killer cultivation

Chapter 158 Yin Bing

Walking on a street full of historical vicissitudes, Lin Jian and the four of them invisibly felt a pressure, which came from the heavy pressure of history.

On both sides of the street are ruins and dilapidated houses. Through the marks of those years, it seems that you can faintly see the prosperity of the ancient times. However, nothing in the world can last forever, and nothing can last forever. No matter how large the palaces and pavilions are, they can't escape the fate of decay in the end.

On the street, there are all kinds of broken weapons, knives, swords, halberds, axes and scepters, etc., but although they are broken, they are not rotten.

It makes people have to sigh at the great magic of these weapons, but these broken weapons have no longer function. Even if they are held in their hands, they cannot exert any power.

"Is this ghost city really an ancient relic?" Walking on the street and observing the surrounding environment, Ye Jianchen couldn't help but hiss.

"The vicissitudes of history and the imprint of years cannot cover the magnificent era of ancient times. Through the ghost city, I seemed to see the generation of geniuses. There were many spiritual kings like dogs, and the vast and great ancient era. It's just that no one knows what happened in ancient times. All the prosperity disappeared overnight, and history has appeared. If you can move out the ghost city and let those ghosts who study ancient and modern times, they will definitely be able to study clues, restore the ancient times and give us the truth. Nangong Yu said in a low voice.

"Ancient relics, visiting these ancient relics is also very helpful for our cultivation and can realize a lot of things. If we can survive this time, our strength will definitely improve a lot. It's just a pity that we all have to die here. Bai Linger was a little depressed and trapped in the ghost city. Few people dared to say that they could go out alive.

"Don't say these frustrating words. Never give up until the last moment. Even at the last moment, we must reverse the universe and always have an unyielding heart. This is the greatest capital to support us to live!" Lin Jian's voice was full of fighting spirit and unyielding spirit, as if it had injected Bai Linger's soul. Bai Linger, who was a little depressed, was suddenly infected by Lin Jian, glanced away with depression and looked at Lin Jian gratefully.

"Thank you!"

"It's okay."

"I don't know where the other practitioners on the spirit stone mine are. We haven't met a living person yet. Are those people dead?"

"I'm not sure, but the ghost city is so big that we may not have encountered it yet."

"Be careful, something is coming!" While Nangong Yu was talking with Ye Jianchen, Lin Jian suddenly frowned, shouted softly and warned.

"Let's find a hidden place to hide!" Although Lin Jian did not see those things clearly, the invisible crisis made him feel stronger and stronger.

He believes in his feelings, no wind and waves. If there had been no crisis, his feelings could not have been so strong.

So Lin Jian did not dare to hesitate and immediately led Nangong Yu and the other three to hide in a nearby incomplete house.

"Lin Jian, what's the danger? Why didn't we feel anything?" Nangong Yu asked doubtfully, and Bai Linger and Ye Jianchen also looked at Lin Jian with puzzled faces.

Although they are confused, no one has disobeyed Lin Jian's words. After several crises, they no longer have any doubts about Lin Jian's strength. Lin Jian has become the backbone of the four.

Nangong Yu and the others have no doubt about Lin Jian's ability, so even if they don't understand Lin Jian's behavior, they still follow their words.

"Don't make a sound, something is approaching us." Lin Jian made a silent gesture, and the feeling of imminent crisis has become stronger and stronger. Although he doesn't know what objects it is, Lin Jian can feel that those objects will appear immediately.

Although Nangong Yu and the others didn't notice anything, they still did what they said. Even though they were puzzled, they did not ask again.

Instead, he crawled beside Lin Jian and waited quietly.

In a moment, just when Nangong Yu and the other two doubted whether Lin Jian had made a mistake in judgment, illusory shadows suddenly appeared at the corner of the street, but they were holding soul guns in their hands, their feet did not touch the ground, and they were floating in the air. Don't walk, but float.

Every figure is illusory, wearing black armor with a blank expression, as if they were patrol guards, but they seemed to have no thinking and were too mechanical.

Every shadow has a gloomy and horrible atmosphere, just like the ghost of death, with a sad death.

"What are those?" Ye Jianchen said in a shocked voice.

"Shh, quiet down, it's over when they hear us." Nangong Yu reminded in a low voice.

"I wonder if Nangong knows what those illusory figures are?" Although Lin Jian is strong, he doesn't have enough knowledge. Among the four people, Nangong Yu is the most knowledgeable, so Lin Jian asked Nangong Yu.

"I have heard of some rumors that there are patrolling yin soldiers in the ghost city. When those yin soldiers were alive, they were warriors of battle. They were very profound and guarded a city. After their death, because they entered the ghost city, their souls did not dissipate. Instead, he inherited the will of his life and continued to guard a city and patrolled the ghost city, hence the name Yin Bing. As long as the outsiders are found, the Yin soldiers will immediately launch an attack. All the outsiders are invaders in the eyes of the Yin soldiers and will be killed cleanly. Nangong Yu explained.

"It seems that many practitioners who fell into the ghost city in the past were killed by these yin soldiers."

"I don't know about this, but from the current situation, the yin soldiers in this team of patrol don't seem to have any thoughts. The yin soldiers without thoughts are the lowest level of yin soldiers. The combat power is equivalent to a virtual master. But this kind of thoughtless Yin soldiers is a complete war machine. As long as the aggressor is found, they will immediately come forward to kill them, and finally it will not end until the aggressor dies or all the Yin soldiers die. Nangong Yu continued.

"Everyone is hidden. Although we have the power to fight with these yin soldiers, once the noise is loud, I'm afraid that the defense will lead to more powerful yin soldiers, and then our situation will be very dangerous."

Contrary to expectations, although Lin Jian did not want to fight with this group of yin soldiers, he still underestimated the power of the yin soldiers patrol. When they communicated in a low voice, even if they deliberately lowered their voices, they were finally found by the patrol yin soldiers.

"If you find an outside invader, there is no mercy to kill!" The team of yin soldiers made a mechanical numb sound, and then raised the soul gun and began to attack Lin Jian's four people.

"Daught up?! Quick battle, we need to destroy this group of yin soldiers as quickly as possible. We must not cause too much noise. If we attract more powerful ghosts in the ghost city, we will be finished. Seeing that the battle could not be avoided, Lin Jian was also very decisive, and his figure flashed and rushed directly to the Yin soldiers.

If you can't avoid it, then make a quick decision. Dragging mud and water is a dead end.

"Boom!" As soon as Lin Jian took action, he directly used the power of real fire, because Lin Jian had long found that among his abilities, only real fire was the most restrained by these dark attributes of life.

Although the axe of destruction can destroy everything, the axe of destruction is a big move after all. It is impossible to use it continuously like real fire. If you use the axe of destruction a few more times, I'm afraid that his whole body will run out.

At the same time, Nangong Yu and the other three also followed Lin Jian and rushed to the Yin soldiers. As soon as they came up, they showed their good Taoism without mercy.

Because they all know that if the time is delayed, they will only be themselves in the end.

In the unknown environment of the ghost city, no one knows how many horrible ghosts are hidden in the ghost city.

"No trace of a sword!"

"Light veil moon shadow!"

"The stars shine in the sky!"

As soon as the three of them came on the stage, they even launched a series of killing moves. The fierce sword, the desolate and sad mood, and the shining starlight completely destroyed the three dark soldiers in an instant.

The yin soldiers were originally transformed by the will of the warriors before their lives. Under the protection of the ghost city, they will be immortal for ten thousand years. It belongs to the ghost and can ignore ordinary physical attacks.

Unfortunately, Ye Jianchen and Bai Linger's Taoism are artistic attacks, not pure physical attacks, while Nangong Yu's Taoism is a dazzling light. Light restrains darkness and has instinctive control over the ghost.

So although the ghost is a special life form, it is not immune to the attack of the three Nangongyu. Instead, it was destroyed by the Taoism of the three Nangongyu, and even the last will of the warriors was shattered. It can be said that these three destroyed ghosts have really disappeared from heaven and earth.

The traces of these three people can no longer be found in the sky and underground.

Lin Jian did not lag behind, and even used real fire to attack. Those yin soldiers saw the real fire like mice meeting mice. Although they did not think, the suppression from instinct made their instincts even twitch and frightened.

"Boom!" Lin Jian lost several real fireballs in a row, and immediately three yin soldiers were burned by the real fire and completely disappeared in this space, and no trace could be found.

There are a total of 15 yin soldiers patrolling this team. As soon as Lin Jian's four men went up, they immediately started to kill. The yin soldiers were caught off guard and were killed by Lin Jian's four people.

Poor group of yin soldiers only know how to kill the enemy, but have no thinking. They rely entirely on instinctive attacks. They are slow in both reaction and sensitivity, otherwise they will not be so miserable. Under the condition of comparable strength, six will be eliminated as soon as they play.

"Then kill, don't show mercy, you must kill all these yin soldiers immediately. They don't think. As long as they move quickly, this group of yin soldiers can't react at all."