizhen returned to Tianhua auction house and was told that Tianhua auction house was at the helm of his father. His father was furious immediately, but his father was also calm, knowing that the wind and clouds were surging in the four cities these days, and it was not appropriate to fight.

So on the surface, he still pretended to be nothing happened, but it didn't mean that he swallowed this breath. After the Kirin blood auction, it was the time for him to liquidate the general account with the blood-clothing teacher.

Of course, Zhao Huaizhen did not tell Lin Jian about these things. Although Lin Jian is his lifesaver, Lin Jian is not from Tianhua auction house after all. He is like a mirror in his heart. Although he is still loyal, it doesn't mean that he is stupid.

In this way, under the lead of Zhao Huaizhen, Lin Jian followed Zhao Huaizhen all the way. During this period, Lin Jian also took this opportunity to understand the situation in Sifang City and asked some questions.

Zhao Huaizhen naturally knows everything. Of course, he won't say what he shouldn't say.