kill immortals

Chapter 17 Travel

Will there be a big trouble to kill Liu Zheng? Pingjiang can't be sure that the result may be killed by the angry Liu family, or even be the hand of Lei Biao, the owner of the Lei family. After all, he is just a handyman.

If God doesn't want him to die so quickly and a miracle happens, everything can escape his life as Pingjiang imagined.

Anyway, now that you have made a decision, you can't regret it.

"Wow~" Pingjiang breathed a sigh of relief and fell asleep. This sleep is quite comfortable.

Wake up in the morning and feel refreshed. Thinking of what happened last night, Pingjiang thought of fighting with Liu Zheng again, but he was afraid that he would not be so easily deceived by himself. However, even if you fight hard, you are not afraid of him. Of course, it is better not to reveal your inner breath, otherwise it will be difficult to escape the eyes of the Lei and Liu families.

The Liu family is in Lei's house, but they are no longer arranged to go to the blood skill arena recently. Pingjiang wanted to go to the front yard several times, but was told that now the Lei Mansion is not allowed to move around at will. If there is no summons, he can only stay in his residence.

The situation is still not optimistic. Pingjiang pressed his heart and practiced at ease.

I didn't realize that another four days had passed, but no one came to the side hospital to find Pingjiang, and even Lei Wan'er did not appear. Pingjiang is a little strange. It is said that if Lei Waner mentions it, Liu Zheng should not fight. Unless Liu Zongshan stops it. Thinking of this, his heart beat, and it was really possible. Judging from Liu Zongshan's shrewdness, he would probably not let such an unexpected thing happen. Liu Zongshan wants this marriage. I'm afraid that Liu Zheng's victory or defeat will not pay attention to it at all, not to mention that the chance of winning is not so high.

What should I do? Pingjiang was dumbfounded. Now he can't get out, and he doesn't know what's going on outside, but it's useless.

Pingjiang ate the breakfast sent outside. Today's breakfast seemed to be quite rich, but he frowned and shook his head from time to time. The food was tasteless. There was a faint noise in the front yard, which was very lively.

"Captain Five, Miss Wan'er is leaving for Liu's house today, right?"

"Yes," Captain Wu sighed and said with regret, "It's really pitiful that a good daughter of the Lei family was born so beautiful that she was going to marry a subordinate of the Liu family."

Pingjiang was stunned and immediately rushed to the door and shouted, "Two brothers outside, are you true? Is the young lady leaving today?

Captain Five and the patrolman were shocked. The two are quite far from the miscellaneous housing, so can they be heard?

"Not bad!"

The cold voice sounded in the courtyard, which made Pingjiang look tight, and the two patrols were also shocked. When he saw the person coming, he quickly bowed and shouted, "Lord Dark Knife."

was swept away by the eyes of the dark knife, and the two patrols quickly left the courtyard.

The gentle rustling sounded, and Pingjiang took a deep breath and waited quietly in the room. The sound of footsteps stopped in front of his door. There was silence outside the door for a while, and then Pingjiang saw a red jade phoenix still connected to the golden thread and handed it in through the cracks of the door and windows.

"Is this?"

Miss Wan'er asked me to give it to you. This jade was given to the young master to the young lady in those years. She asked you to go to Huoyuan Lei Mansion and find an opportunity for the second young master to help you. Maybe it can get you out of the Lei family.

Pingjiang's heart beat and said in a low voice, "Why didn't Miss Wan'er give it to the second young master by herself?"

There was a very light sigh outside, and the secret knife said, "The second young master has been out to practice for more than a year, and no one can contact him now."

Gently wiped the fiery phoenix in his hand. Pingjiang's heart was deep and he understood a little. He asked, "Has Miss Wan'er mentioned that I and Liu Zheng are going to fight recently?"

The dark knife hesitated for a moment: "What's the fight?"

Sure enough! This woman really didn't say it.

The secret knife outside the door suddenly said softly, "No wonder Miss wants to say so."

Ping Jiang hurriedly asked, "What did Sister Wan'er say?"

"She said that Liu Zheng can't die at Lei's house. And if Liu Zheng does not die, the result will not change, but will hurt people's lives. I understand now. Do you want to kill Liu Zheng through the fight? Good courage, good, good!"

The reaction of the dark knife is so fast. This was the first time that Pingjiang heard the hidden knife praise him, but he didn't have time to be happy. He knew that Lei Waner was still worried about himself at this time, and his heart suddenly felt warm.

"Brother Dark Knife, can you... do me a favor?"

"I just handed Miss Wan'er something and sent a few words. I'm going back."

Obviously, Dark Knife was willing to listen to Wan'er's instructions, but he didn't buy Pingjiang's account. Pingjiang didn't mind and said loudly, "Brother Dark Knife, if you don't want Wan'er to marry Liu Zheng, just help me this time."

The footsteps outside the door stopped, and Pingjiang said coldly, "Miss Wan'er has made it very clear that Liu Zheng can't die. And no one in the Lei family dares to oppose this marriage now. What can you do? Even if you fight to death, it is useless. Instead, it will put the Lei family in trouble.

Pingjiang was a little reluctant to hear the voice of the dark knife and couldn't help laughing, "Brother Dark Knife, you also like Sister Wan'er!"

"Bastard, what...what are you talking about? Say that I killed you again."

Pingjiang ignored the angry secret knife and played with the red jade phoenix in his hand. The sunlight shone through the cracks in the window on the red jade phoenix, and the reflection of the fiery red light flashed in the dark knife eyes outside the golden door, making him narrow.

"Now, we must leave Sister Wan'er at Lei's house. If she arrives at Liu's house, everything will be late. With time, maybe there will be miracles. Maybe it can make the landlord change his mind.

The dark knife looked at Pingjiang and seemed to have figured out something. Suddenly, the corners of his mouth cracked and he smiled, but his face immediately darkened again and said, "Tell me!"

Knowing that the dark knife should also have been thought of, Pingjiang smiled and spoke softly...


Some days in Lieyang Town are not so lively. The most powerful Lei family in the town has a daughter to get married, which is of course a big deal. From early in the morning, Luo Ze was unaware of the people who came to congratulate him.

After a lively breakfast, the team in front of the door packed up and was ready to set off.

The crowd in front of the door pushed and waited for Lei Waner to come out. Lei Waner is very beautiful today. She wears a delicate and elegant light pink long dress, which prints her skin white and transparently, and her eyes flug from time to time are gentle and quiet.

"Is this Miss Lei's wrist? Why doesn't it look like it?"

"It's so beautiful! I heard that I'm going to marry Huoyuan Liufu, and the two families are also a good match. It's really good!"

"The talented woman, the jackal, the tiger and the leopard~"......

Lei Waner walked to the motorcade with a calm look, as if she didn't hear it. Liu Zheng, who was waiting in the motorcade, saw Lei Waner. His eyes suddenly lit up and quickly jumped off the horse. He walked to Lei Waner and reached out to help her into the sedan chair.

"Go away, don't touch me!" Lei Waner looked at him coldly and shouted harshly.

Liu Zheng's eyes were sharp, but his face retreated two steps, and the onlookers on the side laughed.

"Groom, are you starting to worry?"

"The dishes are all in the pot, and you are still afraid that she will fly! Haha!"

Liu Zheng smiled shyly around, which made him laugh.

Bitch, let you be arrogant for a while now. When you get to the Liu family, I will make your life worse than death!