killer cultivation

Sorry! I sincerely apologize to all the book lovers!

Something happened in the past ten days, which seriously affected my mood, and I didn't feel like typing at all.

You have also seen that last month, I insisted on updating at least 5,000 words every day, but at the end of the month, it was disrupted, and the update speed dropped again and again. In the past ten days, the update was extremely slow.

I'm really sorry. I'm not in a good mood these days. I have to think about one code of words, so that I broke my promise a few days ago and didn't do the update I said to my book friends. Everything came too suddenly and caught me off guard, but now it's all right. Starting today, the update will be officially resumed.

For the ten-day update, slow update, or even no update, I apologize to all the book friends again, I'm sorry!