kill immortals

Chapter 74 Kill

Pingjiang stood at the door and saw the chaos in the hall with a happy look on his face. The more chaotic the hall was, the more conducive it was for him to get out. He held the sulfur sword in his hand and walked to the center of the hall.

"No, he's out." Silver was shocked. At this time, one of them was pulled by Wanbo, as if he wanted to deal with someone. At this time, there was only him and another person at the entrance of the road.

"The two of us can't stop him! Brother Yin, what should we do? The other person also panicked.

Yin thought for a moment and said decisively, "Let's go and find the sixth young master. We can't stop him at all. We will only die in vain."

Pingjiang was a little surprised to see the two people over there when they saw themselves coming out.

At this time, Pingjiang had seen that someone picked up some treasures scattered on the ground from time to time. The original owner of the treasure had died. Looking at other words and expressions, he naturally understood what had happened.

"I didn't expect that each person could only take three pieces. It was designed by the owner of the treasure house to let the treasure hunters kill each other. However, if treasure hunters can cooperate with each other, it will be fine, but unfortunately..."

Pingjiang saw that the entrance of each giant gate was the most fierce, and some people shouted in the door from time to time. About 200 people are concentrated in six or seven pagodas, and there are many people in each pagoda. Among them, the most people were surrounded by the Gongfa Hall and the Martial Arts Hall.

These people come from different forces. There was already some hatred between various forces. At this time, the scene was completely out of control. Pingjiang saw the five people. Even if he tried desperately to stop them, it was a pity that this place was stopped, but the other place fought again and could not control it at all.

"Brother Wei!" Pingjiang remembered Wei Jue and was a little worried about him. He couldn't help looking around the hall. After a while, he saw his figure in the Refinery Hall. His situation did not seem to be good. Now he is being surrounded by many people. His pace with Yu Ye has been a little chaotic, and obviously he has been besieged for a long time. And the people who besieged him were Wanbo. Even the five or six people blocked at the entrance of the huge gate were nearly 20 people.

Pingjiang frowned and thought about his current strength. He knew that as long as his opponent was not a flat person, it should not be a big problem to deal with it. Now the key is that he is not satisfied with his internal interest, and the battle cannot last.

Seeing the few people brought by Wei Jue, there is only him and Yu Ye, who has a strong and rough young man, but this young man has been scarred all over his body and is about to die. Pingjiang no longer hesitated, walked to the center of the hall, turned a corner, and walked to the refinery hall.

"I didn't expect that the breakthrough of the realm had no effect here." Pingjiang clenched the stone sword. Although he broke through to the realm of Baichuan, his body and internal purity did not change, so his walking speed did not get faster.

"Well, isn't this the boy Wan Shao wants to kill? Why did he run out by himself? Wow, look at the sulfur sword in his hand!"

Five or six people were blocked at the door of the refinery hall. Two of them were responsible for watching the hall and found the Pingjiang River. They made a sound, which really made several other people turn around.

"Yes, it's really that boy. How did he come to die by himself? Hey hey, I don't care what's wrong with him, brothers, take his sword first. By the way, don't fight with him here, put him in the hall, and then the brothers played him to death. He took a high-level spiritual weapon and was rampant here. Even Master Wan dared to provoke him. He really want to die!"

Yin was also walking towards the Refinery Hall at this time. He originally wanted to avoid the Pingjiang River, so he came to find Wanbo. He never thought that Pingjiang not only did not intend to escape, but also came here.

"It's terrible, everyone, hurry up! Brother in front, come and help!" Silver shouted. Their speed is much slower than that of Pingjiang. I'm sure they will be caught up before they get to the Refinery Hall.

"Idiot, who will fight with that guy there? If you want to escape, run quickly by yourself. Just now, Pingjiang killed their three partners on the dark road in an instant. They all saw it with their own eyes, and after knowing it, Wan Bo also warned them to avoid the dark road. Naturally, they would not send themselves to dangerous places.

Pingjiang's footsteps did not change at all. He looked into the hall and looked at the three Wei Jue. At this time, the rough young man was seriously injured and was protected by Wei Jue and Yu Ye and was adjusting his breath. Wei Jue and Yuye stood in the corner of the wall, so they could not besiege them. However, Wei Jue also lost the space to dodge in this position and could only keep taking their rotational attacks. The situation was already very critical. It's only a matter of time before Wei Jue and others are killed. When their internal interest is exhausted, it's time for them to succeed.

Wei Jue's strength is the strongest among these people, especially a sunken sand sword in his hand, which repels the siege of Wan Bo and others from time to time. Even if Wan Bo fights hard with Wei Jue, he will take several steps back. However, Wanbo and others can adjust interest and correct it at any time, but Wei Jue can't stop for a moment.

"Damn it, why the realm is improved, but the speed can't be faster!" Pingjiang began to be dissatisfied with his current speed.

Pingjiang saw that Wei Jue and Yu Ye's body was full of blood, and his mouth kept bleeding out. Even if Wei Jue breaks through the hundred rivers of the six meridians and is slightly better than others, but in this case, such a little strength advantage is obviously useless. If it hadn't been for the fact that he had just got the sinking sand sword recently, which saved him a lot of internal interest and caught most of the attacks of Wanbo and others, I'm afraid that he and Yu Ye would have been killed long ago.

"He's almost there, brothers, get ready! It will give Wan Shao a surprise!" Of the six, a little leader said.

"You, and you bastards, can't be saved!" Silver eyes saw that Pingjiang had arrived behind him and couldn't help looking at the six people in front of him. But he had no choice but to turn around with another person and face Pingjiang.

"Yin, an idiot, just dies. He still wants to bury us!" You narrowed his eyes and said fiercely, the people around him quickly echoed, as if silver was guilty for a reason.

Pingjiang glanced at them gently and knew that the situation in the refinery hall was critical, and he did not talk nonsense. He directly swung the stone sword and split the two of them.

"How could this happen!" You and the people around him exclaimed. Just now, they only saw Pingjiang suddenly wave the stone sword twice, and then Yin and another person fell into the golden awn array uncontrollably. The two of them just let Pingjiang pause for a moment, and then continued to walk over.

"He, he seems to be more powerful than just now!"

He put away his look of surprise and spat fiercely and said, "How powerful he is. He just takes advantage of the environment in the hall. When he comes here, without the threat of golden light, are the six of us still afraid of him!"

"Yes, he has been avoiding fighting in these halls. I'm afraid that this kind of place is really his weakness!" Several people next to him looked much better. Looking at Pingjiang, their eyes were burning, as if they wanted to let him walk a little.

At this time, Pingjiang felt the inner breath in his body with some joy. Just now, he entered the inner breath in the Danhai into the sulfur sword. After a blow, the inner breath did disappear a little, but from the old meridians and the newly washed seven meridians, some internal breath immediately gushed out at the same time, and Danhai was about to fill up in an instant. Then the eight meridians began to agitate by themselves and began to recover by themselves.

"I didn't expect that it would be so powerful to open many meridians. Isn't it rare to worry about the consumption of internal interest in the future?

The stream realm is the automatic flow recovery of internal breath, and after rising to the realm of hundreds of rivers, in the newly opened meridians, the internal breath will naturally flow and conceive by itself, which is extremely magical.

"To the way, before I set out, the mighty took the sulfur sword and said to help me transform it. When I reached the realm of Baichuan, he would give me a surprise. I don't know what it is?"

Before, this sulfur sword was made according to the internal strength of Pingjiang in order to save energy. The maximum strength it can exert is only more than 100,000 catties. After cooperating with the body method, it can only exert the impact of a million catties. After that, it is useless to input more internal interest. Wanbo and others did not know that if he robbed the sword when he first saw Pingjiang, he would definitely be disappointed.

Now, after Pingjiang told Weiwu that he could break through to the realm of Baichuan at any time, Weiwu took the sword back. The strength of Pingjiang has not changed before, so I didn't feel it. Now, under careful experience, I really feel a little different.

Every time the stone sword swings, the strength that can be driven seems to be stronger. In the body of the sword, there is more internal breathing that can be accommodated. After Pingjiang transmitted all the internal breath of Danhai, the internal breath in a meridians continued to rush to the sword body.

"Let's do an experiment with you! Look at my sulfur sword, how powerful it is now. The corners of Pingjiang's mouth were slightly upturned, and his feet kept walking to the six people at the gate of the Refinery Hall.

Just when Pingjiang was still two steps away from the black road, the six people who were originally standing behind and a little far away rushed forward and blocked in front of the dark road.

"Don't let him come up, so that he can't dodge! Block him!" He shouted, obviously this was what they had discussed. And this is indeed a good way. They are not bound by a thousand times of gravity and can advance and retreat freely, and if Pingjiang does not walk out of the dark road, it will naturally be dangerous.

Pingjiang frowned and stopped. He won't be so reckless. Under a thousand times the gravity, his ghost has been greatly discounted, and the speed is not as fast as these people moving casually at the door. And his attack will also be extremely slow, and it is extremely simple for them to dodge.

"Bastard, don't you dare to come here? Aren't you arrogant? Let's see if you dare to take another step forward. Seeing that Pingjiang stopped, he couldn't help laughing. He had seen the dialogue between Wei Jue and Hepingjiang before. He knew that Pingjiang wanted to save Wei Jue, so he came up with this way to block Pingjiang here first. When Wanbo is over, Pingjiang will naturally die.

Pingjiang hesitated for a moment, suddenly smiled and said, "Then I'll show you!"