Divine Immortal Road

Chapter 77 War

Creation Gate.

Li Qian stood in the courtyard, and his strong magic spirit showed his current strength. A big machete waved in his hand, and then suddenly jumped to the sky and stopped firmly in the air.

He looked at his body and said to himself:

"After becoming a demon, it is indeed a hundred times stronger than before!"

At this time, Mrs. Zhao appeared in the yard. She didn't know when there was a black cat in her hand. The black cat's eyes were red, or it was not a cat. It was some kind of monster.

She saw Li Qian in the air, and her body emitted this magic regularly. She nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Don't worry, we have got the exact news that Li Qian is on Liuli Island, and his fairy weapon can no longer be used! Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses are already on their way to Liuli Island!"

Li Qian nodded, licked his tongue on the sharp edge of the machete, and immediately flowed red blood. After swallowing his blood, he slowly said:

"I just know that the taste of blood is so fragrant, Li Qian, Li Qian, I'll see when you can jump!"

After saying that, he rolled up a thick magic and disappeared into the air.

At the same time, the 100,000 soldiers and horses mentioned in Zhao Fu's population have appeared in the eyes of Li Qian and other people.

This time, a dark ship has really come to the enemy, and it is a very horrible enemy.

When everyone saw the black magic ship, they all took a deep breath. How many demon practitioners are there?

However, no one flinched at this time.

A row of huge gunpowder cannons on the dock have long been prepared. These mines are far more powerful than the one used by Luo Cheng that day. They are refined by monks for soldiers. The explosion is no less powerful than the mine of the Water Spirit King, and they can fly two or three hundred miles away, with high accuracy.

This was originally prepared by Liuli Kingdom to place Daxuan's attack, but now it just comes in handy.

As time went by, the magic ships became clearer and clearer, and Li Qian had seen the magic soldiers standing on the bow.

Finally, the magic ship has entered the attack range of the cannon. With Luo Cheng's order, a row of more than 200 cannons opened fire at the same time. After making a sharp friction sound with the air, they all accurately hit the magic ships. The huge explosion came to everyone's ears. After watching the magic ships being hit, all The soldiers immediately cheered and immediately began to fill the thunderbolt.

In waves of thunderstorms, Li Qian and others also took action at the same time!

Li Qian's Xianming is now damaged by Mingshui and can't be used. Yinsha Xuanqi has also suffered a great loss. His strength has been greatly reduced, and Xuanyuan Sword is not well controlled. Now we can only use sun shooting arrows.

After absorbing and refining the four magic beads at once, You Ming not only recovered from his injury, but also increased his strength a lot. He rushed over with a big knife and scolded.

The Queling King knew that Li Qian's strength was greatly reduced now, so he stayed by Li Qian's side and made him a personal bodyguard.

The breath of the other four people is too strong. It is the three elders of Shuiling King and Nanfeng Kingdom, all of whom are close to the thunderstorm masters.

The crowd roared away in a straight line, and the people behind them were the weak monks, and Sha Li was also among them.

With everyone's action, the Water Spirit King immediately launched an attack, and a huge wave formed at everyone's feet, rising higher and higher, and finally there were hundreds of feet! And one wave after another!

These huge waves are very good for demon practitioners.

After getting closer and closer to the magic ship, Li Qian found that he completely underestimated the action of the demon world. These magic ships are one by one, and there is almost no end!

The huge waves first touched the magic ship in front of the road. The magic soldiers on the ship were busy under the attack of artillery. As soon as they were washed away by the waves, they immediately sank dozens of ships. The magic soldiers who fell into the water had no combat effectiveness in an instant. They were immediately bitten by some fierce sea creatures such as sharks lying in the water. For a moment There were endless screams in my ears.

The waves behind are getting shorter and shorter, which is why the true spirit of the Water Spirit King is gradually getting worse. Such a huge movement does cost her a lot, but this is also planned thing. And it is impossible to rely on these huge waves alone to overturn all the demons' boats, because there are too many magic boats!

After the huge waves gradually subsided, all the ships immediately continued to advance rapidly under gunfire!

This is the time for everyone to take action!

Li Qian shot the sun bow in his hand, and each arrow must penetrate the bodies of dozens of magic soldiers and take away their souls!

The phoenix feather fan of the Sparrow Spirit King still scattered into 49 phoenixes. The strange blue phoenix hovered in the air on the magic ship, spewing out strange blue flames. The blue flame soon burned a large number of magic soldiers and magicians.

The most powerful means are the three elders. Their spells are very strange. Without seeing them do it, they saw that the magic ship below was suddenly blown up in two pieces!

Li Qian's careful observation found that it was actually a space-related technique. These three elders have begun to master the means of space teleportation! It's not that they didn't attack, but when they hit, the attack power broke through the space and teleported to the magic ship!

Li Qian pinched a handful of sweat. Fortunately, he didn't take Feng Lan to grab the water beads, otherwise he would have died miserably!

Everyone's attack was also a short time, and soon they were no longer so easy. When they were attacked, several powerful breaths immediately flew out of the magic ship!

In addition to the four magic handsomes that day, there are actually two more magic handsome realms!

In this way, there are a total of six masters of the Yuanying period!

And after their appearance, dozens of people took up one after another, and they were all demon generals!

"It seems that many people have come, including my acquaintances! Hahaha!"

Youming laughed and rushed up with a big knife, and everyone also launched a strong attack at the same time!

Those demon practitioners didn't talk much and immediately fought with everyone!

There are a total of six demon commanders. The three elders and the Water Spirit King each fight against one of them, and You Ming also fights with one of them.

Li Qianze and the Queling King were targeted by the last magic coach.

Sha Li rushed to the demon generals with many monks.

For a while, various magic weapons shined over the sea, and the aftermath of the fighting method stirred up the sea water below.

Li Qian was secretly relieved. Fortunately, he invited the three elders of Nanfeng Kingdom, otherwise he would not have to fight, and he would not be an opponent at all. At this time, the phoenix feather fan of the Queling King was fighting with the handsome tiger, and Li Qian attacked in the distance with a sun-shooting bow. When he saw who fell down, he shot an arrow!

Especially those demon generals, the strength of dozens of demon generals was not weak, and soon many monks died in their hands. Sha Li had the power to leave the gun and kept hovering in the air. Finding a chance was to stab out. With the help of Li Qian shooting sun arrows, he had stabbed two demon generals in a row.

The Water King kept waving his hands and shooting mines one after another, hitting the magic handsome, and from time throwing a few to the magic ship below to stop them from moving forward. At the same time, several huge water dragons kept tossed in the sea under her control, and every time they overturned a magic ship.

The three elders are the strongest. The actions of the three of them are very agreeable. It seems that they have been practicing together for many years. Between the actions, Elder Mo held a jade Ruyi, and the other two elders are also two jade magic weapons in their hands. They seem to be jade seals on both sides, but they can't see the carving on them clearly. It's a mythical beast.

At this time, Elder Mo calmly threw out the jade seal in his hand and suddenly became very big in the air. It was an emerald green jade seal carved with many indisting ancient words, exuding a sense of vicissitudes of life. At the same time, Elder Qiu and Elder Han also sacrificed the jade seal in his hand at the same time, which also became very Big, pressed down on their respective opponents!

Li Qian finally saw that the jade seal carved on Elder Qiu was a dragonfly, and the jade seal of the legendary elder Han, one of the mythical beasts, was also a statue of a mythical beast, which was exactly the kiss.

Legend has it that the dragon has nine sons, and these two are two of them.

Li Qian suddenly had a hunch that these two jade seals and that Ruyi should be a set of magic weapons, and there should be seven such jade seals.

While he was wondering, suddenly, Elder Mo's Ruyi twisted in the air and turned into an emerald green mad dragon!

At the same time, the other two mythical beasts are also alive!