Divine Immortal Road

Chapter 65 Three Demons

Li Qian immediately stopped and said neither humble nor arrogant:

"I have only recently broken through the realm of magic and turned the magic elixir into a magic baby. Do I also want to report this matter?"

The tone of this voice has come with a hint of threat, which means that it is disdainful and the door of creation, and it is very face-shaming to shout at the door owner a few times.

The reason why Li Qian dares to speak like this is that he dares to be sure that the people in the demon world are not blindly obeying orders and creation, and Jiang Chitian and the ghost women above dare not do anything to themselves. One reason is the existence of the demon saint.

What kind of existence does the Demon Saint have? The demon saint is an existence that even the fairy world is afraid of. How can he be willing to work for the little monks in the world?

Sure enough, as Li Qian expected, when he finished speaking, Jiang Chitian and the two-sided ghost wanted to stop talking, as if they were thinking about something. After a while, Jiang Chitian opened his mouth again and said:

"I said, how do you think you are born? It turns out that you just broke through. It's good that you can break through in the human world. You can wait first. I will immediately send someone to catch Li Qian and others with you."

Li Qianying retreated for a moment.

Now the purpose of buying time for Luo Cheng has been achieved, and the next step is a new plan. The East must go. Not only to the East, but also to enter the Great Desert again and give the Soul Elixir to the Scorpion King.

"I don't know what's going on with the Scorpio King now, and I don't know if the demon practitioners have invaded the Great Desert, but the climate of the Great Desert is bad, and the demon practitioners can't stand it. Find a way to get rid of others and enter the Great Desert!"

Just as Li Qian was standing in the yard thinking, several people came over.

The leader is the person Li Qian will never forget, who is Mrs. Zhao!

At this time, Mrs. Zhao's appearance is not very good. Her breath is a little scattered and strange, like a demon cultivation and a monk. It seems that she is also changing to a demon cultivation.

"What a great hand, collusion in the demon world, and the secret method to turn one's own people from monks to demon practitioners!"

Li Qian was furious when he saw Mrs. Zhao, and it was not enough to press on his heart quickly. Hatred is no longer so easy to touch. Once it breaks out, it is not just as simple as anger.

"Did you lose someone? Robbed by that little bastard Li Qian?"

Mrs. Zhao asked with an angry face after seeing Li Qian.

Li Qian replied slowly:

"Yes, that boy has a fairy weapon in his hand, and he is really not his opponent!"

"Hmm! You set out now and go east to chase him! Even if he escapes into the great desert again, he will be captured back!"

At this time, after she finished speaking, she came out of the two people behind her. One of them, Li Qian recognized at a glance that he was the demon learner who was scared away by Sha Li in the Great Desert that day. Now it seems that his strength seems to have been a little more refined. It seems that from the breath of his breath that day, it is just a demon general. Now It's the middle of the magic handsome.

However, Li Qian thought of Shali's scare away that day, and it seemed that the demon practitioners were particularly afraid of divine power.

Another demon monk is also a magic handsome, but his breath is slightly weaker.

"If the Creation Gate really sends three magic commanders to deal with me, even if I have a fairy weapon, I really can't escape."

Li Qian said secretly in his heart.

This is the magic handsome man Li Qian has seen and said:

"My name is You Ming, and this is Daqing Moshuai. Are you?"


Li Qian smiled and said very politely:

"There are many people coming here, and it's normal not to know me. My name is Muzishui."

"Wood water? What a strange name. The names of your demon practitioners are more and more strange. Hurry up and pursue Li Qian!"

Mrs. Zhao can't wait for them to chase Li Qian.

Li Qian nodded, rolled up a magic gas and flew into the sky. Now the hidden murderous spirit in the dark banner has completely turned into a magic spirit, which is more powerful than before, and will not arouse anyone's suspicion.

After the two magic commanders saw Li Qian fly directly to the sky, they immediately sacrificed their magic weapons and flew to the sky, following them.

Now Li Qian is flying in the sky without any scruples. Coupled with the great increase in the power of the Xuanqi, the speed of flight has been accelerated a lot. In an instant, he has turned into a magic gas in the air and disappeared into the sky.

The speed of Youming and Daqing was not slow. They kept following Li Qian closely and soon caught up with Li Qian, keeping pace with Li Qian, and three black magic spirits went to the east.

"I said Brother Muzi."

You Ming, who was beside Li Qian, spoke.

Li Qiandao:

"Brother Youming, please give me some advice."

Youming pulled Li Qian, and the speed of the three slowed down a lot at the same time, saying:

"Why did you run so fast? Why did you work so hard for that woman? We demon practitioners can't be so faceless. What kind of bird is a human monk?

Li Qian secretly said:

"I guessed right. Are these demon practitioners so willing to work for the door of creation?"

He replied:

"I have only recently broken through the realm of magic. I have been hiding from cultivation before, but this time I didn't do a good job for the creation gate. I can't hang on my face and lose the face of our demon world!"


Daqing laughed and said:

"It seems that Muzi is also a temperamental person, which is indeed yours wrong. If you have lost the escort, you have to catch him back as soon as possible. I don't know which side of the demon world is Brother Muzi?"

Of course, Li Qian did not know the situation in the demon world and immediately said:

"Haha, it's an honor to say this. I'm in the same place as the Demon Lord. Before the Demon Saint flew to the high-level world, he was the same as me. I have always regarded the Demon Lord as a model, so I followed this time!"

You Mingdao:

"It turns out that you are also a member of the Daqiu Mountain tribe. It's really an honor to be in the same tribe as Lord Demon Saint."

Li Qian smiled and nodded without saying a word.

At this time, although the speed of the three people has dropped a little, they have flown thousands of miles. The scene below has a panoramic view, all of which are dead places, dead cities, and no life can be seen.

"Then Li Qian ran really fast. Won't he have run into the great desert? There is a powerful woman in the great desert who has a good relationship with him!"

You Ming said.

"Oh? How to say this? I just came here recently. I don't know much about the situation here. Brother Youming, please tell me.

Li Qian asked as if he didn't know anything.

"You all came later than me. I am the pioneer of the magic world. I once caught Li Qian and ran into the great desert. The climate of the great desert is really bad, which is not much different from the bloody grassland of the demon world. Among them is a woman, which should be a monster. It was cultivated in it and had a good relationship with that boy. I was alone, and it was difficult to beat the four hands, so that they could escape. I guess this boy went to find that woman.

Li Qian laughed secretly. He was obviously scared away by Sha Li, and now he is bragging again. It seems that this Youming is quite funny.

Li Qian and the other two were flying in the air and chatting. Li Qian gradually led the topic to the news he wanted to inquire about.

"Yes, what on earth does the demon saint want to do? Do you think this plan will succeed?"

Li Qian asked in an inadvertent tone. He has seen that this Youming and Daqing have very different personalities. Daqing is relatively cunning and always speaks with a tail. This Youming is a simple-minded big man who speaks carelessly and doesn't care about anything.

Sure enough, Youming immediately took the words and said:

"You don't even know that? When the demon saint wakes up, we will have transformed this human world into a demon world. At that time, it will be the day when we attack the fairy world. Brother Muzi, your cultivation is so high, you must be the right assistant of the demon saint!"

"Of course I know to attack the fairyland, but I still don't know the details. I must know what you said."

Li Qian pretended not to care again. His heart was already jealous and shocked. Originally, he thought that the demon world was just trying to conquer this continent in the human world, but he didn't expect that their goal was the fairy world! But why should we conquer this continent before attacking the fairyland? Li Qian is still puzzled.

At this time, Daqing, who rarely spoke, opened his mouth and said:

"The fewer people know the secret of this matter, the better. As long as you follow the magic saint well, there will be no mistake. At that time, the benefits will naturally be indispensable for everyone."

Li Qian looked at Daqing and said curiously:

"Brother Daqing, do you know the reason for this? Tell me, I won't say it!"

"So you know. Tell me quickly and tell me what the devil wants to do? Don't worry, Muzi and I will definitely not say it!"

After Li Qian and You Ming's continuous soft and hard foam, Da Qing finally wavered, lowered his voice, and said:

"I've also heard about it. Don't say what I said. Mosheng may break through again after this retreat! If the passage to the fairyland is opened this time, he will make immortal contributions. At that time, he will have the card to select the lord of the demon world!"

"What? Is he going to break through again? Are you going to break through the Demon Emperor? Do you still want to be the master of the world?

This is Yu Ming's shocking words.

Li Qian also pretended to be shocked, but he did not know the concept of the owner of the demon world or the situation of the fairyland channel, but he knew one thing that if the passage from the demon world to the fairyland was opened again, it would be a disaster in the fairyland and must be stopped!

Obviously, you can't ask more questions now. If you ask more questions, it will arouse the suspicion of both of them.

At this time, the three have arrived at the eastern border, and below is the towering and majestic wall.

However, when I came last time, I saw a team of masculine soldiers, which are now gloomy, and the aisles and under the wall are full of demons.

The three soon fell down, and Li Qian also saw clearly that the thousands of demon practitioners below, all of whom were at the level of magicians! Are so many magicians gathered here to fight against the Great Desert?

Gradually, Li Qian finally saw the scene on the edge of the Great Desert in the distance. He saw the countless bodies of magicians and hyana-eating beasts in the sand in the desert, and more the incomplete bodies of Scorpions.

It seems that they have been fighting with the Scorpio King.