kill immortals

Chapter 234 Open

Of course, the mighty will not be polite to Qian, but I feel that this money is really senspitable. After all, these three people were almost all powerful and peaceful, and Qian Zhen and his wife did not contribute at all.

Wei Wu took his space bag from Pingjiang, who adjusted his breath, and poured in the yuan stone and the elixir secrets in the three new space bags. As for the spiritual weapon Xianyang and so on, they were all poured into their own space bags.

"This Peng Huagu is really strong, and things are good! He actually has a few high-level Yuanshi. Since knowing that Yuanshi is the currency used to trade between monks, Pingjiang and Weiwu began to pay attention to it. However, before, there were Huo Yixun and his wife from Xuanshen. There were not many Yuanshi in the space bag at all. Even in Lin Yan's space bag, there were more Yuanshi than their two, let alone Peng Huagu. And some bad Xianyang weapons were eaten directly by the mighty.

When they saw the mighty take out a black bone stick and a red feather fan from a red space bag, Qian Zhen and Wei Yujing's eyes were shining, but they didn't open their mouth in the end.

After playing with it, he put away several Xianyang weapons in the three space bags. When he turned out a small square shield the size of a palm from a yellow space bag, he sat down and studied it curiously. This is the first defensive treasure they got.

Mr. and Mrs. Qian Zhen did not disturb Pingjiang and the mighty. In addition, the couple were also injured, so they sat aside and adjusted together.

I can't feel the time in the cave. I can only vaguely feel two or three days after passing. Pingjiang's body shook and stood up.

Everyone woke up, chatted for a few words, and then decided to open the secret collection together. The pattern on the mountain wall is clear enough. Pingjiang and Qian Zhen didn't say much. They directly sacrificed three super-level spiritual treasures and filled in the three marks.

Several people looked a little excited. Seeing that the three spiritual weapons fell steadily into their respective marks, the three spiritual treasures suddenly lit up three eye-catching bright, one color, one green, one yellow!

Jing Mang flashed away, and the three Lingbao slowly flew down. Pingjiang and Qian Zhen went up and picked up Lingbao respectively. However, the expressions of the two immediately changed, and under exclamation, they provoked Wei and Wei Yujing to come up immediately.

"How could this happen!" Qian Zhen's tone was a little panicked and looked at him with power. It was found that although the jade bracelet and the jade pestle were still intact, it was not the streamer on it, but it was completely gone. These two spiritual treasures have become common in the world.

In surprise, he looked at the heavy star stacked sun fan in Pingjiang's hand and found that the scene was very different. The previous dazzling jade fan that could be opened and closed has disappeared. What appeared in Pingjiang's hand was a feather fan with only three feathers.

The three feathers are shining brightly. One in the middle is full of colorful light, two on the side, one is cyan and the other is yellow, as if the energy of the Yintian bracelet and the earth-shocking Xuan pestle has been absorbed by the heavy star folding sun fan.

"This..." Qian Zhen looked at the ordinary bracelets and jade pestle in his hand, and then looked at the brilliant feather fan in Pingjiang's hand, and his face was extremely ugly.

Pingjiang doesn't know how this happened. Although Qian really looks very puzzled, Pingjiang will naturally not be stupid enough to give him a feather fan. Nowadays, the jade fan has become a feather fan, and it is obvious that an extremely amazing change has taken place, and the power will be much larger. Naturally, Pingjiang needs to explore these slowly.

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, they only heard the sound of sand on the mountain wall beside them. They quickly looked up.

On the mountain wall, on the spiritual stone that was originally difficult to hurt anyway, the silver lines spread out slowly covered the whole mountain wall.

Pingjiang and Wei Wu looked at each other in con's respect. Although they knew that these silver patterns were some handwriting, they didn't know each other at all. Suddenly, there was a slight muttering sound. They turned their heads and saw that Wei Yujing was looking at the mountain wall, with a worried and happy face. It looks a little strange.

"She knows these words!" Pingjiang exhaled and found that the money next to him was really like this. Obviously, Wei Yujing knew these strange silver patterns and reassured them.

"Jinger, what's written on it?" Qian really couldn't help asking.

Wei Yujing took a long breath and looked a little melancholy and surprised. Under the urgent gaze of the three people on the side, she said, "The above is a common word that was popular among all monks tens of thousands of years ago. Nowadays, most sects also have special teaching this kind of writing. It's just that nowadays, there are not many ordinary people who know this kind of text. I also learned some specially under a moment of curiosity, so I can barely understand it.

Qian Zhen and Pingjiang nodded, and Qian Zhen asked eagerly, "So, what is written on it?"

seemed to know the urgency of the other three people. Wei Yujing said, "The handwriting on it was written by the predecessor who left the secret. Well, I'll read it to you directly."

"Fan'er, Zhi'er, Yue'er, since you have come, it seems that you have practiced until the late Yangdan period. Inside, it is a secret place found by the teacher when he wandered. When he became a teacher, he turned this place into a cave. The teacher left some things in it. These treasures should be enough for the three of you to easily break through the bottleneck. Other words, don't say much about being a teacher. The treasure is in it. As for whether you can get it or not, it depends on your opportunity. What you can get has nothing to do with being a teacher. As for the three spiritual weapons left for you, I think you should see some clues. Yes, these three spiritual weapons are separated from the ternary fan used by the teacher. When you get together and open the map, you should be aware of it. And on this mountain wall, it was also melted into a magic array of melting immortals. When the cave was opened, it was time for the three spiritual treasures to merge into one and restore the body of the ternary fan. Fan'er, Zhi'er, leave the ternary fan to Yue'er as a teacher. Don't think too much about it. Inside, the teacher has prepared two pieces of Xianyang ware for you. Although they are not as powerful as the three-yuan fan, they are much more powerful than the Yintian bracelet and the earth-shocking Xuan pestle. That's all. I hope that in the future, our master and apprentice can still meet in the upper world and look forward to the arrival of that day.

Qian Zhen and Pingjiang looked surprised. Pingjiang didn't expect that his heavy star folding sun fan was actually a fairy yang weapon used by the Huashen monk, which must be very powerful.

And Qian Zhen is also happy. Although he lost the Yintian bracelet and the earth-shocking pestle, there are two other Xianyang weapons to compensate. He never thought of asking Pingjiang for a feather fan. Originally, he thought that two treasures comparable to the middle-level Xianyang ware were gone. He was heartbroken, but unexpectedly, he got another surprise. Naturally, this is enough to make him happy.

"No wonder after opening the treasure map, Yue looked a little strange, and he immediately noticed the strangeness of the Yintian bracelet. And when I was fighting with Yue Laowei a few days ago, I found that the power of the earth-shocking Xuan pestle had inexplicably weakened a little. I thought there was some loss when I opened the treasure map. Now I know that it turned out to be a ghost of the heavy star folding sun fan. Qian really laughed.

After Qian Zhen finished speaking, the handwriting on the mountain wall slowly faded, and then a roar sounded in the cave. Under the three marks, the mountain wall suddenly cracked, and a colorful light flowed and a gorgeous whirlpool appeared.