divine monument

Chapter 41 Desert Mountain

The departure of the beautiful woman did not make Qin Hao feel depressed. He went all the way up the way to play with mountains and rivers, picked elixirs, and increased his knowledge. He was quite comfortable. One day, he came to Luoxing City to listen to the changes in the situation in Yan.

I went to the restaurant and ordered a few small dishes. Several people sat by the window and listened to the diners chatting.

"In the tenth day of the first lunar month, Emperor Song ascended the throne and celebrated the world. Congratulations!" Someone raised their glasses to celebrate.

"Well, what is there to celebrate? What else is there to celebrate? Let us worship the holy lotus, recite the scriptures of the holy lotus, sing the song of the holy lotus, and even sell our souls!" A man who looks like a scholar disdains to laugh.

"In a low voice, it's amazing for the officers and soldiers to know this. I heard that Emperor Song was the former prime minister, but I really didn't expect it..."

From the words of the people, Qin Hao got useful information. The Holy Lotus Sect controlled the situation and established a new country. The new law was promulgated, requiring everyone to believe in the Holy Lotus Church and make all the people become believers.

"Holy Lotus Sect is really a thief. It still uses the previous method. I think it won't be long before the immortals of the ten countries will come to the door!" Li Shaobai is very shameless.

Qin Hao has different views. The Holy Lotus Sect is extremely strange and has an unclear relationship with Buddhist practitioners. It is difficult to completely eradicate it.

"Amitabha, although the little monk is a monk, he can't leave wine and meat. You are all vegetarian. How can I eat it!" I don't know when I walked into a very beautiful little Shami and saw that Xiao Er was full of materials and began to theoretically.

"The monk still eats meat, is that still called a monk?" Xiao Er muttered into the kitchen.

The table is full of chicken, duck and fish, Xiao Shami's meat in one hand and wine pot in one hand, eating and drinking, regardless of everyone's surprised eyes.

"He is a Buddhist!" Li Shaobai gently shook the fan and passed the voice.

Buddha practitioners are rare!

Qin Hao became interested, went to the little Sami and sat down, and said with a smile, "Little monk, you are happy to eat, and we are still hungry there. Savage, big cat, come and eat together!"

Little Shami raised his head and looked at Qin Hao. Ami said with a smile and said, "The donor is not kind. How can you rob the little monk's meat, but all sentient beings are equal. Eat more, eat more, the shopkeeper is still giving five copies to the little monk!"


Li Shaobai came over and snorted coldly, but shamelessly grabbed the chicken feet.

The big cat devoured, chewed the bones and swallowed them, and ate and drank enough. Everyone wiped their mouths. Little Shami put his hands together, which was beautiful and full of Buddha. Baoxiang said solemnly, "Little monk Yulin, don't know the names of the five benefactors?"

Qin Hao and others told him that although the way is different, they are at least people of the same kind, so they should know each other.

"Six benefactors and little monks still have something to investigate. Let's say goodbye. If it's fate, we will definitely get together!" The jade forest drifts away, as if getting a monk.

Qin Hao asked with a smile, "What do you think of the strength of this little monk in Yulin?" He knows something about Qin Hao, a Buddhist practitioner. Like immortals, it is divided into nine periods, namely the Buddha period, the spiritual period, the reli period, the Buddha's infant period, the divine heart period, the soul period, the Taixu period, the disaster period, and the Mahayana period. Generally speaking, On the same road, they finally flew through the disaster.

However, Buddhist practitioners have a more detailed classification of their strength, including Bhikkhu, Arhat, Vajra, Bodhisattva and Great Buddha. The Buddha period and spiritual period are the Bhikkhus, the reli period and the Buddha's infant period are arhat, the divine heart period and soul movement period are King Kong, the Taixu period and the disaster period are Bodhisattva, and the final Mahayana is the Great Buddha.

"It should be the late spiritual period, but he is still young, and he will definitely become an arhat!" Li Shaobai gently shook his folding fan, his eyes were faint, and his heart gushed out with infinite pride. There are so many geniuses in the world. He is just a crucian carp crossing the river. If he does not refuel, he will be annihilated in the big waves and become an ordinary member.

Qin Hao nodded and recognized it and became more and more determined to practice. Except for sacrificing stone tablets, the 49 immortal runes in his body did not increase, and there was no major breakthrough in strength.

"Young white, Duanmu, we should find a place to devote ourselves to practice for a while!" Qin Hao felt something.

"I agree!" Li Shaobai closed the folding fan and couldn't wait to go now.

"Go!" As soon as everyone came out of the Star City, they put on invisible charms and flew into the mountains.

There was snow in the mountain, and there was a stream of coldness. He landed on the top of the mountain and looked around. Qin Hao and his party fell and looked around and sighed helplessly: "The aura in these places is too thin to have any effect on us. No wonder the strength of scattered cultivation is generally low, and the spiritual veins of Lingshan are occupied. It's really unacceptable to find a place full of aura. Easy!"

Qin Hao agrees that the large sect occupies the spiritual vein, has abundant aura cultivation, and there are also spiritual stones every month. They are lonely and lonely. Everything depends on themselves, and it is difficult to achieve anything.

"Should we join Xianmen? With our talents, it's not a piece of cake to enter Xianmen!" The jade rabbit jumped into Qin Hao's arms, with big green eyes beautiful and bright, with a trace of temptation.

"There are a lot of things!" Qin Hao rubbed it angrily. This guy, worthy of the most mysterious six-eared rabbit in ancient times, can think of others in front of anything.

Qin Hao said, "There are seven continents in the Hongmeng world, and the Zhongmeng Shenzhou Xianmen is the most powerful, but the distance is too far away. When it comes to Shenzhou, we will miss the best age to enter Xianmen, let alone the remaining five continents, so we can only enter the Xianmen of Yiyue Bingzhou!"

"As far as I know, the ten countries are remote and surrounded by the sea. There are only two ways to enter the Yiyue Ice Island. It may take two months to go to the State of Wu to sit in the transmission array or cross the sea. Even if it is our speed, I'm afraid it will take two months!" Li Shaobai explained.

Qin Hao immediately made a decision: "The State of Wu is the closest to Yiyue Bingzhou. We can only decide according to the situation when we go to the State of Wu first. In this way, let's go to the wild family first, and then go directly to the State of Wu!"

"It should have been like this a long time ago. The barren mountains are full of aura, elixirs everywhere, and rich collections. It's better for us to break through in one fell swoop and then go!" Duan Muye patted his thigh and was impatient.

"In that case, let's start immediately!" Everyone walked with their swords, fast to the limit, and went straight to the barren mountains.

In the wilderness, there are many tribes living in the wilderness, lakes and mountains. Although they are ruled by the State of Yan, in fact, the power of the State of Yan has never penetrated, and the tribal elders or patriarchs have the final say in everything.

The barren mountain is the main vein of the wilderness, which is divided by three forces.

Qingyunzong was created by Qingyun Zhenren before Bai. It is rumored that this guy is out of his mind and is still alive now. Otherwise, he would have been kicked out long ago.

The primitive people of the barren mountain, stagated in the depths of the barren mountain, mysterious and dangerous, and the immortals who entered it did not come out alive.

The Three Gods League, sandwiched between Qingyunzong and the primitive people of the barren mountains, was transformed by three. It was rumored that there were ancient bloodlines of Bifang, Zhenzhen and dragon bloodlines, and gathered demons in the barren mountains and were majestic on all sides.

Qin Hao and others fell down and looked at the blistering swamp in the dark winter. The jade rabbit immediately fanned his forelimbs and kept shouting the smell.

Duan Muye smiled and said, "Of course it stinks. There are not many bones hidden under here. Although this place is calm, it is unpredictable. There are not only highly poisonous things in it, but also fierce demons. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed up!"

"Wild man, do you live in the same place as this?" Li Shaobai frowned and asked.

"How can this be? This is a dangerous place. The place where we live is as tall and full of aura, like heaven. When you arrive, you will definitely like it!" Duan Muye's face is missing.


A fierce frog shouted, and a big basketball toad full of poison bags jumped out of the swamp and rushed to the big cat.

A look of contempt flashed in the eyes of the big cat, sacrificing the sword of extinction, splitting it into two sections.

"See, I don't need to talk about the ferocity here. Most of the demons in the swamp are poisons. If they are stained, it will be difficult to cure!" Duankino let everyone see the ferocity of the wilderness and flew to the depths of the barren mountains on a bone stick.

The barren mountain means a barren mountain, and the mountains are continuous and endless at a glance.

The peaks are towering and dangerous. Duanmuye explained that this kind of mountain is often occupied by demon practitioners. Every night, the demons invite the moon to swallow, and the moon is bright, dazzling and spectacular.

What a horrible thing Qin Hao can think of dancing with demons.

In the mountain, there are immortals picking elixirs and killing demons. For immortals, the demons' skin, bones, flesh and blood are good refinery materials and alchemy materials, especially in the demon elixir period. Demon elixir can refine the elixir and make the foundation-building monks enter the golden elixir period.

From ancient times to the present, demon practitioners and immortals have never lived together peacefully.

Seeing Qin Hao and several people walk with swords, the mountain monsters roared, and some even said dirty words to kill everyone and go back to make soup.

Oh, there is no division between shemales!

"No, after staying in the barren mountain for a long time, you don't know whether you are a demon or a human!" Duan Muye laughed at himself, rushed to a mountain, waved a bone stick, and splashed the brains of some birds.

"To deal with this kind of demon, you have to be fierce!" Duanmuye was soaring and opened the way in front of him.

"Senior, please wait for me!" In the mountain, some immortals were besieged by a group of demons. Seeing Qin Hao and others, they shouted anxiously.

Li Shaobai landed, and his sword was wide, killing the little monsters in the spirit period and running for his life.

"Thank you for your help. Qing Yunzong is very grateful!" Several people came forward to thank them repeatedly.

"Qingyunzong!" Li Shaobai asked, "I met your brother Wan. Where is he now?"

"It turned out that the senior knew Brother Wan, that was his own people. He was dissatisfied with the senior. Brother Wan did not serve Du Erdan and directly entered the Jindan period. The suzerain has appointed Brother Wan as the next suzerain, but Brother Wan has left the sect these days. I'm afraid he will let the senior run away once in vain!" Several people smiled like flowers and quickly explained.

"Farewell!" Li Shaobai snorted coldly and flew high into the sky.

Qin Hao and others calmed down when they heard this. Wan Guiyi entered the Jindan period so quickly. It must be the help of mysterious forces. Everyone felt unprecedented pressure. Duan Muye was particularly worried. Wan Gui was thinking of vicious. If he became the suzerain, he would definitely attack them.

"Let's go back first and ask Grandpa, and we are making plans!" Dumakino has no idea.

"also!" Qin Hao also wants to see the real owner of this barren mountain.