kill immortals

Chapter 166 Condensation

More than ten days later, when Pingjiang was practicing, he no longer felt the dull pain in his mind. When he controlled his vitality, it was much smoother. He knew that his consciousness should be unimpeded. After asking Mr. Zhong, he finally settled down.

The mighty still hasn't wake up, making Pingjiang unable to really be happy. He didn't understand what had happened to the mighty at all, and he couldn't find someone else to find out. Even Mr. Zhong once found someone to come over to help Wei Wu treat him, but he was prevaried by Pingjiang to find a reason.

From time to time, Pingjiang will also ask Mr. Zhong for advice on the problems in practice, which will benefit him a lot. With Zhong Lao's hundreds of years of cultivation experience, any word can make Pingjiang have a bright and open feeling. He felt that the three natural stars in his body had become more and more converberate with each other, and there was a sense of resonance, which was already a precursor to condensation, which naturally made him happy.

After taking Golden Horn for days, Lier's strength has stabilized. When she flew with Pingjiang, the speed opened his eyes. This is much faster than Pingjiang's own running. It seems that Li'er's golden horn awakening this time is extremely useful. The first thing Pingjiang thinks of is Meier. If Lier is here with eyebrows, it should not be a big deal.

Since Pingjiang's consciousness was completely improved, he went to the Qiran Mountains. It only took more than 20 days, but he only hunted more than 20 golden horns. Naturally, Pingjiang was not satisfied. Many golden horned beasts seem to have gathered in the center, but there are higher-level horned beasts there, and Pingjiang doesn't want to venture there. After all, when encountering that kind of existence, Pingjiang can't even have a chance to escape.

"Hey, what's wrong with the mighty? If he wakes up now, I can do a lot of things. Mr. Zhong seemed to know that I needed the golden horn and gave me the golden horn directly. Unfortunately, the other injured giant wolf ran away in the end.

Li'er also seemed to notice that Pingjiang was not in a good mood and didn't squeak much, but took Pingjiang on her way quietly.

"The golden horned beasts are now less and not easy to hunt, but Lei Yungui, why don't those people in Haifeiyuan disappear? They are so powerful. Now Lier is so fast that I can just try to defeat them one by one, but unfortunately I can't find them.

Leak out my position and let them come to me automatically?

Pingjiang immediately shook his head, knowing that this idea was too risky. After all, although it is the most fierce battle between monks and horns, there must be many people who pay attention to themselves. At that time, I'm afraid that not only those people from far away will come, but also some other people will be besieged. At that time, it will be too dangerous.

"Lier, let's go back first and practice at ease. Now we hunt the golden horn beast by ourselves, and the speed is too slow. Let's wait for the mighty to wake up first.

Lier shouted and flew to Jinyanzhou with Pingjiang on her back. At Lier's current speed, even if she is found by other monks, she can't stop him at all. A few days later, Jinyanzhou appeared in front of Pingjiang, which took him a lot faster than the previous time. After all, Lier is not only fast, but also flies and moves forward in a straight line. And if Pingjiang uses Xingman to fly, the speed will be too slow.

Near the state city, Jin Qinger's figure flashed in Pingjiang's heart, and he couldn't help feeling boredom. He didn't know how to treat her at all, and listening to her tone, he didn't think about staying with Pingjiang or leaving Pingjiang with her, so that Pingjiang didn't understand the meaning of her coming to find him every night.

Mr. Zhong was inspecting and couldn't help flying over when he saw Pingjiang. Pingjiang hurried to salute.

"Senior, there hasn't been any large-scale horned beast siege in recent days, right?"

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "There is no longer a large-scale one. Recently, there has been news from the Qiran Mountains that reinforcements from major sects have arrived and are blocking the horned beasts in the center. We are safe for the time being. From time to time, some scattered horned beasts rushed over, and they couldn't make much wind and waves.

Pingjiang smiled. Now he wants to practice at ease. Naturally, the safer the better.

After Pingjiang said his thoughts, Mr. Zhong nodded and said, "I wanted to tell you about this before. Now you'd better not participate in the battlefield of the Qiran Mountains. After all, there are many people who have ideas for you. You should not only guard against horned beasts, but also against other monks. This is very bad for you, and you are the nine stars. Your real power explosion is in the realm of Yangdan. When you break through, you will understand what I said immediately. The yang elixir formed by the nine stars is much more powerful than other monks. Even more powerful than the other eight original monks. Among the rules of the world we understand, three feet become tripods, and ninety-nine to one is also an extremely basic and important one.

Pingjiang nodded. He heard Le Daier say that he just wanted to condense the nine real names. What he needed was not only the growth of internal interest. Even if Pingjiang was in a hurry, it was useless.

Pingjiang arrived at the vassal palace, sighed, let Lier go in, brought out the mighty and eyebrows, and then found a remote and quiet place in the state city and began to practice quietly.

In cultivation, time flies. Fortunately, Lier's practice is relatively simple, and she will accompany Meier at other times. Pingjiang was completely immersed in it.

More than a month before the Seal War, Pingjiang finally successfully merged the three star. At that moment, Pingjiang felt that his Danhai suddenly expanded, as if it suddenly became a little bigger.

Of course, these are just illusions, but the sudden fusion of the fate star made all the internal functions in Pingjiang's body suddenly change, which made Pingjiang have that feeling.

In addition to the fusion of the original star, Pingjiang is also continuing to practice the divine knowledge formula taught by Mr. Zhong. This formula can not only repair the divine consciousness, but also make the divine consciousness grow slightly. Even if it is minimal, it is still diligent and lazy for Pingjiang.

In fact, according to what Mr. Zhong said, Pingjiang's divine consciousness is much more powerful than other monks in the brilliant realm, otherwise he would not be able to control the huge top that day.

Mr. Zhong was a little curious about Pingjiang's nine life stars and powerful divine consciousness. After thinking about it, Pingjiang told him that he was benefiting from the white tiger essence.

This answer naturally amazed Mr. Zhong. When he learned that Jingyuan was snatched by Xu Qingtian from Xiandi, he even said that Pingjiang was extremely lucky. Ordinary monks usually have no chance to see the mythical beast at all, and this kind of mythical beast that produces essence but is weak in strength is even more rare, which makes him shake his head and admire it.