Divine Immortal Road

Chapter 121 Land of Thunder

After Li Qian heard the sound of fighting that day, he was shocked and immediately flew over quietly. As expected, among the people who were fighting were the Water Spirit King and the Sparrow Spirit King, but the other party was very strange. They were actually two children, two little boys who did not look seven or eight years old. They looked like the children in the rich family of Daxuan, dressed in a gold gown and combed buns.

And the two children look exactly the same. They should be twins, but their breath is very strange. At first glance, they are transformed by monster cultivation.

Li Qian quickly approached them. At this time, the two sides were fighting, and the combined strength of the Water Spirit King and the Queling King was not weak. Unexpectedly, they barely tied with the two children. The magic weapon of the two children was very powerful, and it was actually a huge tripod.

Li Qian also has a elixir furnace in his hand, which was given by the Water King that day. It is also a best spiritual weapon, but it is only an alchemy stove, and it cannot be used as a magic weapon against the enemy. Compared with this big tripod, it is simply a small witch.

How tall is this tripod, and this tripod exudes a strong and magnificent atmosphere, that is, the body of this tripod is so big!

The cooperation between the two children was very smooth, and the tripod kept emitting violent shocks back and forth in the air, forcing the two people to dodge repeatedly.

The strength of the two children themselves is not very strong, and it can also be seen that the Water Spirit King and the Sparrow Spirit King are not serious and do not want to hurt them.

"Kid, you still can't stop. We just passed by this place. Why are you two so excited?"

At this time, the sparrow king shouted to the two children, while blocking the giant tripod that collided over with the phoenix feather fan. The moment the giant tripod collided with the phoenix feather fan, it made her take a few steps back.

The Water Spirit King pulled the sparrow spirit king and jumped into the distance, trying to leave this place and not to pester the two children.

"Where are you going?"

One of the children shouted with a crisp child's voice, and at the same time, the giant tripod flashed in the air and blocked the way of the two women.

"You two have disturbed our alchemy. When the master comes, you will die!"

Another child also shouted.

Li Qian, who was hiding above, saw all this clearly. He absorbed the strong demonic spirit in the clouds and barely covered his breath. The two children were not strong, and they all relied on the giant tripod. Of course, they did not notice Li Qian's breath.

After listening to their dialogue, Li Qian understood the general situation, smiled and rushed out, appeared directly behind the two children, grabbed their hands, and picked up the two children.

With Li Qian's body comparable to Da Wuzun, holding the two children is like two mountains, and no matter how much the two children struggle, they can't break free.

"Ah...who are you? How dare you catch us! Be careful that my master can't spare you!"

The child struggled desperately in his hand and shouted loudly.


Li Qiang cut their arms back with both hands. The two children felt pain. Knowing Li Qian's strength, they immediately calmed down.

Li Qian sneered. He will not be soft with these two children. These two children seem to be childlike and interesting, but how can it be easy to survive in this place?

"Li Qian!"

After seeing Li Qian, the two of Shuiling King immediately shouted in surprise. At this time, the giant tripod lost control and fell heavily into the forest below, smashing the earth into a deep pit with a roar.

Li Qian twisted the two children and flew to their side, smiling and said:

"I came as soon as you left. When I learned your where you were going from Mr. Qin, I immediately came to go to Daxia with you. It's just the right time to come. What's the origin of these two little ghosts?"

It turned out that after the Water Spirit King and the Sparrow Spirit King left that day, they kept on their way because of time constraints. After entering the depths, they also felt the changes in the surrounding environment and became cautious.

When passing by, a strange fluctuation suddenly came from the forest, followed by a strange fragrance. The two had no intention of exploring, but just as they were about to leave, a small yellow dot suddenly flew out of the forest, just in their direction!

Who would not want such an opportunity? The Water Spirit King immediately grabbed the yellow dot and looked closely. It was actually an elixir, and the elixir was as intelligent as he wanted to struggle to escape the palm of the Water Spirit King.

The Water King then put it away. At that time, the giant tripod appeared, followed by two children. The two children used the giant tripod to deal with them.

"This is the elixir. I was going to return it to them, but they couldn't help breaking up and attacked us."

The Water King took out the yellow elixir, and suddenly a strange fragrance of medicine spread out.

Li Qian was surprised to find that the elixir was surrounded by a layer of yellow breath, as if a yellow dragon was hovering on the elixir, and the breath was very domineering.

"You two boys, just return the elixir to you. Why are you so unreasonable?"

Li Qian said to the two children of his opponent.

"Hmm! What kind of hero is it for you three adults to bully our two children? Shameless, when my master comes, I will kill you!"

The two children said in one voice. Struggle hard in Li Qian's hand, which is very stubborn. Li Qian smiled and the two children seemed to be so naughty.

Now the giant tripod fell down, and the two children didn't have time to urge them again. Li Qian let them go as soon as he loosened his hand, and then handed over the elixir, saying:

"This elixir will be returned to you. We're leaving now. Stop it."

The most important thing now is to go to Daxia. Although this elixir is wonderful and certainly not mortal, it is not the time to be greedy, especially the master in the mouth of these two children. It seems that the giant tripod belongs to their master. It is not a good choice to provoke masters now.

The two children returned the elixir when they saw Li Qian carelessly, with an unbelievable in their eyes. Then they looked at each other and exchanged them with their eyes. Then one of the children suddenly reached out and grabbed the elixir in his hand.

They may not believe that Li Qian will be so generous and calm in front of the treasure. After the two children got the elixir, they immediately withdrew far away, and then urged the giant tripod and protected them in front of them.

Li Qian did not stop him. He looked at each other with the Water Spirit King a few times, and immediately turned around and left, flying to the depths to continue on the road.

Looking at the three people who left quickly, the eyes of the two children showed doubt.

"Brother, have you seen them? Their breath is so strange.

"Brother, I haven't seen them either. They should be the monks mentioned by the master. Now Huang Longdan is back. Let's go back and work for the master!"

"En, okay, okay, Master will definitely reward us!"

With that, the two children actually turned around and got into the tripod at the same time. The giant tripod kept spinning in the air, and then quietly disappeared into the air.

Li Qian and the other three have attracted a lot of attention along the way. But Li Qian's breath is not weak, and many people who are ready to move can't help but do nothing.

The deeper it goes, the demonic spirit in the air becomes stronger and stronger. Li Qian feels a little uncomfortable. These demonic spirits are similar to the aura, but after he absorbs it, his body will not be able to adapt to it.

However, the Water Spirit King and the Sparrow Spirit King were not greatly affected. The two of them were originally demon cultivation adults, and both aura and demon spirits could be absorbed.

Another few days have passed, and the three have completely entered the depths of the wilderness continent. According to Mr. Qin's introduction, after moving forward for a while, they will reach a place of thunder and lightning, where tens of millions of miles are full of years of lightning and thunder. Even Mr. Qin can't fly through it and has to cross the forest below.

After crossing the land of thunder and lightning, you can see a blood-red ocean, which is the sea of death. The sea of death is full of poisonous gas, which must pass through the sea, and then you can land in Daxia.

This journey is difficult and countless.

Mr. Qin asked them to come to ask for assistance. First, he needed him to maintain the magic array to prevent demon practitioners from coming back. Second, he wanted to use this opportunity to hone Li Qian and others. At this time when the disaster is coming, those who can grow up quickly are people with great luck.

Finally, the three have stood on the edge of the land of thunder and lightning.

At this time, Li Qian had fully adapted to the demonic spirit. Looking at the scene in front of him, the three of them were completely shocked.

The sound of thunder and lightning filled their ears, and the electric light flashed and stimulated everyone's eyes. The sky was full of dark clouds. The surging dark clouds collided with each other and burst into strong electric light. Each thunder and lightning had the thickness of a bucket, like a wild dragon angry.

In such an environment, Mr. Qin said that he could not fly and was not modest at all. Each thunder was similar to the power of the robber's first thunderstorm. Flying in this environment is okay for a short time and can't stand it for a long time. Teleportation is even worse. If it's not easy to move under a flash of lightning, won't you be looking for death?

The three looked at the rain-like lightning and couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of water and falling to the ground.

The ground is still an endless primitive forest. After the three fell into the forest, it seemed to have entered the night, and the light outside was blocked by the towering tree.

After the three fell to the ground and looked around, there were many kinds of breaths in the dense forest, but they were all weak. After the three landed, they all hid far away.

"Let's go in."

Li Qian smiled and said, so the three walked into the land of thunder and lightning and looked up. It was the thunder and lightning as dense as rain. These thunder and lightning were uneven, and most of them were still some distance away from the top of the tree, but some of them were split on these towering trees.

Li Qian gently knocked on the trunk of a big tree and actually let out a 'bang!' The sound, it turns out that these trees have evolved as hard as steel bars under the blow of thunder and lightning all year round, and even the leaves are like steel sheets!


At this time, a flash of lightning was more fierce than other lightning, and suddenly hit a towering tree not far away.


The big tree only vibrated a few times and made a roar. Several leaves fell down and inserted directly into the soil.

The cyan electric light kept hovering on the tree and was finally absorbed by the big tree!

The big trees here can turn strikes into strength and absorb the power of thunder and lightning for their own use!

I have to marvel at the wonders of nature.

Li Qian's heart is buried with a bad feeling.