divine punishment

Chapter 1 Three-Year Journey

Time flies and the years go by

Time has passed, and three years have passed unconsciously.

Spiritual school.

Late night.

The sky is dark, there is no moon and starlight, and endless darkness is shrouded in this area.

A woman was standing at a corner of the mountain, staring into the distance.

The night wind blew, and her hair floated up with the wind and brushed her white cheeks. The night wind was piercing, and the chill pierced her thin and fragile body, but she still didn't care. In her mind, there was only a teenager's back.

"Ji Ming, it's so late. I haven't returned to my room to rest yet." That woman was Jinming, and suddenly turned around with the sound.

That face has been three years, as if time has not left any mark on her face. Compared with the past, it is just more beautiful and touching, with long and drooping eyelashes, clear eyes, willow eyebrows and bright teeth, elegant figure, secluded and beautiful...

"Master." Jinming answered in a low voice.

"Hmm." The person who came is the Qingshu.

"He..." Jinming paused and said, "Have you heard from him?"

Qingshu shook his head and sighed, staring at Jinming for a long time, as if he could see what she was thinking and said, "It's been three years, alas." After a moment of silence, he said, "Chen'er has the intention to hide in the world, but no one can find it." He sighed again.

As soon as the words fell, she didn't notice that Jin Ming's eyes gradually faded again. She looked at the distance, as if she didn't even know herself. At the same time, in the depths of her heart, there was another man, which just flashed by, fleeting, but did not stay for a moment.


At the same time.

Beiyuan - Yunxu Palace, a dark corner.

"Lord." The speaker was Dongfang Xu, facing a mysterious man.

"Hmm." The mysterious man is black and evil, and he can only see the dark green light in his eyes.

"There's something I've wanted to ask for a long time." He paused and continued, "Three years ago, we fought with Yuntian and Lingyin. After the defeat, he was useless to us and had to help him unify the demon clan until now."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the mysterious man's green eyes lit up a lot. He looked up and laughed. After a moment, he said, "In those years, the change of spiritual sound was only outside the plan. If it could succeed, it would be good." After a pause, he said in a low voice, "Now, the plan has just begun."

Dongfang Xu was shocked and shocked. It seems that the heart of the man in front of him, like his face, is impossible to guess.

"Although he is a demon lord, he is still under my control." The mysterious man smiled ferociously, "What's more, don't forget that the 'Liuhe Xuantian Dan' given to him by Mingyang has passed through your hands. Although one of the medicine is aggravated, it changes the whole medicinal nature. If you take it, it can slowly change a person's seven emotions and six desires, affect the Taoist heart, and will also cause changes in his body. If he wants to break through and return The ruins are difficult."

Dong Xu pondered for a moment, couldn't help nodding repeatedly and said, "The matter of 'Liuhe Xuantian Dan' is secondary, but it was only when the Lord said so, I was relieved."


To this day, due to a change three years ago, many disciples of the Lingyin School have been killed and injured. Even one of the elders, although he saved his life, has only three layers of skills left. The Lingyin School has been greatly damaged. Although it still retains some strength, it does not return to the past.

is only three years old, but more sects have replaced them, rising rapidly, expanding their power and showing their limelight. Two years ago, the demons that had been remaining in the world gathered together and founded the Yunxu Palace in the frozen land of the North Plains.

Today, there are many sects. Of course, there are many sects between them. The opinions of the portal are not coordinated by the Lingyin School. Intrigues and even the struggle for killing are in chaos, and there is the rise of the magic religion.

In this world, there are decisive, demonism, and demon clan disputes. The cloud world is chaotic, and the storm is turbulent and never stops. The people of Li are all in deep water and fire, and the people are unable to make a living, suffering unspeakably, and mourning.



But Qinghuan City, located in the middle of the cloud world, has another scene.

"The pear that quenches thirst and relieves summer heat is not sweet and free."

"The freshly baked meat buns are stuffed and thin."

"The sword polished by gold and stone in the East China Sea can defend itself. When you meet a monster, you will kill one by one, and if you meet a pair, you will kill a pair."

"Clothes made of ice bear monster skin can also be worn in summer, as thin as cicada wings."

The hawkers are hawking, and the Qinghuan City is full of people. Compared with other areas of the cloud world, the people living here are much happier.

Qinghuan City is located in Zhongzhou, Yunjie. It is the best geographical area in Yunzhou. It is unique and built by heaven. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, with steep peaks and mountains. So that's how the word 'ring' in 'Qinghuan City' comes from. Moreover, there are many real cults outside the city. If there are any evil sects in the city, monsters attacking people, goblins harming people, etc., Xiuzhenmen can rush there as soon as possible. In addition to the four sides are surrounded by mountains and most of the real practitioners outside the mountain, the mountain is surrounded by a river, so that the Qinghuan City can be more protected. This river is called 'Nearingyang River'. It is said that in the river Linyang fish is good with fresh meat and less thorns. It is praised by the world. After eating it, it is said with relish. Unfortunately, the Linyang River is located outside the dangerous peaks. If you want to catch fish, you have to cross the mountains. Therefore, the price of an ordinary weight Linyang fish is also much higher than that of other animals. There is only one inn in Linyang City that provides Linyang fish.

"Little two tails of neighboring Yang fish, a pot of superior osmanthus wine", rather than neighboring Yang fish with osmanthus wine, it is better to say that osmanthus wine with neighboring Yang fish, taking a small sip of high-quality osmanthus wine and then eating a mouthful of neighboring Yang fish, and tasting the delicious taste of neighboring Yang fish. It can be seen that this guest must be a regular visitor, and a rich or noble person. The guest officer who spoke was about 30 years old, wearing a purple mink robe, made of expensive sable fur, and wearing a purple ornament around his waist, about a trace of spiritual fluctuation. When others casually looked at it, they knew that it was the best of the best. The man's face is handsome, his eyebrows are thick, his eyes are big or small, his eyes are bright, his nose is straight, and his mouth is just the right size. This facial features are just right on his face, and his figure is quite handsome.

"The guest is coming," Xiao Er delivered the wine and vegetables he ordered, said, 'Please feel free to tell me if you have anything to do', and hurriedly greeted the other guests.

He did not rush to enjoy the dishes, but stared at the second child up and down. Although the second child was dressed in a thick linen cloth, he wore a jade pendant that did not match his identity. He knew the value from his appearance, and the man's pace was steady. From his breath, some people knew it carefully. He is a man of cultivation. And he is really beautiful and strong. If he dresses up a little, he can be regarded as a handsome young man.

That Xiao Er is Jiang Chen!

Three years have passed since the stars shifted, and the sun rose and the moon set. In a blink of an eye, he became an unknown shopkeeper from a disciple of the Lingyin School. Suddenly, it turned out that it had been so long...