kill immortals

Chapter 34 Prisoners

Pingjiang walked on the road and walked slowly to Jinyanzhou. There are still many bandits along the way, and now those who dare to rush, either several families are together and there are many people; or there are strong masters. These masters are naturally extremely powerful when they reach the realm of six realms and hundreds of rivers. If you want the masters of Xingmang realm to escort the array, only the big family and the royal family have this. Wait for strong strength.

The clothes worn by Pingjiang were still full of wrinkles when they left the foggy forest. Now they have crossed the mountains for many days in a row and are even more shabby. They really look like a beggar and exile.

With Pingjiang's current eyes and ears, it is very easy to avoid the bandits. Two days after walking, a prisoner in front of him stunned him. Before, he rushed back to Hewan Village, so he left them behind. Unexpectedly, he went into the mountains and groped for a few days, and the prisoner rushed in front of him again.

The speed of the prison team was extremely slow, so even if Pingjiang rushed to the roadside to practice, he was caught up by him.

Pingjiang glanced casually. The number of prisoners was much less than before, and there were only 30 or 40 guards escorted. Hundreds of prisoners walked forward swayingly.

The road ahead is a place close to the forest. There are many such places in Jinyanzhou, which is also the reason why there are many bandits and it is difficult to catch. This kind of forest is easy to ambush and easy to escape. Now, Pingjiang has seen the knife light faintly flashing in the forest.

Pingjiang looked at the weak prisoners, sighed, and wanted to rush to the front to inform the captain of the military guard. Several guards glanced at him and ignored him when they saw that he was a begling.

Pingjiang was walking to a prison van when the whole prison team suddenly stopped. Pingjiang saw that the captain turned his head and ordered a few times to the guards around him, and then the guards began to prepare for the battle. Pingjiang knew that he did not need to remind himself. Thinking about it, how can people who often come and go on this road not know how to take precautions?

Pingjiang is preparing to walk to the side, trying to bypass them. If it hadn't been for the last time, maybe Pingjiang would have helped this prison team, but now he is not in the mood.

At this time, with a thunderous scream, the forest shouted loudly and suddenly rushed out 70 or 80 people. As soon as you saw the fierce and excited appearance, you would know that it was undoubtedly a bandit. Forty or fifty horses quickly ran to the back of the prisoner. All the prisoners of the whole prison team were instantly surrounded by these bandits and rushed to the prison car where Pingjiang was located.

Pingjiang frowned and raised his legs to leave. He did not want to be involved in this unprovoked disaster. I just felt that my feet were heavy. I looked sideways and saw a thin little girl at his waist, a thin and yellow face, and a pair of big bright and clear eyes. This eye is also looking at himself, flashing.

"You are not my mother!" The little girl's voice was a little flustered. She let go of her little hand holding Pingjiang trousers and kept turning her head. She should be looking for her mother.

I didn't say I was your mother! Pingjiang couldn't laugh or cry. He remembered that she was the little girl who fell on the dead old woman that day. He looked around and saw that the young woman was squatting in the crowd, being squeezed by other prisoners, and was also looking around anxiously.

"No, I will cut whoever touches! Don't quarrel. Who quarrels with me and cut his tongue!" A bandaged leader-like guy patted the prisoners with a ferocious face. The prisoners calmed down and did not dare to move, and the leader smiled with satisfaction.

Pingjiang looked forward strangely. The guards and bandits in front of him did not fight, as if they were talking, but looking at the situation, the captain of the guard was very angry.

Pingjiang bent down, picked her up in the screams of the little girl and shook her towards the young woman. The young woman turned her head when she heard the girl's cry. When she saw the girl, she took a breath and looked at Pingjiang hesitantly. She didn't seem to know him.

"What are you doing?" A bandang got off his horse and rushed this way, reaching out to draw a knife.

"It's okay. Just hold the child to her mother, and they are separated." After saying that, Pingjiang put down the girl, looked at the young woman, pointed to her chest, and hesitated for a moment, squeezed her mouth and nodded.

"Your mother, is it funny when our third master talks? Whoever makes a sound will cut his tongue! Hand over that girl." When the streamer saw the three leaders looking at this side, he remembered the fierceness of his usual murder, and hurried up and grabbed the little girl.

The little girl seemed to be scared and dumbfounded, and subconsciously hugged Pingjiang's thighs with both hands.

Pingjiang frowned and gently pushed it to the shoulder of the bandit. The bandit stood unsteadily and took a few steps back.

"She was scared to scream when I suddenly picked her up." Pingjiang looked at the bandit and said, patting his hand gently on the little girl's back. The little girl looked up at Pingjiang and hugged him tighter.

"I don't care how you call it. Now that you call it, you have to cut off your tongue!" Under the eyes of the bandits, the bandits were almost pushed down. They were so angry that they shouted and pulled out the knife and rushed to Pingjiang River murderously.

"Bastard, what are you going to do!" An arrow shot at the foot of the bandits, which startled him.

Pingjiang looked at it, and the guards and other bandits in front of him rushed this way. The captain of the military guard held a long bow and shouted angrily to a bald bandit beside him: "Move your head, don't force people too much! Before, I have uniformed dry food for you. A few days ago, you wanted a woman, and I chose more than a dozen for you. Now he is forcing me to kill in front of me! Do you know that if there are too many fewer prisoners, I can't cross them at all!"

There was a burst of laughter among the bandits, which made the commander's face even worse. The bald bandit slowly patted his horse and said coldly, "I still know your brother's ability. Not to mention losing a few prisoners, they are all lost. I'm afraid no one will touch you!" You washed your sister and wife with your own hands and sent them to the adult's **, which is really admirable to the brothers! Isn't it, brothers?"

The bandits answered together, and then there was another noise. Several leaders-like bandits admired Commander Wan and made Commander Wan's face blue.

Commend Wan said angrily, "Some of these prisoners must not be moved, otherwise don't mention me, even that adult will be in trouble!"

"Ah, so that's it. Lao Wan, you should have said no earlier, causing our brother to follow you so far!" Hearing what he said, Commander Wan looked relaxed and immediately heard him say, "Except for those who can't move, leave all the prisoners to their brothers!"

"How is this possible? Why do you want so many prisoners? The angry commander suddenly hesitated and stared at the bandits leader to move his head.

He frowned and suddenly smiled and said, "If you don't accept it, then let your brothers pick some women and take them away. The previous dozen people really can't stand to play. They're all dead!" After saying that, without waiting for Commander Wan's ugly face to speak, he turned his head and said to the bandit who was still holding a knife and said, "What happened just now?"

The bandit quickly added oil and vinegar.

He moved his head and glanced at Pingjiang and the little girl who looked like a beggar and said lightly, "Since Lao San said he wanted to cut his tongue, he must cut it!" Both of them make a sound, then cut them all off.