kill immortals

Chapter 262 Yangying Evil Cultivation

Time has been in a hurry, and it has been a year since the Pingjiang River entered the extinct plain.

In the meantime, Pingjiang and others have secretly visited several entrances. Although the encircled monks walked a little, at a glance, there were still more than 200 Yangdan monks there. After discussing it, everyone still didn't break through. After all, in the face of so many monks, once one is careless, someone is likely to be killed directly.

It seems that they are worried that Mr. Jin will escape, and from time to time, they will let several late Yangdan monks take the lead and come in to investigate. One group of people were caught by Pingjiang. Although the Yangdan monk fled quickly, two monks fell into the hands of Pingjiang.

Under a forced question, Pingjiang, Yin Tiandao and others were all heartfelt.

Zhai Yunao was no longer in the extinct mountains more than half a year ago. Nowadays, near the extinct mountains, most of them are guarded by some sect monks. Almost all those who leave are scattered. After all, under the control of each general gate, even if they get treasures, it is not their turn.

Among the left-behind sects, the more powerful ones are Wanfa Sect, Yujian Sect, Qumo Sect and other medium-sized sects. Pingjiang thought of their new hatred and old hatred, and gritted his teeth again.

Finally, in order to survive, the Yangdan monk told Pingjiang that Zhai Yunao left the extinct mountains and invited a long-hid Yangying monk. It is said that it was an evil practice. In those years, because of his fierce methods, even if he had no hatred, he often killed people, causing complaints. Finally, he provoked the people of the three major sects to take action, which made him restrain him. In the past hundred years, there has been almost no news of his birth.

Zhai Yun'ao didn't know the whereabouts of this evil cultivation. Seeing that it was not a way to stay with Jin Lao and others like this, he actually hit the idea on the head of the senior Yang Ying.

This news really made Pingjiang and others feel like falling into an ice valley.

Over the past year, although everyone has slightly refined their magic power, they need to practice for a long time if they want to make another breakthrough. Ordinary monks need more than 100 years to break through from the early stage of Yangdan to the middle stage of Yangdan. It has been done within a hundred years, and there are only a few people in Tianfeng Continent. These people are all amazing people.

Even if Pingjiang has ancient spiritual vitality, this treasure can not be absorbed infinitely. It takes more than half a year to digest every time you take a breath. Pingjiang feels that if you want to break through to the middle of Yangdan, you have to at least suck nearly 100 mouths to achieve it. In this way, it will still take 70 or 80 years.

Although Pingjiang is not satisfied, he knows that he should not be overly forced. After all, it is amazing enough to increase Yangdan's strength in such a short time and be known by other monks.

Now, it is unexpectedly learned that it is possible that a Yangying monk will come to chase himself and others, which makes everyone laugh in any case.

"Zhai Yun'ao really likes to do things. He doesn't give others a way out, and his way out is getting smaller and smaller. Even if he knew that if Yang Ying's evil cultivation turned against him afterwards, Zhai Yun'ao had no choice. Even so, he still went." Mr. Jin smiled bitterly, and his eyes were full of resentment against Zhai Yunao.

"For more than half a year, Zhai Yunao has been there for so long. Maybe he will come back with the evil cult. We must find a way right away. Under the sweep of the Yangying monk, we are in the extinct plain and have nothing to escape. Moreover, the attack of Yang Ying's monk is by no means something we can compete with. Yin Tiandao's face was blue, and his expression was unusually solemn.

Although he has not seen Yang Ying monks take action, Pingjiang also knows the huge gap between Yang Ying and Yang Dan. Even now, with Yangdan's initial strength, he can easily defeat Yangdan's later monks. However, when he reached the late period of Yangdan, he may not dare to say that he has the ability to be an enemy Yangying monk. The gap between the two realms is really too big.

"You must go out and stay in the extinct plain, you can only wait to die."

Everyone discussed for a long time, and finally felt that instead of having Yangying monks inside and many Yangdan monks outside, it would be better to find a way out now.

Although everyone has the same ideas, they still have to panic when they think of fighting with hundreds of Yangdan monks.

"Don't fight with them, just fight at our speed. Once we fight hard with them, are dragged or surrounded, we have no chance at all. Only by relying on the hard break-through of Pingjiang, several of us are responsible for resisting the attacks of those people. In this way, it should be the way for us to receive the least attack.

Pingjiang also thought of this method, but when he saw that Yin Tiandao mentioned it, he nodded.

After that, everyone calmed down, rested for another two days, and finally decided to go out through the north gate. The North Gate is insisted by Pingjiang. Originally, Yintian Road wanted to go out from the south intersection, and it could fly directly to Yueqing Palace. However, the Yueqing Palace is too far away from the extinct plain. Even if the Pingjiang River flies with all its strength, it will take more than a month. During this period, if Zhai Yun'ao comes back early, he is likely to be blocked.

Under the divine investigation of the Yang Ying monk, they dared not pin their hopes on the hidden magic array at all. Because once discovered, it is not something that can be easily escaped. From the south gate, Zhai Yunao and others can easily think that they are going to the Yueqing Palace. Therefore, it's better to go out through other doors.

In fact, Pingjiang is thinking about Aliang and Xiaobo in the foggy forest. Now he has also reached Yangdan's cultivation. Thinking of the movement caused by A Liang and Xiao Fluctuation Hand that day, he is almost sure that these two guys are both wild beasts with Yang Ying's strength.

It's better to go to a familiar place than to go to the Yueqing Palace and become involuntarily. At least, no one wants to grab their treasures there, especially when they know that they have those bottles of ancient treasure and golden demon water, and they may think about the Yueqing Palace.

Seeing Pingjiang insisting, Yin Tiandao and Lan Bing said nothing more. Although Mr. Jin didn't know what Pingjiang was doing, he did not object, and the two women had no objection.

A green rainbow galloped on the extinct plain again, but this time, it did not search around, but went straight to the north gate of the extinct plain.

In the entrance, a hundred miles away, some monks began to appear sporadically. When they found the Qinghong, they were shocked and quickly flew to the entrance. These people are actually monks who are arranged to patrol the entrance of the sect.

Unfortunately, the speed of these monks is not comparable to that of Qinghong. Only for a moment, they were left behind by Qinghong.

The north gate has been vividly experienced.