Divine Immortal Road

Chapter 6 Li Qian's Plan

After shouting three times in a row, Li Qian immediately began to practice again, and the sound of his fists began. With that magical visual acceptance, he could do his best to practice martial arts regardless of the fatigue and injury of his body!

As the days passed, the cold wind gradually disappeared, the weather became warm, the trees pruned, and the earth turned green. A month has passed, and another spring is coming.

In the past month, Li Qian has never left the hut except to go to the dining room to get some food. During the day, he practiced boxing and tortured himself all over. At night, his breathing returned to normal after visualization. Going back and forth, like a puppet, he has practiced the boxing to the tenth move.

He has never been lazy and never stopped. He wants to find Mrs. Zhao, find his mother, and rescue the suppressed Sparrow King. His time is very tight!

On this day, Li Qian once again exhausted his energy from the deadly martial arts practice, collapsed to the ground, gasped, and felt that all parts of his body, such as his arms and legs, were twisted like a towel, and the pain of tearing his heart came from his movements!

"No! The time is getting shorter and shorter. If you want to pass the assessment, you need endless practice! Only in this way can we improve our strength as much as possible! I have King Kong Boxing Classic and will return to normal tomorrow. How can I waste time because of today's suffering?

Li Qian said to himself in his heart. Then he propped up his body despite the pain all over his body and continued to practice boxing!

At the same time, in a magnificent building in the depths of Long Xuanzong's mansion, the newly established Shaozong Li Qian was sitting at his desk and carefully studying the books of sages. The room was extremely quiet, and only the fragrance of dragon saliva emitted invisible blue smoke.

Two hours later, Li Qian put down the book in his hand and waved to the servants at the door.

"What's the order of the young master?"

The little boy hurried to him and said respectfully.

Li Qiandao:

"If you pass my words to the outside door, there will be half a month before the scientific examination. Let them stop. Don't disturb the young masters in the clan who are going to participate in the scientific examination every day because they want to participate in the examination of Zongli!"

The little man nodded and then said:

"I heard that... Li Qian is also going to participate in the Zongli assessment and wants to be a disciple of the inner door!"


Li Qian paused for a moment, and then a disdainful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Does his waste still want to pass the assessment? What a big joke! Don't worry about him. You can go down first!"

"Yes, young suzerain!"

The little boy immediately left the study.

Nearly half a month will soon pass, and the weather will gradually become warmer. The cold wind will be replaced by the warm spring breeze, and there will be a green shade between your hands and feet.

In the past half month, nothing happened in Long Xuanzong. Everything was calm. Li Qian and several other brothers were ready to participate in the scientific examination five days later and almost did not go out.

Those external disciples are also training hard for the assessment two months later.

So no one paid attention to Li Qian, who was hiding in the corner to practice, and no one bothered him.

With visual acceptance, Li Qian naturally didn't have to worry about his body and practiced boxing for half a month. His punch can rotate more than 180 times at the fastest, and his toes can be forward with each foot flying out, and his legs can rotate as fast as 74 times. Each punch and each leg is like a fast rotating drill! Its power can be imagined.

But according to the book, his current level is just touching the doorway in front of him, and the real master can rotate tens of millions of times in a short action! Invincible! At the top, in the realm of the god of war, flesh and blood can hit the obstacles of the ** body, punch, and can rotate in one direction. The power is immeasurable!

"How powerful should the realm of the god of martial arts be? It is said that Daqian before the Daxuan Dynasty had a master of the realm of the god of martial arts. It's really horrible to wave his hands to open mountains and rivers! Unfortunately, in the battle of dynasty change, all the well-known martial gods were killed. So far, I have not heard of anyone breaking through the god of war.

On this day, Li Qian has finished practicing the last form in the boxing scripture. The last form is the same as all martial arts skills. The essence of the soft front is the most powerful move in the boxing scripture, called "Fate Rotation", which is a difficult rotation and distortion of every part of the whole body to attack the enemy!

Li Qian has been practicing for half a month and can only barely use such a move. Naturally, his power is still very weak.

Close your eyes and immediately enter the method of visual acceptance. Two months have passed, and the appearance of King Kong in the image has also changed. It is no longer the original lines, but growing and bleeding! And as he grew up, Li Qian found that his function of vomiting had changed a little, and the time to recover his body was getting shorter and shorter. In the past, it took him all night to heal his body, but now in the middle of the night, Li Qian's wounds can be completely healed.

In the morning, in the sound of birds, Li Qian jumped on the big tree at the door, starting a group of birds.

This tree is very high, but it is not as high as Long Xuanzong's high wall and deep palace. Li Qian can't see far away, but his heart is very happy. Now his strength has greatly increased, and the hope of saving his mother's revenge is getting bigger and bigger!

Li Qian looked around and took a deep breath of fresh air. When he was about to fall to the ground to continue training, he saw a little girl jumping over.

It was Linger's sister, Li Qian smiled happily and said:

"Linger, I'm not a young master anymore. I'd better be careful when I come. There are many people and miscellaneous words. It's not good to be heard by Mrs. Zhao."

Li Linger showed an innocent smile and a naughty little tiger tooth and said:

"Brother Qian, don't worry, Mrs. Zhao has recently returned to her mother's house in the south. Other brothers are preparing for the scientific examination in five days. No one pays attention to us."

Li Qian was stunned for a moment, and then pinched his nose. Only then did he remember that the day of scientific examination was coming. At this time, a plan gradually appeared in Li Qian's mind. In the past five days, he wanted to take a little revenge on Li Qian once!

"Linger, come here and let me tell you something."

Li Qian pulled Li Linger to his side, attached it to his ear, and whispered for a while.

Li Linger first showed a surprised expression, and then nodded happily and said:

"Then I'll do it!"

"Well, remember, you must do what I say, be careful and be careful!"

Li Qian reminded.

After Li Ling left, he sat in ** again and entered the realm of visualization. Now he is familiar with the road. As soon as he closes his eyes, he sees the monk sitting "opposite" to him. But now it seems that he should be called Buddha, because with the progress of Li Qian's cultivation, the character originally outlined by lines , from only Shen Yun to a Buddha with Shen Yun and qi and blood! His skin is dark golden, and his veins are bulging and powerful.

The most obvious is the closed eyes.

Its temperament and expression of "the world is prosperous, Buddha sits in his heart, and I am the only one who does not move" are becoming more and more obvious. As long as you take a look at it, the qi and blood all over the body will settle down.

Li Qian looked at him and just looked at him. At that moment, Li Qian felt that he had integrated with him. All hatred, all doubts, distresses and humiliations were all non-existent and empty. In the Buddha's heart, all the changes in the world were just like a dream.


Li Qian woke up and almost lost himself in this feeling. He didn't know that if he was a Buddhist, he would be lost in the illusion of "I am a Buddha". In fact, it was just an evil idea.

"If everything in the world is nothing, what is the meaning of living? I don't agree with this idea of Buddhism, and I'm afraid most people won't approve it. No wonder it will perish in the long river of history.

Li Qian made a definition for this Buddha in his heart, but he said:

"I'm just a yellow-mouthed boy. How can I understand such a profound truth? From this visual method of vomiting, we can see the breadth and depth of Buddhism, and it can create such an unbelievable existence! I got the benefits, and I should be in awe."

In Li Qian's imagination, he respectfully worshipped the sitting Buddha three times.

At the same time, a rumor has spread quickly in the mouth of Long Xuanzong's servants and disciples.

In Shaozong's mansion and study, Li Qian is still sitting at his desk, looking like a university questioning a family. He is specizing the sage book. From time to time, he holds a pen on the book and records some experience, which is completely different from the appearance of bullying Li Qian that day.

After a knock on the door, a young man with a similar look to Li Qian came in and looked at his face, a little angry.

Li Qian put the book in his hand and looked up and smiled:

"It turns out that the second brother is here, and the exam will start in a few days. How is the second brother ready? I always feel that there are too many reasons that I don't understand. Come on! Sit down quickly."


The second brother in Li Qian's mouth is the second son of Mrs. Zhao's name, Li Xi. In terms of talent and mind, he is much different. He has a burly body. Although Li Qian is polite, there is a trace of contempt in his eyes.

After humming, Li Xi put his clothes, sat down rudely, looked at Li Qian, and said meanly:

"Brother, what else do you need to prepare? Don't pretend. Who doesn't know that you have got this scientific question?"

Li Qian's face stiffened.