kill immortals

Chapter 216 Acknowledge

"Final form? Is this huge vitality bracelet the final form of the Yintian bracelet?

Pingjiang fixed his face and stared at the space in front of him. Far from in front of Yue Laogua, as he sacrificed the rotation of the green bracelet, countless cyan circular light and shadows swarmed out of the green bracelet. Originally, in dozens of feet of space, there were the light and shadow of the vitality green bracelet everywhere, but with Yue Laogua's fingers flying a few times, all the lights and shadows condensed quickly to one place. In the blink of an eye, a straight A huge round bracelet with a diameter of seven or eight feet and a strong cyan vitality appeared in front of Yue Laowei.

At this time, the vitality storm gushed from the vitality fan had rushed. To Pingjiang's surprise, all the vitality storm seemed to be attracted by the huge round bracelet in the air and rushed to the vitality bracelet. After all the vitality storm poured into the bracelet, there was no movement. Between two or three breaths, the vitality storm was sucked away by the huge vitality bracelet.

Yue Lao looked at this and exhaled. But before he could speak, he saw a huge cracking sound of the vitality bracelet in the air. While his face changed greatly, his heart also suddenly sank.

"This boy is in a brilliant realm. How can he exert such great power as a double star sun fan? Unexpectedly, I can burst the final form of my Yintian bracelet. Although the final form of this Yintian bracelet, I only exerted about half of my strength in a hurry, but I am two levels higher than that boy!"

Yue Lao's thoughts turned in an instant, his face darkened, and his hands suddenly closed. Under the rapid transformation of the dozens of magic formulas, the body of the green bracelet, which had stopped rotating, quickly turned again. Suddenly, countless cyan circular light and shadows gushed out of the body of the blue bracelet and flew to the huge vitality bracelet. With the influx of light and shadow, the vitality bracelet, which had already exposed several cracks, quickly healed at the speed visible to the naked eye until it was restored.

Yue Laowei saw that the vitality storm was getting less and less, and finally let go of his hands. He looked at Pingjiang with a solemn expression, as if he had recognized Pingjiang's strength. But Pingjiang's behavior in front of him really shocked Yue Laowei. The boy seemed to see that his own attack was completely blocked, and unexpectedly raised the jade fan again with an unhappy face, as if he was ready to launch another offensive.

"Oc's it, ah, that Ping... Pingjiang Xiaoyou! The old man knows your strength. Don't move any more. If you come again, if it hurts my medicine garden, I will... I really won't go with you."

Old Yue actually called Pingjiang as a friend with Qian Zhen. Finally, after thinking for a long time, there was really nothing to threaten others. Finally, I had to take the secret together and listen to it in other people's ears, especially the tone, which was like a child quarrel.

"Puff~" Wei Yujing held back for a long time, and finally couldn't help it. Qian Zhen turned around and stared at her slightly angrily, but in his own eyes, there was also a smile.

Pingjiang was stunned. He didn't expect Yue Laogu to say such a thing. After thinking about it for a while, the jade fan shook a few times, and suddenly the huge vitality fan in the air burst out, and all the vitality dissipated in heaven and earth.

Yue Laoxue was also stunned. This boy actually waved the vitality fan directly. Aren't you afraid of his sudden attack? You know, the three super-level spiritual weapons are all integrated in attack and defense, with great power. Because his strength has reached the middle of Yangdan, he can condense the final form of the Yintian bracelet so quickly. Looking at the speed of the boy's condensation just now, he is obviously not as skilled and fast as he is. Then how dare this boy stand in front of his condensed vitality bracelet?

"Brother Yue, don't think about it. If you attack this boy at this time, I promise you will open your eyes and regret it!"

Qian Zhen's voice made Yue Lao's face cold.

"You mean that he is completely capable of resisting my attack?"

Qian Zhen's expression moved slightly, but under the gaze of Mr. Yue, he still nodded. In fact, what he meant was that even if Yue Lao Monster launched an attack, even if Pingjiang could not take over, Pingjiang was not alone. Even if the mighty around him, even if Yue Lao Monster's attack was more powerful, I'm afraid it would hurt the two of them.

Yue Laogen looked at Qian Zhen and looked at Pingjiang with an indifferent face. Finally, he put away the blue bracelet with a cold face. The vitality bracelet also dissipated quickly.

"I'm really curious, boy, who is your master? According to me, there are few people in this Tianfeng mainland who can ** such a powerful disciple like you. Unexpectedly, he has such strength in the brilliant realm, which makes the old man open my eyes.

Although Yue Laowei is still the boy's cry, his expression is much milder. It's also Qian Zhen's fault. Qian Zhen only said that he would bring a young man with good strength, but he didn't make it clear about Pingjiang's strength, so Yue Laowei had such a performance at first sight. However, in retrospect, if Qian Zhen said that he had a brilliant junior, but his strength was similar to that of Qian Zhen and Yue Laoxu, I'm afraid Yue Laoxu would not believe it at all.

Pingjiang naturally prevaried over this issue. Several people chatted for a while, which gradually eased the atmosphere a lot. In particular, although Yue's temperament is grumpy, he is straightforward and straightforward enough. Just now, he was wrong and even outspokenly accused Pingjiang, which made Pingjiang a little embarrassed.

"Look at me, I've said so much nonsense, Qian Daoyou, two little brothers, how about going down with me and sitting in my cave?"

Pingjiang and Qian Zhen naturally nodded, and everyone flew down from the air. After a moment, they arrived at an excellent location in this Lingqi Mountains. At the foot of the mountain, there was indeed one that looked ordinary from the outside, like an ordinary rock, but the faint vitality on it naturally made Pingjiang notice the difference. Like. Sure enough, after Yue Lao pinched a few magic formulas with a smile and waved his hand, a cave that looked quite open was revealed in front of several people.

Before entering the cave, Pingjiang also noticed that not far from the gate of the cave, there was another place where the vitality was also a little strange, and he couldn't help looking at it a few more times.

Yue Laoxun's eyes narrowed. Immediately, he smiled and said, "It seems that Pingjiang Xiaoyou, your sense of vitality has really reached the level of Yangdan monks, and these prohibitions can't hide your perception. That's the medicine garden that the old man has been saying. In order to prevent some accidents, I arranged some simple magic circle prohibition outside.

Pingjiang nodded and walked into the cave at the invitation of Yue Laowei.

After several people sat down and chatted for a while, they heard several slight roars outside, which made Pingjiang and Qianzhen look moved. However, Yue Laowei did not show any unexpected look.

"Yue Laoer, I heard that those treasure hunters have arrived, haven't they?"

With a rough voice, the magic array at the mouth of Yue Lao's monster cave was banned, and then separated to both sides. Two men and one woman and three middle-aged people came in. It was a plain-clothed monk who looked extremely elegant walking in the front. Looking at his figure and dress alone, it is difficult to imagine that his voice is so arrogant.