kill the sky (full)

Chapter 213 The Man Behind the Scene

According to Yan Hao's mind, if he changes to another place, he will never allow such a potential enemy to continue to live, but now in the Tianyi Pavilion, in front of the water and blue sky, it is not easy for him to kill Bai Hesheng. I can only let the white crane leave.

Fortunately, although Bai Hesheng has Zunyuan's triple cultivation, Yan Hao's current strength is much better than that of Bai Hesheng, and he is not afraid that Bai Hesheng will come to find trouble.

After Bai Hesheng left, the water blue sky looked at Yan Hao and said, "What do you think of Yan Hao?"

Now it's Yan Hao's turn to be in trouble. Yan Hao was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

Shui Ruyi is not only beautiful and touching, but also has an outstanding temperament and a good temperament. It is impossible for him to say that he is not moved. However, if you marry Shui Ruyi first, what will happen to Long Yanmiao? Yan Hao has always regarded Long Yanmiao as his own woman.

But if he refuses the marriage like this, not only will he not be willing, but he will also offend the water and blue sky. Maybe even Shui Ruyi will not pay attention to himself in the end. At that time, he will be out of touch with Tianyi Pavilion.

Yan Hao had a headache when he thought of this and didn't know what to make.

As soon as Shuiru saw Yan Hao thinking about it for a long time, he hated Yan Hao and thought, "Is it so difficult to marry me? How dare you think about it for so long? You don't want to marry, and I don't want to marry."

Although Shui Ruyi thought so, he didn't say it. But his cheeks were fiery and beautiful, and he only dared to glance at Yan Hao inadvertently.

"Yan Hao, haven't you thought about it yet?"

Seeing that Yan Hao has not made a statement for a long time, he can't help urging him.

Yan Hao's heart was fierce and said, "It's my blessing that Yan Hao can marry Yan Hao."


When the water and blue sky saw Yan Hao agree, he shouted with great joy. The reason why Shuilan will marry Yan Hao is that on the one hand, he is an experienced person, and naturally he can see that Shui is like a pair of Yan Hao's careful thoughts. Second, it is also used to attract Yan Hao. Now Yan Hao's growth speed is so terrible. In just a few years, his cultivation has changed from the Zhenyuan period to the disaster period. What's more frightening is that his strength can kill two strong men in the Zunyuan period.

At this speed, give this son some more time, how terrible will this son grow, Emperor Yuan period? Empty period? Or the earth fairy, or flying into the fairyland?

Water blue sky is an ambitious person. It's nothing to sacrifice a daughter. Moreover, his daughter is interested in Yan Hao, so he is naturally happy to push the boat.

Water is like a: "In this case, you can choose a day to get married."

Yan Hao said, "Now that the attack of Xuanhuang World is approaching, let's talk about the marriage later."

When Yan Hao agreed to this marriage, he felt sorry for Long Yanmiao. If he didn't say a word and set the wedding date, it would be even more amazing. Yan Hao thought of killing two birds and marrying Longyanmiao and water together.

Water blue sky thought for a moment and said, "Well, as you said, it's not too late to choose another day after defeating the Xuanhuang world this time."

said, looking at Shui Ruyi, "Ruyi, you won't think it's too long, will you?"

Water rarely showed his little daughter's mood. After saying a hate, he turned to the back hall.

The water and blue sky laughed twice, and the laughter was full of pleasure.

Other elders also said to Yan Hao and Shui Lantian. The water and blue sky laughed, and Yan Hao naturally wanted to salute one by one.

After doing this, Yan Hao suddenly said to Shui Lantian, "Lord, I returned to the summit this time and found a strange thing."

"Oh?" Shui Lantian said, "What's wrong? Let's talk about it."

Yan Hao said, "I found that a friend and a mountain guard boy who practiced on the peak of the sky actually ate a bad stomach."

Shui Lantian frowned and said, "How can immortals cultivate people so easily eat bad stomachs?"

Yan Hao said, "Yes, I'm also puzzled." With that, he suddenly looked at Elder Shangqiu and said, " Elder Shangqiu, do you know the reason?"

Shangqiu was so scared that he almost jumped up: "How can I know? It's a joke."

When Shui Lantian saw Shangqiu looking strange, he couldn't help but be suspicious and said, "If you don't know, you don't know. What are you so afraid to do?"

Shangqiu said, "I just lost my mind just now. Suddenly, I was called by Yan Hao, no, by Elder Yan, and then I was shocked."

This is obviously a prevaricate word, and the water and blue sky can naturally be heard. But now that Yan Hao hasn't finished speaking, he ignored it first and asked Yan Hao, "Have you found out why?"

Yan Hao said, "I found out that someone threw blood and cold incense poison in my lake. They ate the water in the lake and naturally got poisoned.

"Blood is cold and fragrant?"

Several elders suddenly screamed out. This blood is cold and fragrant. Among the monks below the Shenyuan period, they will die. Seeing the blood sealed their throats, although it is only useful for monks below Shenyuan, their fame is not small.

Shui Lantian frowned and said, "This matter is serious. If this is the case, then the boy guarding the mountain and your friends should die directly. Why did they just eat bad food?"

"That's right."

Shangqiu finally found an opportunity and hurriedly said, "I think some people are talking nonsense here and want to frame good people."

Yan Hao looked at Elder Shangqiu and said calmly, "Shangqiu Elder, why did you react so much? I don't say that you poisoned it now. Why did you start to defend yourself so early?"

"Bloody, what kind of identity, how can I do such a thing?"

Shangqiu brushed his clothes and said awe-inspiringly. Looking at his appearance, he seemed to really look like his. However, Yan Hao found that there was obviously some panic in his eyes.

Yan Hao smiled and said, "Shangqiu Elder, don't worry. I have never said that you did it, but you don't have to be in such a hurry to defend yourself."

Shangqiu said, "Do I have any excuses? I'm just talking about the matter."

It's okay if Shangqiu didn't say this. As soon as he said it, everyone suddenly felt that there was something wrong with him.

Yan Hao ignored him and turned to Shui Lantian and continued: "As for why they just ate a bad stomach and didn't die directly, it was because there were a few pure lotus plants growing in my lake. Pure lotus nature can solve all kinds of poisons, which happens to be poisonous to the cold and fragrant blood, so they can survive until I go back, otherwise they will turn into dead bones early. Everyone said that people who do this are despicable, shameless and shameless.

"It's not only shameless for such a person to take action against the younger generation and use how to do bad things."

Immediately, he said with anger.

"It's not just shameless, it's almost like an ass."

Not everyone among these elders is full of poetry and books. Some of them have never read any books and hang out on the streets. Later, they have adventures to gradually cultivate their current cultivation. Although his cultivation is advanced and his identity is different, his personality has not changed much.

The first two were still Gentle, and the latter was even more unpleasant. Even the other's 18 generations of female relatives greeted them one by one.

Yan Hao focused his attention on Shangqiu's face. At first, Shangqiu's face had not changed, but as others spoke more and more, his face became more ugly than his dead mother.

At this time, Yan Hao suddenly shouted, "Shangqiu, why did you go to my peak to poison me?"

Yan Hao's voice fluttered and filled the whole lobby, which was full of seductive smell and rushed directly into Shangqiu's mind. This is a top-level skill, called Ecstasy, which is specially used to charm the mind and retrieve things in other people's memories.

How powerful Yan Hao is now. As soon as this ecstasy was used, many people in the room were affected. They only felt that their brains were white, as if they had stopped working and didn't listen to his orders.

They are all like this, and the first Shangqiu is even more amazing. Under normal circumstances, Yan Hao also has more than 80% chance to get something from Shangqiu with this ecstasy.

Now Shangqiu was said to be extremely angry. It was the time when his mind was not strong. As soon as Yan Hao's ecstasy was used, it worked. Shangqiu's eyes were confused and his face became dull.

"Shangqiu, why did you poison me on the peak of the sky?"

Yan Hao spoke again, and the confusion in his voice became stronger and stronger. Even the water and blue sky frowned and seemed to be a little affected.

How could Shangqiu resist? He immediately said, "That Yanhao broke my arm and shared the feud with me. I hate him to the bone. It's nothing to poison him. I can't wait to dig his heart, eat his meat, drink his blood, and sleep his skin.

Everyone frowned at Shangqiu's vicious words. Unexpectedly, Shangqiu hated Yan Hao so much.

Yan Hao was unmoved. He had heard words a hundred times more vicious than this. What's wrong with this? Yan Hao said, "Since you hate me so much, why don't you attack Yan Hao directly? What's the use of attacking them?"

Shangqiu said, "I also want to, but at this time, someone found me and helped me come up with this idea and asked me to poison all the people on Yanhao Mountain first. When Yanhao comes back, he must be angry and chaotic. He will look for murderers everywhere to offend many people. At that time, I didn't have to do it. Those people They can kill Yan Hao."

As soon as Shangqiu said this, not to mention Yan Hao was shocked, and everyone was surprised. Unexpectedly, Shangqiu was just a puppet, and there was another person behind him.

Yan Hao immediately asked, "Who is that man and how did you do it?"

Shangqiu said, "That man asked me to keep it a secret. I swore that I couldn't say his name."

Yan Hao said, "Now your vows don't work. Tell me who that person is?"

There was a struggling look on Shangqiu's face. Obviously, Yan Hao's problem touched somewhere in Shangqiu, and there were signs of gradually getting rid of Yan Hao's ecstasy.

Yan Hao's hand was imprinted and placed on his chest, and the voice in his mouth became more and more fascinating: "Shangqiu, you heard clearly. The person who asked you to do such things is the person who wants to harm you. He treats you as a gun and wants to kill people with a knife, and you are the knife. So let that vow go to hell and tell me who that person is?"