killer cultivation

Chapter 177 Under the Infernal Fire

"Gone back my life!"

"I'm going to kill you!"


The ghost cried and howled, and countless ghosts and evil spirits wrapped around Lin Jian, with loose hair, sharp teeth and claws, pale faces, gloomy and horrible, ferocious fangs, and magic obstacles wrapped around, as if falling into an infernal prison.

There is no light, no hope, no anything that has a little connection with light, there is only boundless darkness, as well as greed, killing, blood, cruelty, murder, struggle!

All negative emotions surround Lin Jian, making people feel boundless despair, boundless fear, and wear out confidence, or in such a world, confidence does not exist.

Once your own emotions also begin to have a negative impact, they will resonate with the ghost wind, completely fall into the ghost realm, and never be detached.

"What the hell, what the wind, what hell, what demon, what injustice? Get out of here! My heart is clear and clean, untouched, unstained, and unsullied. Heaven and earth are selfless. Just because I have a heart, the demons are all false. How can I shake my heart!" Lin Jian looked at the ghost who opened his teeth and claws beside him indifferently.

Not moved at all, those ferocious demons are all false and clowns.

The heart is not moving, and nothing illusory can penetrate his heart and infect his emotions.

"Get out of here!"

Lin Jian shouted angrily, like a tiger roaring in the sky, like a lion roaring, full of masculine voices, instantly dispelling the resentment demons with sharp teeth and claws.

Although the dark cave is still dark, Lin Jian's world has become clear, as if the spring breeze has blown the earth, the malt breaks through the land, and the tender buds reveal sharp corners. After the cold winter, life revives, and the night fades and the light is shrouded.

At this moment, Lin Jian seemed to understand something again. His heart was comfortable, and his heart seemed to be bathed in a holy light, which was extremely happy.

Although his cultivation has not been promoted, Lin Jian has gone a step further on the road of cultivation.

It only takes one opportunity to greatly improve your strength.

"Congratulations, master, even the disaster of the dark cave, not to mention the practitioners of the spiritual realm, even if they enter the dark cave, they can't even pass the disaster of the dark cave."

"It's nothing to be a ghost wind disaster. It's just to construct an illusory world and confuse the mind. As long as you are determined, you will not be affected by these false illusions." Lin Jian said lightly, didn't care and was not proud.

Despite the thrilling, it could not shake Lin Jian's determination to find the spiritual stone mine, and still flew forward fearlessly.

"Master, you will encounter the fire of hell in front of you. The fire of hell is not comparable to the wind and ghost wind. It is rumored that it is a flame born from hell, burning evil spirits and punishing evil obstacles. Thousands of demons and demons in hell are burned every day. It is heaven and earth. One of the flames from yang to yin to evil. The owner of the ghost city reminded.

"I, Lin Jian, have never been afraid of getting angry!" Lin Jian said proudly.

It's not Lin Jian's arrogance, but Lin Jian's cultivation of divine Taoism. Wanlong prison fire power is the venerable of fire. No matter what flame he encounters, Lin Jian has never been afraid of. Moreover, practicing the firepower of Wanlong Prison requires absorbing all kinds of flame power. The more powerful the flame, the greater the help Lin Jian's cultivation of the firepower of Wanlong Prison.

While Lin Jian was talking, the temperature of the dark cave became louder in vain, and a grand flame seemed to have hit.

"Master, be careful, we have entered the scope of hell!" The owner of the ghost city warned.

"But why didn't I see anything?"

"Hell's infernal karma fire is a tangible fire, and also an invisible fire. It is intangible, tangible or intangible, all depends on one heart. Either dark, or brilliant, or white, dazzling, or bright, or glorious. The fire of hell burns from the bottom of the heart, like an evil barrier, and the stronger it gets behind.

With the explanation of the owner of the ghost city, Lin Jian felt it in an instant, and there was still endless darkness and darkness around him.

But Lin Jian clearly felt that the boundless darkness, even every dark color, was a burning flame.

The infernal karma fire seems to have been integrated with the dark cave. The dark cave is the infernal karma fire, and the infernal karma fire is the dark cave.

The countless tentacles of the endless industry reach out to Lin Jian.

In an instant, Lin Jian's heart seemed to bloom a black lotus flower, which means that the fire of infernal karma has bloomed from his heart.

When the first black lotus bloomed in Lin Jian's heart, followed by one black lotus flower after another, quietly blooming, densely, like an ice flower, covering Lin Jian's heart.

"Bum!" When Lin Jian's heart bloomed to a thousand black lotus flowers, the black lotus that bloomed in Lin Jian's heart exploded in vain and turned into the purest black flame, blooming everywhere. With Lin Jian's heart as the source, it instantly filled Lin Jian's body.

In an instant, Lin Jian's whole body burned with an infernal fire.

Infernal karma fire is different from the flame of the earth's heart flame. The earth's heart flame is a pure natural fire, while the infernal karma fire is a magic fire, heart fire, which is both tangible and invisible.

"The magic flame, once the infernal industry fire burns, it is like an evil barrier, and the yin is extremely heavy and horrible, so it is the flame of the most evil in the world. But the infernal karma fire is also a flame that specializes in restraining evil things such as demons, demons, resentment souls, etc., so it is very masculine. When the fire burned from all over his body, Lin Jian seemed to have some kind of enlightenment in an instant.

"Wanlong prison is full of fire!" Lin Jian immediately ran the Wanlong prison fire to fight against the infernal industry fire.

"Cause and effect, the deeper the magic barrier, the more restrained by the infernal karma fire will be, so the infernal karma fire restrains those demons and demons, because every demon and devil is entangled in injustice, and the magic barrier is as deep as a bottomless hole, and is suppressed by the infernal karma fire. However, I am a human being in the world. There is no injustice, no magic barrier, and the impact of the infernal fire on me has been almost the lowest, so the harm of the infernal fire to me is almost as great as the impact of the flame of the earth.

It does not mean that the infernal fire is not as powerful as the flame of the earth. On the contrary, the infernal fire, as the flame of hell, burns and punishes thousands of demons and demons, which is many times stronger than the flame of the earth. However, because Lin Jian is a human, he has no magic skills, no injustice and no magic barrier, so the infernal karma fire has almost no natural use for Lin Jian.

In addition, Lin Jian has just come into contact with the infernal industry fire and is still on the edge of the infernal industry fire, and Lin Jian is many times stronger than when he met the earthly flame. At the beginning, he protected himself with the Wanlong prison fire. Naturally, the damage to Lin Jian by the infernal industry fire is naturally not as great as the original earthly flame.

"But the energy of the infernal industry fire is really a great tonic for the fire of Wanlong prison. If I practice the fire power of Wanlong prison in this infernal industry fire, wouldn't it be like a fish in water? Hahaha!!"