kill immortals

Chapter 69 Danfang

"Why should I be so surprised? There are so many mysteries on the Tianfeng Continent. In some places, even the patriarch dares not say that he can retreat with his whole body. And there is nothing strange about those strange people in those mountains and rivers. Le Daier smiled and looked fixedly at the back of Pingjiang in front of her. She tried to speed up, but the speed did not improve. Although she was still stubborn, she had to sigh helplessly.

Le Daier clearly said that Pingjiang seemed to be a strange person in some spiritual land, not to mention that he was a person from other sects, and seemed to be very confident that there could be no one in the sect whose internal information was more pure than her.

"I really don't know how this boy practiced and what kind of adventures he had. Dale, your encounter is extremely rare, but I'm afraid this boy is not as good as you. Ping Man muttered that Pingjiang had entered the Dan room and shook his head and continued to walk. But immediately, he turned his head and asked, "Dare, do you want to change the door?" The boy entered the elixir room, and he was afraid that the real elixir might be taken away by him. Why don't you go to the alchemy room next to you? There is a place for all kinds of elixir refining scrolls. Maybe you can find some useful recipes for us.

"Brother, you are really good at giving opinions. I've been more than half a journey now, and I'm afraid I'll meet the group of people behind me when I walk back. As for the man just now, don't worry too much. After all, everyone can only take two things, and I won't go back empty-handed.

"Well, it's up to you, but wait a minute. If there is a chance, you can test the boy and see where he came from. If possible, get along with him."

Le Daier smiled and said, "Brother, do you like his quenching method of internal interest? Naturally, I can count this."

Then, everyone was in a hurry. By this time, Pingjiang had already selected the elixir in the elixir room.

The Dan room in front of us is obviously not as big as Pingjiang imagined. In addition to a white jade table facing the gate, there are only a few five or six sets of elixir shelves. There are more than a dozen bottles scattered on each shelf, but some places are empty, as if they have been taken away.

"You won't have been taken away by people, will you?" Pingjiang frowned and looked at each shelf. On the shelf, each bottle of Danwan is marked with a few words, which is the name of these elixirs, so Pingjiang is also very convenient to find.

Pingjiang first looked at the table curiously and saw that it was empty, so he continued to look for it on the shelf. By chance, Pingjiang looked up and accidentally saw a few words written on the shelf: flawed elixir.

Pingjiang was shocked, that is to say, the elixir on this shelf has not been completely refined? Pingjiang hurriedly went to other shelves to have a look and found that there were three more with the word defect Dan written on them. The other two shelves are written: the finished elixir.

Pingjiang knew that since the owner of the treasure house also put the defective elixir on the shelf, it means that these elixirs are also very effective, but each person can only take two at most in one door. Of course, Pingjiang will not go to find the defective elixir.

After the scope was narrowed, after a while, Pingjiang saw a bottle on the shelf of one of the finished elixir, which was full of three pills. Each pill is the size of a longan, emitting colorful light, which looks extremely attractive. It is the elixir that Pingjiang is looking for this time.

"I didn't expect that there were three. It seems to be lucky." Pingjiang happily held the bottle in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief. A cool and cold breath came from the bottle, which refreshed him. But immediately, Pingjiang was attracted by a bottle next to him. There are about seven or eight snow-white pills in this bottle, which looks a little like the elixir that Le Daier used to breathe back to herself before, but the bottle looks a little bigger, and a faint white fog pops out of the pills, flashing and disappears, looking very flexible.

Pingjiang quickly turned his head and looked at it. The word "Tonic Pill" was written on the edge of the bottle, which was indeed similar to the elixir given by Le Daier. As for the effect of the elixir, I'm afraid it was better.

Pingjiang was a little hesitant. When he was looking for Chongxing elixir just now, he saw a lot of elixirs that seemed to be very good. For example, "Joli Dan" can temporarily help people greatly improve the power of internal breath conversion. "Continuation elixir" can heal all kinds of internal and external injuries, and the effect is excellent. There are several other similar power-enhanting and internal breathing elixirs, which are very good, which makes Pingjiang feel a little difficult to choose.

"I don't know why the owner of this treasure house has such a perverted rule. Why is each door only allowed to take two things?" Pingjiang sighed, but he didn't dare to rush to take more, otherwise if something really happened, I'm afraid it would be too late to regret.

At this time, a faint sound suddenly occurred in the Dan room. Pingjiang quickly looked back and saw that Le Daier had come in and was watching the layout of the Dan room. Only then did Pingjiang remember that Le Daier had just followed him closely. Pingjiang bit his teeth and took down the tonic pills.

"When you see me coming in, it becomes so fast? What good things have you got?" Le Daier smiled at Pingjiang's behavior.

"They are all ordinary elixirs, but I'm afraid you may not like them." Pingjiang said indifferently.

"This treasure house is very strange. I'm afraid that his former owner is also the best among practitioners. I'm very interested in what he left behind."

Pingjiang put away two bottles of medicine and said, "Then take your time. I have already chosen it. I want to go to other doors to have a look."

"The stingy!" Seeing that Pingjiang really walked out, Le Daier muttered as he passed by. Seeing that he had no reaction, she hurriedly shouted, "Hey, take away the good things on the table. I won't rob you. Can't you tell me what the name is?"

Pingjiang turned around and said, "When I came in, the table was already empty. I didn't get anything from the table.

Le Daier looked at Pingjiang, tilted her head and hesitated, and suddenly said, "What's your name?"

Pingjiang looked at Le Daier doubtfully and felt strange in her heart. Does she still have to remember herself for these two bottles of medicine and then find an opportunity to grab it?

"I want to know the name of a person who can walk in front of me in this treasure house." Ledale gently twisted the hair on her chest and said.

"My name is Pingjiang." Pingjiang knew that he might be wrong, so he said his name.

"My name is Le Dai'er. You can call me Dai'er." Ledale smiled and said, "That's right, out of the treasure house, where can I find you?"

Pingjiang frowned and said, "I'm afraid that everyone will divide things out of the treasure house. If there is fate, we will see you again in the future. I'll go out first. Take your time."

Seeing Pingjiang quickly walk out of the huge door, Le Daier curled her lips and said, "This stingy guy is really careful. Is it scary?" After saying that, he seemed to remember something and hurried to the position where Pingjiang stood when she came in just now and looked at the place where he stretched out his hand.

"interest supplement pills? How did he take this pill? Didn't he reply to the elixir? Thinking of the fight against the giant ape just now, Pingjiang Neixi was almost exhausted and didn't take out any elixir. Le Daier knew that she should have guessed it right.

"I didn't expect that his internal breath was so pure that he didn't have an elixir to supplement his internal breath." Le Daier shook her head gently and said, "But I don't know what the other elixir he took is!" Forget it, I'd better see what I need first. Anyway, when you go out, ask Grandpa Jin. Are you afraid you can't find this timid guy?

Pingjiang came out of the Danfang and looked in the hall. Pingman and several of them had already entered their huge doors. At this time, the second group of Wei Jue and others have also passed the center of the hall and are walking separately to the huge gate they want to enter.

Pingjiang stepped on the dark wide road and walked back. He accidentally saw Wan Bo walking to Danfang, and it was already half a long way. Pingjiang didn't want to pay attention to him, but walked indifferently, but he was more vigilant.

Passing by Wanbo, the two just looked at each other on guard, but they didn't do anything. When Pingjiang breathed a sigh of relief, they heard Wan Bo behind him shout: "Guys, this is the guy I just mentioned. He only has the realm of streams, which is very true. He just entered the elixir room, and I'm afraid he must have a good elixir. In addition, I want to tell you another news that this man also has a sword, which is completely forged from sulfite.

"What? It is completely caused by forging of sulfur stone. Isn't it like holding it in your hand as if it has no weight, but it can exert millions of strength? This boy actually has the best treasure in such a high-level spiritual weapon!"

"Is he in the realm of the stream? Is this what Wanbo is doing? How can the stream realm be divided into quotas? Is the quota so worthless?"

"Idiot, if you have a high-level spiritual weapon such as a sulfur sword, even the stream realm is capable of most people in the realm of hundreds of rivers."

"Oh, that's right, you're right! It seems that this is true. Even in this treasure house, it is estimated that it is difficult to find one or two treasures such as the sulfur sword, so we might as..."

"Nonsense, don't you see other people's eyes? Even if we don't do it, I'm afraid they won't miss the opportunity. Now this boy only has the realm of streams. If he breaks through to the realm of hundreds of rivers, we want to get the sulfur sword, but there is no hope.

Hearing Wanbo's words, Pingjiang's heart beat violently, his eyes flashed, and his face could no longer maintain a calm look. He turned his head angrily and looked at the smiling Wanbo.

"I don't know where you came from. If you dare to scold me, I will make your life worse than death."

"In such a place, your confidence seems to be a little too much." Pingjiang smiled ferociously, pulled out the sulfur sword behind him, turned around and walked to Wanbo.

"Is my confidence too much? Haha..." Wan Bo seemed to hear something very funny and couldn't stop laughing. At this time, several people before and after him suddenly took out their weapons and stared at Pingjiang.