Divine Immortal Road

Chapter 3 Humiliation, Surprise!

After coming out of the "Personnel Court", Li Qian was a little puzzled. This performance of Yan Lihua surprised him and did not match his character at all, but he couldn't think of a reason, so he turned around and walked to the small martial arts field. What he now wants to know is how far his strength has been abandoned.

It was still the leader who kicked Li Qian that day to train his disciples. When the leader saw Li Qian appear on the martial arts field completely normally, his eyes were obviously full of surprise. He didn't expect Li Qianneng to return to normal so soon. He looked at Li Qian disdainfully, as if he could pinch him to death with one finger at any time.

Li Qian bowed his head and didn't want to cause any more trouble. He silently walked to the row of houses in the corner of the martial arts arena, where there were various weapons.

The first thing you see is a row of bows and arrows hanging on the wall according to the level, with signs below. Although it is just a small external disciple's martial arts practice field, all the facilities are complete, and the strength and financial resources of Long Xuanzong can be seen.

"Ten years of bamboo and wood bow, 80 jin."

Li Qian picked up the first bow, which is the smallest of them. It is made up of a ten-year-old bamboo root*, with strong toughness and requires at least 80 pounds of arm strength to pull open. It is already a rare good bow for ordinary people, and it is difficult for ordinary people to pull it apart.

However, if you want to pass the test five months later, this bow is far from enough. Li Qian's eyes looked at another big black bow on the wall, with the following note:

"Ping steel bow, 200 catties."

This is the bow of the martial artists tested in the clan. Although this bow is strong, it is cast by fine steel and will be deformed if pulled hundreds of times. It is not suitable for practicality, but the manufacturing materials are easy to obtain and are specially used by many families and armies for assessment.

The martial artist has begun to train his muscles and can weigh 200 pounds. After reaching the samurai, you can pull 500 catties of bow. The further back you go, with the improvement of the realm, the arm strength increases faster and faster, and Wuzong can pull a thousand pounds of weight!

Before being abolished, Li Qian's arm strength was 500 jin, and he had steadily stepped into the realm of martial arts.

Li Qian withdrew his eyes, pinched his fist, put the bamboo bow in his hand in front of his chest, made a standard bow pulling action, and secretly pulled the bow hard on his arm!

The bamboo bow makes a unique creaking sound of bamboo and wood, as if it is about to crack. The string is made of fish skin tanned and has strong toughness.

When a full bow was about to open, Li Qian felt severe pain from his arm, and his muscles seemed to have reached the limit. Finally, he couldn't stand it, and his whole body retreated like a tide!


The bamboo bow made a reluctant sound and returned to its original state.

"Haha, just rely on him? An abandoned person?"

"Does he also want to take the test? What a joke!"

"He thought he was still that genius. It's so ridiculous that he couldn't even pull away the little bow of 80 catties!"

Those disciples not far away saw all this and laughed at it. You should know that pulling 200 catties of fine steel bow is only the most basic strength of martial arts.

A genius who could only look up to him suddenly became a waste far lower than himself, and an inexplicable pleasure filled everyone's heart.

Li Qian didn't care about them. Suddenly, he bit his teeth, raised his bow and arrow again, and let go!


The ridicule of those disciples became louder. This time, Li Qian still didn't pull it away, which was better than the last time. Li Qian looked at his weak hands blankly and hadn't made any action for a long time.

His martial arts skills have been reduced to the lowest, even an ordinary martial artist!

"Why is it so noisy?"

When the crowd laughed loudly, a loud voice came, and everyone immediately calmed down, dared not make a sound, and all bowed their heads slightly. Li Qian looked up and walked into a group of people in the yard. The leader was Li Qian!

Li Qian is Mrs. Zhao's eldest son! Li Qian, in terms of natural resources and spiritual resources, is under Li Qian, relying on the elixir of the clan. After the fifteenth of this year, he is barely a martial artist. It is unknown in Taoism. Li Qian has taught him more than once. This son's personality is as tricky and vicious as Mrs. Zhao!

Li Qian thought for a moment, put the bamboo bow back in place, and lowered his head.

Li Qian is different from ordinary people, a little taller than the middle-aged teacher, and he is not at all 15 years old. He went straight to Li Qian, with a trace of pride in the corners of his mouth, and said:

"My good brother, what, have you recovered from the beating? I came to inspect today, but I came to see you specially!"

As he spoke, he played with a blood-red wrench on his right thumb. Li Qian sneered, because that was the symbol representing Shaozong. It seemed that Mrs. Zhao could not wait to force the elders to leave him as Shaozong.


Li Qian suddenly laughed loudly, suddenly grabbed Li Qian's collar and picked him up!

Just like lifting a chicken, lift Li Qian with one hand!

"Look, look! Watch!! What is this?! Aren't you awesome in front of me?"

Li Qian pressed the wrench finger on Li Qian's face like crazy. The more he pressed it, the heavier he pressed. He broke his forehead and blood flowed!

Li Qian felt a sharp pain on his forehead, but he could not break free. He let Li Qian hold it in one hand and press it hard on his forehead with one hand.

"Hmm! Just don't talk? Didn't you use to be arrogant? Don't you often teach me a lesson? I can do whatever I want now, bastard!"

After saying "dog bastard", Li Qian pushed Li Qian out, hit the wall heavily, knocked down the bamboo bow hanging there and fell to the ground.

"Typse who is a bastard!"

When Li Qian heard the three words "dog bastard", he finally couldn't help it! Like a mad dog, he rushed to Li Qian!


Li Qian narrowed his eyes and kicked his chin accurately. Li Qian, who was still like a beast just now, immediately cut off his voice and fell to the ground again. The blood in his nose gushed out, and the blood on his forehead was not short. The two strands of blood were mixed together and sprinkled on the ground, which was shocking.

Those disciples who watched the bustle were also shocked and quietly separated away.

Li Qian was kicked in the chin, and his brain roared briefly. He only felt that the sky and earth were spinning. He wanted to get up and could no longer lift his strength.

"If I hadn't been afraid that my father would not have been able to work hard after he came back, I would have killed you!"

Li Qian smiled proudly, looked at Li Qian on the ground like a dead dog, made up another foot, picked up the bamboo bow on the ground casually, looked at it like a toy, and then pulled it fiercely!


The bamboo bow made a sound, and the bow directly broke into two pieces!

After being humiliated by Li Qian, Li Qian had to be silent and had no strength to resist at all. He returned to the cabin in the mockery of everyone.

After a few days of recuperation, the body gradually improved.

He didn't care about this matter, but was worried that his force was only in the realm of Wuzi's reach. How could he pass the assessment five months later? Every foreign disciple has only one assessment opportunity. Once he fails, he will be completely unqualified. He will either leave or be a subordinate forever.

"Is this?"

When he opened Linger's package, his expression immediately changed dramatically, and his previous thinking suddenly stopped! Then he opened his mouth in consters and couldn't close it for a long time! Because he was very shocked!

Because he saw four big characters, King Kong Fist Sutra!

The King Kong Boxing Classic is a classic that has been handed down since ancient times and everyone dreams of! A supreme classic!

There are two supreme classics in the world that everyone wants, one is the Mirra Boxing Sutra and the other is the King Kong Boxing Sutra.

Although these two books are called boxing scriptures, their value is not as simple as boxing scriptures. Li Qianlong Xuanzong's classics library has seen the legends of these two classics many times. The Miluo Boxing Sutra is used by monks and can keep the soul immortal! The Diamond Fist Sutra is used by martial artists. The practitioners can quickly recover their bodies and even keep their bodies immortal!

If either of these two appears in the world, it will definitely set off a bloody storm.

The legend of the Mirra Boxing Sutra has been taken to the fairyland, but the whereabouts of the Diamond Boxing Sutra has been unknown. These two classics are from ancient Buddhism, and Buddhism has been lost without lagging behind.

Li Qian looked at the yellow scriptures in his hand and did not move for a long time. He did not believe that Li Linger could have this classic. He would never believe it unless this classic was fake.

"Impossible, Linger can't get it!"

He swallowed a mouthful of water and opened the first page of the Diamond Fist Sutra tremblingly. It was not easy to keep so calm before the peerless classics.

On the first page, there was a painting. A monk with an upper body** sat on the futon with his eyes closed. An indescribable momentum immediately filled Li Qian's mind. He couldn't say this feeling. At that moment, he knew that it was true!


Li Qian took a long breath, closed it and told himself:

"Peerless classics must not be observed in this mentality. You must stop like water and calm down. It is absolutely not suitable now."

So he continued to look at the items in the package. Except for a small jade bottle, there were five small yuan pills in it. He thought in his heart:

"Linger told me that there were two classics in it, and he would not lie to me. In this case, someone must have dropped the contents when I left the house before I opened the package!"

Li Qian is sure that someone must have dropped something!

Linger said that there are two martial arts in the package, one is the martial arts classics of the inner disciples, while the inner disciples of Long Xuanzong are forbidden to practice martial arts, and the unified martial arts is Tenglong. The other part that Linger said is her own monition classics. In Long Xuanzong, only the disciples of the Li clan and the Taoist chief can practice Taoism. The unified basic Taoism is Hualong.

These two skills are the fusion of the world's skills and classics by the ancestors of Long Xuanzong, which are the momentum of the world and the dominance of dragon power!

This is also why Long Xuanzong has been controlling the imperial power and the world for thousands of years, because he wants to feel the dragon power and imperial power!

So Li Qian concluded that the contents of the package had been dropped, which was a surprise that he never thought of!