kill the sky (full)

Chapter 21 Break into the Array

Continue to ask for red tickets and collections!


This practice has been another ten days. The seven locals no longer appeared three days ago. Du Huaishan finally dispelled his doubts about Yan Hao. And Yan Hao's red fire palm finally completed the first three layers. Most importantly, his vitality has finally broken through to seven times.

Yan Hao simply adjusted the hidden qi to maintain the revealed cultivation to the triple level of human yuan. Despite this, once you are found, I'm afraid you will be shocked.

The first person to find Yan Hao's change was not someone else, but the deputy leader of the Pingtian Gang who had been monitoring him. When he found that Yan Hao's cultivation had made a breakthrough in such a short time, he almost shocked his chin.

Only then did he understand why Yan has always wanted to get rid of Yan Hao quickly. How can such a cultivation genius, who is also his own enemy, continue to develop? If it goes on like this, Yan Ru, the first cultivation genius of the Yan family, will be handed over to others.

That morning, the deputy leader of the Pingtian Gang appeared outside Yan Hao's yard on time. Yan Hao also woke up from practice. Today is not only the day when Yan Hao wants to start to investigate Yan Wudan, but also the day when he died in the local area.

Yan Hao made a little preparation and went out of the yard. He was not on the way to the training ground, but in the other direction. During his nearly month of practice, he asked Sun Kai about the place where there was a fire in the Yan family, but Sun Kai didn't know much about it, and finally he learned it from Yang Li.

There are not many places with fires in the Yan family. There are only four places, two in the east of the Yan family, which are not too far away, and two places are in the west and south of the Yan family. The Yan family's destination today is east, and he intends to find out both places at once.

When the deputy leader of the Pingtian Gang saw that Yan Hao finally went out alone, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He didn't have time to inform the gang, so he followed Yan Hao to the east.

The Yan family is really too big. Yan Hao estimates that it is nearly half the size of the county. He walked for nearly half an hour before he was far away from the discipleship, which happened to be inaccessible.

Yan Hao stopped and turned around and said, "The deputy master of the Pingtian Gang, you have been monitoring me for nearly a month. Aren't you tired? Don't you want to kill me and still don't do it?"

Yan Hao's voice was not loud, but in the ears of the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang, he was like a sledgehammer, and the words hit on his heart. He never thought that he was discovered by Yan Hao from the beginning. It seemed that as the master said, Yan Hao was too simple.

But after all, Yan Hao is only three now. He is already a local-level strongman, and during this period, he found that Yan Hao had just begun to practice his skills, how could he be his opponent? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but gain confidence and walked out from behind the tree.

I saw a figure coming out from a big tree more than ten feet behind Yan Hao. At the age of thirty-five or six, he was not tall, but his body was a little hunched. He said, "The boy is still so rampant when he dies. Since you already know the existence of this master, you must be ready to die. For the sake of being a talented person, I hereby allow you to make a decision by yourself. If I want to take action, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to die.

Yan Hao couldn't help laughing. He had never seen such a lifeless one: "I, Yan Hao, have lived for several decades. There are many problems, but there are no suicide. If you have that problem, I might as well be kind today and allow you to break by yourself. Otherwise, if I want to take action, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to die.

The deputy master of the Pingtian Gang is almost a dead person in Yan Hao's eyes, so Yan Hao has no scruples about speaking and said that he has lived for decades. In fact, his body is only 16 years old this year. Moreover, Yan Hao almost returned what the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang said just now, and his face turned green with anger.

The deputy master of Pingtian Gang shouted angrily: "Kid looking for death." He moved and stepped out of the distance three feet in one step, and at the same time, his momentum climbed wildly.

Yan Hao felt as if there was an invisible sword rising from the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang. Those swords were so sharp that they seemed to pierce Yan Hao's body.

Yan Hao smiled contemptuously: "It turned out to be a metal skill. Don't you know Huo Kejin?"

Yan Hao did not retreat and went forward. He only saw him step out of the distance, five feet, and the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang stepped out again. Yan Hao immediately came to him and said, "Let you try the power of this Liuyang broken pulse palm."

Seeing that Yan Hao's right palm stood up, his palm immediately turned into a fire color. He waved in front of him casually, and the golden sword spirit emerging from the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang immediately melted like the spring snow being rolled with oil.

Yan Hao bowed his left foot and pushed out his right palm flat. It happened to be a punch from the deputy leader of the Pingtian Gang. The two hit each other and made a slight explosion. After retreating, they retreated at a touch.

It's just that Yan Hao's body remained motionless, and the deputy leader of the Pingtian Gang was slapped more than three feet away by Yan Hao. Moreover, a lot of blood flowed from the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, which was obviously shattered by Yan Hao. When he fell to the ground, he was already out of breath and less breath.

The bloody face of the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang was full of disbelief. Looking at Yan Hao jumping over, he tried to squeeze a few words out of his mouth: "Impossible." He straightened up and cut off his breath. It's just that a pair of bloody eyes are still open, and the inside is full of surprise.

The deputy master of the Pingtian Gang actually died unjustly. Now Yan Hao's vitality has reached sevenfold, and his physical strength can resist the sevenfold of the locality. His vitality is much higher than that of ordinary monks. The combination of the two can even confront ordinary Tianyuan one or two.

Under such circumstances, the human-level middle-grade gold skill of the deputy leader of the Pingtian Gang met Yan Hao's human-level middle-grade fire skill, which was originally Huo Kejin, and there was such a big power gap. It is not surprising that he was killed by Yan Hao's slap.

Yan Hao looked at the body of the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang with no expression on his face. He was never soft on this kind of person who wanted to kill him quickly. So there is no emotional fluctuation in his heart.

"Red Fire Palm." Yan Hao shouted softly and gently pushed out his palm into the body of the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang. He saw that Yan Hao had already become red in his palm and suddenly spouted a flame. In an instant, he wrapped the body of the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang.

Chiyan Huoyuan Palm is a lower-level skill, which can compress part of the fire attribute in the body and pat it out through the palm of the hand. Of course, the higher the cultivation, the larger the fire area and the higher the temperature.

The flame spewed by Yan Hao now is only one foot square, and the temperature is similar to that of an ordinary flame.

When the body of the deputy master of the Pingtian Gang was almost burned, the movement here finally attracted the attention of the guards of the Yan family, and Yan Hao heard the movement. As soon as he moved, he disappeared from this place.

Yan Hao kept going east and passed through several yards. Fortunately, he was hidden and was not afraid of being found.

The more Yan Hao goes east, the fewer guards there are. Finally, nearly an hour later, Yan Hao stopped because a special building appeared in front of him.

It is said that the building is actually a little inappropriate. In fact, it is a cave, but the mountain is too short. It is said that it should be a small mountain bag. There is a big hole in the front of the hill bag.

There are many guards patrolling around the cave, but strangely, these patrol guards are standing more than ten feet away from the cave.

Yan Hao took a closer look and found that there were many stones of different sizes around the cave, large and horizontal and vertical, and small ones. But it was these stones that isolated the guards.

"Sure enough, there is a formation." Yan Hao said in his heart.

The formation here is different from that outside the Presbyterian Church. The 'Muling trapped fairy array' outside the Presbyterian Church. If you don't walk out of the array, you can't see anything behind the array. The stone array here can clearly see the cave behind, but it seems easy. I'm afraid it will become another scene as soon as you enter.

Yan Hao thought about the stone array here. The 'Muling trapped fairy array' in front of the Presbyterian Church is a trapped array, and I'm afraid it's an illusion or killing array here. And the killing array is not so simple. It may be more than a fantasy array.

Although the illusion array is only some illusions, the smart illusion array is exactly the most difficult to arrange. Gao Ming's magic array can be aimed at a person alone. For that person's psychological weakness, it can be used to defeat him.

If this is a magic array, it can only be a shallow magic array. Maybe as soon as you walk in, those stones will change slightly, making you think that you are walking through a passage, but walking over is a trap.

However, these superficial illusions are of no use to those who are determined. As long as you remember the route of entry and exit in your mind at the beginning, firmly believe that what you see is false, and keep following the initial memory, you can get out of the illusion.

It's just how many such people in the world will believe that what they see with their own eyes is fake. If a person suddenly comes out in front of you and cuts you with a knife, will you not avoid it?

So this kind of formation is simple, but it is actually not simple.

More than 20 guards outside the cave were seriously, standing straight, holding their hands on their waist knives, and patrolling meticulously. Their eyes swept around from time to time. They really couldn't hide them. If anyone really wants to distinguish the authenticity of the cave in the working attitude of these guards, I'm afraid they really can't tell.

Yan Hao is confident that his mind is still firm and can't easily defeat the line of defense in his heart. So he decided to try this Stonehenge.

He firmly remembers the location of these stones in his mind, and remembers the position and size of each piece clearly. Only then did he carry out the hidden atmosphere and completely hidden his body. It swept to Stonehenge without making a sound.

Yan Hao's memory was originally good, but later, after changing his body by the energy rushed out of the nine-level buoy, his memory was strengthened, so that he could remember all the details of these stones.

Now that his cultivation has reached the seventh weight of Renyuan, and the time to hide his body has been close to a moment, so Yan Hao is confident that there should be no problem with this time to break through this illusion array.

Before Yan Hao entered the battle, he stopped for a moment. He took a deep breath and then stepped into the formation.

After entering the array, these stones did not change as he thought.

Yan Hao observed carefully and was indeed right. The position and size of these stones were exactly the same as in his mind, and they had not changed at all.

Yan Hao couldn't help but be stunned. Did he miscalculate? Is Yan Wudan so suspicious and sing empty city plans?

He deliberately put some stones here, which looked like a formation, but in fact it was just some stones.

Yan Hao then dispelled the idea. I'm afraid Yan Wudan is not so bold and not so boring. As Yan Wudan, people in the world are not afraid of him to that extent.