divine monument

Chapter 175 Destroy the Palace

Di Hao urged the divine power, and the palace wall of the emperor's palace was smashed like tofu, but these still could not relieve Di Hao or calm his anger.

"Who dares to break into the imperial palace!" Taoist figures rushed out of the palace, with monks, people of the Protoss, and masters of the rest of the world.


This sound, like a copper bell, resounded across the whole mountain, echoing, shaking some of the weak people's seven orifices bleeding.

"Haha, there is no place to break the iron shoes. It doesn't take much time. I was going to go to Hongmeng World to kill you, but I didn't expect you to send it to my door!" A tiger's back and bear's waist, and its muscles are raised like rock carving, like a savage taking a step forward and suddenly stepped out, and the soles of his feet cracked a huge gap.

"I don't kill unknown people, report it!" Dihao hunted in black robe and carried the Heavenly Emperor's sword, like pine and cypress in the wind, proud and long green.

"Wutian World, Wu Peng, ranked 1003 on the list!" The young man cracked his lips and exposed his white teeth.

I will teach you what real martial arts is!

Di Hao sneered. In the world of martial arts, with martial arts, the limit of martial arts can fly to the fairyland. There are similarities with the physical practitioners and boxing gods in the Hongmeng world. Generally speaking, Wanfa returns to the sect, no matter what road they take, they will eventually gather in the fairyland.

Martial arts in the sky!

Wu Peng's arms spread, and the turbulent energy around him made a fierce eagle sound. His body jumped up, like an eagle, like a roc, like a dragon, like a tiger, his figure changed, mysterious and fierce, like a meteorite, with the divine power of beasts, falling from the sky to crush the emperor Hao.

Break the mountains and rivers!

Di Hao waved his fist, which was ordinary, but the space in front of his fist trembled in an instant, like the ripples of the water, and rushed forward.

Wu Peng's divine power was swallowed up by space ripples and fell into nothingness, and the sky calmed down again.

The action is calm, but there is a hidden murder!

"If I can swallow you, I can immediately fly to the fairyland. Hey hey, my name is Lion Xiao, from the orc world!" A lion-headed young man came forward, with a fluffy golden mane and sharp eyes, staring at Di Hao, as if enjoying delicious food.


Di Hao glanced coldly and roared suddenly, roaring like a dragon, like a tiger, like a phoenix, a lion screaming, his body burst, and the bright red blood scattered all over the ground.

"I have some ability, but it's a pity to meet me!" A black armored young man with wings on his back and a pale and cold face licked his lips and said with a strange smile, "The smell of your body is really crazy. Haha, I want to dry your blood!"

The emperor waved his sword, and an invisible sword spirit cut it in half. A little ghost of the Nether clan also dared to come to him and jump impatiently.

"If it's all these rubbish, I'm going to kill!" Di Hao looked around the crowd, cold and harsh.

The battle here has attracted the attention of the mountainside monks. They all craned their necks to watch. The golden dog looked at Di Hao and sat on the ground in horror. What on earth did he do?

"The spirit of the divine clan!" A young man in a golden robe stood up, with blonde eyes, unrestrained and said fiercely, "Little bastard, I hate you so much. What ecstasy soup did you pour into Lingxue to make him betray the Protos!"

"Because he has always been an imperial!" A trace of indifference flashed in Di Hao's eyes, and his figure flashed. When the monks were looking at Lingyang, it cracked like a stone and blew into pieces of meat.

"Damn it, it's the magic power of my clan!" The teenager in a gray robe cursed, flashed forward, carried a stone stick, and roared, "Damn emperor, send it to your door today, and I will definitely kill you!"


Di Hao frowned and asked coldly, "The palace was built by your clan!"

Shi Ganxing laughed and said, "It was built by my family, so what? Destroying the imperial palace is to destroy all the imperial clan. Do you know why I am like this? Because I refined your clan into my body, the emperor's figure is really good and can break some kind of shackles of heaven and earth!"

"Don't worry, you won't die so fast!" As soon as Di Hao's words fell and his figure disappeared, Shi Ganxing was shocked and felt unable to move. His neck was pinched by a huge force. He couldn't speak, and even the stone clan could not recover.

"How many of my clans have you killed, and how many of your clans will you kill? Blood will be paid for your blood!" Di Hao stabbed Shi Dangxing's chest with a sword and smashed the internal organs.

Shi Ganxing was sealed and thrown into the bracelet, and Di Hao regained his indifference. The damn stone clan must crush them all!

"Haha, you are bold. How dare you treat Shi Dangxing like this? Do you know who he is?" The young man in a star robe stood up, holding a seven-star sword, and asked with a smile.

"Who are you?" Di Hao looked indifferent.

"Li Yuan in the world of Doum, a scattered repair!" Li Yuan is like a secular martial artist. He has a comet, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a simple face. He said, "Shi Ganxing's brother Shi Gan ranked third on the list decades ago. Now his cultivation is unfathomable. His father, Shi Meng, is a leader of the Shi clan, and his heavenly ancestor is the owner of the second place!"

"In this way, the emperor has arrested many people. He is not afraid that the old will not come." Di Hao showed a cold smile and made the onlookers shudders.

"Make way for me. Damn, an emperor caught Xiaoxing. It's really boring!" The roar was like thunder, and the roaring footsteps gradually progressed. Unexpectedly, a middle-aged man in gray armor led a group of guards, and countless monks hurried to come.

"You caught the little star, let him go quickly, and don't let you swallow it alive!" The middle-aged man pointed to Di Hao and laughed wildly.

"Are you talking to me?" Di Hao turned his eyes and looked at Shi Bin, making him cold.

"The bullshit emperor, there is only one emperor, that is, Di Hui. What kind of green onion are you!" Shi Bin raised his eyebrows and mocked.

"It's really strange that Qin Hui and the Stone clan are angry. Tell me, what agreement have you reached!" Di Hao sneered.

"Even if there are some agreements, how can I tell you that you are such a fool!" Shi Bin mocked proudly. He didn't know that the people present regarded him as a fool. The emperor and the Shi clan were so hateful that they could come together. But looking at Shi Bin's performance today, the two clans really had an agreement. Of course, the person who reached the agreement was Qin Hui.

No matter what, Qin Hui's light and glory will be reduced by one point in the eyes of all the monks in the heavens, and Di Hao will become taller.

"Well, I will flatten you. Qin Hui is a traitor. I will kill him and pay tribute to all the dead imperial souls!" Di Hao's voice was loud, ethereal and majestic, as if it were from the sky above the world, which calmed everyone and seemed to be enlightened.

There were even some monks who had a good impression on Di Hao. Instead, they believed that Qin Hui was a traitor, disdained for what he had done and disgusted from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's not useless to bewitching and believing in magic!" Di Hao's lips raised, showing an inexplicable smile. The Heavenly Emperor's sword bloomed with great light, like a galaxy, like a long rainbow, swept by and killed countless monks of the imperial palace.

"Hmm, I'm the enemy of this emperor, and I don't know whether to live or die!" Dihao suspended the sky, as powerful as a god, as thick as a mountain, with a long roar, air through the galaxy, and infinite divine power rushed to all directions, covering the destruction of the imperial palace in it.

Dominating the way, dominating everything!

Dihao's eyes were cold, which stimulated the main force of the road, and instantly plunged the destruction of the imperial palace into chaos. The towering and strong wall collapsed, the tall and glorious fairy hall collapsed, and the ground cracked a huge gap. More monks fell into chaos, did not recognize the enemy and me, and killed everyone.

Shi Bin looked at the ruined imperial palace. His eyes spewed fire and restored the stone body. He was several miles high. He held a huge stone stick and hit Dihao with a stick.


Under the control of Di Hao, the Heavenly Emperor Sword inserted into Shi Bin's heart and crushed Linglong's heart.

The sword of the Heavenly Emperor was traceless and unpredictable, but there were stone people, protoss and monks falling to the ground one after another. This scene was seen by the monks on the mountainside and was shocked. Is this the strength of the Heavenly Emperor?

The tragic shouting and the begging for mercy did not soften Di Hao's heart, but his eyes became colder and colder.

"Look, that's my family!" The collapse of the imperial palace exposed the prison of the people imprisoned by the emperor on the ground. Although everyone was penetrated through the pipa bones by iron hooks and tied with special divine iron chains, they still stood up and looked up at the magnificent figure in the sky.

"I'm Emperor Hui of Heaven, save you!" Di Hao raised his hand, and the chains were cut off one after another, and hundreds of thousands of people were collected into the pure land.

" Stop, who are you? How dare you go to the palace to destroy the emperor!" A remnant moon rose from the ground with a bloody sun and fell in front of Di Hao. It turned out to be a young man in blue.

"Qin Hao, you are finally here. The Heavenly Emperor ordered me to kill you here!" Yin and Yangzi are handsome and cold, with both cold and hot breaths, which are very horrible.

Di Hao smiled coldly and said, "Yin Yangzi, you are just a flag of Qin Hui, and you are also the emperor of heaven. Don't he know the power of this emperor, let you guard the passage and obviously let you die!"

"I have the confidence to kill you!" Yin and Yang are unmoved.

"Stupid, do you have the confidence to kill Qin Hui?" Di Hao disdained to mock and sacrificed a fairy sword. The sword was zigxiao, and the remnant moon and blood sun were shining together, blooming divine light and illuminating the top of the mountain.

"You actually ** Yang Jianjue!" Yin and Yangzi was shocked and roared, "The way of yin and yang, combined into one, is for the sword spirit of yin and yang, kill!"

The combination of yin and yang is the deep meaning of the yin and yang sword formula. Yin and Yang have also just understood it. In a hurry, they used it. One yin and one yang are entangled together, like two divine dragons, shining, destroying and killing in front of Di Hao.

"The way of yin and yang is one, there is yang in yin, and yin in yang!" Di Hao smiled faintly, with one hand for Yang and the other for Yin. He gently wrapped the yin and yang sword spirit around his hands like a clever cat.

"Thank you for your sword spirit, but it is not pure enough!" Di Hao was indifferent and swallowed the yin and yang sword spirit into his body.