divine punishment

Chapter 20 Like a dream, hope you go away, it's hard to open your heart

The time and space of the outside world seemed to be frozen, like floating light and shadow. Jiang Chen saw the illusion that looked exactly like him again in the dreamlike world. In just a few days, it seemed that he seemed to be more and more vicissitudes, as if he had crossed thousands of years of barriers.

"The so-called non-one demon, not all demons, is the middle way. From this, the demon is the legal world, which is pure and natural. The so-called demon world is like, the divine world is like nothing, and it is an equal phase. In this way, the demon world has nothing to give up, and the divine world has nothing to take. The shadow's eyes were sharp.

"All aspects are false. Demons are not demons, Taoism is not Taoism, gods are also demons, demons are also gods. Both hearts break through the mortal world. The shadow took a deep look at Jiang Chen, his face restrained, and said slowly.

Jiang Chen's face suddenly changed, his heart was big, his eyes were empty, and he stared at the distance, and muttered, "God is also a demon, and demon is also a god. It is simply the source of return. It turns out that there is no difference between gods and demons." He woke up, stared at the shadow and said, "Who the hell are you? Why did you tell me this? Where is this?"

Shadow's face was full of deep fatigue, and his voice became low, and he said quietly, "I am your heart! And this is the depths of your heart!"

"My own...?" Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, shook his head, seemed to laugh self-deprecatingly, and his eyes were obsessed: "It turns out that I..." suddenly looked up to the sky and smiled like crazy. At the end of the laughter, it was like a wailing.

At that time, when Jiang Chen was obsessed and chaotic, the dragon whale suddenly rushed to attack and explode fiercely, revealing its bloody blade-like blade-like teeth, and wanted to devour Jiang Chen at a critical moment.



"And you are dying now." Shadow was silent for a long time and said slowly, "What are you thinking before you die?"

"What...what... am I thinking about now?" Jiang Chen trembled all over, and his heart suddenly sank. There was a "buzz" in his mind, almost a square inch confused, like a wooden chicken, and his eyes were extremely empty. He looked up at the sky in a daze and slowly closed his eyes.

There was a hazy chaos in my mind, as if it were the beginning of chaos. The whole world was gray, and a deep and long road suddenly appeared in front of it.

The next moment, he stepped in, like stepping into the past years...

It seemed that everything suddenly calmed down, as if it was isolated from the outside, and even the shadow of my heart was not seen.

In the trance, in the haze, in the depths of the deep sky path, there was lightning passing by, which suddenly pierced the darkness of the long night and turned into an extremely huge lightsaber falling from the sky. It was so dazzling that people could not look directly and pierced into the deep heart.

Endless, like the past like smoke, scene by scene like floating light and shadow flashing by one by one.

At that moment, there was a blank in my mind and I forgot everything. Only my eyes still stared forward behind the white light.

It seemed to be a low and resentful voice. Someone was crying gently, but then a familiar voice laughed, and a small voice "wow" finally began to cry.

Somehow, he held his breath!

Inexplicably nervous, but the heartbeat is so fast. There seems to be wind in my ear, but I can't feel my existence, as if I just have a pair of eyes exploring and looking at it, and finally see...

In a small town, there is also a dilapidated grass temple behind the town.

"Have you been born?" A man's voice asked anxiously.

"I was born! Mother and son are safe, it's a boy!" The stable woman said loudly with a smile in her voice, "Congratulations!"

"Hehe, hehe..." The next moment, he saw the crying boy, the child who snuggled in his parents' arms.

"What's the name? Yi Feng!" My mother was a little weak, but she still had a happy smile on her face.

The father thought for a moment and said, "You'd better come and get it, Yunyao."

The mother nodded, pondered for a moment, and took a deep look at the baby snuggling in her arms, with a smile on her face, but then looked at her father beside her. She was helpless in her eyebrows and whispered, "What's the beautiful scenery? Why don't we call him Jiang Chen? After today, we don't know what will happen tomorrow, and we hope he won't..."


There was a thunderstorm in the sky, and it rained in the sky. His whole body suddenly trembled and gasped fiercely!

There was rain outside the house, the sky was like ink, and the Langguang Mountain in the distance was ferocious. In the sad wind and rain, the father and mother hugged each other, and their peaceful faces were full of smiles, but they contained a faint helplessness, looking at the child in his arms...

"I hope he won't get involved with us like me in the future...

In the endless ambition, desire and struggle of the Kunlun Gongsun family!"

"Dad and mother!"

He wanted to shout loudly but couldn't speak. Thousands of words echoed in his mind, but after all, it only turned into two words.

The raindrops all over the sky seemed to fall on his face, cold and piercing.

This sky is shining with a faint light.

He saw himself standing above the Lingyin School three years ago.

In those years, I couldn't stop laughing and staring straight at the real person of Mingyang. The hatred in his eyes was infinite, and it was difficult to stop looking up. He held Shu Jian tightly, as if even Shu Jian was trembling.

A girl's eyes turned red, but she couldn't say anything. She just walked over and grabbed her trembling hand.

For a long time, for a long time...

Slowly, he slowly broke away from the girl's hand, looked up at the sky, and smiled bitterly again.

"Jiang Chen!" The girl couldn't help shouting, her voice was desolate and sad, and her heart was indescribably sad.

"Jiang Chen! Come back!" Her legs were soft, and her whole body was as if they were paralyzed. She sat down in a low voice and looked at the fading back. She was confused and gloomy. Tears suddenly dripped down, and her face was sad and pitiful.

He looked at it in a stunned manner, and suddenly there was a blank in his mind, as if there was a trace of inexplicable fear, emanating from the annihilated place in his deep heart, covering his whole heart.

Step by step, he quietly approached the girl, as if he wanted to reach out his hand and help her up, and approach the dream that seemed to have disappeared a long time ago.

"The arrow is on the string, I have to shoot!"

The past reverberated like mountains and seas, and the past events for many years surged into my mind in a roar.


A beautiful woman with a slightly pale face, "hum" and said coldly, "Well, the prince has no intention to get to know each other, so there is no need to force it. After eating this meal, we can go our own way." The eyes are slightly red, don't turn your head.

The faces quietly born from the years are so familiar, so kind, and some are so shocking with boundless hatred!

"Chen'er!" Lingyin smiled and stood in front of him with such a gentle and kind smile. For a moment, his world was completely blank, and everything else suddenly disappeared. Only the gentle and peaceful middle-aged man looked at himself with a smile, as if he had never faded in the secluded years.

His whole body trembled, and an unspeakable grief and indignation surged into his heart, and he couldn't help raising his head and roaring.

When will it turn dark again in the sky?

There is wind and rain, quietly falling!

His whole body trembled, and suddenly, the heart embankment built in the past three years broke and collapsed.

He burst into tears!

A palm stretched out from his back and patted him gently on the shoulder. The kind voice asked in a low voice, "What's the matter, child, why are you crying?"

Jiang Chen turned around and looked at the kind face, and his body couldn't help tightening. He stared deeply at the eyes in front of him and wanted to see the deep heart of this person, but Mingyang's real eyes had always been so peaceful but deep. No matter how hard he tried, he could not see through it.

He asked word by word, as if roaring, "Why, why, why, why, why are you going to kill my parents, why did you do this?"

Mingyang Zhenren did not answer. He just looked at Jiang Chen so compassionately. In addition to compassion and peace, he could not see any emotional fluctuations, let alone regret!

Everything beside him disappeared again, and there were only two of them left in the whole world. Jiang Chen, no, now he seems to have incarnated a demon, and his fierce blood-red eyes once again occupied his eyes, revealing such a murderous intention from head to toe.

Mingyang Zhenren's eyes finally shook, slowly staring at Jiang Chen, slowly bowing his head, and then he sighed.

"Ah! ......”

Thunder bursts, lightning and thunder in the sky, wind and rain, a chill fell on my heart.

He stumbled towards Mingyang Zhenren, and the land under his feet seemed to become muddy.

With one hand, he tightly grasped the palm of Mingyang Zhenren. From birth to now, in the past ten years, this most cordial palm has been held in his hand, and his eyes have been filled with tears.

"Dad... Dad..." He choked, shouted, with tears on his face, as if with a little hysteria: "Why, why, why is this?"

Mingyang Zhenren slowly turned his head and looked at the teenager who seemed to be ignorant again. He did not answer, but his face was so pale. His lips moved gently, but after all, he didn't say anything more.

The gentle applause slowly held up and stretched out to the face of the teenager in front of him. The hand kept trembling in the wind and rain, and the wind knives and rain arrows seemed to fall between his hands. Jiang Chen stopped crying, raised his head and looked at him.

The two people's eyes were seen in the wind and rain, looking at each other, frozen, still, strange, alienated...

Mingyang's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't. Then, his hand fell gently without making a sound.

The teenager was stunned, his whole body was stiff, slowly bowing his head and muttered, "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you..."

As if it was the strange atmosphere around him, suddenly began to change strangely. For a while, his face showed a ferocious look, but for a while it seemed painful.

In the sky, under the sky, the wind and rain are still bleak and desolate!