killer cultivation

Chapter 181 Spirit

Lin Jian threw everything valuable into the Bahuang Tripod. In order to promote the Bahuang Tripod, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his blood.

Immediately, Lin Jian controlled the three-flavored real fire and the infernal karma fire, and calchimed the eight wilderness tripod to fuse the things thrown into the eight wilderness tripod with the eight wilderness tripod.

With Lin Jian's quenching of the Bahuang Ding, the Bahuang Ding also obviously reacted.

A layer of crystal brilliance flashed all over the eight wilderness tripods, as if there was some kind of transformation.

"The Bahuang Ding is slowly transforming, but with the materials just thrown into the Bahuang Ding, it is far from enough to promote the Bahuang Ding. Treasure weapons are magic weapons that can be called treasures. To be refined into treasure weapons, the energy required is thousands of times more horrible than spiritual weapons. Lin Jian said secretly.

"The power of infernal fire!" To make the Eight Wasteland Tripod a treasure, it still needs a huge amount of energy, so Lin Jian extracted a large amount of energy from the Infernal Fire and melted it into the Eight Wastes Tripod.

However, the energy of the infernal fire is still not enough to promote the eight wilderness tripod. Although the brilliance around the eight wilderness tripod is becoming more and more brilliant, its essence has not changed, as if it has fallen into a bottleneck.

"Wanlong prison is full of fire!" Subsequently, Lin Jian carried out the power of Wanlong prison fire and poured the power of Wanlong prison fire into the eight wilderness tripod.

In an hour, the Bahuang Tripod burst into a bright light again, with golden light and brilliant light.

But after a moment, the bright light immediately dimmed, and after all, it failed to break through the darkness and undergo an essential transformation.

That is to say, the promotion to the treasure weapon just failed.

If the golden light can last, and if the dazzling golden light can break through the obstacles and shine all the world, it means that the eight wilderness tripod has undergone an essential transformation.

"Damn, the energy is still not enough. My calcination of the Eight Wasteland Tripod has reached the point of perfection. The material thrown into the Eight Wasteland Tripod has also been completely integrated with it, but it still lacks energy and magnificent energy!" Everything is ready and only owes the east wind. As long as you find the magnificent energy and enter the eight wilderness tripod, you can make the eight wilderness tripods transform into essence and become a treasure.

The current Bahuangding is like a hungry tiger. Only by feeding it can the Bahuangding advance. And all kinds of energy are the food of the Eight Wastes Tripod.

"The method of refining tools is the way of refining sages of ancient powerful sages, such as the rich mountains, the vastness of the ocean, and the vast energy of the sky, assisted by materials to improve the quality of magic weapons. However, this way of refining tools has long been lost after the ancient disaster. I didn't expect the owner to know this method of refining weapons!" After seeing Lin Jian's method of refining the eight wilderness tripod in the distance, the owner of the ghost city suddenly couldn't close his mouth in surprise and stared at Lin Jian in disbelief.

However, the master's energy does not seem to be enough. Although the ancient sage's way of refining tools saves the way of eliminating complicated refineries and directly enlightens with majestic energy, it has both advantages and disadvantages. The energy of improving the level of the magic weapon is too magnificent. Even if ordinary people know the method of refining tools, they cannot implement it. The energy needed to upgrade the level alone is enough to scare a lot of people. The owner of the ghost city also found Lin Jian. At this moment, he has fallen into a bottleneck when refining the eight barren tripod. If he can't break through the bottleneck, the purpose of refining the eight barren tripods to raise the level of the eight barren tripod will be lost.

"Hey••• He is too impatient, and his cultivation is not enough. He actually wants to use the ancient refining tools to quench the Eight Wastes Tripod. Failure is doomed." The owner of the ghost city suddenly let out a sneer. Although Lin Jian was his master, it was only because he didn't want to die that he was forced to submit to Lin Jian. He was not convinced of Lin Jian. He really wanted to see Lin Jian's jokes.

"Well, if there is not enough energy, then I will find enough energy!" Lin Jian didn't believe that he couldn't find energy in this dark cave full of energy.

"I want to take risks and enter the demon fantasy again, devour all those demons into the purest energy and pour them into the eight wilderness tripod." Although the energy of the infernal industry fire is all over this world, the energy of the infernal industry fire is too slow to swallow. If you want the eight wilderness tripod to transform, you must enter the magnificent energy like enlightenment.

After thinking about it, Lin Jian still only thought about the devil's fantasy.

With this in mind, Lin Jian no longer hesitated. He quenched the eight wilderness tripod and encountered a bottleneck. He pretended to be impatient and shook his mind. Like a calm mind in a lake, his mind was immediately like dropping a stone and his mind swayed.

The calm lake immediately rippled.

And at this moment, the demon fantasy also appeared again, and countless resentment ghosts appeared in Lin Jian's world.

With teeth and claws, ghosts cry and howling.

However, unlike the previous times, the resentment ghosts that appeared this time are all bare-faced fangs, their scattered hair are red, and their bodies are ten feet huge, full of power and majesty.

These demons are obviously more advanced and powerful than the demons who fell into nightmares several times before.

"Humph, don't think this can shock me?! Well, the more powerful the devil is, the more useful it will be for me. In the face of these red-faced fangs and tall devils, Lin Jian's face did not change his color and was awe-inspiring.

"Yanlong swallows the sky!"

Lin Jian immediately showed his latest understood move, and the huge dragon's mouth roared to the sky, as if he could swallow the sky. In the blink of an eye, he swallowed the huge and red-fanged devil into his huge mouth.

turned into a series of pure and magnificent energy.

Although these ghosts and demons are just illusions, they are not ordinary illusions, but the hell projection transmitted to the dark cave through infernal karma fire.

That is to say, the demons and demons appearing in Lin Jian's nightmare may be real. They are just the projection of the distant hell transmitted to the dark cave through the infernal fire.

Although it is only a projection, it has the original energy of resentful ghosts and demons. Even if there is only one trace, it is also very magnificent for Lin Jian.

Each of the demons suppressed in hell is a peerless demon, and a sneeze can destroy Lin Jian.

The main role of the demon fantasy projected to the dark cave through the infernal karma fire is to shake the mind. Only those who really have loopholes in the mind will fall into the situation and fall into the real devil, so they will fall into the eternal purgatory.

And Lin Jian's mind has always been as stable as a rock and has never wavered. Although he fell into a nightmare and entered the fantasy world, he is like a bystander and an outsider who is not affected by anything, so he can easily devour the demon's original power.

"Endless demon energy!" After Lin Jian swallowed all the demons in the fantasy into pure and magnificent energy, he immediately woke up from the fantasy and poured the swallowed energy into the eight wilderness tripod.


In an instant, the eight wilderness tripod was brilliant and golden, filling the whole space, shining the red infernal fire into gold.

Shining all the world, the eight wilderness tripod rose to the sky, like a divine tripod, bathed in golden light.

The bronze pieces on the appearance of the Eight Wastes Tripod are peeled off one by one, replaced by golden copper pieces. The golden light shines on the world, like divine light bathing the earth.

The essence of the Eight Wastes Tripod is transforming step by step.

"He did it, he really did it!" The owner of the ghost city was stunned and opened his mouth. He couldn't believe his eyes. He thought that Lin Jian would fail to refine the Eight Wastes Tripod, but he never thought that Lin Jian really did it and really let the Eight Wastes Tripod begin to transform towards the treasure.

"The energy of demons is really too vast. Rumor has sprinkled that a drop of demon energy into the river, and the whole river will turn black and the magic will rise to the sky. In the demon fantasy just now, there are hundreds of demons. I have devoured these demons, that is to say, there are at least hundreds of drops of devil's original power, hundreds of original power. How horrible it is to pour power into the eight barren tripods! The promotion of Bahuangding is almost a certainty.

"Haha•••transformed, Bahuangding, devour and digest all the power of demons and completely metamorphosis. Let me see how horrible you will become when you become a treasure!" Lin Jian opened his hands, looked up to the sky and smiled, bathing in the sacred golden light. His body seemed to have been baptized by the golden light.

The power of devouring the devil is promoted to the treasure. Unheard of, the Eight Wasteland Tripod has originally integrated the artifact Taihuang Jade, and now it is the three rare forces of heaven and earth: the power of devouring the devil, the power of infernal karma fire, and the power of Wanlong prison. After the promotion of the treasure weapon, the power is almost boundless.

Any town can kill the masters of seven changes or even eight changes of virtual spirits.

The Eight Wasteland Tripod will also become Lin Jian's strongest killer.

"Spiritual weapon, the spirit of heaven and earth, although spiritual, has no consciousness. The treasure tool is moving up and gradually forming its own consciousness, which is called the weapon spirit. There is still one process left to become a treasure. Its own spirituality has not evolved into consciousness and transformed into a spirit. However, seeing that the Eight Wasteland Tripod could not be promoted for a long time, Lin Jian soon realized the problem.

"The Eight Wasteland Tripod is not an ordinary unique spiritual weapon, but a fusion artifact first, while the Taihuang Jade does not have an artifact. Under the pressure of the Taihuang Jade, the Eight Wasteland Tripod may be difficult to form its own artifact. If the spirit cannot be formed, the Bahuangding can't be promoted to become a treasure. The spirit is the symbol of the treasure. If the Bahuang Tripod can't give birth to the spirit, even if the Bahuang Tripod has the power of the treasure, the quality essence is still only a unique spirit.

The essence cannot be completely transformed into a treasure, and the power of the emperor jade that the Bahuangding can withstand will not change much compared with before.

"Since the Eight Wastes Tripod itself can't form a spirit, I will integrate an spirit!" In the blink of an eye, Lin Jian came up with a way. He turned his eyes to the owner of the ghost city. "The Eight Wasteland Tripod is affected by the emperor's jade and can't form an artifact. It's only the last process for the Eight Wasteland Tripod to be promoted to the treasure. Therefore, the ghost city lord, I want you to become the spirit of the Eight Wasteland Tripod!" Lin Jian suddenly shouted.