kill immortals

Chapter 67 Road

The huge door suddenly opened, and everyone's faces showed a nervous look. With the push of the giant gate, the squeaking sound of the hall, like ancient war drums, made people's heart beat with the drums, so that their hearts were surging and their emotions were difficult to help themselves.

"The treasure is mine." Seeing that he was close to one of the huge doors, a man suddenly changed his face, roared, and then rushed to the crack of the door that was getting bigger and bigger.

"Be careful, it's weird." Pingman shouted, but the man couldn't listen at all, and dozens of other people nearby also flew to the huge door after looking at each other.

Pingjiang originally wanted to rush over, but when he saw the dozens of people who had just fought against the giant ape, he did not act, but stood still anxiously, so he resisted to stand back and pulled Second Master Shen who wanted to go out.

"Little brother, this opportunity is too rare. I just want to find that kind of elixir as soon as possible and get it out of the treasure house. Look at the strength of these sect disciples. The longer it takes, the less likely it is that I will get the elixir. Second Master Shen was shocked and wanted to get rid of Pingjiang's pull.

"Second master, wait a minute, I'm afraid it's not that simple. Look at those sect disciples in the middle of the hall, why do they look very nervous? Isn't that strange?"

Master Shen looked at the center of the hall doubtfully and seemed to find that something was really wrong.

"Look at the ground." Pingjiang suddenly shouted, and the two hurriedly looked together and saw the blood flowing from the two dead apes slowly penetrated into the stone slabs in the hall. The seemingly ordinary slate began to emit a faint golden light.

Pingjiang noticed that these golden rays were emitted from the golden lines on the ground, as if there was a giant ape blood as energy, and a magic array somewhere in the middle of the hall was stimulated.

"Wind? How can there be wind in the hall? Pingjiang suddenly frowned, and the situation in the hall became more and more strange. He had a bad feeling.

"Don't enter the gate and withdraw to the passage quickly." An anxious shouting mixed with internal breath sounded in the hall. But at this time, seeing that the huge door was getting bigger and bigger, many people had rushed out with red eyes.

The golden light in the hall is getting brighter and brighter, which has attracted everyone's attention.

"Brother Pingman, don't go, you can't save everyone. Moreover, if we don't return to the channel, I'm afraid we will be in danger. Ning Ji and Le Daier pulled Pingman together and stopped the figure he wanted to rush out.

"Damn! Let's go quickly." Ping was unwilling to look at those who rushed into the huge door from time to time.

"Wow! This has been sent. What kind of baby is this? The spiritual light is enough, but I'm afraid it's more powerful than the high-level spiritual weapon.

"Haha... I didn't expect to have five martial arts skills, which will double my strength several times."

"Return to God's elixir. Legend has it that as long as there is a breath, it can save people? Oh, my God, how many pieces do these have to be!"

From time to time, the legendary shouts from the giant door make the faces of those who are still hesitant outside change greatly. At that moment, many people ignored the full shouts and rushed to the giant gate.

"Fuck you, it's better to do it first. Do you want to keep all the treasures for the people of your head gate to slowly choose?" One person disdainfully shouted at the disciples of the sect and got into the giant gate.

went back to other sect disciples with an ugly face, but their footsteps looked heavy.

Pingjiang's heart suddenly jumped, and he found that those people were not deliberately slowing down, but seemed to be under the mountains, and it was difficult to walk.

At this time, the crowd was divided into two waves. One wave rushed madly into the huge gate, and the other wave slowly gathered at the entrance of the passage where they came in. Hundreds of people killed and seriously injured at the entrance have basically been sent out. Pingjiang had long pulled the unwilling Second Master Shen and rushed to the passage. He chose to believe in these disciples. In the crowd, the dark knife and Wen Yuexin were also there.

When Pingman and they finally walked into the passage, many sect disciples looked weak as if they were out of power. And the five people in Pingman look much better, but they also have a little breath.

"Is there only so many people?" Looking at the two or three hundred people at the passage, their faces were heavy.

"Brother, you have tried your best. Moreover, maybe they will be fine when they enter the door. Le Daier comforted softly.

Pingjiang is a little strange. It seems that several people in Qinggong this month do not want other people who enter the treasure house to have an accident. It can be seen from their desperate battle with giant apes just now. Are they really here to practice?

"Wait a minute, the magic array should be completed soon." Pingman Road.

At this time, the golden light on the hall shines, reflecting the whole space brightly. However, no matter how they look inside the giant gate, they can only see that those giant gates are filled with fog, and they can't see anything else.

Master Shen also seemed to find something abnormal and couldn't help looking at Pingjiang gratefully. Including the beginning of the five-star explosion, Pingjiang has saved him twice.

"Here it comes." The tense voice sounded, and it sounded a little helpless.

In the hall, the golden light suddenly rose like the golden sun, flashing a few times, and then the golden light slowly retreated, maintaining a less uncomfortable brightness of the eyes. Steady.

At this time, the voices of those who rushed in in more than a dozen giant doors suddenly disappeared. The dead silence in the huge gate made the people in the passage look worse and worse. Some people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah!" Don't..." "Kill..."

In the dead hall, there was a sudden sound of a miserable cry, as if many people were fighting in a miserable hell.

"Why do I seem to hear Lao Qiang's voice?" Yes, I also seem to hear this voice, and some of them sound familiar. However, they all rushed into the huge door just now.

The people in the channel began to whisper.

When everyone was talking, there was a roar of a hurricane in the giant gate. The sound is so great that it seems to be able to smash the whole hall. Then, a figure suddenly flew out of the hall.

"Lao Qiang?" So, is that the third brother?" In the hall, there was a lot of light at this time. Many of the flying figures were recognized. Sure enough, they were all the people who didn't listen to the advice and rushed into the huge door just now. Only at this time, their bodies were stiff and lifeless, and they all died. It's just that there is still a strange look on his face, as if he saw something extremely horrible before he died.

"How could this happen? How can this treasure house be so evil? This time, I'm afraid that Chiyan will suffer heavy losses. Pingjiang looked at the hundreds of bodies flying out of the huge gate with shock. If I had rushed in just now, I would have come to an end with them now. However, I don't know what these people experienced before they died, which shocked the expressions of these proud children.

These people are the pillars of the future of Chiyan. Even if you dare not say half of it, there should be at least 300 or 400 people who have the potential to be promoted to the realm of starlight. But now, after two changes, there are only two or three hundred people left.

"This time on the treasure hunt, Your Majesty asked me to lead the team to try my best to ensure your safety. Unexpectedly, more than half of the people died before they saw the treasure. Ping Man said in a low voice, "After that, there should be no more such horrible array organs in the hall. And there should be a lot of treasures. Therefore, I hope you can get the treasure as much as possible and stop fighting. This time, there were too many people killed or injured. I hope you can listen to me and take care of yourselves.

In the channel, two or three hundred people looked at each other in connoy, some nodded, some frowned, but they didn't say anything, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

The bodies flying up in the huge gate slowly flew to the center of the hall, and then the golden light in the middle of the hall suddenly brightened. The bodies of those people were in the golden light, slowly melted and finally disappeared clean.

In the hall, after the wind sent the bodies, it slowly disappeared, and the golden light also returned to its brightness. Even if such a terrible thing happened in the hall and the giant gate, there was nothing in the passage. It seems that the passage and the huge gate of the hall are in two separate spaces.

It seemed that the body had been disposed of, and the gold pattern suddenly began to change on the ground of the hall. A black and ten-foot wide road began to form from the entrance of the passage, and then slowly paved to the center of the hall. On both sides of the road is the strange golden light that has just melted the bodies of hundreds of people.

Pingjiang and others quietly watched the formation of the road. After arriving at the center, the road was suddenly divided into more than a dozen, leading to the dozen giant gates. At this time, the thick fog in the giant gate had disappeared, and there were boxes, bookshelves and bottles, cans and so on, which made everyone's breathing rapid again.

"Hearing for quick success and quick profit, greedy, irritable, die!"

Everyone looked at the sudden handwriting on the road in front of them and exclaimed. These words seem to be the reason why the owner of the treasure house explained to everyone.

Pingjiang shook his head and felt that the original owner of this treasure house was too extreme. The people who came to look for treasure were a little anxious, and he actually expected their death penalty, which was too domineering. But now they are swordsman, Pingjiang and these people are fish, and they are not even qualified to protest.

Those words slowly dissipated on the road, and then Pingjiang saw a row of new words appear. Everyone hurriedly looked at these words, which were related to their life and death.

"Start grabbing the treasure! Each person shall not take more than two samples per door, and no more than three samples in total.

The handwriting shown this time undoubtedly makes everyone look ugly, especially those who think they are strong. If the owner of the treasure house has this strange request, the treasure cannot be taken unscrupulously.

Pingjiang and Pingman, and several people who reacted faster, all looked at the first word on the road with a strange face: grab!

If each person can only take three kinds of treasures, what's the solution for this grabbing words? Is it because there are only a few real treasures and skills, so it needs to be robbed?

Pingjiang and others looked at the road about ten feet wide, just enough for the two of them to walk in parallel, and their look complicated.