kill immortals

Chapter 210 Instant Dan

A year passed in a hurry. In this year in the imperial capital, although it was not as dangerous as before, a lot of things happened.

With the official support of Mr. Jin, the Wei family has soared its power and has already surpassed the other four families, and is only weaker than the Zhai family. Let alone the secular forces, the Wei family recruited ten monks of Yangdan alone. In this, there is the role of Mr. Jin's prestige, as well as the credit of the Xianyang weapons taken out by Pingjiang. After all, it is very difficult for ordinary Sanxiu to get Xianyang weapons. Moreover, the Wei family also promised them that they could practice freely. Only when the Wei family was in some difficult danger to deal with, they needed to take action, which naturally made them very satisfied.

Among them, there is a monk in the middle of Yangdan. I heard that he was a disciple of Mr. Jin many years ago. Now he is also very talented and has actually cultivated to a level similar to Mr. Jin. Under the lead of Mr. Jin, he sat among the Wei family, which made the Wei family's power advance by leaps and bounds and reached another peak.

In addition to the shaking of the imperial city in the Wei family, Pingjiang is also in a latent repair, basically eating up the quenching elixir he can take now, and usually still uses fog to quench his body. More than half a year ago, he condensed the remaining three small stars into the last superstar. Similar to the result of the mighty estimate, although the shock in the Danhai Sea of Pingjiang this time was obviously more than the previous two, it did not form such huge damage as the last time. This breath of shock and destruction stirred in Pingjiang's body for a whole day, but it could not destroy anywhere in Pingjiang's body at all, and finally it was flattened. Jiang slowly suppressed and restored the whole Danhai to calm.

In the middle of the year, in addition to practicing, Pingjiang was also ordered by Mr. Jin to do something. At first, Pingjiang was still interested in it and wanted to know some tricks in it, but the more he explored, the more upset he was. The intrigue between the monks made him hate and uncomfortable. Since then, he has obeyed orders and no longer thought about what is the cause and effect in it. Mr. Jin seemed to be a little disappointed by Pingjiang's reaction, but he didn't say much.

Moreover, as time passed, Mr. Jin also seemed to have begun to master some of Zhai Yun's ideas and purposes. Pingjiang asked several times, but Mr. Jin didn't say anything, but his face was extremely ugly.

Another year passed. In a col covered with dense forests near the imperial city, the Pingjiang River was sitting there, and the mighty frowned, standing on a cliff and looking at the Pingjiang River.

A mass of real vitality revolved around him, and the color also became colorful and colorful from the beginning. As the vitality became stronger and stronger, it began to squeeze into Pingjiang's body. With more and more vitality pouring in, Pingjiang's face began to look painful. Suddenly, Pingjiang snorted in pain, and then involuntarily opened his mouth and roared.

The huge sound echoed between the hills, driving countless breaths and even vitality to roll up, like a fierce and abnormal whirlwind in the hills.

"Is it still a failure?" The mighty shook his head and flew down. There was a slight light on his legs, and some strange and mysterious golden lines appeared, making him look like a humanoid fairy instrument.

Pingjiang nodded, stood up with regret and said, "Well, including the previous dozen times, I can already feel it. If I want to forcibly condense into Yang Dan, ten * will succeed, especially the bottle of elixir given to me by your majesty, which can actually make star monks Sensing more vitality does have a great effect on the bottleneck of Yangdan's cultivation. However, as soon as my Yangdan condensed into a little, the Danhai and all the meridians began to rise like mountains and seas of huge waves, fluctuating! I feel that this fluctuation is far from comparable to that of the previous condensation of superstars. Although my body is stronger now, although I am not as good as you, I can also block some weaker vitality attacks.

Pingjiang bowed his head and continued to say, "However, even so, I can feel the shock caused by the condensation of Yangdan, which is enough to blow me to pieces. Therefore, I dare not absorb more vitality and squeeze the three superstars into Yang Dan in my body. Strangely, I asked Mr. Jin, and he said that although it would be more difficult for monks to advance to the realm of Yangdan, the most difficult thing for them was that they could not condense too much vitality into the Danhai in the realm of stars, so it was difficult for them to press the superstars in their bodies into Yangdan. But my vitality is enough, but there is a situation that other monks will not have. I don't know how this shock came from. According to Mr. Jin's analysis, I'm afraid that this is the same as I guessed before. My skills are basically incomplete, and I have to find the incomplete part of this skill and practice the skills completely so that this shock will not appear again.

"Although the skills that can produce violent shocks in Danhai are the most lethal, if I can't make it impossible for my cultivation, I would rather give up this skill." Pingjiang said angrily.

Wei Wudao: "If it's really a matter of skills, let's go to the fog forest sometime to see if your teacher has come back. If my guess is correct, I'm afraid your teacher should have a way. Otherwise, he will not only help you with this set of skills, but also harm you.

Pingjiang didn't seem to want to hear what the mighty said. He shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily happen. I'm afraid the teacher didn't expect that his talented disciple would practice so fast, and he had the strength to condense Yangdan. If you had told me so a few years ago, I would have thought you were crazy."

After thinking about it, Pingjiang continued: "Although I can't completely condense the giants in the Danhai Sea, I think I should be able to condense these three giants for a short time and then disperse immediately, which will not have any impact on my body, and in the time when the superstars temporarily condenses, No matter how I absorb or control my vitality, it will become extremely smooth. If it is used to fight against each other, my strength is more than two or three times stronger than before.

"Oh? This is really good news. In this case, the power of that Xianyang glove in your hand will indeed become much greater. No matter the speed of cohesion or the total amount of vitality, there will be much more. It seems that Qian really came to you and you can also think about what I told you.

Pingjiang nodded and said, "Yes, I was about to talk about it. After a few days, we will go back to the fog forest first. If Elder Xu and the teacher come back, it will be best. Otherwise, we will go to find Qian Zhen and go with him to find the guy with the most important key!"

Mighty looked at Pingjiang with some excitement and smiled. The two flew out of the mountain pass and rushed to the imperial capital.